Attributes { Time { String coordinates "Latitude"; String long_name "Time"; } Latitude { String units "degrees_north"; String long_name "Latitude"; } Longitude { String coordinates "Latitude"; String long_name "Longitude"; } nprs2 { String units "level"; String long_name "nprs2(fake)"; } ntwo { String units "level"; String long_name "ntwo(fake)"; } nthree { String units "level"; String long_name "nthree(fake)"; } ncldd { String units "level"; String long_name "ncldd(fake)"; } nres { String units "level"; String long_name "nres(fake)"; } Seconds_in_Day { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Seconds in Day"; } Pressure_Grid { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Pressure Grid"; } Solar_Zenith_Angle { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Solar Zenith Angle"; } Satellite_Zenith_Angle { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Satellite Zenith Angle"; } Surface_Pressure { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Surface Pressure"; } Retrieved_Surface_Temperature { String coordinates "Latitude ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Retrieved Surface Temperature"; } Retrieved_Surface_Emissivity { String coordinates "Latitude ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Retrieved Surface Emissivity"; } Retrieved_CO_Mixing_Ratio_Profile { String coordinates "Latitude Pressure_Grid ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Retrieved CO Mixing Ratio Profile"; } Retrieved_CO_Surface_Mixing_Ratio { String coordinates "Latitude ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Retrieved CO Surface Mixing Ratio"; } Retrieved_CO_Total_Column { String coordinates "Latitude ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Retrieved CO Total Column"; } Retrieved_CO_Total_Column_Diagnostics { String coordinates "Latitude ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Retrieved CO Total Column Diagnostics"; } Retrieval_Averaging_Kernel_Matrix { String coordinates "Latitude nprs2 nprs2"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Retrieval Averaging Kernel Matrix"; } Retrieval_Error_Covariance_Matrix { String coordinates "Latitude nprs2 nprs2"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Retrieval Error Covariance Matrix"; } A_Priori_Surface_Temperature { String coordinates "Latitude ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "A Priori Surface Temperature"; } A_Priori_Surface_Emissivity { String coordinates "Latitude ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "A Priori Surface Emissivity"; } A_Priori_CO_Mixing_Ratio_Profile { String coordinates "Latitude Pressure_Grid ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "A Priori CO Mixing Ratio Profile"; } A_Priori_CO_Surface_Mixing_Ratio { String coordinates "Latitude ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "A Priori CO Surface Mixing Ratio"; } Level_1_Radiances_and_Errors { String coordinates "Latitude nres ntwo"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Level 1 Radiances and Errors"; } Degrees_of_Freedom_for_Signal { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Degrees of Freedom for Signal"; } Surface_Index { String coordinates "Latitude"; String long_name "Surface Index"; } DEM_Altitude { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "DEM Altitude"; } Cloud_Description { String coordinates "Latitude"; String long_name "Cloud Description"; } MODIS_Cloud_Diagnostics { String coordinates "Latitude ncldd"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "MODIS Cloud Diagnostics"; } Water_Vapor_Climatology_Content { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Water Vapor Climatology Content"; } Retrieval_Iterations { String coordinates "Latitude"; String long_name "Retrieval Iterations"; } Information_Content_Index { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Information Content Index"; } Signal_Chi2 { String coordinates "Latitude"; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Signal Chi2"; } Swath_Index { String coordinates "Latitude nthree"; String long_name "Swath Index"; } coremetadata { INVENTORYMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; ECSDATAGRANULE { LOCALGRANULEID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MOP02T-20140627-L2V10.1.1.prov.hdf\""; } PRODUCTIONDATETIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2014-06-29T13:22:21.000Z\""; } DAYNIGHTFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Both\""; } LOCALVERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"10.1.1.p\""; } } MEASUREDPARAMETER { MEASUREDPARAMETERCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; QAFLAGS { String CLASS "\"1\""; AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Process Terminated Normally - Check Science Quality Statement\""; } AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Passed\""; } OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Process Terminated Normally - Check Science Quality Statement\""; } OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Passed\""; } } QASTATS { String CLASS "\"1\""; QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 VALUE 0; } QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 VALUE 0; } QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 VALUE 73; } } PARAMETERNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Carbon Monoxide\""; } } } ORBITCALCULATEDSPATIALDOMAIN { ORBITCALCULATEDSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; ORBITALMODELNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Unknown\""; } STARTORBITNUMBER { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 77252; } EQUATORCROSSINGDATE { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2014-06-27\""; } EQUATORCROSSINGTIME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:35:47.102\""; } ORBITNUMBER { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 77252; } EQUATORCROSSINGLONGITUDE { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 148.628810486139; } STOPORBITNUMBER { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 77266; } } } COLLECTIONDESCRIPTIONCLASS { VERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 5; } SHORTNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MOP02T\""; } } INPUTGRANULE { INPUTPOINTER { Int32 NUM_VAL 101; String VALUE "\"gdas1-20140627-T00.hdf\"", "\"gdas1-20140627-T06.hdf\"", "\"gdas1-20140627-T12.hdf\"", "\"gdas1-20140627-T18.hdf\"", "\"gdas1-20140628-T00.hdf\"", "\"MOP01-20140627-L1V3.37.0.hdf\"", "\"clim_new_365.hdf\"", "\"MOPMskInfo-20140627-V5.dat\""; } } SPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { HORIZONTALSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { BOUNDINGRECTANGLE { EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 180.0; } WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -180.0; } SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -90.0; } NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 90.0; } } } GRANULELOCALITY { LOCALITYVALUE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Global\""; } } } RANGEDATETIME { RANGEENDINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2014-06-27\""; } RANGEENDINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"23:59:49.72\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2014-06-27\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:02:12.86\""; } } PGEVERSIONCLASS { PGEVERSION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"10.1.1.p\""; } } } } HDF_GLOBAL { String HDFEOSVersion "HDFEOS_V2.17"; } MOP02 { Int32 Time_Count 197146; Float32 missing_nodata -9999.000000; Int32 Month 6; Int32 Day 27; Int32 Year 2014; String Start_Date_Time "2014-06-27T00:02:12.869000Z"; } }