Dataset Information

featureType: timeSeries
title: GLAS/ICESat L2 Sea Ice Altimetry Data (HDF5)
comment: GLAH13 contains sea ice and open ocean elevations corrected for geodetic and atmospheric effects, calculated from algorithms fine-tuned for sea ice returns. Granules contain 14 orbits of data within a sea ice mask.
summary: GLAH13 contains sea ice, open ocean, and iceberg elevations corrected for geodetic and atmospheric effects, calculated from algorithms fine-tuned for sea ice returns. Granules contain 14 orbits of data within the sea ice mask. Each GLAH13 file was created from an equivalent GLA13 binary file. The data used to create the GLAH13 values are contained in the equivalent GLAHxx files for the GLAxx files. See the provenance metadata for the creation of the GLA13.
references: (Guide Document for this product at NSIDC), (GLAS Product page at NSIDC)
AccessConstraints: Data may not be reproduced or distributed without including the CitationForExternalPublication for this product included in this Metadata. Data may not be distributed in an altered form without the written permission of the GLAS Science Team.
CitationforExternalPublication: The data used in this study were produced by the GLAS Science Team at the ICESat Science Investigator-led Processing System (I-SIPS) at NASA/GSFC. The data archive site is the NSIDC DAAC.
contributor_role: Data Originator, Investigator, Producer, Producer
contributor_name: David W. Hancock (, Bob E Schutz (, Jay Zwally (, John P DiMarzio (
creator_name: ICESat Science Investigator-led Processing System (I-SIPS)
publisher_name: NSIDC User Services
platform: Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)
instrument: Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)
processing_level: 2
date_created: 2012-11-30T11:57:15
spatial_coverage_type: Horizontal
history: 2011-06-18T03:43:47 glas_alt 6.0.1 GLA13_633_2103_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT, 2012-11-30T11:57:15.000000Z GLA13_h5_convert Version 1.1 (November 2012) ./GLAH13_633_2103_001_1317_0_01_0001.H5
geospatial_lat_min: -90.0
geospatial_lat_max: 90.0
geospatial_lon_min: -180.0
geospatial_lon_max: 180.0
geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north
geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east
keywords: Earth Science > Cryosphere > Sea Ice > Reflectance > Laser Reflectance, Earth Science > Cryosphere > Sea Ice > Sea Ice Elevation, Earth Science > Oceans > Sea Ice > Reflectance > Laser Reflectance, Earth Science > Cryosphere > Sea Ice > Ice Roughness, Earth Science > Oceans > Sea Ice > Ice Roughness, Earth Science > Oceans > Sea Ice > Sea Ice Elevation
keywords_vocabulary: GCMD Science Keywords Version 6.0
standard_vocabulary_name: CF-1.6
project: Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (GLAS_HDF)
time_type: UTC
date_type: J2000
time_coverage_start: 2003-10-19T06:38:15
time_coverage_end: 2003-10-20T05:11:23
time_coverage_duration: 81280
source: Satellite Measurements
HDFVersion: HDF5 1.8.9
identifier_product_type: GLAH13
identifier_product_format_version: 1.0
Conventions: CF-1.6
institution: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
ReprocessingPlanned: no further update anticipated
ReprocessingActual: reprocessed
LocalGranuleID: GLAH13_633_2103_001_1317_0_01_0001.H5
ProductionDateTime: 2012-11-30T11:57:15
LocalVersionID: 633
PGEVersion: Version 1.1
OrbitNumber: 4160, 4161, 4162, 4163, 4164, 4165, 4166, 4167, 4168, 4169, 4170, 4171, 4172, 4173, 4174
StartOrbitNumber: 4160
StopOrbitNumber: 4174
EquatorCrossingLongitude: -160.64435, 175.15977, 150.96443, 126.76986, 102.57391, 78.377365, 54.18163, 29.986721, 5.792589, -18.40152, -42.596527, -66.791016, -90.98514, -115.1799, -139.37543
EquatorCrossingTime: 06:24:48, 08:01:27, 09:38:06, 11:14:46, 12:51:25, 14:28:04, 16:04:43, 17:41:22, 19:18:02, 20:54:41, 22:31:19, 00:07:58, 01:44:37, 03:21:18, 04:57:57
EquatorCrossingDate: 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-19, 2003-10-20, 2003-10-20, 2003-10-20, 2003-10-20
ShortName: GLAH13
VersionID: 33
InputPointer: CTL00_000_20121130_2109393_01_gla13_h5_convert.ctl, tai-utc.dat, GLA13_633_2103_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT, DsESDTGlGLAH13.033.desc
RangeBeginningTime: 06:38:15
RangeEndingTime: 05:11:23
RangeBeginningDate: 2003-10-19
RangeEndingDate: 2003-10-20
PercentGroundHit: 0
OrbitQuality: 6
Track: 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331
Instrument_State: 373338
Timing_Bias: 0
Timing_Drift: 0
ReferenceOrbit: 1
SP_ICE_PATH_NO: 4339, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4352, 4353
Cycle: 1
Instance: 3
Range_Bias: 0
Instrument_State_Date: 2003-10-15
Instrument_State_Time: 03:58:54
Range_Bias_Date: 2003-10-15
Range_Bias_Time: 03:58:56
Timing_Bias_Date: 2003-10-15
Timing_Bias_Time: 03:58:56
identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/ICESAT/GLAS/DATA206
identifier_file_uuid: 6bffcd5c-a550-45e2-b2e0-688932d9aa72
Unlimited_Dimension: Data_1HZ_DS_UTCTime_1, Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1, Data_40HZ_DS_DEMhiresArElv, Data_40HZ_DS_UTCTime_40, Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40

Variables in this Dataset

Data_40HZ_Reflectivity_d_reflctUC: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: reflctUC
description: Reflectivity, not corrected for atmospheric effects, is calculated as Refl = R/T, where R is the received energy after it has been scaled for range, and T is the transmitted energy. i_reflctUC has also been calibrated for gain non-linearity (only for non-saturated waveforms), ground truth calibration and boresight shift shadowing (BSS). It is not corrected for saturation effects. If the shot is saturated (satindex above 2) then to correct for saturation the reflectivity estimate needs to be multiplied by the ratio of the corrected energy to the uncorrected energy (sat corrected reflectivity = d_reflctUC * (d_RecNrgAll + d_satNrgCorr)/d_RecNrgAll). The atmospheric corrected reflectivity may be calculated from this uncorrected reflectivity by multiplying it by d_reflCor_atm. d_reflctUC is invalid where d_satNrgCorr is invalid.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 1.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_reflctUC
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Reflectivity/d_reflctUC
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Reflectivity_d_sDevNsOb1: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: volts
hertz: 40
long_name: Standard deviation of 1064 nm Background noise, (alternate)
description: The standard deviation of the background noise (alternate parameters).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 3.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_sDevNsOb1
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Reflectivity/d_sDevNsOb1
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Reflectivity_d_satNrgCorr: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: Joules
hertz: 40
long_name: Saturation Energy Correction
description: Correction to energy for saturated waveforms. This correction has not been applied to the energy. It should be ADDED to any echo pulse energy calculated from the pulse area under the waveform. Also any reflectivity estimates need to be corrected for this error in energy measurement.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 1.0000000000000001e-15
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_satNrgCorr
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Reflectivity/d_satNrgCorr
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Reflectivity_d_RecNrgAll: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: Joules
hertz: 40
long_name: Received Energy signal begin to signal end
description: This is calculated by taking the area under the received waveform (referenced to the observed noise) from all responses between the noise crossing before the first threshold crossing and the noise crossing after the last threshold crossing. It is a rescaled value from the GLA01 parameter d_recNrgAll_EU and is not recomputed.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 3.2000000000000000e-13
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_RecNrgAll
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Reflectivity/d_RecNrgAll
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_d_cntRngOff: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Centroid Range Offset
description: Offset to be added to i_refRng to give the range in distance to the location of the centroid of the received echo from signal begin through signal end defined by the standard parameters.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -150.00000000000000
valid_max: 0.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_cntRngOff
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Offsets/d_cntRngOff
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_d_SiRngFst: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: Meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Sea ice range increment to first peak
description: Range increment to be added to reference range to compute the sea ice specific range. This was determined from centroid of first peak in sea ice gaussian fit.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -150.00000000000000
valid_max: 0.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_SiRngFst
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Offsets/d_SiRngFst
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_d_siRngOff: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: Meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Sea Ice Range Offset
description: Range offset to be added to i_refRng to calculate the range using the algorithm deemed appropriate for sea ice.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -150.00000000000000
valid_max: 0.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_siRngOff
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Offsets/d_siRngOff
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_d_SigBegOff: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Signal Begin Range Offset
description: Offset to be added to i_refRng to give the range in distance to the location of the received echo calculated at the beginning of signal (closest to the spacecraft) using standard parameters.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -150.00000000000000
valid_max: 0.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_SigBegOff
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Offsets/d_SigBegOff
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_d_SigEndOff: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Signal End Range Offset
description: Offset to be added to i_refRng to give the range in distance to the location of the received echo calculated at the end of signal (farthest from the spacecraft) using standard parameters.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -150.00000000000000
valid_max: 0.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_SigEndOff
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Offsets/d_SigEndOff
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_d_TrshRngOff: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Threshold Retracker Range Offset
description: Offset to be added to i_refRng to give the range in distance to the threshold retracker location of the received echo using standard parameters.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -150.00000000000000
valid_max: 0.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_TrshRngOff
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Offsets/d_TrshRngOff
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Offsets_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Time_i_shot_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: GLAS shot counter
description: Identifies each laser shot within a record index. A combination of i_rec_ndx and i_shot_count can be used to uniquely identify each GLAS laser shot.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 40
origname: i_shot_count
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Time/i_shot_count
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Time_i_rec_ndx: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: GLAS Record Index
description: Unique index that relates this record to the corresponding record(s) in each GLAS data product.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2147483647
origname: i_rec_ndx
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Time/i_rec_ndx
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Atmosphere_d_FRir_cldtop: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Full Resolution 1064 Cloud Top
description: Full resolution (40 Hz) cloud top height obtained from the 1064 atmospheric channel. This parameter is in GLA09.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 10300.000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_FRir_cldtop
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Atmosphere/d_FRir_cldtop
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Atmosphere_d_FRir_intsig: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: 1/(m-sr)
hertz: 40
long_name: Full Resolution 1064 Integrated Signal
description: Though called 'integrated signal' this is actually an average of all bins in the above-ground portion of the 1064 40 Hz profile with values above the threshold of 1.0e-7 (1/(m-sr) units). This parameter is for a 1 second record. This parameter is extracted from the equivalent parameter on GLA09.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 0.0010000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_FRir_intsig
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Atmosphere/d_FRir_intsig
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Atmosphere_FRir_qa_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Full Resolution 1064 Quality Flag
description: Full resolution 1064 Quality Flag; 0 - 12 indicate Cloud detected by cloud search algorithm with higher numbers indicating a stronger average signal from the region starting at cloud top and extending 500 m below cloud top height; 13 = Indicates the possible presence of a cloud based on the value of the integrated signal parameter (i_FRir_intsig) that was not detected directly by the cloud search algorithm. When this occurs, the 40 Hz cloud top height (i_Frir_cldtop) is set to a value of 10.0 km; 14 = Indicates the likely presence of low clouds (< 150 m) based on elevated signal from the two bins above the ground return bin that were not detected directly by the cloud search algorithm. When this occurs, the 40 Hz cloud top height (i_Frir_cldtop) is set to a value of 0.1.0; 15 = No clouds
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
flag_meanings: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 possible likely
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 15
origname: FRir_qa_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Atmosphere/FRir_qa_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_ldElv: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Load Tide Elevation
description: The load tide elevation applied to each shot.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -10.000000000000000
valid_max: 10.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_ldElv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_ldElv
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_ocElv: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Ocean Tide Elevation
standard_name: sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_non_equilibrium_ocean_tide
description: The ocean tide elevation from the TPX07.1 tide model.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -10.000000000000000
valid_max: 10.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_ocElv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_ocElv
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_d2refTrk: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Distance to the reference ground track
description: Distance to the reference ground track.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 1000000.0000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_d2refTrk
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_d2refTrk
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_poTide: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Pole Tide
standard_name: sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_pole_tide
description: Pole tide: an ocean tide which is the result of the Chandler wobble (a free nutation of the Earth caused by fluctuating pressure on the bottom of the ocean, caused by temperature and salinity changes and wind-driven changes in the circulation of the oceans).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -10.000000000000000
valid_max: 10.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_poTide
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_poTide
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_gdHt: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Geoid
standard_name: geoid_height_above_reference_ellipsoid
description: The height of the geoid above the ellipsoid. EGM2008 geoid height above the reference ellipsoid.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -200.00000000000000
valid_max: 200.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_gdHt
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_gdHt
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_eqElv: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Equilibrium Tide Elevation
standard_name: sea_surface_height_amplitude_due_to_equilibrium_ocean_tide
description: The equilibrium (long period) tide at last valid shot over the ocean.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -10.000000000000000
valid_max: 10.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_eqElv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_eqElv
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_deltaEllip: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Delta Ellipsoid
description: Surface elevation (T/P ellipsoid) minus surface elevation (WGS84 ellipsoid).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -9.0000000000000000
valid_max: 9.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_deltaEllip
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_deltaEllip
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_erElv: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Solid Earth Tide Elevation
description: The solid earth tide elevation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -10.000000000000000
valid_max: 10.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_erElv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_erElv
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_DEMhiresArElv: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679][Data_40HZ_DS_DEMhiresArElv = 0..8]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: DEMhiresArElv
description: d_DEMhiresArElv is a 9 element array of high resolution DEM values. The array index corresponds to the position of the DEM value relative to the spot. (5) is the footprint center.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -500.00000000000000
valid_max: 1300.0000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_DEMhiresArElv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_DEMhiresArElv
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_i_DEM_hires_src_1: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: High Resolution Source Flag
description: High resolution DEM source provider; Indicates if no high res source available, unfinished research Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) C-band 90m DEM produced by JPL (+-1.1km E-W swath), finished' SRTM C-band 90 m DEM produced by NGA (+-2.1km E-W swath), ICESat Greenland V1 1km DEM, ICESat Antarctica V1 500m DEM, 90m Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED), 90m Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) if available otherwise finished SRTM C-band 90 m DEM.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
flag_meanings: none pre_srtm srtm greenland antarctica cded_90 cded_srtm
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
origname: i_DEM_hires_src_1
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/i_DEM_hires_src_1
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geophysical_d_DEM_elv: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: DEM Elevation
description: Elevation at the footprint location from the SRTM30 (GTOPO30 + SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The reference frame for the DEM elevation was changed to the TOPEX/Poseidon ellipsoid to make it consistent with the GLAS elevations.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -500.00000000000000
valid_max: 10000.000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_DEM_elv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geophysical/d_DEM_elv
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Angles_d_beamAzimuth: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: degrees
hertz: 40
long_name: Azimuth
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the laser beam vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot viewing toward the spacecraft (i.e., the vector from the ground to the spacecraft). When the spacecraft is precisely at the geodetic zenith, the value will be 99999 degrees.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 36.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_beamAzimuth
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Angles/d_beamAzimuth
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Angles_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Angles_d_beamCoelv: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: degrees
hertz: 40
long_name: Co-elevation
description: Co-elevation (CE) is direction from vertical of the laser beam as seen by an observer located at the laser ground spot.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 36.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_beamCoelv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Angles/d_beamCoelv
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Angles_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Corrections_d_dTrop: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Correction, Dry Troposphere
standard_name: altimeter_range_correction_due_to_dry_troposphere
description: The range correction due to the dry troposphere. Validity is based on results of finding a range with the standard fit.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -2.5000000000000000
valid_max: 0.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_dTrop
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Corrections/d_dTrop
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Corrections_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Corrections_d_satElevCorr: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Saturation Elevation Correction
description: Correction to elevation for saturated waveforms. This correction has NOT been applied to the data. To apply it, SUBTRACT the correction from the range estimate. To apply the correction to the elevations it must be ADDED to the elevation estimates.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 3.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_satElevCorr
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Corrections/d_satElevCorr
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Corrections_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Corrections_d_wTrop: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Correction_Wet Troposphere
standard_name: altimeter_range_correction_due_to_wet_troposphere
description: The range correction due to the wet troposphere. (See ATBDs)
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -1.0000000000000000
valid_max: 0.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_wTrop
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Corrections/d_wTrop
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Corrections_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Corrections_d_ElevBiasCorr: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Bias Correction
description: Correction to elevation based on post flight analysis for biases determined for each campaign. This bias correction has not been applied to the data. To apply it, SUBTRACT the correction from the range estimate. To apply the correction to the elevations it must be ADDED to the elevation estimates.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 3.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_ElevBiasCorr
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Corrections/d_ElevBiasCorr
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Corrections_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Waveform_d_skew2: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Skewness
description: The skewness of the received echo from signal begin to signal end using standard parameters.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -100.00000000000000
valid_max: 100.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_skew2
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Waveform/d_skew2
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Waveform_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Waveform_d_maxRecAmp: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: volts
hertz: 40
long_name: Max Amplitude of Received Echo
description: Maximum Amplitude of the Received Echo.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -0.029999999999999999
valid_max: 3.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_maxRecAmp
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Waveform/d_maxRecAmp
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Waveform_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Waveform_d_maxSmAmp: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: volts
hertz: 40
long_name: Peak Amplitude of Smoothed Received Echo
description: The peak amplitude of the received echo after it has been smoothed to remove high frequency noise (see ATBD).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -0.029999999999999999
valid_max: 3.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_maxSmAmp
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Waveform/d_maxSmAmp
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Waveform_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Waveform_i_numPk: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: count
hertz: 40
long_name: Number of Peaks found in the Return
description: The number of peaks in the return echo found by the gaussian fitting procedure, using standard parameters.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
origname: i_numPk
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Waveform/i_numPk
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Waveform_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Waveform_d_kurt2: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Kurtosis of the Received Echo (standard)
description: Kurtosis of the received echo from signal begin to signal end using standard parameters.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -10.000000000000000
valid_max: 10.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_kurt2
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Waveform/d_kurt2
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Waveform_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Waveform_i_gval_rcv: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: counts
long_name: Gain Value used for Received Pulse
description: Gain value used for received pulse - uncalibrated.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 255
_FillValue: 2147483647
hertz: 40
origname: i_gval_rcv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Waveform/i_gval_rcv
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Waveform_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Transmit_Energy_d_TxNrg: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: joules
hertz: 40
long_name: 1064 nm Laser Transmit Energy
description: The 1064 nm laser pulse transmitted energy in energy units, computed from the digitized outgoing pulse, and the transmit gain.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 0.32766000000000001
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_TxNrg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Transmit_Energy/d_TxNrg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Transmit_Energy_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Surfaces_d_elev: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Sea Ice Surface Elevation
standard_name: height_above_reference_ellipsoid
description: Surface elevation with respect to the ellipsoid at the spot location determined by the ice-sheet specific range after instrument corrections, atmospheric delays and tides have been applied. The saturation elevation correction (d_satElevCorr) has not been applied and needs to be added to this elevation. This can be over a one meter correction. If it is invalid then the elevation should not be used. The saturation correction flag (sat_corr_flg) is an important flag to understand the possible quality of the elevation data. The saturation index (i_satNdx) can be used for more understanding of concerns on data quality from saturation effects. Also no correction for pulse spreading from forward scatter has been applied.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -500.00000000000000
valid_max: 10000.000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_elev
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Surfaces/d_elev
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Surfaces_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Surfaces_d_BergElev: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Iceberg Elevation
description: For waveforms with more than 1 peak, iceberg elevation is calculated using the difference between the range offset of the maximum amplitude peak and the range offset of the first peak. Computations are made after atmospheric and tide corrections have been applied. The elevation computed is relative to the ellipsoid.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 200.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_BergElev
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Surfaces/d_BergElev
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Surfaces_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Surfaces_d_SeaIceVar: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: volts
hertz: 40
long_name: Standard Deviation of the sea ice Gaussian fit
description: The Standard deviation of the difference between the functional fit and the received echo using standard parameters. It is directly taken from GLA05 parameter d_wfFitSDev_2 (standard).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 25.500000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_SeaIceVar
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Surfaces/d_SeaIceVar
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Surfaces_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Surfaces_d_refRng: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: meters
hertz: 40
long_name: Reference Range
standard_name: altimeter_range
description: Range in distance calculated from the time between the centroid of the transmit pulse and the farthest gate from the spacecraft of the received pulse. See the rngcorrflg to determine any corrections that have been applied.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 400000.00000000000
valid_max: 1000000.0000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_refRng
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Surfaces/d_refRng
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Surfaces_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_elv_cnt_1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Definition Flag
description: Standard parameterization; true if centroid of received pulse between signal begin and signal end defined for standard parameterization used to calculate elevation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: false true
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elv_cnt_1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Flags/elv_cnt_1_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_elv_cnt_2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Definition Flag
description: Alternate parameterization;indicates if centroid of received pulse between signal begin and signal end defined for alternate parameterization used to calculate elevation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: false true
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elv_cnt_2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Flags/elv_cnt_2_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_elv_peak_1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Definition Flag
description: Standard parameterization;Indicates if location of last Gaussian peak in received pulse for standard parameterization used to calculate elevation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: false true
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elv_peak_1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Flags/elv_peak_1_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_elv_peak_2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Definition Flag
description: Alternate parameterization;Indicates if location of last Gaussian peak in received pulse for alternate parameterization used to calculate elevation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: false true
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elv_peak_2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Flags/elv_peak_2_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_elv_thres_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Definition Flag
description: Threshold retracker; Indicates if Location of threshold retracker used to calculate elevation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: false true
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elv_thres_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Flags/elv_thres_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_elv_gauss_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Definition Flag
description: Gaussion; Indicates if location associated with Gaussian with largest peak used to calculate elevation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: false true
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elv_gauss_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Flags/elv_gauss_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_elv_other_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Definition Flag
description: Other algorithm; Indicates if other algorithm used to calculate elevation - see software release documentation for details.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: false true
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elv_other_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Flags/elv_other_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_elv_cloud_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation Definition Flag
description: Cloud contamination; Indicates if Gain > flag value, indicating probable cloud contamination.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: false true
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elv_cloud_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Elevation_Flags/elv_cloud_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_sigbeg1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Signal begin range increment flag, standard
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_sigbeg1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_sigbeg1_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_sigend2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Signal end range increment flag (alternate).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_sigend2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_sigend2_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_elev_use_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Elevation use flag
description: Flag indicating whether the elevations on this record should be used.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: elev_use_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/elev_use_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_thres2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Threshold retracker range increment flag (alternate).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_thres2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_thres2_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_att_calc_pad_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Calc Pad Use Flag
description: Calc PAD Use Flag; Indicates if new PAD or pass-thru PAD was used to determine orbit.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: new pass_thru
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_calc_pad_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/att_calc_pad_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_sigbeg2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Signal begin range increment flag (alternate).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_sigbeg2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_sigbeg2_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_si_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Sea ice range increment flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_si_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_si_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_is_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
description: Ice sheet range increment flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
origname: rng_uqf_is_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_is_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_sat_corr_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Saturation Correction Flag
description: Saturation Correction Flag; Indicates if the saturation is Not Saturated (i_satNdx<2) or No Signal; Inconsequential (i_satNdx>=2 & i_pctSat<2.0); is Applicable (i_satNdx>=2 & i_pctSat>=2.0 & Full Width*<100ns); is Not Computable; is Not Applicable (i_satNdx>=2 & i_pctSat>=2.0 & Full Width*>=100ns).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
flag_meanings: not_saturated inconsequential applicable not_computed not_applicable
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
origname: sat_corr_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/sat_corr_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_att_pad_use_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Pad Use Flag
description: PAD Use Flag: Indicates if PAD used to determine spot location.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: used not_used
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_pad_use_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/att_pad_use_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_thres1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Threshold retracker range increment flag (standard).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_thres1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_thres1_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_sigend1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Signal end range increment flag (standard).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_sigend1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_sigend1_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_ld_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Land range increment flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_ld_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_ld_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_oc_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Ocean range increment flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_oc_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_oc_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_d_pctSAT: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: percent
hertz: 40
long_name: Percent Saturation
description: Percent saturation (d_pctSAT) is calculated using the formula: d_pctSAT= 100*(saturation index)/ ( signal end - signal begin in nanoseconds). The alternate signal end/begin are used for GLA14 d_pctSAT, while the standard fit values are used for GLA06, 12, 13, and 15. The Saturation elevation correction is not applied in the geolocation processing computation of lat, lon and elev. Because the saturation corrections are small and data is acquired within 5 deg off nadir, effects on lat and lon can be ignored. To apply the saturation elevation correction to the elevations on the products it must be ADDED to the elevation estimates. Reported elevations for returns with invalid d_satElevCorr values and sat_corr_flg values of 3 or 4 are likely to have large, uncorrectable errors and should be excluded from analyses.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -127.00000000000000
valid_max: 127.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_pctSAT
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/d_pctSAT
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_att_lpa_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: LPA Problem Flag
description: LPA Problem Flag; Indicates if LPA is good, missing or noisy.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: good missing noisy
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: att_lpa_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/att_lpa_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_i_satNdx: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: ns
hertz: 40
long_name: Saturation Index
description: The count of the number of gates in a waveform which have an amplitude greater than or equal to i_satNdxTh (set in anc07_0004). The value 126 means 126 or more gates are above the saturation index threshold (i_satNdxth).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 126
origname: i_satNdx
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/i_satNdx
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_sigma_att_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Attitude Quality Indicator
description: Attitude quality indicator flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 50, 100, 127
flag_meanings: good warning bad not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 100
_FillValue: 127
origname: sigma_att_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/sigma_att_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_cent2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Centroid retracker range increment flag (alternate).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_cent2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_cent2_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Quality_rng_uqf_cent1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
hertz: 40
long_name: Range Offset Quality/Use Flag
description: Centroid retracker range increment flag (standard).
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: valid not_valid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_uqf_cent1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Quality/rng_uqf_cent1_flg
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geolocation_d_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: degrees_north
hertz: 40
long_name: Coordinate Data, Latitude, specific to sea ice range
description: The geodetic latitude of the laser spot computed from the Precision orbit, precision attitude, and ice-sheet specific range after instrument corrections, atmospheric delays and tides have been applied. The values are in degrees north.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
origname: d_lat
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geolocation/d_lat
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Geolocation_d_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: degrees_east
hertz: 40
long_name: Coordinate Data, Longitude, specific to sea ice range
description: The longitude of the laser spot computed from the Precision orbit, precision attitude, and ice-sheet specific range after instrument corrections, atmospheric delays and tides have been applied. The values are in degrees east.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 360.00000000000000
origname: d_lon
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Geolocation/d_lon
coordinates: Data_40HZ_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_40
Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_d_localSolarTime: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: seconds
hertz: 1
long_name: Local apparent solar time
description: Local apparent solar time.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 86400.000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_localSolarTime
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Reflectivity/d_localSolarTime
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_d_Azimuth: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: degrees
hertz: 1
long_name: Local Azimuth
standard_name: solar_azimuth_angle
description: Mean azimuth measured clockwise from north based on latitude, longitude, and elevation of a 1 second interval of the trace of the ground footprint-center.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 360.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_Azimuth
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Reflectivity/d_Azimuth
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_d_SolAng: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: degrees
hertz: 1
long_name: Solar Angle
description: Solar Angle above or below the plane tangent to the ellipsoid surface at the laser spot. Positive values mean the sun is above the horizon, while negative values mean it is below the horizon. The effect of atmospheric refraction is not included. This is a low-precision value, with approximately one degree accuracy.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_SolAng
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Reflectivity/d_SolAng
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_d_reflCor_atm: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Reflectivity Correction Factor For Atmospheric Effects
description: This reflectance correction factor is calculated as 1 / e^(-2(tc+ta+tp+tm)), where tc is the cloud (column) integrated optical depth, ta is the aerosol (column) integrated optical depth, tp is the planetary boundary layer optical depth, and tm is the molecular optical depth. tm is a constant equal to -log(gd_T_RTatm)/2, where gd_T_RTatm = 0.98 is defined in const_elev_mod.f90 or read from ANC07-03. The attenuation correction factor has been corrected for multiple scattering. The reflectance has been corrected for waveform saturation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 9.9999999999999995e-07
valid_max: 0.00025000000000000001
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_reflCor_atm
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Reflectivity/d_reflCor_atm
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_d_deltagpstmcor: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: seconds
hertz: 1
long_name: Delta GPS time correction
description: The high frequency delta GPS time correction calculated during the precision orbit processing step.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -0.0010000000000000000
valid_max: 0.0010000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_deltagpstmcor
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/d_deltagpstmcor
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_shot_time_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: Shot time flag; Indicates what shot time is used.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: transmit_time ground_bounce_time
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: time correction flag
origname: shot_time_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/shot_time_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_ddelay_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: time correction flag
description: Digitizer turn-on delay flag; Indicates if digitizer turn-on delay is accounted for in shot time. Data value is stored in the Metadata group.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: ddelay_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/ddelay_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_i_shot_count: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: Identifies each laser shot within a record index. A combination of i_rec_ndx and i_shot_count can be used to uniquely identify each GLAS laser shot.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 40
long_name: GLAS shot counter
origname: i_shot_count
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/i_shot_count
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_d_transtime: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: seconds
hertz: 1
long_name: One way transit time
description: One way transit time calculated using the preliminary range offset. This is added to the UTC time tag to get the ground bounce times at which to calculate the orbit.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 0.0040000000000000001
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_transtime
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/d_transtime
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_peaktp_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: Peak of transmit pulse flag; Indicates if time to peak of transmit pulse is accounted for in shot time.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: time correction flag
origname: peaktp_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/peaktp_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_gps_time_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: GPS time flag; Indicates if delta gps time correction is applied to shot time.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: not_applied applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: time correction flag
origname: gps_time_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/gps_time_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_pl_timing_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: Post-launch timing; indicates if post-launch timing bias is applied. Data value is stored in the Metadata group.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: not_applied applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: time correction flag
origname: pl_timing_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/pl_timing_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_i_rec_ndx: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: GLAS Record Index
description: Unique index that relates this record to the corresponding record(s) in each GLAS data product.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2147483647
origname: i_rec_ndx
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/i_rec_ndx
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_cld1_mswf_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Cloud Multiple Scattering Warning Flag
description: The multiple scattering warning flag (MSWF) is based on the total column optical depth (aerosol plus cloud) calculated in GLA11 using 532nm. It is intended as a way to quickly obtain information about the potential severity of multiple scattering with regards to the range-to-surface calculated by the altimetry processing software. The multiple scattering warning flag will have values ranging from 0-14, based on the total column optical depth. A warning flag value of 15 will signify invalid. An invalid will be encoded if an optical depth in any of the layers in the 1-second column could not be calculated. This usually occurs in a very optically thick cloud which extinguishes the signal. It could also occur if the extinction-to-backscatter ratio assignment is set too high, causing the transmission calculations in the lidar inversion to go out-of-range.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
flag_meanings: under_0.010 0.010_0.030 0.030_0.060 0.060_0.100 0.100_0.150 0.150_0.225 0.225_0.300 0.300_0.400 0.400_0.500 0.500_0.670 0.670_0.900 0.900_1.200 1.200_1.600 1.600_2.000 over_2.000 invalid
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 15
origname: cld1_mswf_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/cld1_mswf_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_atm_char_conf_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Atmosphere Characterization Flag Confidence
description: Confidence level ascribed to the atmosphere characterization flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
flag_meanings: not_applicable low reasonable high
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: atm_char_conf_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/atm_char_conf_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_d_Surface_pres: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: hPa
hertz: 1
long_name: Surface Pressure
standard_name: surface_air_pressure
description: Atmospheric pressure at Earth's surface level measured in hPa and derived from the meteorological data files.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 2000.0000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_Surface_pres
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/d_Surface_pres
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_atm_gla09_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Atmosphere Availability Flag
description: GLA09 data availability flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: available not_available
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: atm_gla09_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/atm_gla09_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_atm_char_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Atmosphere Characterization Flag
description: Flag to characterize cloud and blowing snow state of the atmosphere based on combinations of hi_cloud (> 5 km), mid_cloud (>2, <=5 km), low cloud (> 500 m, <=2 km), blowing snow or fog and hi/lo optical depth. Additional values indicate if the characterization was not tested or if the data quality was insufficient to assign a flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
flag_meanings: clear hi_cloud_low_od hi_cloud_high_od mid_cloud_low_od mid_cloud_hi_od low_cloud_low_od low_cloud_hi_od blowing_snow_low_od blowing_snow_hi_od not_tested insufficient
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
origname: atm_char_flag
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/atm_char_flag
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_atm_gla11_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Atmosphere Availability Flag
description: GLA11 data availability flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: available not_available
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: atm_gla11_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/atm_gla11_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_MRC_af_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Medium Resolution Cloud Availability Flag
description: Indicates number of cloud layers at medium resolution from the 532 nm channel; not_searched = cloud layers were not searched for; not_detected = cloud layers were searched for, but not detected.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
flag_meanings: not_searched 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 not_detected
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 15
origname: MRC_af_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/MRC_af_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_d_Surface_temp: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: degree Celsius
hertz: 1
long_name: Surface Temperature
standard_name: surface_temperature
description: Atmospheric temperature at Earth's surface level measured in degrees Celcius and derived from the meteorological data files.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -100.00000000000000
valid_max: 100.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_Surface_temp
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/d_Surface_temp
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_d_Surface_relh: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: percent
hertz: 1
long_name: Relative Humidity
standard_name: relative_humidity
description: Atmospheric relative humidity at Earth's surface level measured as a percentage and derived from the meteorological data files.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 100.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_Surface_relh
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Atmosphere/d_Surface_relh
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Atmosphere_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Transmit_Energy_d_tpeccentricity_avg: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Transmit Pulse eccentricity - frame avg
description: Transmit pulse eccentricity as measured by the LPA. Averaged over the 1-second frame. From ANC09.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 1.0000000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_tpeccentricity_avg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Transmit_Energy/d_tpeccentricity_avg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Transmit_Energy_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Transmit_Energy_d_tpazimuth_avg: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: degrees
hertz: 1
long_name: Transmit Pulse azimuth - frame avg
description: Transmit pulse azimuth as measured by the LPA. Averaged over the 1-second frame. From ANC09.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 360.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_tpazimuth_avg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Transmit_Energy/d_tpazimuth_avg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Transmit_Energy_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Transmit_Energy_d_tpmajoraxis_avg: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: meters
hertz: 1
long_name: Transmit Pulse major axis - frame avg
description: Transmit pulse major axis as measured by the LPA. Averaged over the 1-second time frame. From ANC09.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 100.00000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_tpmajoraxis_avg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Transmit_Energy/d_tpmajoraxis_avg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Transmit_Energy_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Transmit_Energy_d_tpintensity_avg: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: count
hertz: 1
long_name: Transmit Pulse intensity - frame avg
description: Transmit pulse intensity as measured by the LPA. Averaged over the 1-second time frame. From ANC09.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 25500.000000000000
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
origname: d_tpintensity_avg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Transmit_Energy/d_tpintensity_avg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Transmit_Energy_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_CT22_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: CT HW telemetry packet #3 (APID 22) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_CT22_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_CT22_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADLg_4_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: Altimeter Digitizer large wf packet APID availability flag for 4th 10 shots
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
origname: apid_ADLg_4_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADLg_4_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADSm_3_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Altimeter Digitizer small wf packet APID availability flag for 3rd 10 shots
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ADSm_3_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADSm_3_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_CT20_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: CT HW telemetry packet #1 (APID 20) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_CT20_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_CT20_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_LS25_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Large software telemetry packet #1 (APID 25) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_LS25_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_LS25_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_LPA_2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: LPA packet #2 APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_LPA_2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_LPA_2_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADLg_2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Altimeter Digitizer large wf packet APID availability flag for 2nd 10 shots
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ADLg_2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADLg_2_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_PRAP_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: S/C position, rate, and attitude telemetry packet (PRAP) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_PRAP_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_PRAP_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_LS55_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Large software telemetry packet #2 (APID 55) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_LS55_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_LS55_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADLg_3_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: Altimeter Digitizer large wf packet APID availability flag for 3rd 10 shots
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
origname: apid_ADLg_3_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADLg_3_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ASCT_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: C&T board telem. data in Ancillary science packet APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ASCT_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ASCT_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_CT21_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: CT HW telemetry packet #2 (APID 21) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_CT21_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_CT21_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADSm_4_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Altimeter Digitizer small wf packet APID availability flag for 4th 10 shots
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ADSm_4_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADSm_4_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADSm_1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Altimeter Digitizer small wf packet APID availability flag for 1st 10 shots
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ADSm_1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADSm_1_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADSm_2_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Altimeter Digitizer small wf packet APID availability flag for 2nd 10 shots
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ADSm_2_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADSm_2_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ASPC_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Photon counter telemetry data in Ancillary science packet APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ASPC_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ASPC_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_CD1064_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: 1064 Cloud Digitizer packet APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_CD1064_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_CD1064_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_LPA_3_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: LPA packet #3 APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_LPA_3_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_LPA_3_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ASAD_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Altimeter Digitizer telemetry data in Ancillary science packet APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ASAD_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ASAD_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_SS24_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Small software telemetry packet #1 (APID 24) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_SS24_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_SS24_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADLg_1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Altimeter Digitizer large wf packet APID availability flag for 1st 10 shots
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ADLg_1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADLg_1_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_LPA_1_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: LPA packet #1 APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_LPA_1_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_LPA_1_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ASCF_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Cloud Digitizer telemetry data in Ancillary science packet APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ASCF_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ASCF_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_ADSci_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: Ancillary science packet APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_ADSci_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_ADSci_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_CT23_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: CT HW telemetry packet #4 (APID 23) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_CT23_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_CT23_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_CT50_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: CT HW telemetry packet #5 (APID 50) APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_CT50_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_CT50_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_PC532_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: 532 Photon counter packet APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
origname: apid_PC532_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_PC532_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_GPS_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: GPS telemetry packet APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_GPS_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_GPS_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Packet_data_apid_LPA_4_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: APID Data Availability Flag
description: LPA packet #4 APID availability flag
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: present filled_at_EDOS never_received_ISIPS_filled
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: apid_LPA_4_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Packet_data/apid_LPA_4_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Packet_data_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_model_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Correction Status Flag
description: Geophysical corrections flag; Indicates if the load and ocean tides are from global model, regional model no. 1, regional model no. 2, or regional model no. 3.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
flag_meanings: global model_1 model_2 model_3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: rng_model_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_model_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_ldtide_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Range Correction Flag
description: Load tides flag; Indicates if a correction for the dynamic effect of load tides has been applied to the range before the elevation was calculated.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_ldtide_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_ldtide_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_wettrop_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: Wet troposphere flag Indicates if a correction for propagation errors due to the wet troposphere was applied to the range before the elevation was calculated.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: Range Correction Flag
origname: rng_wettrop_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_wettrop_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_atmcorr_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Correction Status Flag
description: Geophysical corrections flag; Indicates values used to calculate corrected reflectivity - computed aerosol and cloud optical depths used, default-null aerosol and computed cloud optical depths, computed aerosol and default-null cloud optical depths, default-null values for aerosol and cloud optical depths, or if maximum bound set.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
flag_meanings: computed only_od only_aerosol defaults max_bound_set
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
origname: rng_atmcorr_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_atmcorr_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_surf_is_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Region Type
description: Region type Ice Sheet flag; indicates the presence of ice sheet.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: no_ice_sheet ice_sheet
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_is_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/surf_is_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_intbias_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Range Correction Flag
description: Internal range bias flag; Indicates if the internal range bias was applied to the range before the elevation was calculated and if the value of i_refrng on the record has this correction applied.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_intbias_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_intbias_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_surf_oc_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Region Type
description: Region type ocean flag; indicates the presence of ocean.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: no_ocean ocean
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_oc_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/surf_oc_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_setide_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Range Correction Flag
description: Solid earth tides flag; Indicates if a correction for the dynamic effect of solid earth tides has been applied to the range before the elevation was calculated.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_setide_flag
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_setide_flag
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_surf_si_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Region Type
description: Region type Sea Ice flag; indicates the presense of sea ice.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: no_sea_ice sea_ice
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_si_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/surf_si_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_octide_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Range Correction Flag
description: Ocean tides flag; Indicates if a correction for the dynamic effect of ocean tides has been applied to the range before the elevation was calculated.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_octide_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_octide_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_plbias_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Range Correction Flag
description: Post-launch range bias flag; Indicates if the post-launch range bias was applied to the range before the elevation was calculated and if the value of i_refrng on the record has this correction applied.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_plbias_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_plbias_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_drytrop_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Range Correction Flag
description: Dry troposphere flag; Indicates if a correction for propagation errors due to the dry troposphere was applied to the range before the elevation was calculated.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: applied not_applied
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: rng_drytrop_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_drytrop_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_surf_ld_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Region Type
description: Region type flag; indicates presence of land.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: no_land land
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_ld_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/surf_ld_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_rng_oldmet_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Correction Status Flag
description: Geophysicat corrections flag; Indicates if troposphere corrections are based on 6hr NCEP grids surrounding data, 6hr NCEP grids but at least one was >6 but <24 hrs away from data, standard atm, or reanalyzed met data.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
flag_meanings: 6_hour over_6_hour standard_atm reanalyzed
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: rng_oldmet_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Elevation_Flags/rng_oldmet_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Elevation_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_gps_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: POD flag (Orbit Flag)
description: GPS flag; GPS_data_missing indicates GPS data missing from portion of this record and possible degradation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: no_GPS_data_outage GPS_data_missing
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: orbit_gps_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_gps_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_altfrm_meas_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Altimeter Frame Quality Flag
description: Measurements flag; Indicates if all GLAS measurements are good or if there is at least one unusable measurement in the frame.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: good not_good
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: altfrm_meas_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/altfrm_meas_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_att_gyro_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Attitude Flag 1
description: GYRO data flag; Indicates if GYRO data are good, missing for at least a portion of the time of this frame, noisy for at least a portion of the time of this frame or noisy and missing for at least a portion of the time of this frame.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
flag_meanings: good missing noisy missing_noisy
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_gyro_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/att_gyro_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_altfrm_corr_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Altimeter Frame Quality Flag
description: Corrections flag; Indicates if all data in frame are good with appropriate corrections applied; or if some of data are not corrected or have measurement problems.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: good uncorrected
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: altfrm_corr_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/altfrm_corr_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_att_oceansw_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Attitude Flag 1
description: Ocean sweep flag; Indicates if an ocean sweep is within the time frame of this record.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: not_ocean_sweep ocean_sweep
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_oceansw_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/att_oceansw_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_model_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: POD flag (Orbit Flag)
description: Model problems flag. model_problems indicated when orbit RMS > 5 cm; indicates required accuracy not met.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: no_model_problems model_problems
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: orbit_model_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_model_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_array_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: POD flag (Orbit Flag)
description: Solar ray orientation flag; modeled_solar_ray_orientation indicates possible orbit degradation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: solar_ray_orientation_used_from measurement modeled_solar_ray_orientation
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: orbit_array_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_array_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_pred_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: POD flag (Orbit Flag)
description: Predicted or precision orbit flag.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
flag_meanings: precision_orbit_used predicted_orbit_used onboard_orbit_used
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: orbit_pred_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_pred_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_att_pointing_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
description: Target of opportunity off-pointing flag; Indicates if this record is within time of target of opportunity off-pointing.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: not_pointing pointing
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: Attitude Flag 1
origname: att_pointing_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/att_pointing_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_att_steering_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Attitude Flag 1
description: Steering to reference track flag; Indicates if this record is within target of opportunity off-pointing.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: not_pointing pointing
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_steering_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/att_steering_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_man_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: POD flag (Orbit Flag)
description: Maneuver flag. If maneuvers occurred orbit is considered degraded.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: no_maneuvers maneuvers_occurred_during_this_record
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: orbit_man_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_man_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_altfrm_use_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Altimeter Frame Quality Flag
description: Usable Measurements flag; Indicates if there is at least one usable measurement in the frame; or if all GLAS measurements are bad.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: usable not_usable
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: altfrm_use_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/altfrm_use_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_att_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: POD flag (Orbit Flag)
description: Attitude flag; modeled_attitude_used indicates possible orbit degradation.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: instrument_attitude_used_for_orbit modeled_attitude_used
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: orbit_att_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_att_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_att_ist_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Attitude Flag 1
description: IST data flag; Indicates if IST data are good, missing for at least a portion of the time of this frame, noisy for at least a portion of the time of this frame or noisy and missing for at least a portion of the time of this frame.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
flag_meanings: good missing noisy missing_noisy
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_ist_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/att_ist_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_att_lrs_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Attitude Flag 1
description: LRS Data flag; Indicates the following conditions: LRS data good, consists of star, laser and CRS; LRS data good, but no star data for at least a portion of this frame; LRS data good, but no laser data for at least a portion of this frame; LRS data good, but no CRS data for at least a portion of this frame; LRS data good, but only CRS data for at least a portion of this frame; LRS data good, but only laser data for at least a portion of this frame; LRS data good, but only star data for at least a portion of this frame; Missing LRS for at least a portion of the time of this frame.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
flag_meanings: good no_star no_laser no_crs only_crs only_laser only_star missing_lrs
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_lrs_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/att_lrs_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_att_offnadir_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Attitude Flag 1
description: Off-nadir angle flag; Indicates if off-nadir angle is within limits.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: within_limit outside_limits
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_offnadir_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/att_offnadir_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_att_actual_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Attitude Flag 1
description: Actual data bits flag; Indicates if the first 3 Attitide Flags have been set based on actual data, if ignore, then IGNORE those bits.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: actual ignore
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: att_actual_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/att_actual_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Quality_altfrm_data_flg: Array of 16 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Altimeter Frame Quality Flag
description: Frame data flag; Indicates if there are at least some usable data in the frame; or if all elevations in the frame are bad due to problems with corrections.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
flag_values: 0, 1
flag_meanings: good not_good
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: altfrm_data_flg
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Quality/altfrm_data_flg
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Geolocation_d_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: degrees_north
hertz: 1
long_name: Spot 1 Coordinate Data, Latitude Corrected
standard_name: latitude
description: The geodetic latitude of the laser spot computed from the precision orbit, precision attitude, and ice-sheet specific range after instrument corrections, atmospheric delays and tides have been applied. The values are in degrees north.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
origname: d_lat
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Geolocation/d_lat
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Geolocation_d_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: degrees_east
hertz: 1
long_name: Spot 1 Coordinate Data, Longitude Corrected
standard_name: longitude
description: The longitude of the laser spot computed from the precision orbit, precision attitude, and ice-sheet specific range after instrument corrections, atmospheric delays and tides have been applied. The values are in degrees east.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
valid_min: 0.0000000000000000
valid_max: 360.00000000000000
origname: d_lon
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Geolocation/d_lon
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Geolocation_i_track: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
hertz: 1
long_name: Track
description: The track number.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
origname: i_track
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Geolocation/i_track
coordinates: Data_1HZ_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_1
BROWSE_Image_00: Array of Bytes [FakeDim0 = 0..699][FakeDim1 = 0..999][FakeDim2 = 0..2]
origname: Image_00
fullnamepath: /BROWSE/Image_00
BROWSE_Image_01: Array of Bytes [FakeDim0 = 0..699][FakeDim1 = 0..999][FakeDim2 = 0..2]
origname: Image_01
fullnamepath: /BROWSE/Image_01
BROWSE_Image_02: Array of Bytes [FakeDim0 = 0..699][FakeDim1 = 0..999][FakeDim2 = 0..2]
origname: Image_02
fullnamepath: /BROWSE/Image_02
BROWSE_Image_03: Array of Bytes [FakeDim0 = 0..699][FakeDim1 = 0..999][FakeDim2 = 0..2]
origname: Image_03
fullnamepath: /BROWSE/Image_03
Data_1HZ_DS_UTCTime_1: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_DS_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: seconds since 2000-01-01 12:00:00 UTC
hertz: 1
long_name: Transmit Time of First Shot in frame in J2000
standard_name: time
description: The transmit time of the first shot in the 1 second frame measured as UTC seconds elapsed since Jan 1 2000 12:00:00 UTC. This time has been derived from the GPS time accounting for leap seconds.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
origname: DS_UTCTime_1
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/DS_UTCTime_1
Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 = 0..11241]
units: seconds since 2000-01-01 12:00:00 UTC
hertz: 1
long_name: Transmit Time of First Shot in frame in J2000
standard_name: time
description: The transmit time of the first shot in the 1 second frame measured as UTC seconds elapsed since Jan 1 2000 12:00:00 UTC. This time has been derived from the GPS time accounting for leap seconds.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
origname: d_UTCTime_1
fullnamepath: /Data_1HZ/Time/d_UTCTime_1
Data_40HZ_DS_DEMhiresArElv: Array of 32 bit Integers [Data_40HZ_DS_DEMhiresArElv = 0..8]
hertz: 1
long_name: Location index for D_DEMhiresArElv
description: This array indicates the relative position of each d_DEMhiresArElv measurement. Direction is relative to the spot and indicated in cardinal points. The position of the spot is indicated as ORIGIN.
source: Constants
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
flag_meanings: NW N NE W ORIGIN E SW S SE
origname: DS_DEMhiresArElv
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/DS_DEMhiresArElv
Data_40HZ_DS_UTCTime_40: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_DS_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: seconds since 2000-01-01 12:00:00 UTC
hertz: 40
long_name: Transmit time of each shot in J2000 seconds
standard_name: time
description: The transmit time of each shot in the 1 second frame measured as UTC seconds elapsed since Jan 1 2000 12:00:00 UTC. This time has been derived from the GPS time accounting for leap seconds.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
origname: DS_UTCTime_40
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/DS_UTCTime_40
Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40: Array of 64 bit Reals [Data_40HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_40 = 0..449679]
units: seconds since 2000-01-01 12:00:00 UTC
hertz: 40
long_name: Transmit time of each shot in J2000 seconds
standard_name: time
description: The transmit time of each shot in the 1 second frame measured as UTC seconds elapsed since Jan 1 2000 12:00:00 UTC. This time has been derived from the GPS time accounting for leap seconds.
source: Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data
origname: d_UTCTime_40
fullnamepath: /Data_40HZ/Time/d_UTCTime_40
FakeDim0: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..699]
units: level
FakeDim1: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..999]
units: level
FakeDim2: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim2 = 0..2]
units: level