DAP4 Data Request Form MYDARNSS.Barrow.A2002184.2200.005.2007051063709.hdf
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: MYDARNSS.Barrow.A2002184.2200.005.2007051063709.hdf

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      • HDF_GLOBAL
        • SubsettingMethod: METHOD = area, UL_LAT = 71.5622, UL_LON = -156.915, LR_LAT = 71.0622, LR_LON = -156.415 STARTLINE = 1975, ENDLINE = 2029, STARTCOLUMN = 784, ENDCOLUMN = 825: STARTLINE adjusted to 1970: ENDLINE adjusted to 2030 (Type is String)
        • CommandUsed: /MODAPSops2/PGE/PM1M/STORE_PGE90_V5.0.6/PGE90/MOD_PRARSS/MOD_PRARSS.exe ATBarrow MYDARNSS.Barrow.A2002184.2200.005.2007051063709.hdf /MODAPSops2/archive/f5006/running/PM1M_s1m/33930776/MYD03.A2002184.2200.005.2007050174648.hdf /MODAPSops2/archive/f5006/running/PM1M_s1m/33930776/MYD02QKM.A2002184.2200.005.2007051063004.hdf /MODAPSops2/archive/f5006/running/PM1M_s1m/33930776/MYD02HKM.A2002184.2200.005.2007051063004.hdf /MODAPSops2/archive/f5006/running/PM1M_s1m/33930776/MYD021KM.A2002184.2200.005.2007051063004.hdf /MODAPSops2/archive/f5006/running/PM1M_s1m/33930776/MYD35_L2.A2002184.2200.005.2006133121530.hdf /MODAPSops2/archive/f5006/running/PM1M_s1m/33930776/gdas1.PGrbF00.020704.00z /MODAPSops2/archive/f5006/running/PM1M_s1m/33930776/gdas1.PGrbF00.020703.18z 71.5622 -156.915 71.0622 -156.415 (Type is String)
        • VersionOfMODARSSUsed: 5.0.5 (Type is String)
      • CoreMetadata
            • GROUPTYPE: MASTERGROUP (Type is String)
              • ECSDATAGRANULE
                  • LOCALGRANULEID
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "MYDARNSS.Barrow.A2002184.2200.005.2007051063709.hdf" (Type is String)
                  • PRODUCTIONDATETIME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "2007-02-20T06:30:04.000Z" (Type is String)
                  • DAYNIGHTFLAG
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "Day" (Type is String)
                  • REPROCESSINGACTUAL
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "processed once" (Type is String)
                  • REPROCESSINGPLANNED
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "further update is anticipated" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                      • QAFLAGS
                        • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                          • SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG
                            • NUM_VAL: 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • VALUE: "Not Investigated", "Not Investigated" (Type is String)
                            • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                            • NUM_VAL: 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: "not being investigated", "not being investigated" (Type is String)
                          • AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG
                            • NUM_VAL: 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: "Suspect", "Suspect" (Type is String)
                      • QASTATS
                        • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                          • QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA
                            • NUM_VAL: 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: 0, 0 (Type is Int32)
                          • QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA
                            • NUM_VAL: 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: 65, 0 (Type is Int32)
                          • QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA
                            • NUM_VAL: 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: 0, 1 (Type is Int32)
                      • PARAMETERNAME
                        • CLASS: "1", "2" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_Emissive" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                      • EQUATORCROSSINGDATE
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "2002-07-03" (Type is String)
                      • EQUATORCROSSINGTIME
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "22:34:05.985127" (Type is String)
                      • ORBITNUMBER
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: 884 (Type is Int32)
                      • EQUATORCROSSINGLONGITUDE
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: 45.1406996503779 (Type is Float64)
                  • VERSIONID
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: 5 (Type is Int32)
                  • SHORTNAME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "MYDARNSS" (Type is String)
              • INPUTGRANULE
                  • INPUTPOINTER
                    • NUM_VAL: 10 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "MYD01.A2002184.2200.005.2007050174554.hdf", "MYD01.A2002184.2205.005.2007050174558.hdf", "MYD02_Reflective_LUTs.hdf.V5.0.7.17", "MYD02_Emissive_LUTs.hdf.V5.0.7.17", "MYD02_QA_LUTs.hdf.V5.0.7.17" (Type is String)
                      • GPOLYGON
                          • GPOLYGONCONTAINER
                            • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                              • GRINGPOINT
                                • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                  • GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE
                                    • NUM_VAL: 4 (Type is Int32)
                                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                    • VALUE: -118.932978939695, -154.33110362779, -177.199496616991, -117.551146957165 (Type is Float64)
                                  • GRINGPOINTLATITUDE
                                    • NUM_VAL: 4 (Type is Int32)
                                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                    • VALUE: 56.1314690134872, 51.1933930075271, 65.3152141431871, 74.4330157989306 (Type is Float64)
                                  • GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO
                                    • NUM_VAL: 4 (Type is Int32)
                                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                    • VALUE: 1, 2, 3, 4 (Type is Float64)
                              • GRING
                                • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                  • EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG
                                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                    • VALUE: "N" (Type is String)
              • RANGEDATETIME
                  • RANGEENDINGDATE
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "2002-07-03" (Type is String)
                  • RANGEENDINGTIME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "22:05:00.000000" (Type is String)
                  • RANGEBEGINNINGDATE
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "2002-07-03" (Type is String)
                  • RANGEBEGINNINGTIME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "22:00:00.000000" (Type is String)
              • PGEVERSIONCLASS
                  • PGEVERSION
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "5.0.7" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                      • ANCILLARYINPUTPOINTER
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "MYD03.A2002184.2200.005.2007050174648.hdf" (Type is String)
                      • ANCILLARYINPUTTYPE
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "Geolocation" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "MODIS" (Type is String)
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "Aqua" (Type is String)
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "MODIS" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" (Type is String)
                      • ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME
                        • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "AveragedBlackBodyTemperature", "AveragedMirrorTemperature", "AveragedFocalPlane1Temperature", "AveragedFocalPlane2Temperature", "AveragedFocalPlane3Temperature", "AveragedFocalPlane4Temperature", "CalibrationQuality", "MissionPhase", "NadirPointing", "TileID" (Type is String)
                      • INFORMATIONCONTENT
                        • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" (Type is String)
                          • PARAMETERVALUE
                            • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: " 282.65", " 267.98", " 265.10", " 265.52", " 83.37", " 83.30", "marginal", "EXECUTION", "Y", "ATBarrow" (Type is String)
      • ArchiveMetadata
            • GROUPTYPE: MASTERGROUP (Type is String)
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: 74.1503865002488 (Type is Float64)
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: 51.2002031970158 (Type is Float64)
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: -117.61646768052 (Type is Float64)
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: -176.779092131577 (Type is Float64)
              • ALGORITHMPACKAGE
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "2002-02-12" (Type is String)
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "OPERATIONAL" (Type is String)
                  • ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "MODIS Level 1B Algorithm Package" (Type is String)
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "" (Type is String)
              • PROJECT
                  • INSTRUMENTNAME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "Moderate Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer" (Type is String)
                  • PROCESSINGCENTER
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "MODAPS" (Type is String)
              • DESCRREVISION
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "5.0" (Type is String)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "PGE02:;PGE01:5.0.23" (Type is String)
              • LONGNAME
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "MODIS/Aqua Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 1km" (Type is String)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "Linux minion5006 " (Type is String)

  • View/Hide
      [ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B = 0..1 ]
      [ /_40_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B = 0..239 ]
      [ /_4_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B = 0..163 ]
      [ /Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B = 0..4 ]
      [ /_20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B = 0..119 ]
      [ /_2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B = 0..81 ]
      [ /Band_1KM_RefSB_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B = 0..14 ]
      [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO = 0..59 ]
      [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO = 0..40 ]
      [ /Band_1KM_Emissive_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B = 0..15 ]
      [ /Byte_Segment_mod35 = 0..5 ]
      [ /QA_Dimension_mod35 = 0..9 ]

EV_250_RefSB[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] [ /_40_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..239] [ /_4_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..163] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 250M Reflective Solar Bands Scaled Integers (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 32767 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • band_names: 1,2 (Type is String)
    • radiance_scales: 0.02810065635, 0.009389584884 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_units: Watts/m^2/micrometer/steradian (Type is String)
    • reflectance_scales: 5.674842760e-05, 3.075870700e-05 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_units: none (Type is String)
    • corrected_counts_scales: 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_units: counts (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _40_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _4_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
EV_250_RefSB_Uncert_Indexes[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] [ /_40_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..239] [ /_4_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..163] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 250M Reflective Solar Bands Uncertainty Indexes (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 15 (Type is Byte)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • specified_uncertainty: 1.500000000, 1.500000000 (Type is Float32)
    • scaling_factor: 7.000000000, 7.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • uncertainty_units: percent (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _40_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _4_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
EV_500_RefSB[ /Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..4] [ /_20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..119] [ /_2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..81] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 500M Reflective Solar Bands Scaled Integers (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 32767 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • band_names: 3,4,5,6,7 (Type is String)
    • radiance_scales: 0.02089502662, 0.01843665913, 0.004760682117, 0.002675321884, 0.0008316620952 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_units: Watts/m^2/micrometer/steradian (Type is String)
    • reflectance_scales: 3.249487054e-05, 3.209798160e-05, 3.255115371e-05, 3.610843851e-05, 2.987653352e-05 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_units: none (Type is String)
    • corrected_counts_scales: 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_units: counts (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
EV_500_RefSB_Uncert_Indexes[ /Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..4] [ /_20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..119] [ /_2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..81] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 500M Reflective Solar Bands Uncertainty Indexes (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 15 (Type is Byte)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • specified_uncertainty: 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000 (Type is Float32)
    • scaling_factor: 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 5.000000000, 5.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • uncertainty_units: percent (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] [ /_20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..119] [ /_2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..81] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 250M Aggregated 500M Reflective Solar Bands Scaled Integers (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 32767 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • band_names: 1,2 (Type is String)
    • radiance_scales: 0.02810065635, 0.009389584884 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_units: Watts/m^2/micrometer/steradian (Type is String)
    • reflectance_scales: 5.674842760e-05, 3.075870700e-05 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_units: none (Type is String)
    • corrected_counts_scales: 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_units: counts (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB_Uncert_Indexes[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] [ /_20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..119] [ /_2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..81] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 250M Aggregated 500M Reflective Solar Bands Uncertainty Indexes (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 15 (Type is Byte)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • specified_uncertainty: 1.500000000, 1.500000000 (Type is Float32)
    • scaling_factor: 7.000000000, 7.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • uncertainty_units: percent (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
EV_250_Aggr500_RefSB_Samples_Used[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] [ /_20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..119] [ /_2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 250M Aggregated 500M Reflective Solar Bands Number of Samples Used in Aggregation (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 6 (Type is Int32)
    • _FillValue: -1 (Type is Int32)
    • coordinates: Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B _2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
EV_1KM_RefSB[ /Band_1KM_RefSB_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..14] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 1KM Reflective Solar Bands Scaled Integers (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 32767 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • band_names: 8,9,10,11,12,13lo,13hi,14lo,14hi,15,16,17,18,19,26 (Type is String)
    • radiance_scales: 0.006432689261, 0.004759735428, 0.003588605206, 0.002895030892, 0.002275862265, 0.001209418289, 0.0005820011138, 0.001147562987, 0.0004161819234, 0.0009492493700, 0.0006225002580, 0.006354919169, 0.009386251681, 0.006937796716, 0.002760450356 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_offsets: 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_units: Watts/m^2/micrometer/steradian (Type is String)
    • reflectance_scales: 1.195235654e-05, 8.108751899e-06, 5.894236438e-06, 4.986789008e-06, 3.904537607e-06, 2.538009767e-06, 1.221351226e-06, 2.474321718e-06, 8.973519812e-07, 2.380971409e-06, 2.077156978e-06, 2.208346450e-05, 3.493975601e-05, 2.580428190e-05, 2.455524918e-05 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_offsets: 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_units: none (Type is String)
    • corrected_counts_scales: 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300, 0.1261940300 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_offsets: 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985, 316.9721985 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_units: counts (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_1KM_RefSB_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_1KM_RefSB_Uncert_Indexes[ /Band_1KM_RefSB_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..14] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 1KM Reflective Solar Bands Uncertainty Indexes (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 15 (Type is Byte)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • specified_uncertainty: 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000 (Type is Float32)
    • scaling_factor: 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • uncertainty_units: percent (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_1KM_RefSB_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_1KM_Emissive[ /Band_1KM_Emissive_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..15] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 1KM Emissive Bands Scaled Integers (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 32767 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • band_names: 20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 (Type is String)
    • radiance_scales: 6.930753443e-05, 0.003466902766, 7.626575098e-05, 8.990753122e-05, 3.155613740e-05, 5.639820665e-05, 0.0001178319653, 0.0001924497192, 0.0005570848589, 0.0004063234373, 0.0006508072256, 0.0005710013211, 0.0002623370965, 0.0002008728334, 0.0001767632057, 0.0001185949222 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_offsets: 2467.264404, 2480.600342, 2478.176514, 2402.468506, 1077.444946, 1560.333374, 2724.218506, 2317.488525, 2610.015381, 1560.333252, 2035.933228, 2119.084473, 2500.599365, 2499.093506, 2500.520508, 2495.890869 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_units: Watts/m^2/micrometer/steradian (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_1KM_Emissive_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_1KM_Emissive_Uncert_Indexes[ /Band_1KM_Emissive_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..15] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 1KM Emissive Bands Uncertainty Indexes (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 15 (Type is Byte)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • specified_uncertainty: 0.5625000000, 2.500000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.3750000000, 0.3750000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000, 0.5000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • scaling_factor: 5.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000, 4.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • uncertainty_units: percent (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_1KM_Emissive_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 250M Aggregated 1km Reflective Solar Bands Scaled Integers (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 32767 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • band_names: 1,2 (Type is String)
    • radiance_scales: 0.02810065635, 0.009389584884 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_units: Watts/m^2/micrometer/steradian (Type is String)
    • reflectance_scales: 5.674842760e-05, 3.075870700e-05 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_units: none (Type is String)
    • corrected_counts_scales: 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_units: counts (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB_Uncert_Indexes[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 250M Aggregated 1km Reflective Solar Bands Uncertainty Indexes (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 15 (Type is Byte)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • specified_uncertainty: 1.500000000, 1.500000000 (Type is Float32)
    • scaling_factor: 7.000000000, 7.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • uncertainty_units: percent (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_250_Aggr1km_RefSB_Samples_Used[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 250M Aggregated 1km Reflective Solar Bands Number of Samples Used in Aggregation (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 28 (Type is Int32)
    • _FillValue: -1 (Type is Int32)
    • coordinates: Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB[ /Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..4] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 500M Aggregated 1km Reflective Solar Bands Scaled Integers (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 32767 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • band_names: 3,4,5,6,7 (Type is String)
    • radiance_scales: 0.02089502662, 0.01843665913, 0.004760682117, 0.002675321884, 0.0008316620952 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_units: Watts/m^2/micrometer/steradian (Type is String)
    • reflectance_scales: 3.249487054e-05, 3.209798160e-05, 3.255115371e-05, 3.610843851e-05, 2.987653352e-05 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_units: none (Type is String)
    • corrected_counts_scales: 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971, 0.1249732971 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_offsets: -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000, -0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_units: counts (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB_Uncert_Indexes[ /Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..4] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 500M Aggregated 1km Reflective Solar Bands Uncertainty Indexes (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 15 (Type is Byte)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • specified_uncertainty: 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000, 1.500000000 (Type is Float32)
    • scaling_factor: 7.000000000, 7.000000000, 5.000000000, 5.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • uncertainty_units: percent (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_500_Aggr1km_RefSB_Samples_Used[ /Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..4] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View 500M Aggregated 1km Reflective Solar Bands Number of Samples Used in Aggregation (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 6 (Type is Int32)
    • _FillValue: -1 (Type is Int32)
    • coordinates: Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_Band26[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View Band 26 Scaled Integers (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 32767 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • radiance_scales: 0.002760450356 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_offsets: 316.9721985 (Type is Float32)
    • radiance_units: Watts/m^2/micrometer/steradian (Type is String)
    • reflectance_scales: 2.455524918e-05 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_offsets: 316.9721985 (Type is Float32)
    • reflectance_units: none (Type is String)
    • corrected_counts_scales: 0.1261940300 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_offsets: 316.9721985 (Type is Float32)
    • corrected_counts_units: counts (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
EV_Band26_Uncert_Indexes[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Earth View Band 26 Uncertainty Indexes (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 15 (Type is Byte)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • specified_uncertainty: 1.500000000 (Type is Float32)
    • scaling_factor: 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • uncertainty_units: percent (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
Cloud_Mask[ /Byte_Segment_mod35= 0..5] [ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • valid_range: 0, -1 (Type is Int32)
    • _FillValue: 0 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: MODIS Cloud Mask and Spectral Test Results (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • Parameter_Type: Output (Type is String)
    • Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling: 1, 2030, 1 (Type is Int32)
    • Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling: 1, 1354, 1 (Type is Int32)
    • Geolocation_Pointer: External MODIS geolocation product (Type is String)
    • description: Bit fields within each byte are numbered from the left: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The left-most bit (bit 7) is the most significant bit. The right-most bit (bit 0) is the least significant bit. bit field Description Key --------- ----------- --- 0 Cloud Mask Flag 0 = Not determined 1 = Determined 2, 1 Unobstructed FOV Quality Flag 00 = Cloudy 01 = Uncertain 10 = Probably Clear 11 = Confident Clear PROCESSING PATH --------------- 3 Day or Night Path 0 = Night / 1 = Day 4 Sunglint Path 0 = Yes / 1 = No 5 Snow/Ice Background Path 0 = Yes / 1 = No 7, 6 Land or Water Path 00 = Water 01 = Coastal 10 = Desert 11 = Land ____ END BYTE 1 ______________ ___________________________________________ bit field Description Key --------- ----------- --- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ---------------------- 0 Non- cloud obstruction Flag 0 = Yes / 1 = No 1 Thin Cirrus Detected (Solar) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 2 Shadow Found 0 = Yes / 1 = No 3 Thin Cirrus Detected (Infrared) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 4 Adjacent Cloud Detected ** 0 = Yes / 1 = No ** Implemented Post Launch to Indicate cloud found within surrounding 1 km pixels * 1-km CLOUD FLAGS ---------------- 5 Cloud Flag - IR Threshold 0 = Yes / 1 = No 6 High Cloud Flag - CO2 Test 0 = Yes / 1 = No 7 High Cloud Flag - 6.7 micron Test 0 = Yes / 1 = No ____ END BYTE 2 ______________ ___________________________________________ bit field Description Key --------- ----------- --- 0 High Cloud Flag - 1.38 micron Test 0 = Yes / 1 = No 1 High Cloud Flag - 3.7- 12 micron Test 0 = Yes / 1 = No 2 Cloud Flag - IR Temperature 0 = Yes / 1 = No Difference 3 Cloud Flag - 3.7- 11 micron Test 0 = Yes / 1 = No 4 Cloud Flag - Visible Reflectance Test 0 = Yes / 1 = No 5 Cloud Flag - Visible Reflectance 0 = Yes / 1 = No Ratio Test 6 Cloud Flag - NDVI Final Confidence 0 = Yes / 1 = No Confirmation Test 7 Cloud Flag - Night 7.3- 11 micron Test 0 = Yes / 1 = No ____ END BYTE 3 ______________ ___________________________________________ bit field Description Key --------- ----------- --- ADDITIONAL TESTS ---------------- 0 Cloud Flag - Spare 0 = Yes / 1 = No 1 Cloud Flag - Spatial Variability 0 = Yes / 1 = No 2 Final Confidence Confirmation Test 0 = Yes / 1 = No 3 Cloud Flag - Night Water 0 = Yes / 1 = No Spatial Variability 4 Suspended Dust Flag 0 = Yes / 1 = No 5-7 Spares ____ END BYTE 4 ______________ ___________________________________________ bit field Description Key --------- ----------- --- 250-m Cloud Flag - Visible Tests -------------------------------- 0 Element(1,1) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 1 Element(1,2) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 2 Element(1,3) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 3 Element(1,4) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 4 Element(2,1) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 5 Element(2,2) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 6 Element(2,3) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 7 Element(2,4) 0 = Yes / 1 = No ____ END BYTE 5 ______________ ___________________________________________ bit field Description Key ---------- ----------- --- 0 Element(3,1) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 1 Element(3,2) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 2 Element(3,3) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 3 Element(3,4) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 4 Element(4,1) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 5 Element(4,2) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 6 Element(4,3) 0 = Yes / 1 = No 7 Element(4,4) 0 = Yes / 1 = No ____ END BYTE 6 ______________ ___________________________________________ (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Byte_Segment_mod35 Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
Quality_Assurance[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] [ /QA_Dimension_mod35= 0..9] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • valid_range: 0, -1 (Type is Int32)
    • _FillValue: 0 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: Quality Assurance for Cloud Mask (Type is String)
    • units: none (Type is String)
    • scale_factor: 1.0000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • add_offset: 0.0000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • Parameter_Type: Output (Type is String)
    • Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling: 1, 2030, 1 (Type is Int32)
    • Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling: 1, 1354, 1 (Type is Int32)
    • Geolocation_Pointer: External MODIS geolocation product (Type is String)
    • description: Product Run Time QA Flags QA Flag Name Number of Bits Bit Value Description ------------------------------------------------------------- Cloud Mask QA 1 0 not useful (1km) 1 useful Cloud Mask 3 0-7 8 confidence levels Confidence QA (1km) Spares 4 -------- ( 1 byte total ) -------------------------------- Optional run time QA flags - Individual test application QA Flag Name Number of Bits Bit Value Description ------------------------------------------------------------- NCO test 1 0 Not Applied 1 Applied Thin Cirrus 1 0 Not Applied test (Solar) 1 Applied Shadow Tests 1 0 Not Applied 1 Applied Thin Cirrus 1 0 Not Applied test(IR) 1 Applied Cloud Adjancency 1 0 Not Applied test(IR) 1 Applied IR Threshold 1 0 Not Applied test 1 Applied High Cloud 1 0 Not Applied Test (CO2) 1 Applied High Cloud 1 0 Not Applied Test (6.7) 1 Applied High Cloud 1 0 Not Applied Test (1.38) 1 Applied High Cloud 1 0 Not Applied Test (3.7-12um) 1 Applied IR Temperature 1 0 Not Applied Difference Tests 1 Applied 3.7-11um Test 1 0 Not Applied 1 Applied .68 Reflectance 1 0 Not Applied Test 1 Applied Visible Ratio 1 0 Not Applied Test 1 Applied NDVI Final 1 0 Not Applied Confidence 1 Applied Confirmation Spare 1 0 Not Applied 1 Applied Spare 1 0 Not Applied 1 Applied Spatial 1 0 Not Applied Variability Test 1 Applied Final Confidence 1 0 Not Applied Confirmation Test 1 Applied Night Water 1 0 Not Applied Spatial Variability 1 Applied Suspended Dust Test 1 0 Not Applied 1 Applied Spares 3 250 m Visible 1(16) 0 Not Applied Tests 1 Applied (16 times as (line1,element1),(line1, element2),... (line4,element4)) -------- ( 5 bytes total ) -------------------------------- Optional run time QA flags - data information flags QA Flag Name Number of Bits Bit Value Description ------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 2 0 None bands used to 1 1-7 generate 2 8-14 cloud mask 3 15-21 Number of 2 0 None spectral 1 1-3 tests used to 2 4-6 generate 3 7-9 cloud mask Spares 4 -------- ( 1 byte total ) -------------------------------- Optional run time QA flags - data resource flags QA Flag Name Number of Bits Bit Value Description ------------------------------------------------------------- Clear 2 0 MOD35 Radiance 1 Model forward calculation Origin 2 Other 3 Not used Surface 2 0 NCEP GDAS Temperature 1 DAO Over Land 2 MOD11 3 Other Surface 2 0 Reynolds blended Temperature 1 DAO Over Ocean 2 MOD28 3 Other Surface Winds 2 0 NCEP GDAS 1 DAO 2 Other 3 Not used Ecosystem Map 2 0 Loveland NA 1km 1 Olson Ecosystem 2 MOD12 3 Other Snow mask 2 0 MOD33 1 SSMI Product 2 Other 3 Not used Ice cover 2 0 MOD42 1 SSMI product 2 Other 3 Not used Land/Sea Mask 2 0 USGS 1 km 6 level 1 USGS 1 km binary 2 Other 3 Not used Digital 1 0 EOS DEM Elevation 1 Not used Model Precipitable 2 0 NCEP GDAS Water 1 DAO 2 MOD07 3 Other Spare 5 -------- ( 3 bytes total ) -------------------------------- (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude QA_Dimension_mod35 (Type is String)
Latitude[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000 (Type is Float32)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
Longitude[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Longitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)
Height[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Height (Type is String)
    • units: meters (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -400, 10000 (Type is Int16)
    • _FillValue: -32767 (Type is Int16)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
SensorZenith[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SensorZenith (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 18000 (Type is Int16)
    • _FillValue: -32767 (Type is Int16)
    • scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
SensorAzimuth[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SensorAzimuth (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -18000, 18000 (Type is Int16)
    • _FillValue: -32767 (Type is Int16)
    • scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
Range[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Range (Type is String)
    • units: meters (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 27000, 65535 (Type is UInt16)
    • _FillValue: 0 (Type is UInt16)
    • scale_factor: 25.000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
SolarZenith[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SolarZenith (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 18000 (Type is Int16)
    • _FillValue: -32767 (Type is Int16)
    • scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
SolarAzimuth[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: SolarAzimuth (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -18000, 18000 (Type is Int16)
    • _FillValue: -32767 (Type is Int16)
    • scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
Land_SeaMask[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Land/SeaMask (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: 221 (Type is Byte)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
gflags[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: gflags (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: 255 (Type is Byte)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
Ozone[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Ozone (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
Water_vapor[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Water_vapor (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
Sea_level_pressure[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Sea_level_pressure (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
Temperature_2_meter[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Temperature_2_meter (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
U_component_of_Wind[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: U-component of Wind (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
V_component_of_Wind[ /nscans_10_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..59] [ /mframes_MODIS_Swath_Type_GEO= 0..40] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • long_name: V-component of Wind (Type is String)
    • coordinates: Latitude Longitude (Type is String)
_2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B[ /_2_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: 2*Max_EV_frames:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
_20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B[ /_20_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..119] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: 20*nscans:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
_4_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B[ /_4_Max_EV_frames_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..163] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: 4*Max_EV_frames:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
_40_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B[ /_40_nscans_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..239] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: 40*nscans:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
Band_1KM_Emissive_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B[ /Band_1KM_Emissive_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..15] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Band_1KM_Emissive:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
Band_1KM_RefSB_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B[ /Band_1KM_RefSB_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..14] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Band_1KM_RefSB:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B[ /Band_250M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..1] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Band_250M:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B[ /Band_500M_MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B= 0..4] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Band_500M:MODIS_SWATH_Type_L1B (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
Byte_Segment_mod35[ /Byte_Segment_mod35= 0..5] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Byte_Segment:mod35 (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
QA_Dimension_mod35[ /QA_Dimension_mod35= 0..9] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: QA_Dimension:mod35 (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)

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OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.17.0)
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