Attributes { Latitude { String units "degrees_north"; Float32 valid_range -90.00000000, 90.00000000; Float32 _FillValue -999.9000244; String long_name "Geodetic Latitude"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; } Longitude { String units "degrees_east"; Float32 valid_range -180.0000000, 180.0000000; Float32 _FillValue -999.9000244; String long_name "Geodetic Longitude"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; } Output_Parameter { String units "level"; String long_name "Output_Parameter(fake)"; } Water_Vapor_QA_Bytes { String units "level"; String long_name "Water_Vapor_QA_Bytes(fake)"; } Band_Number { String long_name "MODIS Band Number"; String units "none"; } Pressure_Level { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String long_name "Pressure Levels of Profiles"; String units "hPa"; } Scan_Start_Time { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Float64 valid_range 0.0000000000000000, 3155800064.0000000; Float64 _FillValue -999.90002441406250; String long_name "TAI time at start of scan replicated across the swath"; String units "seconds since 1993-1-1 00:00:00.0 0"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Solar_Zenith { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 18000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Solar Zenith Angle, Cell to Sun"; String units "degrees"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Solar_Azimuth { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range -18000, 18000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Solar Azimuth Angle, Cell to Sun"; String units "degrees"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Sensor_Zenith { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 18000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Sensor Zenith Angle, Cell to Sensor"; String units "degrees"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Sensor_Azimuth { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range -18000, 18000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Sensor Azimuth Angle, Cell to Sensor"; String units "degrees"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Brightness_Temperature { String coordinates "Band_Number Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Brightness Temperature"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 149.99999664723873; } Cloud_Mask { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int32 valid_range 0, -1; Int32 _FillValue 0; String long_name "MODIS Cloud Mask, First Byte"; String units "none"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; String description " Bit fields within each byte are numbered from the left: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. The left-most bit (bit 7) is the most significant bit. The right-most bit (bit 0) is the least significant bit. bit field Description Key --------- ----------- --- 0 Cloud Mask Flag 0 = Not determined 1 = Determined 2, 1 Unobstructed FOV Quality Flag 00 = Cloudy 01 = Uncertain 10 = Probably Clear 11 = Confident Clear PROCESSING PATH --------------- 3 Day or Night Path 0 = Night / 1 = Day 4 Sunglint Path 0 = Yes / 1 = No 5 Snow/Ice Background Path 0 = Yes / 1 = No 7, 6 Land or Water Path 00 = Water 01 = Coastal 10 = Desert 11 = Land "; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Surface_Temperature { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Surface Temperature"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "Non MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 149.99999664723873; } Surface_Pressure { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 8000, 11000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Surface Pressure"; String units "hPa"; String Parameter_Type "Non MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.10000000149011612; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Surface_Elevation { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range -400, 8840; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Surface Elevation"; String units "m"; String Parameter_Type "Non MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Processing_Flag { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int32 valid_range 0, 1; Int32 _FillValue 127; String long_name "Processing Flag"; String units "none"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Tropopause_Height { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 10, 11000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Tropopause Height"; String units "hPa"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.10000000149011612; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Guess_Temperature_Profile { String coordinates "Pressure_Level Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Guess Temperature Profile"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "Non MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 149.99999664723873; } Guess_Moisture_Profile { String coordinates "Pressure_Level Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Guess Dew Point Temperature Profile"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "Non MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 149.99999664723873; } Retrieved_Temperature_Profile { String coordinates "Pressure_Level Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Retrieved Temperature Profile"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Ouput"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 149.99999664723873; } Retrieved_Moisture_Profile { String coordinates "Pressure_Level Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Retrieved Dew Point Temperature Profile"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 149.99999664723873; } Retrieved_Height_Profile { String coordinates "Pressure_Level Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range -32500, 32500; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Retrieved Geopotential Height Profile"; String units "m"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 32500.000000000000; } Total_Ozone { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 5000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Total Ozone Burden"; String units "Dobson"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.10000000149011612; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Total_Totals { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 8000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Total Totals"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Lifted_Index { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range -2000, 4000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Lifted Index"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } K_Index { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range -50, 650; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "K_Index"; String units "K"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Water_Vapor { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String long_name "Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor - IR Retrieval"; String units "cm"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0010000000474974513; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Water_Vapor_Direct { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String long_name "Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor - Direct IR Retrieval"; String units "cm"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0010000000474974513; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Water_Vapor_Low { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String long_name "Precipitable Water Vapor Low - IR Retrieval"; String units "cm"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0010000000474974513; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Water_Vapor_High { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String long_name "Precipitable Water Vapor High - IR Retrieval"; String units "cm"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0010000000474974513; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Quality_Assurance { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude Output_Parameter"; Int32 valid_range 0, -1; Int32 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Quality Assurance Parameters"; String units "none"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; String description " Product and Optional run time QA flags Product run time QA flags QA Flag Name Number of Bit Value Description Bits ------------------------------------------------------------- Retrieved Temperature 1 0 not useful Profile QA 1 useful Retrieved Temperature 2 0-3 4 confidence Profile levels Confidence QA Spare 1 Retrieved Moisture 1 0 not useful Profile 1 useful QA Retrieved Moisture 2 0-3 4 confidence Profile levels Confidence QA Spare 1 Total Ozone 1 0 not useful Burden QA 1 useful Total Ozone 2 0-3 4 confidence Burden levels Confidence QA Spare 1 Lifted Index 1 0 not useful Stability 1 useful Index QA Lifted Index 2 0-3 4 confidence Stability levels Confidence QA Spare 1 K Index 1 0 not useful Stability 1 useful Index QA K Index 2 0-3 4 confidence Stability levels Confidence QA Spare 1 Total Totals 1 0 not useful Stability 1 useful Index QA Total Totals 2 0-3 4 confidence Stability levels Confidence QA Spare 1 ---------------------- 3 bytes total ----------------------- Optional run time QA flags - processing path flags QA Flag Name Number of Bit Value Description Bits ------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 8 0-25 Cloudy Pixels within 5x5 km box Number of 8 0-25 Clear Pixels within 5x5 km box Number of 8 0-25 Missing Pixels within 5x5 km box Method 2 0 Statistical of Profiles 1 Physical Retrieval 2 Other 3 No retrieval Method 2 0 RTE Perturbation of Ozone 1 Upper and Lower Retrieval Stratospheric Ozone Method 2 Other 3 No retrieval Spares 4 --------------- 4 bytes total ----------------------------- Optional run time QA flags - data resource flags QA Flag Name Number of Bit Value Description Bits ------------------------------------------------------------- Guess Moisture 2 0 NCEP profile 1 DAO source 2 AIRS/AMSU 3 Not used Guess Temperature 2 0 NCEP Profile 1 DAO source 2 AIRS/AMSU 3 Not used Surface 2 0 NCEP Temperature 1 DAO Over Land 2 Other 3 Not used Surface 2 0 Reynolds blended Temperature 1 DAO Over Ocean 2 Other 3 Not used Surface 2 0 NCEP Pressure 1 DAO 2 Other 3 Not used Ozone 2 0 TOMS Profile 1 TOVS First 2 DAO Guess 3 Other Spares 12 ------------------ 2 bytes total ---------------------------- "; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Quality_Assurance_Infrared { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude Water_Vapor_QA_Bytes"; Int32 valid_range 0, -1; Int32 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Run time QA flags"; String units "none"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; String description " Water Vapor IR product and Optional run time QA flags Product run time QA flags QA Flag Name Number of Bit Value Description Bits ------------------------------------------------------------- IR Water Vapor 1 0 not useful QA 1 useful IR Water Vapor 2 0-3 4 confidence Confidence QA levels Spares 5 ---------------------- 1 byte total ------------------------- Optional run time QA flags - processing path flags QA Flag Name Number of Bit Value Description Bits ------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 8 0-25 Cloudy Pixels within 5x5 km box Number of 8 0-25 Clear Pixels within 5x5 km box Number of 8 0-25 Missing Pixels within 5x5 km box IR Water Vapor 2 0 Split Window (11- 12) technique Retrieval 1 Integration of moisture profile Method Used 2 Other 3 No Retrieval Spares 6 ---------------------- 4 bytes total ----------------------- "; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } CoreMetadata { INVENTORYMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; ECSDATAGRANULE { LOCALGRANULEID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MOD07_L2.A2010001.0000.005.2010004001518.hdf\""; } PRODUCTIONDATETIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2010-01-04T00:15:18.000Z\""; } DAYNIGHTFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Both\""; } REPROCESSINGACTUAL { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"processed once\""; } LOCALVERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"005\""; } REPROCESSINGPLANNED { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"further update is anticipated\""; } } MEASUREDPARAMETER { MEASUREDPARAMETERCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; QAFLAGS { String CLASS "\"1\""; SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Not Investigated\""; String CLASS "\"1\""; } AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Passed: >10% usable; Failed: <10% usable\""; } AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Passed\""; } SCIENCEQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"See for more details on MODIS Atmosphere data quality.\""; String CLASS "\"1\""; } } QASTATS { String CLASS "\"1\""; QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 VALUE 52; } } PARAMETERNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Water_Vapor_Infrared\""; } } } ORBITCALCULATEDSPATIALDOMAIN { ORBITCALCULATEDSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; EQUATORCROSSINGDATE { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2009-12-31\""; } EQUATORCROSSINGTIME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"23:33:33.861779\""; } ORBITNUMBER { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 53395; } EQUATORCROSSINGLONGITUDE { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 164.121672912109; } } } COLLECTIONDESCRIPTIONCLASS { VERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 5; } SHORTNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MOD07_L2\""; } } INPUTGRANULE { INPUTPOINTER { Int32 NUM_VAL 30; String VALUE "\"MOD021KM.A2010001.0000.005.2010004001127.hdf\"", "\"MOD03.A2010001.0000.005.2010003235220.hdf\"", "\"MOD35_L2.A2010001.0000.005.2010004001451.hdf\"", "\"gdas1.PGrbF00.100101.00z\"", "\"MODIS_REGCOEF_col5.2.terra\"", "\"MODIS_senzen.bin\"", "\"terra_bias.dat.v2\"", "\"terra_det.dat.v2\"", "\" destripe_config_terra.dat.v1\""; } } SPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { HORIZONTALSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { BOUNDINGRECTANGLE { EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 49.7721853442657; } WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -47.0583888098271; } SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -83.9477317129688; } NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -59.3240852125626; } } } } RANGEDATETIME { RANGEENDINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2010-01-01\""; } RANGEENDINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:05:00.000000\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2010-01-01\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:00:00.000000\""; } } PGEVERSIONCLASS { PGEVERSION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"5.3.1\""; } } ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSOR { ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSORCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS\""; } ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Terra\""; } ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS\""; } } } ADDITIONALATTRIBUTES { ADDITIONALATTRIBUTESCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\""; ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"SuccessfulRetrievalPct\"", "\"LowConfidentClearPct\"", "\"DayProcessedPct\"", "\"NightProcessedPct\"", "\"SunglintProcessedPct\"", "\"Snow_IceSurfaceProcessedPct\"", "\"LandProcessedPct\"", "\"WaterProcessedPct\"", "\"ShadowFoundPct\"", "\"ThinCirrusSolarFoundPct\"", "\"ThinCirrusIR_FoundPct\"", "\"NonCloudObstructionFoundPct\"", "\"MaxSolarZenithAngle\"", "\"MinSolarZenithAngle\""; } INFORMATIONCONTENT { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\""; PARAMETERVALUE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\""; String VALUE "\" 47.81\"", "\" 44.40\"", "\" 55.44\"", "\" 44.56\"", "\" 0.00\"", "\" 68.19\"", "\" 53.61\"", "\" 46.39\"", "\" 0.00\"", "\" 3.21\"", "\" 1.87\"", "\" 0.00\"", "\" 96.78\"", "\" 71.47\""; } } } } } } ArchiveMetadata { ARCHIVEDMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; ALGORITHMPACKAGE { ALGORITHMPACKAGEACCEPTANCEDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"June 1997\""; } ALGORITHMPACKAGEMATURITYCODE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"at-launch\""; } ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"ATBD-MOD-07\""; } ALGORITHMPACKAGEVERSION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2\""; } LOCALINPUTGRANULEID { Int32 NUM_VAL 10; String VALUE "\"MOD021KM.A2010001.0000.005.2010004001127.hdf\"", "\"MOD03.A2010001.0000.005.2010003235220.hdf\"", "\"MOD35_L2.A2010001.0000.005.2010004001451.hdf\"", "\"gdas1.PGrbF00.100101.00z\"", "\"MODIS_REGCOEF_col5.2.terra\"", "\"MODIS_senzen.bin\"", "\"terra_bias.dat.v2\"", "\"terra_det.dat.v2\"", "\" destripe_config_terra.dat.v1\""; } INSTRUMENTNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer\""; } LONGNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS/Terra Temperature and Water Vapor Profiles 5-Min L2 Swath 5km\""; } } GPOLYGON { GPOLYGONCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; GRING { String CLASS "\"1\""; EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"N\""; } } GRINGPOINT { String CLASS "\"1\""; GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE 49.7741825777481, -49.6346865116933, -31.8875607008629, 14.7581374580967; } GRINGPOINTLATITUDE { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE -70.0619907141548, -83.2821690669814, -65.5399200163829, -59.0903113966012; } GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE 1, 2, 3, 4; } } } } PROFILES_ALGORITHM_VERSION_NUMBER { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"1\""; } TOTAL_OZONE_ALGORITHM_VERSION_NUMBER { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"1\""; } STABILITY_INDICES_ALGORITHM_VERSION_NUMBER { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"1\""; } DESCRREVISION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"5.0\""; } PRODUCTIONHISTORY { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"PGE03:5.3.1\""; } PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Linux minion5234 #1 SMP Thu Mar 22 09:36:24 EST 2007 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5140 @ 2.33GHz unknown GNU/Linux\""; } } } HDF_GLOBAL { String HDFEOSVersion "HDFEOS_V2.9"; String history "$Id: MOD07.V2.CDL,v 2002/03/04 15:47:57 gumley Exp $ "; String title "MODIS Level 2 Atmospheric Profiles "; } }