DAP4 Data Request Form GSSTFYC.2c.Year.1988_2008.he5
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: GSSTFYC.2c.Year.1988_2008.he5

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    • HDFEOS: (Type is Container)
    • HDFEOS_ADDITIONAL: (Type is Container)
        • BeginDate: 1988-01-01 (Type is String)
        • EndDate: 2008-12-31 (Type is String)
        • DurationUnit: Year (Type is String)
        • DurationValue: 1 (Type is String)
        • PeriodCycleDurationUnit: YEAR (Type is String)
        • PeriodCycleDurationValue: 1 (Type is String)
        • ShortName: GSSTFYC (Type is String)
        • VersionID: 2c (Type is String)
        • CollectionDescription: Goddard Satellite-Based Surface Turbulent Fluxes (GSSTF2c) in HDF-EOS5, Jan 1988 - Dec 2008 Yearly Climatology, 1x1 degree Grid, Set1 and NCEP (Type is String)
        • LongName: Surface Turbulent Fluxes, 1x1 deg Yearly Climatology, Set1 and NCEP (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/ADDITIONAL/FILE_ATTRIBUTES (Type is String)
    • HDFEOS_GRIDS: (Type is Container)
    • HDFEOS_GRIDS_NCEP: (Type is Container)
    • HDFEOS_GRIDS_NCEP_Data_Fields: (Type is Container)
    • HDFEOS_GRIDS_SET1: (Type is Container)
    • HDFEOS_GRIDS_SET1_Data_Fields: (Type is Container)
        • HDFEOSVersion: HDFEOS_5.1.11 (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS INFORMATION (Type is String)

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      [ /lon = 0..359 ]
      [ /lat = 0..179 ]

lon[ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)
lat[ /lat= 0..179] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
NCEP_Psea_level[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • LongName: sea level pressure (Type is String)
    • Units: hPa (Type is String)
    • origname: Psea_level (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/NCEP/Data Fields/Psea_level (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
NCEP_Qsat[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • LongName: sea surface saturation humidity (Type is String)
    • Units: g/kg (Type is String)
    • origname: Qsat (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/NCEP/Data Fields/Qsat (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
NCEP_SST[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • LongName: sea surface skin temperature (Type is String)
    • Units: C (Type is String)
    • origname: SST (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/NCEP/Data Fields/SST (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
NCEP_Tair_2m[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • LongName: 2m air temperature (Type is String)
    • Units: C (Type is String)
    • origname: Tair_2m (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/NCEP/Data Fields/Tair_2m (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_DQ[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: sea-air humidity difference (Type is String)
    • Units: g/kg (Type is String)
    • origname: DQ (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/DQ (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_E[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: latent heat flux (Type is String)
    • Units: W/m^^2 (Type is String)
    • origname: E (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/E (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_H[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: sensible heat flux (Type is String)
    • Units: W/m^^2 (Type is String)
    • origname: H (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/H (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_Qair[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: surface air (~10-m) specific humidity (Type is String)
    • Units: g/kg (Type is String)
    • origname: Qair (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/Qair (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_STu[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: zonal wind stress (Type is String)
    • Units: N/m^^2 (Type is String)
    • origname: STu (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/STu (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_STv[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: meridional wind stress (Type is String)
    • Units: N/m^^2 (Type is String)
    • origname: STv (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/STv (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_Tot_Precip_Water[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: total precipitable water (Type is String)
    • Units: g/cm^^2 (Type is String)
    • origname: Tot_Precip_Water (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/Tot_Precip_Water (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_U[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: 10-m wind speed (Type is String)
    • Units: m/s (Type is String)
    • origname: U (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/U (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
SET1_WB[ /lat= 0..179] [ /lon= 0..359] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: lowest 500-m precipitable water (Type is String)
    • Units: g/cm^^2 (Type is String)
    • origname: WB (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS/GRIDS/SET1/Data Fields/WB (Type is String)
    • orig_dimname_list: YDim XDim (Type is String)
StructMetadata_0(Type is String)
  • attributes
    • origname: StructMetadata.0 (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /HDFEOS INFORMATION/StructMetadata.0 (Type is String)

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