DAP4 Data Request Form SS_00107_STD_F0359.h5
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: SS_00107_STD_F0359.h5

  • View/Hide
    • institution: Alaska Satellite Facility (Type is String)
    • title: SEASAT SAR STANDARD BEAM image (Type is String)
    • source: SAR backcatter image (Type is String)
    • original_file: STANDARD PRODUCT (Type is String)
    • comment: Copyright NASA (1978) (Type is String)
    • reference: Documentation available at: www.asf.alaska.edu (Type is String)
    • history: Tue Aug 27 07:26:25 2013, UTC: H5 File created. (Type is String)
    • data: (Type is Container)
    • metadata: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_generalHeader
        • file: SS_00107_STD_F0359.xml (Type is String)
        • fileVersion: 1.0 (Type is String)
        • status: PRELIMINARY (Type is String)
        • long_name: ground segment general header structure (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/generalHeader (Type is String)
      • metadata_instrument
        • long_name: sensor specific parameters at the time of the data acquisition (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument (Type is String)
    • metadata_instrument_radarParameters: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_instrument_settings: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords_dataSegment: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_platform
        • long_name: state vectors and geometric layout of the platform (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform (Type is String)
    • metadata_platform_orbit: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_platform_orbit_orbitHeader: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_platform_orbit_stateVec: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_processing
        • long_name: processor and product configuration parameters (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing (Type is String)
    • metadata_processing_doppler: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_dopplerEstimate: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_dopplerEstimate_basebandDoppler: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_processing_processingFlags
        • long_name: flags indicating which processing steps have been performed (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags (Type is String)
      • metadata_processing_processingParameter
        • long_name: range and azimuth processing parameters (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter (Type is String)
      • metadata_productComponents
        • long_name: lists and points to the product components (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents (Type is String)
      • metadata_productComponents_annotation
        • long_name: pointer to the annoation file(s) (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/annotation (Type is String)
    • metadata_productComponents_annotation_file: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productComponents_annotation_file_location: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productComponents_browseImage
        • long_name: one low resolution quicklook (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/browseImage (Type is String)
    • metadata_productComponents_browseImage_file: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productComponents_browseImage_file_location: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productComponents_imageData
        • layerIndex: 1 (Type is Int32)
        • long_name: containing one or more polarimetric channels in separate binary data matrices (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/imageData (Type is String)
    • metadata_productComponents_imageData_file: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productComponents_imageData_file_location: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productComponents_mapPlot
        • long_name: geographic map showing the image footprint (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/mapPlot (Type is String)
    • metadata_productComponents_mapPlot_file: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productComponents_mapPlot_file_location: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productComponents_quicklooks
        • layerIndex: 1 (Type is Int32)
        • long_name: rescaled images for each image layer (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/quicklooks (Type is String)
    • metadata_productComponents_quicklooks_file: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productComponents_quicklooks_file_location: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productInfo
        • long_name: general mission, scene, imaging mode related parameters (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo (Type is String)
      • metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo
        • long_name: SAR sensor configuration and instrument modes during acquisition (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/acquisitionInfo (Type is String)
    • metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_imagingModeSpecificInfo: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_imagingModeSpecificInfo_standardBeam: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_polarizationList: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productInfo_generationInfo
        • long_name: key parameters of the product generation and delivery (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo (Type is String)
    • metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_qualityInfo: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo
        • long_name: image layer format (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo (Type is String)
    • metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productInfo_missionInfo
        • long_name: mission and orbit parameters (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/missionInfo (Type is String)
      • metadata_productInfo_previewInfo
        • long_name: quicklook information (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo (Type is String)
    • metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_browseImage: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageRaster: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productInfo_productVariantInfo
        • long_name: product variant description (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/productVariantInfo (Type is String)
      • metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo
        • long_time: time and scene location information (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo (Type is String)
    • metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_rangeTime: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCenterCoord: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCornerCoord: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_start: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_stop: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productQuality
        • long_name: summarizes image and data quality (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality (Type is String)
      • metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality
        • layerIndex: 1 (Type is Int32)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality (Type is String)
      • metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_imageDataStatistics
        • long_name: image data statistics (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/imageDataStatistics (Type is String)
    • metadata_productQuality_limits: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productQuality_limits_processing: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productQuality_limits_raw: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_productQuality_processingParameterQuality
        • long_name: quality of processing parameters (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/processingParameterQuality (Type is String)
      • metadata_productQuality_rawDataQuality
        • long_name: assessment of raw data quality (per layer) (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/rawDataQuality (Type is String)
      • metadata_productSpecific
        • long_name: specific information for product (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific (Type is String)
    • metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_projectedSpacingRange: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_setup
        • long_name: screening and processing chain setup and control parameters etc. used (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup (Type is String)
    • metadata_setup_inputData: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_setup_orderInfo: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_polList: (Type is Container)
    • metadata_setup_processingSteps: (Type is Container)
      • metadata_setup_processingSteps_software
        • long_name: major components of processing chain (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/processingSteps/software (Type is String)

  • View/Hide
      [ /data_lat = 0..7999 ]
      [ /data_lon = 0..7999 ]
      [ /FakeDim0 = 0..0 ]
      [ /FakeDim1 = 0..2 ]
      [ /FakeDim2 = 0..3 ]
      [ /FakeDim3 = 0..1 ]

data_latitude[ /data_lat= 0..7999] [ /data_lon= 0..7999] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
    • long_name: latitude (Type is String)
    • standard_name: latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000 (Type is Float32)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: latitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /data/latitude (Type is String)
data_longitude[ /data_lat= 0..7999] [ /data_lon= 0..7999] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)
    • long_name: longitude (Type is String)
    • standard_name: longitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: longitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /data/longitude (Type is String)
FakeDim0[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
FakeDim1[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
FakeDim2[ /FakeDim2= 0..3] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
FakeDim3[ /FakeDim3= 0..1] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
data_HH[ /data_lat= 0..7999] [ /data_lon= 0..7999] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: RADAR BRIGHTNESS (Type is String)
    • cell_methods: area: backscatter value (Type is String)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • units_description: unitless normalized radar cross-section (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: HH (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /data/HH (Type is String)
    • coordinates: data_longitude data_latitude (Type is String)
data_time(Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: seconds since 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z (Type is String)
    • references: scene center time (Type is String)
    • standard_name: time (Type is String)
    • axis: T (Type is String)
    • long_name: serial date (Type is String)
    • origname: time (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /data/time (Type is String)
metadata_generalHeader_destination(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: specifies the destination to which provided the product goes (Type is String)
    • origname: destination (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/generalHeader/destination (Type is String)
metadata_generalHeader_generationSystem(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: specifies the system which generated the product (Type is String)
    • origname: generationSystem (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/generalHeader/generationSystem (Type is String)
metadata_generalHeader_generationTime(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: reports UTC time at which the product was generated (Type is String)
    • origname: generationTime (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/generalHeader/generationTime (Type is String)
metadata_generalHeader_itemName(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: contains the name of the exchanged product (Type is String)
    • origname: itemName (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/generalHeader/itemName (Type is String)
metadata_generalHeader_mission(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: indicates the mission, for which the product is provided (Type is String)
    • origname: mission (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/generalHeader/mission (Type is String)
metadata_generalHeader_revision(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: handle to distinguish between project phases (e.g. testing, commissioning phase, operating) (Type is String)
    • origname: revision (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/generalHeader/revision (Type is String)
metadata_generalHeader_source(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: specifies the sensor, source or originator for the provided product (Type is String)
    • origname: source (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/generalHeader/source (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_instrumentInfoCoordinateType(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: RAW or ZERODOPPLER (Type is String)
    • origname: instrumentInfoCoordinateType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/instrumentInfoCoordinateType (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_radarParameters_centerFrequency(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: center frequency [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: centerFrequency (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/radarParameters/centerFrequency (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_RSF(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: range sampling frequency [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: RSF (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/RSF (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_beamID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: beam identifier (Type is String)
    • origname: beamID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/beamID (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_numberOfEchoWindowLengthChanges(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of echo window length changes (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfEchoWindowLengthChanges (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/numberOfEchoWindowLengthChanges (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_numberOfEchoWindowPositionChanges(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of echo window position changes (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfEchoWindowPositionChanges (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/numberOfEchoWindowPositionChanges (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_numberOfPRFChanges(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of PRF changes (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfPRFChanges (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/numberOfPRFChanges (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_numberOfSettingRecords(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of setting records (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfSettingRecords (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/numberOfSettingRecords (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_polLayer(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: HH, HV, VH or VV (Type is String)
    • origname: polLayer (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/polLayer (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_rxBandwidth(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: range bandwidth [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: rxBandwidth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/rxBandwidth (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords_PRF[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: pulse repetition frequency [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: PRF (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/settingRecords/PRF (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords_dataSegment_numberOfRows[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: line count (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfRows (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/settingRecords/dataSegment/numberOfRows (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords_dataSegment_startTimeUTC[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: start time stamp in UTC (Type is String)
    • origname: startTimeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/settingRecords/dataSegment/startTimeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords_dataSegment_stopTimeUTC[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: stop time stamp in UTC (Type is String)
    • origname: stopTimeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/settingRecords/dataSegment/stopTimeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords_echoWindowLength[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of samples (Type is String)
    • origname: echoWindowLength (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/settingRecords/echoWindowLength (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords_echoWindowPosition[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: sampling window start time (Type is String)
    • origname: echoWindowPosition (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/settingRecords/echoWindowPosition (Type is String)
metadata_instrument_settings_settingRecords_pulseType[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: pulse type (Type is String)
    • origname: pulseType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/instrument/settings/settingRecords/pulseType (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_orbitHeader_accuracy(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: PREDICTED, RESTITUTED, PRECISE or TLE (Type is String)
    • origname: accuracy (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/orbitHeader/accuracy (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_orbitHeader_firstStateTimeUTC(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: UTC time of first state vector (Type is String)
    • origname: firstStateTimeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/orbitHeader/firstStateTimeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_orbitHeader_lastStateTimeUTC(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: UTC time of last state vector (Type is String)
    • origname: lastStateTimeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/orbitHeader/lastStateTimeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_orbitHeader_numStateVectors(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of state vectors (Type is String)
    • origname: numStateVectors (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/orbitHeader/numStateVectors (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_orbitHeader_sensor(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: PREDICTED SENSOR, SINGLE GPS or DIFFERENTIAL GPS (Type is String)
    • origname: sensor (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/orbitHeader/sensor (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_orbitHeader_stateVectorRefFrame(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: state vector reference frame (Type is String)
    • origname: stateVectorRefFrame (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/orbitHeader/stateVectorRefFrame (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_orbitHeader_stateVectorTimeSpacing(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: state vector time spacing [s] (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • origname: stateVectorTimeSpacing (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/orbitHeader/stateVectorTimeSpacing (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_stateVec_posX[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ECR coordinate position in x [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: posX (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/stateVec/posX (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_stateVec_posY[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ECR coordinate position in y [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: posY (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/stateVec/posY (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_stateVec_posZ[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ECR coordinate position in z [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: posZ (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/stateVec/posZ (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_stateVec_timeUTC[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: UTC time of state vector (Type is String)
    • origname: timeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/stateVec/timeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_stateVec_velX[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ECR coordinate velocity in x [m/s] (Type is String)
    • units: m/s (Type is String)
    • origname: velX (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/stateVec/velX (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_stateVec_velY[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ECR coordinate velocity in y [m/s] (Type is String)
    • units: m/s (Type is String)
    • origname: velY (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/stateVec/velY (Type is String)
metadata_platform_orbit_stateVec_velZ[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ECR coordinate velocity in z [m/s] (Type is String)
    • units: m/s (Type is String)
    • origname: velZ (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/platform/orbit/stateVec/velZ (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerBasebandEstimationMethod(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: azimuth cross correlation (Type is String)
    • origname: dopplerBasebandEstimationMethod (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerBasebandEstimationMethod (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_dopplerEstimate_basebandDoppler_coefficient[ /FakeDim1= 0..2] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Doppler coefficient (Type is String)
    • origname: coefficient (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroid/dopplerEstimate/basebandDoppler/coefficient (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_dopplerEstimate_dopplerAtMidRange(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Doppler at mid range [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: dopplerAtMidRange (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroid/dopplerEstimate/dopplerAtMidRange (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_dopplerEstimate_polynomialDegree(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: polynomial degree (Type is String)
    • origname: polynomialDegree (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroid/dopplerEstimate/polynomialDegree (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_dopplerEstimate_timeUTC(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: time stamp in UTC (Type is String)
    • origname: timeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroid/dopplerEstimate/timeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_numberOfBlocks(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of blocks (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfBlocks (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroid/numberOfBlocks (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_numberOfDopplerRecords(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of Doppler records (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfDopplerRecords (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroid/numberOfDopplerRecords (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_numberOfRejectedBlocks(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of rejected blocks (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfRejectedBlocks (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroid/numberOfRejectedBlocks (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroid_polLayer(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: HH, HV, VH or VV (Type is String)
    • origname: polLayer (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroid/polLayer (Type is String)
metadata_processing_doppler_dopplerCentroidCoordinateType(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: RAW or ZERODOPPLER (Type is String)
    • origname: dopplerCentroidCoordinateType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/doppler/dopplerCentroidCoordinateType (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_azimuthPatternCorrectedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: stripmap azimuth antenna pattern correction applied (Type is String)
    • origname: azimuthPatternCorrectedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/azimuthPatternCorrectedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_chirpReplicaUsedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: reconstructed chirp used (Type is String)
    • origname: chirpReplicaUsedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/chirpReplicaUsedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_detectedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: detection performed (Type is String)
    • origname: detectedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/detectedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_elevationPatternCorrectedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: antenna elevation pattern correction applied (Type is String)
    • origname: elevationPatternCorrectedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/elevationPatternCorrectedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_geocodedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: geocoding performed (Type is String)
    • origname: geocodedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/geocodedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_geometricDopplerUsedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: geometric Doppler centroid estimate has been used (Type is String)
    • origname: geometricDopplerUsedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/geometricDopplerUsedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_layoverShadowMaskGeneratedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: layover/shadow mask generated (Type is String)
    • origname: layoverShadowMaskGeneratedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/layoverShadowMaskGeneratedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_multiLookedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: multilooking performed (Type is String)
    • origname: multiLookedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/multiLookedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_nominalProcessingPerformedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: nominal processing steps used (Type is String)
    • origname: nominalProcessingPerformedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/nominalProcessingPerformedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_polarimetricProcessedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: polarimetric processing performed (Type is String)
    • origname: polarimetricProcessedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/polarimetricProcessedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingFlags_terrainCorrectedFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: terrain correction performed (Type is String)
    • origname: terrainCorrectedFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingFlags/terrainCorrectedFlag (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_azimuthLookBandwidth(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: azimuth look bandwidth [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: azimuthLookBandwidth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/azimuthLookBandwidth (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_azimuthLooks(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of azimuth looks (Type is String)
    • origname: azimuthLooks (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/azimuthLooks (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_chirpRate(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: chirp rate [Hz/sec] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz/sec (Type is String)
    • origname: chirpRate (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/chirpRate (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_processingInfoCoordinateType(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: RAW or ZERODOPPLER (Type is String)
    • origname: processingInfoCoordinateType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/processingInfoCoordinateType (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_pulseDuration(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: pulse duration [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: pulseDuration (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/pulseDuration (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_rangeLookBandwidth(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: range look bandwidth [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: rangeLookBandwidth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/rangeLookBandwidth (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_rangeLooks(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of range looks (Type is String)
    • origname: rangeLooks (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/rangeLooks (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_totalProcessedAzimuthBandwidth(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: total processed azimuth bandwidth [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: totalProcessedAzimuthBandwidth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/totalProcessedAzimuthBandwidth (Type is String)
metadata_processing_processingParameter_totalProcessedRangeBandwidth(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: total processed range bandwidth [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: totalProcessedRangeBandwidth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/processing/processingParameter/totalProcessedRangeBandwidth (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_annotation_file_location_filename[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: name of the file (Type is String)
    • origname: filename (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/annotation/file/location/filename (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_annotation_file_location_host[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: host where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: host (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/annotation/file/location/host (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_annotation_file_location_path[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: path where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: path (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/annotation/file/location/path (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_annotation_file_size[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is Int64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: size of the file (Type is String)
    • units: bytes (Type is String)
    • origname: size (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/annotation/file/size (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_annotation_type[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: annotation file type (Type is String)
    • origname: type (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/annotation/type (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_browseImage_file_location_filename(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: name of the file (Type is String)
    • origname: filename (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/browseImage/file/location/filename (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_browseImage_file_location_host(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: host where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: host (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/browseImage/file/location/host (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_browseImage_file_location_path(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: path where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: path (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/browseImage/file/location/path (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_browseImage_file_size(Type is Int64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: size of the file (Type is String)
    • units: bytes (Type is String)
    • origname: size (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/browseImage/file/size (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_imageData_file_location_filename(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: name of the file (Type is String)
    • origname: filename (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/imageData/file/location/filename (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_imageData_file_location_host(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: host where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: host (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/imageData/file/location/host (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_imageData_file_location_path(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: path where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: path (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/imageData/file/location/path (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_imageData_file_size(Type is Int64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: size of the file (Type is String)
    • units: bytes (Type is String)
    • origname: size (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/imageData/file/size (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_imageData_polLayer(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: pointer to product components (Type is String)
    • origname: polLayer (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/imageData/polLayer (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_mapPlot_file_location_filename(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: name of the file (Type is String)
    • origname: filename (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/mapPlot/file/location/filename (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_mapPlot_file_location_host(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: host where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: host (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/mapPlot/file/location/host (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_mapPlot_file_location_path(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: path where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: path (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/mapPlot/file/location/path (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_mapPlot_file_size(Type is Int64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: size of the file (Type is String)
    • units: bytes (Type is String)
    • origname: size (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/mapPlot/file/size (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_quicklooks_file_location_filename(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: name of the file (Type is String)
    • origname: filename (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/quicklooks/file/location/filename (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_quicklooks_file_location_host(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: host where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: host (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/quicklooks/file/location/host (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_quicklooks_file_location_path(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: path where the file is located; default to: . (Type is String)
    • origname: path (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/quicklooks/file/location/path (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_quicklooks_file_size(Type is Int64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: size of the file (Type is String)
    • units: bytes (Type is String)
    • origname: size (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/quicklooks/file/size (Type is String)
metadata_productComponents_quicklooks_polLayer(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: pointer to product components (Type is String)
    • origname: polLayer (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productComponents/quicklooks/polLayer (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_elevationBeamConfiguration(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: beam identification as taken from the order file (Type is String)
    • origname: elevationBeamConfiguration (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/acquisitionInfo/elevationBeamConfiguration (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_imagingMode(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • origname: imagingMode (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/acquisitionInfo/imagingMode (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_imagingModeSpecificInfo_standardBeam_azimuthBeamID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: azimuth beam ID (Type is String)
    • origname: azimuthBeamID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/acquisitionInfo/imagingModeSpecificInfo/standardBeam/azimuthBeamID (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_lookDirection(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: LEFT or RIGHT (Type is String)
    • origname: lookDirection (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/acquisitionInfo/lookDirection (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_polarizationList_polLayer[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: HH, HV, VH or VV (Type is String)
    • origname: polLayer (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/acquisitionInfo/polarizationList/polLayer (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_polarizationMode(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SINGLE, DUAL or QUAD (Type is String)
    • origname: polarizationMode (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/acquisitionInfo/polarizationMode (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_acquisitionInfo_sensor(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: sensor identifier: SAR (Type is String)
    • origname: sensor (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/acquisitionInfo/sensor (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_copyrightInfo(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: general copyright remark (Type is String)
    • origname: copyrightInfo (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo/copyrightInfo (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_deliveryInfo(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: delivery information (Type is String)
    • origname: deliveryInfo (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo/deliveryInfo (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_groundOperationsType(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: OPERATIONAL, PRE-OPERATIONAL, INSTRUMENT or TEST (Type is String)
    • origname: groundOperationsType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo/groundOperationsType (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_level0ProcessingFacility(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: facility processing the level zero data (Type is String)
    • origname: level0ProcessingFacility (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo/level0ProcessingFacility (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_level1ProcessingFacility(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: facility processing the level one data (Type is String)
    • origname: level1ProcessingFacility (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo/level1ProcessingFacility (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_logicalProductID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: logical ID (Type is String)
    • origname: logicalProductID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo/logicalProductID (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_qualityInfo_qualityInspection(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • origname: qualityInspection (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo/qualityInfo/qualityInspection (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_generationInfo_receivingStation(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: receiving ground station (Type is String)
    • origname: receivingStation (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/generationInfo/receivingStation (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_columnContent(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: azimuth, y (Type is String)
    • origname: columnContent (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/columnContent (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageDataDepth(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: bits per pixel (Type is String)
    • origname: imageDataDepth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageDataDepth (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageDataFormat(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: CEOS, GEOTIFF, HDF5 or COSAR (Type is String)
    • origname: imageDataFormat (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageDataFormat (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageDataType(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: DETECTED, COMPLEX or RAW (Type is String)
    • origname: imageDataType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageDataType (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_azimuthLooks(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: effective number of looks (Type is String)
    • origname: azimuthLooks (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/azimuthLooks (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_azimuthResolution(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: nominal [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: azimuthResolution (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/azimuthResolution (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_columnScaling(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: column scaling factor, in case the image has been resampled (Type is String)
    • origname: columnScaling (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/columnScaling (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_columnSpacing(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: spacing within a column [s or m] (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • origname: columnSpacing (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/columnSpacing (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_groundRangeResolution(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: nominal worst case (at near range) [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: groundRangeResolution (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/groundRangeResolution (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_numberOfColumns(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: sample count (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfColumns (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/numberOfColumns (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_numberOfRows(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: line count (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfRows (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/numberOfRows (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_rangeLooks(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of range looks (Type is String)
    • origname: rangeLooks (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/rangeLooks (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_rowScaling(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: row scaling factor, in case the image has been resampled (Type is String)
    • origname: rowScaling (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/rowScaling (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_rowSpacing(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: spacing of samples within a row from common raster [s or m] (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • origname: rowSpacing (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/rowSpacing (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_startColumn(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: start column of a subset (Type is String)
    • origname: startColumn (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/startColumn (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageRaster_startRow(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: start row of a subset (Type is String)
    • origname: startRow (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageRaster/startRow (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_imageStoreOrder(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ROWBYROW or COLBYCOL (Type is String)
    • origname: imageStoreOrder (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/imageStoreOrder (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_numberOfLayers(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of polarizations + elevation beams (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfLayers (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/numberOfLayers (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_pixelValueID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: complex amplitude and phase, radar brightness (beta nought), sigma nought (Type is String)
    • origname: pixelValueID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/pixelValueID (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_imageDataInfo_rowContent(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: rangelines, northing (for geocoded products), x (Type is String)
    • origname: rowContent (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/imageDataInfo/rowContent (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_missionInfo_absOrbit(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: absolute orbit number at the start of the scene (Type is String)
    • origname: absOrbit (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/missionInfo/absOrbit (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_missionInfo_mission(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: mission abbreviation (Type is String)
    • origname: mission (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/missionInfo/mission (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_missionInfo_numOrbitsInCycle(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: nominal number of orbits per cycle (Type is String)
    • origname: numOrbitsInCycle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/missionInfo/numOrbitsInCycle (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_missionInfo_orbitCycle(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: cycle number (Type is String)
    • origname: orbitCycle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/missionInfo/orbitCycle (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_missionInfo_orbitDirection(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ASCENDING or DESCENDING (Type is String)
    • origname: orbitDirection (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/missionInfo/orbitDirection (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_missionInfo_orbitPhase(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: orbit phase: 1 prelaunch phase, 0 launch phase, 1 nominal orbit (Type is String)
    • origname: orbitPhase (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/missionInfo/orbitPhase (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_missionInfo_relOrbit(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: relative orbit (Type is String)
    • origname: relOrbit (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/missionInfo/relOrbit (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_browseImage_imageDataDepth(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: image data depth (24 bit) (Type is String)
    • origname: imageDataDepth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/browseImage/imageDataDepth (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_browseImage_imageDataFormat(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: image data format (TIFF or JPEG) (Type is String)
    • origname: imageDataFormat (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/browseImage/imageDataFormat (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_mapPlotFormat(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: map plot format (PNG, GIF or KML) (Type is String)
    • origname: mapPlotFormat (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/mapPlotFormat (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageDataDepth(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: image data depth (16 bit) (Type is String)
    • origname: imageDataDepth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/quicklooks/imageDataDepth (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageDataFormat(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: image data format (TIFF greyscale) (Type is String)
    • origname: imageDataFormat (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/quicklooks/imageDataFormat (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageRaster_columnBlockLength(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: resampling factor [pixels] (Type is String)
    • units: pixels (Type is String)
    • origname: columnBlockLength (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/quicklooks/imageRaster/columnBlockLength (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageRaster_columnSpacing(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: spacing within a column [s or m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: columnSpacing (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/quicklooks/imageRaster/columnSpacing (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageRaster_numberOfColumns(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: sample count (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfColumns (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/quicklooks/imageRaster/numberOfColumns (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageRaster_numberOfRows(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: line count (Type is String)
    • origname: numberOfRows (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/quicklooks/imageRaster/numberOfRows (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageRaster_rowBlockLength(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: resampling factor [pixels] (Type is String)
    • units: pixels (Type is String)
    • origname: rowBlockLength (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/quicklooks/imageRaster/rowBlockLength (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_previewInfo_quicklooks_imageRaster_rowSpacing(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: spacing of samples within row from common raster [s or m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: rowSpacing (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/previewInfo/quicklooks/imageRaster/rowSpacing (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_productVariantInfo_productType(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: mnemonic (Type is String)
    • origname: productType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/productVariantInfo/productType (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_productVariantInfo_productVariant(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SLC, STD, TC, RTC, GEO, SSC, MGD, GEC or EEC (Type is String)
    • origname: productVariant (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/productVariantInfo/productVariant (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_productVariantInfo_projection(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: GROUNDRANGE, SLANTRANGE or MAP (Type is String)
    • origname: projection (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/productVariantInfo/projection (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_productVariantInfo_radiometricCorrection(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • origname: radiometricCorrection (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/productVariantInfo/radiometricCorrection (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_productVariantInfo_resolutionVariant(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SE or RE (Type is String)
    • origname: resolutionVariant (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/productVariantInfo/resolutionVariant (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_earthRadius(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: earth radius at the scene center [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: earthRadius (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/earthRadius (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_headingAngle(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: rotation of azimuth heading clockwise with respect to north [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: headingAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/headingAngle (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_pitch(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: pitch angle of the satellite [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: pitch (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/pitch (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_rangeTime_firstPixel(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: minimum range time of entire scene [s] (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • origname: firstPixel (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/rangeTime/firstPixel (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_rangeTime_lastPixel(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: maximum range time of entire scene [s] (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • origname: lastPixel (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/rangeTime/lastPixel (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_roll(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: roll angle of the satellite [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: roll (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/roll (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_satelliteHeight(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: satellite height at the scene center from earth center [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: satelliteHeight (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/satelliteHeight (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneAverageHeight(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: with respect to reference frame [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: sceneAverageHeight (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneAverageHeight (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneAzimuthExtent(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: (approximate and at mid-range) in [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: sceneAzimuthExtent (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneAzimuthExtent (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCenterCoord_azimuthTimeUTC(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: time stamp at UTC for coordinate (Type is String)
    • origname: azimuthTimeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/azimuthTimeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCenterCoord_incidenceAngle(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: incidence angle [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/incidenceAngle (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCenterCoord_lat(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: geographical latitude [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: lat (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/lat (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCenterCoord_lon(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: geographical longitude [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: lon (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/lon (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCenterCoord_rangeTime(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: range time [s] (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • origname: rangeTime (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/rangeTime (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCenterCoord_refColumn(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: position in image column (Type is String)
    • origname: refColumn (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/refColumn (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCenterCoord_refRow(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: position in image row (Type is String)
    • origname: refRow (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCenterCoord/refRow (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCornerCoord_azimuthTimeUTC[ /FakeDim2= 0..3] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: time stamp at UTC for coordinate (Type is String)
    • origname: azimuthTimeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCornerCoord/azimuthTimeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCornerCoord_incidenceAngle[ /FakeDim2= 0..3] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: incidence angle [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCornerCoord/incidenceAngle (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCornerCoord_lat[ /FakeDim2= 0..3] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: geographical latitude [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: lat (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCornerCoord/lat (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCornerCoord_lon[ /FakeDim2= 0..3] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: geographical longitude [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: lon (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCornerCoord/lon (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneCornerCoord_rangeTime[ /FakeDim2= 0..3] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: range time [s] (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • origname: rangeTime (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneCornerCoord/rangeTime (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: orbit + time information (Type is String)
    • origname: sceneID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneID (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_sceneRangeExtent(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: (approximate and at mid-range) in [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: sceneRangeExtent (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/sceneRangeExtent (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_start_timeUTC(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: time stamp in UTC (Type is String)
    • origname: timeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/start/timeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_stop_timeUTC(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: time stamp in UTC (Type is String)
    • origname: timeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/stop/timeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_productInfo_sceneInfo_yaw(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: yaw angle of the satellite [degrees] (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: yaw (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productInfo/sceneInfo/yaw (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_beamID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: beam identifier (Type is String)
    • origname: beamID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/beamID (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_imageDataStatistics_bitErrorRate(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: bit error rate (Type is String)
    • origname: bitErrorRate (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/imageDataStatistics/bitErrorRate (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_imageDataStatistics_max(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: maximum value (Type is String)
    • origname: max (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/imageDataStatistics/max (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_imageDataStatistics_mean(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: mean value (Type is String)
    • origname: mean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/imageDataStatistics/mean (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_imageDataStatistics_min(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: minimum value (Type is String)
    • origname: min (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/imageDataStatistics/min (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_imageDataStatistics_missingLines(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: missing lines (Type is String)
    • origname: missingLines (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/imageDataStatistics/missingLines (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_imageDataStatistics_noData(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: no data value (Type is String)
    • origname: noData (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/imageDataStatistics/noData (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_imageDataStatistics_standardDeviation(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: standard deviation (Type is String)
    • origname: standardDeviation (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/imageDataStatistics/standardDeviation (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_imageDataQuality_polLayer(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: HH, HV, VH or VV (Type is String)
    • origname: polLayer (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/imageDataQuality/polLayer (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_instrumentStateRemark(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: steering or antenna problems (Type is String)
    • origname: instrumentStateRemark (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/instrumentStateRemark (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_limits_processing_dopplerCentroidLimit(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Doppler value limit [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: dopplerCentroidLimit (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/limits/processing/dopplerCentroidLimit (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_limits_processing_geolocationQualityLimit(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: minimum posting required for accurate geolocation [arcsec] (Type is String)
    • units: arcsec (Type is String)
    • origname: geolocationQualityLimit (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/limits/processing/geolocationQualityLimit (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_limits_raw_bitErrorLimit(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: bit error rate considered significant (Type is String)
    • origname: bitErrorLimit (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/limits/raw/bitErrorLimit (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_limits_raw_gapDefinition(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of consecutive missing lines considered a gap (Type is String)
    • origname: gapDefinition (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/limits/raw/gapDefinition (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_limits_raw_gapPercentageLimit(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: percentage of gaps considered significant (Type is String)
    • origname: gapPercentageLimit (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/limits/raw/gapPercentageLimit (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_limits_raw_missingLinePercentageLimit(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: percentage of missing lines considered significant (Type is String)
    • origname: missingLinePercentageLimit (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/limits/raw/missingLinePercentageLimit (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_limits_raw_timeReconstructionPercentageLimit(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: percentage of time reconstruction considered significant (Type is String)
    • origname: timeReconstructionPercentageLimit (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/limits/raw/timeReconstructionPercentageLimit (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_processingParameterQuality_dopplerAmbiguityNotZeroFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Doppler ambiguities? (Type is String)
    • origname: dopplerAmbiguityNotZeroFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/processingParameterQuality/dopplerAmbiguityNotZeroFlag (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_processingParameterQuality_dopplerOutsideLimitsFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Doppler outside tolerance limits? (Type is String)
    • origname: dopplerOutsideLimitsFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/processingParameterQuality/dopplerOutsideLimitsFlag (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_processingParameterQuality_geolocationQualityLowFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: orbit/attitude/DEM/Doppler quality problems? (Type is String)
    • origname: geolocationQualityLowFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/processingParameterQuality/geolocationQualityLowFlag (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_rawDataQuality_beamID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: beam identifier (Type is String)
    • origname: beamID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/rawDataQuality/beamID (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_rawDataQuality_bitErrorSignificanceFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: bit error outside tolerance limits? (Type is String)
    • origname: bitErrorSignificanceFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/rawDataQuality/bitErrorSignificanceFlag (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_rawDataQuality_gapSignificanceFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: gaps above the tolerance level? (Type is String)
    • origname: gapSignificanceFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/rawDataQuality/gapSignificanceFlag (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_rawDataQuality_missingLinesSignificanceFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: missing lines outside tolerance level? (Type is String)
    • origname: missingLinesSignificanceFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/rawDataQuality/missingLinesSignificanceFlag (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_rawDataQuality_numGaps(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of data gaps (Type is String)
    • origname: numGaps (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/rawDataQuality/numGaps (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_rawDataQuality_polLayer(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: HH, HV, VH or VV (Type is String)
    • origname: polLayer (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/rawDataQuality/polLayer (Type is String)
metadata_productQuality_rawDataQuality_timeReconstructionSignificanceFlag(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: time reconstruction outside tolerance limits? (Type is String)
    • origname: timeReconstructionSignificanceFlag (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productQuality/rawDataQuality/timeReconstructionSignificanceFlag (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_commonPRF(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: intermediate "output PRF" used during processing [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: commonPRF (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/commonPRF (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_commonRSF(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: range sampling frequency [Hz] (Type is String)
    • units: Hz (Type is String)
    • origname: commonRSF (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/commonRSF (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_imageCoordinateType(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: RAW or ZERODOPPLER (Type is String)
    • origname: imageCoordinateType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/imageCoordinateType (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_imageDataStartWith(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • origname: imageDataStartWith (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/imageDataStartWith (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_projectedSpacingAzimuth(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: nominal projected pixel spacing on ground at scene center [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: projectedSpacingAzimuth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/projectedSpacingAzimuth (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_projectedSpacingRange_groundFar(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ground far range [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: groundFar (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/projectedSpacingRange/groundFar (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_projectedSpacingRange_groundNear(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: ground near range [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: groundNear (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/projectedSpacingRange/groundNear (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_projectedSpacingRange_slantRange(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: slant range [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: slantRange (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/projectedSpacingRange/slantRange (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_projectedSpacingRange_slantRangeShift(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: slant range shift [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: slantRangeShift (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/projectedSpacingRange/slantRangeShift (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_quicklookDataStartWith(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • origname: quicklookDataStartWith (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/quicklookDataStartWith (Type is String)
metadata_productSpecific_complexImageInfo_slantRangeResolution(Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: slant range resolution [m] (Type is String)
    • units: m (Type is String)
    • origname: slantRangeResolution (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/productSpecific/complexImageInfo/slantRangeResolution (Type is String)
metadata_setup_inputData_L0SARGenerationTimeUTC(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: level zero SAR generation time UTC (Type is String)
    • origname: L0SARGenerationTimeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/inputData/L0SARGenerationTimeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_setup_inputData_level0ProductID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: level zero product ID (Type is String)
    • origname: level0ProductID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/inputData/level0ProductID (Type is String)
metadata_setup_inputData_logicalDataTakeID(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: logical datatake ID (Type is String)
    • origname: logicalDataTakeID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/inputData/logicalDataTakeID (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orbitAccuracy(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: PREDICTED, RESTITUTED, PRECISE or TLE (Type is String)
    • origname: orbitAccuracy (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orbitAccuracy (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderType(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: order type (e.g. L1B-SAR) (Type is String)
    • origname: orderType (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderType (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_elevationBeamConfiguration(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: beam identification (Type is String)
    • origname: elevationBeamConfiguration (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderedScene/elevationBeamConfiguration (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_frameID(Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: frame number (Type is String)
    • origname: frameID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderedScene/frameID (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_imagingMode(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • origname: imagingMode (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderedScene/imagingMode (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_lookDirection(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: LEFT or RIGHT (Type is String)
    • origname: lookDirection (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderedScene/lookDirection (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_polList_polLayer[ /FakeDim0= 0..0] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: HH, HV, VH or VV (Type is String)
    • origname: polLayer (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderedScene/polList/polLayer (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_polarizationMode(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SINGLE, DUAL or QUAD (Type is String)
    • origname: polarizationMode (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderedScene/polarizationMode (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_productVariant(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SLC, STD, TC, RTC, GEO, SSC, MGD, GEC or EEC (Type is String)
    • origname: productVariant (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderedScene/productVariant (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_orderedScene_resolutionVariant(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SE or RE (Type is String)
    • origname: resolutionVariant (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/orderedScene/resolutionVariant (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_processingPriority(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: processing priority (e.g. NRT) (Type is String)
    • origname: processingPriority (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/processingPriority (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_projection(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: GROUNDRANGE, SLANTRANGE or MAP (Type is String)
    • origname: projection (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/projection (Type is String)
metadata_setup_orderInfo_sceneSpecification(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: FRAME, TIME or CENTERCOORDS (Type is String)
    • origname: sceneSpecification (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/orderInfo/sceneSpecification (Type is String)
metadata_setup_processingSteps_software_algorithm[ /FakeDim3= 0..1] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: main algorithm (Type is String)
    • origname: algorithm (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/processingSteps/software/algorithm (Type is String)
metadata_setup_processingSteps_software_processingTimeUTC[ /FakeDim3= 0..1] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: processing time in UTC (Type is String)
    • origname: processingTimeUTC (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/processingSteps/software/processingTimeUTC (Type is String)
metadata_setup_processingSteps_software_softwareID[ /FakeDim3= 0..1] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: software ID (Type is String)
    • origname: softwareID (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/processingSteps/software/softwareID (Type is String)
metadata_setup_processingSteps_software_softwareVersion[ /FakeDim3= 0..1] (Type is String)
  • attributes
    • long_name: version number (Type is String)
    • origname: softwareVersion (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /metadata/setup/processingSteps/software/softwareVersion (Type is String)

Hyrax development sponsored by NSF, NASA, and NOAA

OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.17.0)
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