Dataset Information

Unlimited_Dimension: nTime

Variables in this Dataset

APrioriCOMixingRatioProfile: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][Pressure = 0..8][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: ppbv
origname: APrioriCOMixingRatioProfile
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/APrioriCOMixingRatioProfile
orig_dimname_list: nTime nPrs nTwo
APrioriCOSurfaceMixingRatio: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: ppbv
origname: APrioriCOSurfaceMixingRatio
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/APrioriCOSurfaceMixingRatio
orig_dimname_list: nTime nTwo
APrioriCOTotalColumn: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: mol/cm^2
origname: APrioriCOTotalColumn
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/APrioriCOTotalColumn
orig_dimname: nTime
APrioriSurfaceEmissivity: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: NA
origname: APrioriSurfaceEmissivity
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/APrioriSurfaceEmissivity
orig_dimname_list: nTime nTwo
APrioriSurfaceTemperature: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: K
origname: APrioriSurfaceTemperature
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/APrioriSurfaceTemperature
orig_dimname_list: nTime nTwo
CloudDescription: Array of 32 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999
Units: NA
origname: CloudDescription
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/CloudDescription
orig_dimname: nTime
DEMAltitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: m
origname: DEMAltitude
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/DEMAltitude
orig_dimname: nTime
DegreesofFreedomforSignal: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: NA
origname: DegreesofFreedomforSignal
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/DegreesofFreedomforSignal
orig_dimname: nTime
Level1RadiancesandErrors: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nRad = 0..11][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: W/m^2Sr
origname: Level1RadiancesandErrors
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/Level1RadiancesandErrors
orig_dimname_list: nTime nRad nTwo
MODISCloudDiagnostics: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nCldd = 0..9]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: NA
origname: MODISCloudDiagnostics
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/MODISCloudDiagnostics
orig_dimname_list: nTime nCldd
PressureGrid: Array of 32 bit Reals [Pressure = 0..8]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: hPa
origname: PressureGrid
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/PressureGrid
orig_dimname: nPrs
RetrievalAveragingKernelMatrix: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][Pressure2 = 0..9][nPrs2_1 = 0..9]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: NA
origname: RetrievalAveragingKernelMatrix
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievalAveragingKernelMatrix
orig_dimname_list: nTime nPrs2 nPrs2_1
RetrievalErrorCovarianceMatrix: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][Pressure2 = 0..9][nPrs2_1 = 0..9]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: NA
origname: RetrievalErrorCovarianceMatrix
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievalErrorCovarianceMatrix
orig_dimname_list: nTime nPrs2 nPrs2_1
RetrievalIterations: Array of 32 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999
Units: NA
origname: RetrievalIterations
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievalIterations
orig_dimname: nTime
RetrievedCOMixingRatioProfile: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][Pressure = 0..8][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: ppbv
origname: RetrievedCOMixingRatioProfile
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievedCOMixingRatioProfile
orig_dimname_list: nTime nPrs nTwo
RetrievedCOSurfaceMixingRatio: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: ppbv
origname: RetrievedCOSurfaceMixingRatio
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievedCOSurfaceMixingRatio
orig_dimname_list: nTime nTwo
RetrievedCOTotalColumn: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: mol/cm^2
origname: RetrievedCOTotalColumn
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievedCOTotalColumn
orig_dimname_list: nTime nTwo
RetrievedCOTotalColumnDiagnostics: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: NA
origname: RetrievedCOTotalColumnDiagnostics
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievedCOTotalColumnDiagnostics
orig_dimname_list: nTime nTwo
RetrievedSurfaceEmissivity: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: NA
origname: RetrievedSurfaceEmissivity
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievedSurfaceEmissivity
orig_dimname_list: nTime nTwo
RetrievedSurfaceTemperature: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278][nTwo = 0..1]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: K
origname: RetrievedSurfaceTemperature
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/RetrievedSurfaceTemperature
orig_dimname_list: nTime nTwo
SatelliteZenithAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: deg
origname: SatelliteZenithAngle
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/SatelliteZenithAngle
orig_dimname: nTime
SignalChi2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: NA
origname: SignalChi2
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/SignalChi2
orig_dimname: nTime
SolarZenithAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: deg
origname: SolarZenithAngle
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/SolarZenithAngle
orig_dimname: nTime
SurfaceIndex: Array of 32 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999
Units: NA
origname: SurfaceIndex
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/SurfaceIndex
orig_dimname: nTime
SurfacePressure: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: hPa
origname: SurfacePressure
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/SurfacePressure
orig_dimname: nTime
SwathIndex: Array of 32 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..199278][nThree = 0..2]
_FillValue: -9999
Units: NA
origname: SwathIndex
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Data Fields/SwathIndex
orig_dimname_list: nTime nThree
Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: degrees_east
origname: Longitude
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Geolocation Fields/Longitude
orig_dimname: nTime
SecondsinDay: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: s
origname: SecondsinDay
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Geolocation Fields/SecondsinDay
orig_dimname: nTime
Time: Array of 64 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.0000000000000
Units: s
origname: Time
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Geolocation Fields/Time
orig_dimname: nTime
StructMetadata_0: String
origname: StructMetadata.0
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS INFORMATION/StructMetadata.0
coremetadata_0: String
origname: coremetadata.0
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS INFORMATION/coremetadata.0
Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..199278]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: degrees_north
origname: Latitude
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Geolocation Fields/Latitude
orig_dimname: nTime
Pressure: Array of 32 bit Reals [Pressure = 0..8]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: hPa
origname: Pressure
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Geolocation Fields/Pressure
orig_dimname: nPrs
Pressure2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Pressure2 = 0..9]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: hPa
origname: Pressure2
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Geolocation Fields/Pressure2
orig_dimname: nPrs2
nCldd: Array of 32 bit Integers [nCldd = 0..9]
units: level
nPrs2_1: Array of 32 bit Reals [nPrs2_1 = 0..9]
_FillValue: -9999.000000
Units: hPa
origname: Pressure2
fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/SWATHS/MOP02/Geolocation Fields/Pressure2
orig_dimname: nPrs2
nRad: Array of 32 bit Integers [nRad = 0..11]
units: level
nThree: Array of 32 bit Integers [nThree = 0..2]
units: level
nTwo: Array of 32 bit Integers [nTwo = 0..1]
units: level