Dataset Information

VIAES: NPP_VIAES_L1.A2018064.1200.001.2018064133751.hdf
IMFTS: NPP_IMFTS_L1.A2018064.1200.001.2018064131636.hdf
VMAES: NPP_VMAES_L1.A2018064.1200.001.2018064133751.hdf
VCDGIPS: NPP_VCDGIPS_L1.A2018064.1200.001.2018064133751.hdf
QSLWMIP: VNP_QSLWMIP_L2.A2018064.1200.001.2018064135045.hdf
ProcessVersionNumber: 2.5.4
ExecutableCreationDate: Apr 27 2017
ExecutableCreationTime: 09:52:50
Satellite: NPP
SystemID: Linux nrt3min112 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 4 01:06:37 UTC 2018 x86_64
Unagg_GRingLatitude: TS 0: 4.84897, 2.28249, -0.153278, -2.22104, -4.28169, -1.84006, 0.723616, 2.79798; TS 1: 9.74017, 7.16692, 4.72308, 2.79951, 0.598571, 3.03254, 5.58656, 7.81852; TS 2: 14.6432, 12.0647, 9.61487, 7.82025, 5.46281, 7.88699, 10.4291, 12.8371; TS 3: 19.5548, 16.9725, 14.5174, 12.8388, 10.3053, 12.7179, 15.2456, 17.8522; TS 4: 20.5786, 19.9412, 19.4289, 17.8538, 15.1224, 15.6229, 16.245, 18.8962
Unagg_GRingLongitude: TS 0: 34.1058, 34.6418, 35.2031, 21.5558, 7.91595, 7.39253, 6.83742, 20.4409; TS 1: 33.1116, 33.6013, 34.1107, 20.4326, 6.84728, 6.2701, 5.65225, 19.3104; TS 2: 32.2139, 32.6547, 33.1183, 19.3027, 5.66858, 5.03243, 4.34826, 18.1617; TS 3: 31.4065, 31.8007, 32.2143, 18.1534, 4.36367, 3.66397, 2.90377, 16.9809; TS 4: 31.2486, 31.3263, 31.4049, 16.9725, 2.92286, 2.76372, 2.58235, 16.7293
NorthBoundingCoordinate: 20.5785675
SouthBoundingCoordinate: -4.28168583
EastBoundingCoordinate: 35.2031250
WestBoundingCoordinate: 2.58234739
Day/Night/Both: Day
FirePix: 8375
DayPix: 41369600
LandPix: 40504710
NightPix: 0
EndTime: 2018-03-05 12:06:00.000
WaterPix: 864890
MissingPix: 57
GlintPix: 8089459
CloudPix: 5000743
project: VIIRS Land SIPS Snow Cover Project
stdname_vocabulary: NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention
PGE_StartTime: 2018-03-05 12:00:00.000
naming_authority: gov.nasa.gsfc.VIIRSland
GRingPointLongitude: 35.20310000000000, 7.915950000000000, 2.582350000000000, 31.24860000000000
LongName: VIIRS/NPP Active Fires 6-Min L2 Swath 375m NRT
RangeBeginningDate: 2018-03-05
ShortName: VNP14IMG_NRT
ProcessingEnvironment: Linux nrt3min112 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 4 01:06:37 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
RangeEndingDate: 2018-03-05
SatelliteInstrument: NPP_OPS
PGE_EndTime: 2018-03-05 12:06:00.000
ProcessingCenter: MODAPS-NASA
Conventions: CF-1.6
PGE_Name: PGE530
publisher_name: LAADS
VersionID: 001
RangeEndingTime: 12:06:00.00000
identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/VIIRS/VNP14IMG_NRT.001
InputPointer: /MODAPSnrt3/archive/f112/running/VNP_L1bnrtm7/154520487/NPP_VIAES_L1.A2018064.1200.001.2018064133751.hdf, /MODAPSnrt3/archive/f112/running/VNP_L1bnrtm7/154520487/NPP_IMFTS_L1.A2018064.1200.001.2018064131636.hdf, /MODAPSnrt3/archive/f112/running/VNP_L1bnrtm7/154520487/NPP_VMAES_L1.A2018064.1200.001.2018064133751.hdf, /MODAPSnrt3/archive/f112/running/VNP_L1bnrtm7/154520487/NPP_VCDGIPS_L1.A2018064.1200.001.2018064133751.hdf, /MODAPSnrt3/archive/f112/running/VNP_L1bnrtm7/154520487/VNP_QSLWMIP_L2.A2018064.1200.001.2018064135045.hdf
AlgorithmType: OPS
processing_level: Level 2
RangeBeginningTime: 12:00:00.00000
AlgorithmVersion: NPP_PR14IMG 2.5.3
creator_name: VIIRS Land SIPS Processing Group
StartTime: 2018-03-05 12:00:00.000
cdm_data_type: swath
GRingPointLatitude: -0.1532780000000000, -4.281690000000000, 16.24500000000000, 20.57860000000000
ProductionTime: 2018-03-05 14:11:47.000
PGEVersion: 1.0.6
keywords_vocabulary: NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
title: VIIRS 375m Active Fire Data
DayNightFlag: Day

Variables in this Dataset

FP_AdjCloud: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: number of adjacent cloud pixels
FP_AdjWater: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: number of adjacent water pixels
FP_MAD_DT: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: background brightness temperature difference mean absolute deviation
units: kelvins
FP_MAD_T4: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: background I04 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation
units: kelvins
FP_MAD_T5: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: background I05 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation
units: kelvins
FP_MeanDT: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: mean background brightness temperature difference
units: kelvins
FP_MeanRad13: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: M13 background radiance of background
units: W/(m^2*sr*μm)
FP_MeanT4: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: I04 brightness temperature of background
units: kelvins
FP_MeanT5: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: I05 brightness temperature of background
units: kelvins
FP_Rad13: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: M13 radiance of fire pixel
units: W/(m^2*sr*μm)
FP_SolAzAng: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: solar azimuth angle of fire pixel
units: degrees
FP_SolZenAng: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: solar zenith angle of fire pixel
units: degrees
FP_T4: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: I04 brightness temperature of fire pixel
units: kelvins
FP_T5: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: I05 brightness temperature of fire pixel
units: kelvins
FP_ViewAzAng: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: granule line of fire pixel
units: degrees
FP_ViewZenAng: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: view zenith angle of fire pixel
units: degrees
FP_WinSize: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: background window size
FP_confidence: Array of Bytes [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: detection confidence
FP_day: Array of Bytes [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: day flag for fire pixel
FP_latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: latitude of fire pixel
FP_line: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: granule line of fire pixel
FP_longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: longitude of fire pixel
FP_power: Array of 32 bit Reals [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: fire radiative power
units: MW
FP_sample: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [phony_dim_0 = 0..8374]
long_name: granule sample of fire pixel
algorithm QA: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [phony_dim_1 = 0..6463][phony_dim_2 = 0..6399]
units: bit field
fire mask: Array of Bytes [phony_dim_1 = 0..6463][phony_dim_2 = 0..6399]
legend: 0 not-processed (non-zero QF) 1 bowtie 2 glint 3 water 4 clouds 5 clear land 6 unclassified fire pixel 7 low confidence fire pixel 8 nominal confidence fire pixel 9 high confidence fire pixel