Dataset Information

missing_value: -999
notretrievedproduct_value: -888
noretrieval_value: -99
cdf_version: 4.000000000000000
alg_version: 4141
dap_version: v11r4
history: 2024-03-25 02:03:32.752274 run_L1MIRSL2.R
source: Satellite observations: TROPICS 6
comment: 1DVAR method was used to retrieve atmospheric properties
references: Boukabara, S, K. Garrett, C. Grassotti, F. Iturbide-Sanchez, W. Chen, Z. Jiang, S. A. Clough, X. Zhan, P. Liang, Q. Liu, T. Islam, V. Zubko, and A. Mims, 2013: A physical approach for a simultaneous retrieval of sounding, surface, hydrometeor, and cryospheric parameters from SNPP/ATMS. J Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, DOI: 10.1002/2013JD020448.2158438. Boukabara, S, K. Garrett, W. Chen, F. Iturbide-Sanchez, C. Grassotti, C. Kongoli, R. Chen, Q. Liu, B. Yan, F. Weng, R. Ferraro, T. Kleespies, and H. Meng, 2011: MiRS: An all-weather satellite data assimilation and retrieval system. IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens., DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2158438.
Conventions: CF-1.3
VersionID: MIRS v11.4
LongName: Atmospheric Vertical Temperature & Moisture Profiles
Format: NetCDF-4
ProcessingLevel: L2b
Source: TROPICS06
title: Atmospheric Vertical Temperature & Moisture Profiles
orbit: 04435
ProductionDateTime: 2024-03-25 02:06:18.000000
RangeBeginningTime: 16:27:19.000000
RangeBeginningDate: 2024-02-24
RangeEndingTime: 18:02:11.000000
RangeEndingDate: 2024-02-24
dpc_software_delivery_id: 20240305-1
dpc_version: 0.2.0
inputs:,, GEOS.fp.fcst.inst3_3d_asm_Cp.20240224_12+20240224_1500.V01.nc4
BoundingBox_GPolygon: [[[47.93604, 8.074986], [53.0889, 0.0097935535], [58.34555, -8.247331], [75.86917, 3.6947353], [71.01157, 12.10886], [66.05256, 20.071861]], [[66.05256, 20.071861], [71.01157, 12.10886], [75.86917, 3.6947353], [94.614136, 13.930648], [90.62882, 22.801588], [86.23228, 31.268335]], [[86.23228, 31.268335], [90.62882, 22.801588], [94.614136, 13.930648], [115.50065, 20.939516], [113.217995, 30.294931], [110.53916, 39.2748]], [[110.53916, 39.2748], [113.217995, 30.294931], [115.50065, 20.939516], [138.14572, 23.478722], [138.34212, 32.88579], [138.56532, 42.187027]], [[138.56532, 42.187027], [138.34212, 32.88579], [138.14572, 23.478722], [160.80124, 20.837076], [163.33475, 29.786526], [166.37553, 38.74178]], [[166.37553, 38.74178], [163.33475, 29.786526], [160.80124, 20.837076], [-178.32921, 13.519377], [-174.3419, 21.847164], [-169.78804, 30.205442]], [[-169.78804, 30.205442], [-174.3419, 21.847164], [-178.32921, 13.519377], [-159.51468, 2.964902], [-154.88618, 10.8749485], [-149.85995, 18.901854]], [[-149.85995, 18.901854], [-154.88618, 10.8749485], [-159.51468, 2.964902], [-142.05106, -9.467], [-136.99939, -1.4257368], [-132.0675, 6.4596457]], [[-132.0675, 6.4596457], [-136.99939, -1.4257368], [-142.05106, -9.467], [-123.99888, -21.880075], [-118.92535, -13.502078], [-114.29921, -5.244693]], [[-114.29921, -5.244693], [-118.92535, -13.502078], [-123.99888, -21.880075], [-103.442215, -32.934483], [-99.00043, -23.89532], [-95.22463, -14.984365]], [[-95.22463, -14.984365], [-99.00043, -23.89532], [-103.442215, -32.934483], [-78.64002, -40.657345], [-76.12628, -30.890255], [-74.12282, -21.377375]], [[-74.12282, -21.377375], [-76.12628, -30.890255], [-78.64002, -40.657345], [-50.290657, -42.73319], [-51.0053, -32.828705], [-51.55483, -23.017115]], [[-51.55483, -23.017115], [-51.0053, -32.828705], [-50.290657, -42.73319], [-22.823187, -38.94486], [-26.522055, -29.224152], [-29.450293, -19.786755]], [[-29.063774, -19.796661], [-26.128271, -29.132025], [-22.414715, -38.783527], [0.70752823, -29.637035], [-4.351546, -20.829777], [-8.767408, -12.005301]], [[-8.767408, -12.005301], [-4.351546, -20.829777], [0.70752823, -29.637035], [20.200943, -18.35276], [14.719538, -9.793758], [9.851132, -1.7267194]], [[9.851132, -1.7267194], [14.719538, -9.793758], [20.200943, -18.35276], [34.093655, -8.12093], [28.897524, 0.040836357], [23.702942, 8.163841]]]
Collection: 0.2
IdentifierProductDOI: 10.5067/YMHH5JB0CJAL
project: NASA Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS)
creator_name: TROPICS Data Processing Center
creator_institution: Space Science & Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison
publisher_name: GESDISC
publisher_institution: NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC)
institution: Space Science & Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison
DatasetQuality: Development Product

Variables in this Dataset

Atm_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: -999
description: 0-simple scene, 1-retrieved scene
units: none
long_name: Atmosphere type
coordinates: Longitude Latitude
ChiSqr: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: -999.000000
description: Convergence rate: <3-good,>10-bad
units: 1
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1000.00000
long_name: Chi-square statistic
coordinates: Longitude Latitude
Freq: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Channel = 0..11]
_FillValue: NaN
long_name: Central Frequency
units: GHz
LZ_angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: -999.000000
units: degrees
valid_range: -70.0000000, 70.0000000
long_name: Local zenith angle: (-59,59) degree
coordinates: Longitude Latitude
Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: -999.000000
long_name: Latitude of the view (-90,90)
units: degrees
valid_range: -90.0000000, 90.0000000
Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: -999.000000
long_name: Longitude of the view (-180,180)
units: degrees
valid_range: -180.000000, 180.000000
Orb_mode: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999
description: 0-ascending,1-descending
units: 1
valid_range: 0, 1
long_name: Orbital node
PTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80][P_Layer = 0..99]
_FillValue: -999.000000
valid_range: 0.00000000, 1000.00000
units: kelvins
coordinates: Longitude Latitude Player
long_name: Temperature profile in K via unified resolution
PVapor: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80][P_Layer = 0..99]
_FillValue: -999.000000
units: g/kg
valid_range: 0.00000000, 100.000000
coordinates: Longitude Latitude Player
long_name: Water vapor profile in g/kg via native resolution
Player: Array of 32 bit Reals [P_Layer = 0..99]
_FillValue: -999.000000
description: Pressure for each layer in mb
units: millibars
valid_range: 0.0109999999, 1085.45801
long_name: Layer-mean air pressure between vertical levels
Plevel: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][P_Level = 0..100]
_FillValue: -999.000000
description: Pressure for each level in mb
units: millibars
valid_range: 0.00499999989, 1100.00000
long_name: Air pressure at vertical levels
Polo: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846][Channel = 0..11]
_FillValue: 0
units: none
long_name: Polarization type
Qc: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80][Qc_dim = 0..3]
description: Qc(1): General validity flag (0-good,1-usable with problem ,2-bad); Qc(2): Algorithm convergence, presence of precipitation; Qc(3): Detection of temperature lapse rate; Qc(4): Information about quality of measurements (for details see MIRS_Users_Manual.pdf)
long_name: Product quality control flag
units: none
coordinates: Longitude Latitude
RAzi_angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: NaN
long_name: Relative azimuth angle 0-360 degree
units: degrees
coordinates: Longitude Latitude
SZ_angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: NaN
long_name: Solar zenith angle (-90,90) degree
units: degrees
coordinates: Longitude Latitude
ScanTime_UTC: Array of 64 bit Reals [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999.0000000000000
long_name: Number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC
valid_range: 0.000000000000000, 86400.00000000000
units: seconds
ScanTime_dom: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: Calendar day of the month 1-31
valid_range: 1, 31
units: days
ScanTime_doy: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: julian day 1-366
valid_range: 1, 366
units: days
ScanTime_hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: hour of the day 0-23
valid_range: 0, 23
units: hours
ScanTime_minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: minute of the hour 0-59
valid_range: 0, 59
units: minutes
ScanTime_month: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: Calendar month 1-12
units: months
valid_range: 1, 12
ScanTime_second: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: second of the minute 0-59
valid_range: 0, 59
units: seconds
ScanTime_year: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: Calendar Year 20XX
units: years
valid_range: 2011, 2050
Sfc_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: -999
description: type of surface:0-ocean,1-sea-ice,2-land,3-snow
units: 1
valid_range: 0, 3
long_name: Surface type
coordinates: Longitude Latitude
BT: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80][Channel = 0..11]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: Channel Temperature (K)
valid_range: 0, 50000
units: kelvins
coordinates: Longitude Latitude Freq
scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000
ChanSel: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80][Channel = 0..11]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: Channels Selection Used in Retrieval
units: 1
valid_range: 0, 1
coordinates: Longitude Latitude Freq
TPW: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80]
_FillValue: -999
long_name: Total Precipitable Water (mm)
units: mm
valid_range: 0, 2000
coordinates: Longitude Latitude
scale_factor: 0.1000000000000000
YM: Array of 16 bit Integers [Scanline = 0..2846][Field_of_view = 0..80][Channel = 0..11]
_FillValue: -999
valid_range: 0, 50000
long_name: Un-Corrected Channel Temperature (K)
units: kelvins
coordinates: Longitude Latitude Freq
scale_factor: 0.01000000000000000