Attributes { HDF5_GLOBAL { String featureType "timeSeries"; String title "GLAS/ICESat L2 Global Aerosol Vertical Structure Data (HDF5)"; String comment "The level 2 aerosol vertical structure data contains cloud and aerosol backscatter and extinction cross section profiles provided at a minimum of once per 4 seconds. Data granules will contain approximately 23 hours (14 orbits) of data."; String summary "GLAH10 contains cloud and aerosol backscatter and the extinction cross section data for researchers. Cloud data are provided at 1Hz and aerosol data will be provided at .25Hz. Each GLAH10 file was created from an equivalent GLA10 binary file. The data used to create the GLAH10 values are contained in the equivalent GLAHxx files for the GLAxx files. See the provenance metadata for the creation of the GLA10."; String license ""; String references " (Guide Document for this product at NSIDC), (GLAS Product page at NSIDC)"; String AccessConstraints "Data may not be reproduced or distributed without including the CitationForExternalPublication for this product included in this Metadata. Data may not be distributed in an altered form without the written permission of the GLAS Science Team."; String CitationforExternalPublication "The data used in this study were produced by the GLAS Science Team at the ICESat Science Investigator-led Processing System (I-SIPS) at NASA/GSFC. The data archive site is the NSIDC DAAC."; String contributor_role "Data Originator, Investigator, Producer, Producer"; String contributor_name "David W. Hancock (, Bob E Schutz (, Jay Zwally (, John P DiMarzio ("; String creator_name "ICESat Science Investigator-led Processing System (I-SIPS)"; String creator_email ""; String publisher_name "NSIDC User Services"; String publisher_email ""; String publisher_url ""; String platform "Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat)"; String instrument "Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)"; String processing_level "2"; String date_created "2013-01-10T05:43:17"; String spatial_coverage_type "Horizontal"; String history "2011-11-09T15:08:43 glas_atm 6.0.1 GLA10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT, 2013-01-10T05:43:17.000000Z GLA10_h5_convert Version 1.0 (December 2012) ./GLAH10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.H5"; String geospatial_lat_min "-90.0"; String geospatial_lat_max "90.0"; String geospatial_lon_min "-180.0"; String geospatial_lon_max "180.0"; String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north"; String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east"; String keywords "Earth Science > Atmosphere > Clouds > Cloud Reflectance > Aerosol Backscatter Cross Section Profile, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Aerosols > Aerosol Backscatter > Aerosol Backscatter Cross Section Profile, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Aerosols > Aerosol Extinction > Aerosol Extinction Cross Section Profile, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Transmittance"; String keywords_vocabulary "GCMD Science Keywords Version 6.0"; String standard_vocabulary_name "CF-1.6"; String naming_authority ""; String project "Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (GLAS_HDF)"; String time_type "UTC"; String date_type "J2000"; String time_coverage_start "2009-10-03T09:18:13"; String time_coverage_end "2009-10-04T07:51:21"; String time_coverage_duration "81280"; String source "Satellite Measurements"; String HDFVersion "HDF5 1.8.9"; String identifier_product_type "GLAH10"; String identifier_product_format_version "1.0"; String Conventions "CF-1.6"; String institution "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)"; String ReprocessingPlanned "no further update anticipated"; String ReprocessingActual "reprocessed"; String LocalGranuleID "GLAH10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.H5"; String ProductionDateTime "2013-01-10T05:43:17"; String LocalVersionID "633"; String PGEVersion "Version 1.0"; String OrbitNumber "36579, 36580, 36581, 36582, 36583, 36584, 36585, 36586, 36587, 36588, 36589, 36590, 36591, 36592, 36593"; String StartOrbitNumber "36579"; String StopOrbitNumber " 36593"; String EquatorCrossingLongitude "-160.64783, 175.15657, 150.96152, 126.76721, 102.57154, 78.37526, 54.17979, 29.985144, 5.791274, -18.402588, -42.59735, -66.79236, -90.9863, -115.18086, -139.3762"; String EquatorCrossingTime "09:04:50, 10:41:29, 12:18:08, 13:54:47, 15:31:26, 17:08:04, 18:44:43, 20:21:22, 21:58:01, 23:34:40, 01:11:20, 02:47:59, 04:24:38, 06:01:18, 07:37:56"; String EquatorCrossingDate "2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-04, 2009-10-04, 2009-10-04, 2009-10-04, 2009-10-04"; String ShortName "GLAH10"; String VersionID "33"; String InputPointer "CTL00_000_20130109_2257968_01_gla10_h5_convert.ctl, tai-utc.dat, GLA10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT, DsESDTGlGLAH10.033.desc"; String RangeBeginningTime "09:18:13"; String RangeEndingTime "07:51:21"; String RangeBeginningDate "2009-10-03"; String RangeEndingDate "2009-10-04"; String PercentGroundHit "0"; String Track "1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331"; String Instrument_State "373338"; String ReferenceOrbit "1"; String SP_ICE_PATH_NO "4339, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4352, 4353"; String SP_ICE_GLAS_StartBlock "NOT SET"; String SP_ICE_GLAS_EndBlock "NOT SET"; String Cycle "1"; String Instance "31"; String Instrument_State_Date "2009-06-24"; String Instrument_State_Time "23:22:29"; String identifier_product_doi "10.5067/ICESAT/GLAS/DATA203"; String identifier_file_uuid "d96175ed-04d5-435e-8cb1-8978789c8db9"; String identifier_product_doi_authority ""; } Data_1HZ { String Description "This group contains data with a rate of 1HZ. 1Hz data may be indexed to the 40HZ data using the i_rec_ndx parameter in each respective time group."; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ"; } Data_1HZ_Reflectivity { String Description "This group contains reflectivity information."; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Reflectivity"; } Data_1HZ_Time { String Description "This group contains the 1HZ index and time-related parameters"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Time"; } Data_1HZ_Geophysical { String Description "This group contains geophysical parameters."; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geophysical"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer { String Description "This group contains the 1HZ medium resolution cloud layer parameters"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer"; } Data_1HZ_Cloud { String Description "This group contains information relating to the 1 HZ Clouds"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Cloud"; } Data_1HZ_Angle { String Description "This group contains beam pointing angle information."; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Angle"; } Data_1HZ_Quality { String Description "This group contains flags indicating the quality or suitability of data."; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality"; } Data_1HZ_Geolocation { String Description "This group contains geolocation-related parameters."; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geolocation"; } Data_1HZ_Flags { String Description "This group contains flags indicating the quality or suitability of data."; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Flags"; } METADATA { String description "This group contains structured, computer-parseable ECHO-style collection and inventory-level metadata."; String HDFVersion "HDF5 1.8.9"; String ControlFile "cf_name=CTL00_000_20130109_2257968_01_gla10_h5_convert.ctl identifier_file_UUID=d96175ed-04d5-435e-8cb1-8978789c8db9 IN_ANC_TAIUTC=tai-utc.dat 307833494 307914681 1 0 IN_GLA10=GLA10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT 307833494 307914681 633 1 IN_ESDT=DsESDTGlGLAH10.033.desc 0 0 633 1 OUT_GLAH10=GLAH10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.H5 307833494 307914681 633 1"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA { String DLLName ""; String GranuleTimeDuration "81280"; String SpatialSearchType "Orbit"; String DataFileFormat "HDF5"; String ScienceMimeType "application/x-hdfeos"; String BrowseMimeType "application/x-hdfeos"; String BrowseOnlineMimeType "image/jpeg"; String ShortName "GLAH10"; String LongName "GLAS/ICESat L2 Global Aerosol Vertical Structure Data (HDF5)"; String CollectionDescription "The level 2 aerosol vertical structure data contains cloud and aerosol backscatter and extinction cross section profiles provided at a minimum of once per 4 seconds. Data granules will contain approximately 23 hours (14 orbits) of data."; String VersionID "33"; String CitationforExternalPublication "The data used in this study were produced by the GLAS Science Team at the ICESat Science Investigator-led Processing System (I-SIPS) at NASA/GSFC. The data archive site is the NSIDC DAAC."; String CollectionState "In Work"; String MaintenanceandUpdateFrequency "Daily"; String AccessConstraints "Data may not be reproduced or distributed without including the CitationForExternalPublication for this product included in this Metadata. Data may not be distributed in an altered form without the written permission of the GLAS Science Team."; String TemporalKeyword "Day"; String SpatialKeyword "Global"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_CSDTDescription { String PrimaryCSDT "n-Dim Array of Records"; String IndirectReference "tracks/orbits"; String Implementation "HDF"; String CSDTComments "Granule contains fourteen orbits of data; nominally 24-hour period."; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/CSDTDescription"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_StorageMediumClass { String StorageMedium "Online"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/StorageMediumClass"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Review { String ScienceReviewDate "2001-03-04"; String ScienceReviewStatus "QA at DAACs"; String FutureReviewDate "2001-09-04"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Review"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes { String PercentGroundHit "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Track "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Instrument_State "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String ReferenceOrbit "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String SP_ICE_PATH_NO "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String SP_ICE_GLAS_StartBlock "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String SP_ICE_GLAS_EndBlock "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Cycle "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Instance "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Instrument_State_Date "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Instrument_State_Time "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Timing_Bias "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Timing_Bias_Date "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String Timing_Bias_Time "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String identifier_product_doi "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String identifier_file_uuid "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String identifier_product_doi_authority "AdditionalAttributesContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_identifier_product_doi { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "varchar"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "Digital object identifier that uniquely identifies this data product"; String AdditionalAttributeName "identifier_product_doi"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/identifier_product_doi"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_identifier_product_doi_InformationContent { String ParameterValue "10.5067/ICESAT/GLAS/DATA203"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/identifier_product_doi/InformationContent"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_SP_ICE_PATH_NO { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "Number which represents the GLAS path number."; String AdditionalAttributeName "SP_ICE_PATH_NO"; String ParameterRangeBegin "1"; String ParameterRangeEnd "32768"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/SP_ICE_PATH_NO"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_identifier_file_uuid { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "varchar"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "Universally unique identifier for this data product's files"; String AdditionalAttributeName "identifier_file_uuid"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/identifier_file_uuid"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Track { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "The unique number assigned for each repeat ground track (one orbit) of the reference orbit."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Track"; String ParameterUnitsofMeasurement "counts"; String ParameterRangeBegin "0"; String ParameterRangeEnd "3000"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Track"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Instrument_State { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "Flag word that indicates which redundant units (laser, detector, oscillator) of the GLAS instrument are in operation."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Instrument_State"; String ParameterUnitsofMeasurement "Flag word"; String ParameterRangeBegin "0"; String ParameterRangeEnd "5"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Instrument_State"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_ReferenceOrbit { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "Assigned number for which exact orbital elements describe the exact repeat orbit pattern."; String AdditionalAttributeName "ReferenceOrbit"; String ParameterUnitsofMeasurement "Assigned number"; String ParameterRangeBegin "1"; String ParameterRangeEnd "30000"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/ReferenceOrbit"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_SP_ICE_GLAS_StartBlock { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "Integer number within GLAS coverage scheme in which granule data starts."; String AdditionalAttributeName "SP_ICE_GLAS_StartBlock"; String ParameterRangeBegin "1"; String ParameterRangeEnd "360"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/SP_ICE_GLAS_StartBlock"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Timing_Bias_Time { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "time"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "The time that corresponds to the first valid Timing_Bias. There are a maximum of two per granule."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Timing_Bias_Time"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Timing_Bias_Time"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Instrument_State_Date { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "date"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "The date that corresponds to the first valid Instrument_State. There is a maximum of two per granule."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Instrument_State_Date"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Instrument_State_Date"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_identifier_product_doi_authority { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "varchar"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "URL of the digital object identifier resolving authority"; String AdditionalAttributeName "identifier_product_doi_authority"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/identifier_product_doi_authority"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_identifier_product_doi_authority_InformationContent { String ParameterValue ""; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/identifier_product_doi_authority/InformationContent"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_SP_ICE_GLAS_EndBlock { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "Integer number within GLAS coverage scheme in which granule data ends."; String AdditionalAttributeName "SP_ICE_GLAS_EndBlock"; String ParameterRangeBegin "1"; String ParameterRangeEnd "360"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/SP_ICE_GLAS_EndBlock"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Instance { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "The number of times that we have returned to a specific reference orbit."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Instance"; String ParameterUnitsofMeasurement "counts"; String ParameterRangeBegin "1"; String ParameterRangeEnd "99"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Instance"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Instrument_State_Time { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "time"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "The time that corresponds to the first valid Instrument_State. There is a maximum of two per granule."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Instrument_State_Time"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Instrument_State_Time"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Timing_Bias { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "The time tag error determined by the calibration team that was added to the time tags to compute the true time of data as provided on the granule."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Timing_Bias"; String ParameterUnitsofMeasurement "Microseconds"; String ParameterRangeBegin "-1000000"; String ParameterRangeEnd "+1000000"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Timing_Bias"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Timing_Bias_Date { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "date"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "The date that corresponds to the first valid Timing_Bias. There are a maximum of two per granule."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Timing_Bias_Date"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Timing_Bias_Date"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_PercentGroundHit { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "float"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "Percent of data for this granule that had a detected ground return of the transmitted laser pulse."; String AdditionalAttributeName "PercentGroundHit"; String ParameterUnitsofMeasurement "Percent"; String ParameterRangeBegin "0.0"; String ParameterRangeEnd "100.0"; String ParameterValueAccuracy "1"; String ParameterMeasurementResolution "1"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/PercentGroundHit"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_AdditionalAttributes_Cycle { String AdditionalAttributeDatatype "int"; String AdditionalAttributeDescription "A count of the number of exact repeats of this reference orbit."; String AdditionalAttributeName "Cycle"; String ParameterUnitsofMeasurement "counts"; String ParameterRangeBegin "0"; String ParameterRangeEnd "250"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/AdditionalAttributes/Cycle"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_CollectionAssociation { String GLA00 "CollectionAssociationContainer"; String GLAH02 "CollectionAssociationContainer"; String GLAH07 "CollectionAssociationContainer"; String GLAH09 "CollectionAssociationContainer"; String GLAH08 "CollectionAssociationContainer"; String GLAH11 "CollectionAssociationContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/CollectionAssociation"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_CollectionAssociation_GLAH02 { String CollectionType "Science Associated"; String CollectionUse "Level 1A atmospheric data product file containing: normalized lidar signals."; String ShortName "GLAH02"; String VersionID "33"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/CollectionAssociation/GLAH02"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_CollectionAssociation_GLAH07 { String CollectionType "Input"; String CollectionUse "Level 1B file containing: calibrated backscatter profiles."; String ShortName "GLAH07"; String VersionID "33"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/CollectionAssociation/GLAH07"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_CollectionAssociation_GLAH09 { String CollectionType "Input"; String CollectionUse "Level 2 file containing: cloud layer top and bottom heights."; String ShortName "GLAH09"; String VersionID "33"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/CollectionAssociation/GLAH09"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_CollectionAssociation_GLAH08 { String CollectionType "Input"; String CollectionUse "Level 2 file containing: planetary boundary layer heights and aerosol layer top and bottom."; String ShortName "GLAH08"; String VersionID "33"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/CollectionAssociation/GLAH08"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_CollectionAssociation_GLA00 { String CollectionType "Science Associated"; String CollectionUse "The initial collection of GLAS instrument data downlinked from the spacecraft."; String ShortName "GLA00"; String VersionID "1"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/CollectionAssociation/GLA00"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_CollectionAssociation_GLAH11 { String CollectionType "Science Associated"; String CollectionUse "Level 2 file containing: cloud and aerosol layer optical depths."; String ShortName "GLAH11"; String VersionID "33"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/CollectionAssociation/GLAH11"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ContactOrganization { String Data_Originator "ContactOrganizationContainer"; String Archive "ContactOrganizationContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ContactOrganization"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ContactOrganization_Data_Originator { String Role "Data Originator"; String HoursofService "M-F, 8:00am to 4:30pm Eastern Time"; String ContactInstructions "Contact by e-mail first"; String ContactOrganizationName "ICESat Science Investigator-led Processing System (I-SIPS)"; String StreetAddress "Building 33, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center"; String City "Greenbelt"; String StateProvince "Maryland"; String PostalCode "20771"; String Country "USA"; String TelephoneNumber "757-864-1238"; String TelephoneNumberType "Voice"; String ElectronicMailAddress ""; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ContactOrganization/Data_Originator"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ContactOrganization_Archive { String Role "Archive"; String HoursofService "M-F, 8:00am to 5:00pm, Mountain Time"; String ContactInstructions "For inquiries, contact NSIDC User Services. Primary first level contact."; String ContactOrganizationName "NSIDC User Services"; String StreetAddress "CIRES/NSIDC University of Colorado Campus, Box 449"; String City "Boulder"; String StateProvince "Colorado"; String PostalCode "80309-0449"; String Country "USA"; String TelephoneNumber "303-492-2468"; String TelephoneNumberType "Facsimile"; String ElectronicMailAddress ""; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ContactOrganization/Archive"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ContactPerson { String Hancock "ContactPersonContainer"; String Schutz "ContactPersonContainer"; String Zwally "ContactPersonContainer"; String DiMarzio "ContactPersonContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ContactPerson"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ContactPerson_Hancock { String Role "Data Originator"; String HoursofService "M-F, 8:00am to 4:30pm. Eastern Time."; String ContactInstructions "None"; String ContactJobPosition "Science Software Development Manager."; String ContactFirstName "David"; String ContactMiddleName "W."; String ContactLastName "Hancock"; String StreetAddress "Building N-159, NASA/GSFC Wallops Flight Facility."; String City "Wallops Island"; String StateProvince "Virginia"; String PostalCode "23337"; String Country "USA"; String TelephoneNumber "757-824-1238"; String TelephoneNumberType "Voice"; String ElectronicMailAddress ""; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ContactPerson/Hancock"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ContactPerson_Zwally { String Role "Producer"; String HoursofService "M-F, 8:00am to 4:30pm Eastern Time"; String ContactInstructions "None."; String ContactJobPosition "ICESat Project Scientist"; String ContactFirstName "Jay"; String ContactLastName "Zwally"; String StreetAddress "Building 33, Rm A-217"; String City "Greenbelt"; String StateProvince "Maryland"; String PostalCode "20771"; String Country "USA"; String TelephoneNumber "301-614-5643"; String TelephoneNumberType "Voice"; String ElectronicMailAddress ""; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ContactPerson/Zwally"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ContactPerson_Schutz { String Role "Investigator"; String HoursofService "M-F, 8:00am to 4:30pm Central Time"; String ContactInstructions "None"; String ContactJobPosition "GLAS Science Team Leader"; String ContactFirstName "Bob"; String ContactMiddleName "E"; String ContactLastName "Schutz"; String StreetAddress "3925 W. Braker Lane, Center for Space Research"; String City "Austin"; String StateProvince "Texas"; String PostalCode "78759-5321"; String Country "USA"; String TelephoneNumber "512-471-4267"; String TelephoneNumberType "Voice"; String ElectronicMailAddress ""; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ContactPerson/Schutz"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ContactPerson_DiMarzio { String Role "Producer"; String HoursofService "M-F, 8:00am to 4:30pm Eastern Time"; String ContactInstructions "None"; String ContactJobPosition "Deputy Science Software Development Manager"; String ContactFirstName "John"; String ContactMiddleName "P"; String ContactLastName "DiMarzio"; String StreetAddress "Building 33, Rm. B-209D, NASA/GSFC"; String City "Greenbelt"; String StateProvince "Maryland"; String PostalCode "20771"; String Country "USA"; String TelephoneNumber "301-614-5893"; String TelephoneNumberType "Voice"; String ElectronicMailAddress ""; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ContactPerson/DiMarzio"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_DisciplineTopicParameters { String Atmosphere "DisciplineTopicParametersContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/DisciplineTopicParameters"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_DisciplineTopicParameters_Atmosphere { String ECSDisciplineKeyword "Earth Science"; String ECSTopicKeyword "Atmosphere"; String ECSTermKeyword "Atmospheric Radiation"; String ECSVariableKeyword "Transmittance"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/DisciplineTopicParameters/Atmosphere"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_DisciplineTopicParameters_Atmosphere_ECSParameter { String ECSParameterKeyword "Aerosol Extinction Cross Section Profile"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/DisciplineTopicParameters/Atmosphere/ECSParameter"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Spatial { String SpatialCoverageType "Horizontal"; String WestBoundingCoordinate "-180.0"; String NorthBoundingCoordinate "90.0"; String EastBoundingCoordinate "180.0"; String SouthBoundingCoordinate "-90.0"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Spatial"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ProcessingLevel { String ProcessingLevelDescription "Geophysical Quantities at the sensor resolution or geolocated"; String ProcessingLevelID "2"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ProcessingLevel"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform { String ICESat "PlatformContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat { String PlatformShortName "ICESat"; String PlatformLongName "Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite"; String PlatformType "Spacecraft"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_PlatformCharacteristic { String OrbitInclination "PlatformCharacteristicContainer"; String OrbitalPeriod "PlatformCharacteristicContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/PlatformCharacteristic"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_PlatformCharacteristic_OrbitInclination { String PlatformCharacteristicName "OrbitInclination"; String PlatformCharacteristicDescription "Angle between the orbit plane and the Earth's equatorial plane"; String PlatformCharacteristicDataType "float"; String PlatformCharacteristicUnit "Degrees"; String PlatformCharacteristicValue "94.0"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/PlatformCharacteristic/OrbitInclination"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_PlatformCharacteristic_OrbitalPeriod { String PlatformCharacteristicName "OrbitalPeriod"; String PlatformCharacteristicDescription "Orbital period in decimal minutes."; String PlatformCharacteristicDataType "float"; String PlatformCharacteristicUnit "Minutes"; String PlatformCharacteristicValue "96.7"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/PlatformCharacteristic/OrbitalPeriod"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument { String GLAS "InstrumentContainer"; String GPS "InstrumentContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS { String InstrumentShortName "GLAS"; String InstrumentLongName "Geoscience Laser Altimeter System"; String InstrumentTechnique "Laser Altimetry and Light Detection and Radar"; String NumberofSensors "3"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_InstrumentCharacteristic { String SwathWidth "InstrumentCharacteristicContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/InstrumentCharacteristic"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_InstrumentCharacteristic_SwathWidth { String InstrumentCharacteristicName "SwathWidth"; String InstrumentCharacteristicDescription "The width of the sensor scan as the satellite moves along the ground track."; String InstrumentCharacteristicDataType "int"; String InstrumentCharacteristicUnit "kilometers"; String InstrumentCharacteristicValue "2"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/InstrumentCharacteristic/SwathWidth"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor { String LA "SensorContainer"; String PC "SensorContainer"; String CD "SensorContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_PC { String SensorShortName "PC"; String SensorLongName "Photon Counter for the 532 nm Aerosol Returns"; String SensorTechnique "Counting of 532nm photon return in 75m bins 40km to surface"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/PC"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_PC_SensorCharacteristic { String wavelength "SensorCharacteristicContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/PC/SensorCharacteristic"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_PC_SensorCharacteristic_wavelength { String SensorCharacteristicName "wavelength"; String SensorCharacteristicDescription "detector"; String SensorCharacteristicDataType "varchar"; String SensorCharacteristicUnit "nanometer"; String SensorCharacteristicValue "532nm"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/PC/SensorCharacteristic/wavelength"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_LA { String SensorShortName "LA"; String SensorLongName "Laser Altimeter"; String SensorTechnique "Exact Measurement of Time between Transmit Pulse and receive ground return"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/LA"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_LA_SensorCharacteristic { String wavelength "SensorCharacteristicContainer"; String waveform "SensorCharacteristicContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/LA/SensorCharacteristic"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_LA_SensorCharacteristic_wavelength { String SensorCharacteristicName "wavelength"; String SensorCharacteristicDescription "transmission"; String SensorCharacteristicDataType "varchar"; String SensorCharacteristicUnit "nanometer"; String SensorCharacteristicValue "1064 nm"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/LA/SensorCharacteristic/wavelength"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_LA_SensorCharacteristic_waveform { String SensorCharacteristicName "waveform"; String SensorCharacteristicDescription "digitizer"; String SensorCharacteristicDataType "varchar"; String SensorCharacteristicUnit "counts"; String SensorCharacteristicValue "0-255"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/LA/SensorCharacteristic/waveform"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_CD { String SensorShortName "CD"; String SensorLongName "Cloud LIDAR"; String SensorTechnique "Measure of 1064nm return energy in 75m bins from 20km to surface"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/CD"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_CD_SensorCharacteristic { String wavelength "SensorCharacteristicContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/CD/SensorCharacteristic"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GLAS_Sensor_CD_SensorCharacteristic_wavelength { String SensorCharacteristicName "wavelength"; String SensorCharacteristicDescription "detector"; String SensorCharacteristicDataType "varchar"; String SensorCharacteristicUnit "nanometer"; String SensorCharacteristicValue "1064 nm"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GLAS/Sensor/CD/SensorCharacteristic/wavelength"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GPS { String InstrumentShortName "GPS"; String InstrumentLongName "Global Positioning System Receiver"; String InstrumentTechnique "Radionavigation"; String NumberofSensors "1"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GPS"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GPS_Sensor { String GPS_Receiver "SensorContainer"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GPS/Sensor"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Platform_ICESat_Instrument_GPS_Sensor_GPS_Receiver { String SensorShortName "GPS Receiver"; String SensorLongName "Dual frequency GPS receiver"; String SensorTechnique "Pseudorange and carrier phase"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Platform/ICESat/Instrument/GPS/Sensor/GPS_Receiver"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_ECSCollection { String RevisionDate "2012-06-25"; String SuggestedUsage "GLAH10 contains cloud and aerosol backscatter and the extinction cross section data for researchers. Cloud data are provided at 1Hz and aerosol data will be provided at .25Hz. Each GLAH10 file was created from an equivalent GLA10 binary file. The data used to create the GLAH10 values are contained in the equivalent GLAHxx files for the GLAxx files. See the provenance metadata for the creation of the GLA10."; String ProcessingCenter "GSFC I-SIPS"; String ArchiveCenter "NSIDC"; String VersionDescription "Initial Version"; String DatasetDisclaimerPointer ""; String ECSCollectionGuidePointer ""; String ECSCollectionGuidePointerComment "Guide Document for this product at NSIDC"; String MiscellaneousInformationPointer ""; String MiscellaneousInformationPointerComment "GLAS Product page at NSIDC"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/ECSCollection"; } METADATA_COLLECTIONMETADATA_Temporal { String TimeType "UTC"; String DateType "J2000"; String TemporalRangeType "Continuous Range"; String PrecisionofSeconds "2"; String EndsatPresentFlag "Y"; String RangeBeginningDate "2003-01-13"; String RangeBeginningTime "00:00:00"; String RangeEndingDate "2010-01-13"; String RangeEndingTime "00:00:00"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/COLLECTIONMETADATA/Temporal"; } METADATA_INVENTORYMETADATA { String PGEVersion "Version 1.0"; String ShortName "GLAH10"; String VersionID "33"; String RangeBeginningTime "09:18:13"; String RangeEndingTime "07:51:21"; String RangeBeginningDate "2009-10-03"; String RangeEndingDate "2009-10-04"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/INVENTORYMETADATA"; } METADATA_INVENTORYMETADATA_ECSDataGranule { String ReprocessingPlanned "no further update anticipated"; String ReprocessingActual "reprocessed"; String LocalGranuleID "GLAH10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.H5"; String ProductionDateTime "2013-01-10T05:43:17"; String LocalVersionID "633"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/INVENTORYMETADATA/ECSDataGranule"; } METADATA_INVENTORYMETADATA_MeasuredParameter { String ParameterName "Cloud_Extinction_Cross_Section_Profile, Aerosol_Backscatter_Cross_SectionProfile"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/INVENTORYMETADATA/MeasuredParameter"; } METADATA_INVENTORYMETADATA_OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain { String OrbitNumber "36579, 36580, 36581, 36582, 36583, 36584, 36585, 36586, 36587, 36588, 36589, 36590, 36591, 36592, 36593"; String StartOrbitNumber "36579"; String StopOrbitNumber " 36593"; String EquatorCrossingLongitude "-160.64783, 175.15657, 150.96152, 126.76721, 102.57154, 78.37526, 54.17979, 29.985144, 5.791274, -18.402588, -42.59735, -66.79236, -90.9863, -115.18086, -139.3762"; String EquatorCrossingTime "09:04:50, 10:41:29, 12:18:08, 13:54:47, 15:31:26, 17:08:04, 18:44:43, 20:21:22, 21:58:01, 23:34:40, 01:11:20, 02:47:59, 04:24:38, 06:01:18, 07:37:56"; String EquatorCrossingDate "2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-03, 2009-10-04, 2009-10-04, 2009-10-04, 2009-10-04, 2009-10-04"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/INVENTORYMETADATA/OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain"; } METADATA_INVENTORYMETADATA_InputGranule { String InputPointer "CTL00_000_20130109_2257968_01_gla10_h5_convert.ctl, tai-utc.dat, GLA10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT, DsESDTGlGLAH10.033.desc"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/INVENTORYMETADATA/InputGranule"; } METADATA_INVENTORYMETADATA_ProductSpecificMetadata { String PercentGroundHit "0"; String Track "1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329, 1330, 1331"; String Instrument_State "373338"; String ReferenceOrbit "1"; String SP_ICE_PATH_NO "4339, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4343, 4344, 4345, 4346, 4347, 4348, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4352, 4353"; String SP_ICE_GLAS_StartBlock "NOT SET"; String SP_ICE_GLAS_EndBlock "NOT SET"; String Cycle "1"; String Instance "31"; String Instrument_State_Date "2009-06-24"; String Instrument_State_Time "23:22:29"; String identifier_product_doi "10.5067/ICESAT/GLAS/DATA203"; String identifier_file_uuid "d96175ed-04d5-435e-8cb1-8978789c8db9"; String identifier_product_doi_authority ""; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/INVENTORYMETADATA/ProductSpecificMetadata"; } METADATA_PROVENANCE { } METADATA_PROVENANCE_STEP_1 { String ProcessDateTime "2011-11-09T15:08:43"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/PROVENANCE/STEP_1"; } METADATA_PROVENANCE_STEP_1_ProcessInput { String Name "GLA02_033_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT, GLA02_033_2131_001_1319_0_01_0001.DAT, GLA02_033_2131_001_1321_0_01_0001.DAT, GLA02_033_2131_001_1323_0_01_0001.DAT, GLA02_033_2131_001_1325_0_01_0001.DAT, GLA02_033_2131_001_1327_0_01_0001.DAT, GLA02_033_2131_001_1329_0_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1317_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1317_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1317_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1317_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1318_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1318_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1318_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1318_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1319_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1319_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1319_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1319_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1320_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1320_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1320_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1320_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1321_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1321_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1321_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1321_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1322_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1322_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1322_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1322_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1323_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1323_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1323_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1323_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1324_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1324_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1324_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1324_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1325_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1325_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1325_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1325_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1326_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1326_2_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1326_3_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1326_4_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1327_1_01_0001.DAT, GLA05_633_2131_001_1327_2_01_0001.DAT, 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ANC01_006_20091004_060000_01_0002.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_000000_01_0003.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_060000_01_0003.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_120000_01_0003.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_180000_01_0003.DAT, ANC01_006_20091004_000000_01_0003.DAT, ANC01_006_20091004_060000_01_0003.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_000000_01_0004.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_060000_01_0004.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_120000_01_0004.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_180000_01_0004.DAT, ANC01_006_20091004_000000_01_0004.DAT, ANC01_006_20091004_060000_01_0004.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_000000_01_0001.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_060000_01_0001.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_120000_01_0001.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_180000_01_0001.DAT, ANC01_006_20091004_000000_01_0001.DAT, ANC01_006_20091004_060000_01_0001.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_000000_01_0005.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_060000_01_0005.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_120000_01_0005.DAT, ANC01_006_20091003_180000_01_0005.DAT, ANC01_006_20091004_000000_01_0005.DAT, ANC01_006_20091004_060000_01_0005.DAT, 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String Version "6.0.1"; String Description "This process is an instantiation of the GLAS Science Algorithm Software (GSAS) 2 ATBDs."; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/PROVENANCE/STEP_1/ProcessAgent"; } METADATA_PROVENANCE_STEP_1_ProcessOutput { String Name "GLA10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT"; String Type "GLA10"; String Version "633"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/PROVENANCE/STEP_1/ProcessOutput"; } METADATA_PROVENANCE_STEP_2 { String ProcessDateTime "2013-01-10T05:43:17.000000Z"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/PROVENANCE/STEP_2"; } METADATA_PROVENANCE_STEP_2_ProcessInput { String Name "./CTL00_000_20130109_2257968_01_gla10_h5_convert.ctl, ./tai-utc.dat, ./GLA10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.DAT, ./DsESDTGlGLAH10.033.desc"; String Type "IN_CNTL, IN_ANC_TAIUTC, IN_GLA10, IN_ESDT"; String Version "0, 0, 1, 1"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/PROVENANCE/STEP_2/ProcessInput"; } METADATA_PROVENANCE_STEP_2_ProcessOutput { String Name "./GLAH10_633_2131_001_1317_0_01_0001.H5"; String Type "OUT_GLAH10"; String Version "1"; String UUID "d96175ed-04d5-435e-8cb1-8978789c8db9"; String DOI "10.5067/ICESAT/GLAS/DATA203"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/PROVENANCE/STEP_2/ProcessOutput"; } METADATA_PROVENANCE_STEP_2_ProcessAgent { String Name "GLA10_h5_convert"; String Type "Data_Reformat"; String Version "Version 1.0 (December 2012)"; String Description "GLA10 Conversion PGE"; String fullnamepath "/METADATA/PROVENANCE/STEP_2/ProcessAgent"; } ANCILLARY_DATA { String glas_osc_rate "1.0000000417"; String glas_osc_rate_date "2009-06-24"; String glas_osc_rate_time "23:22:29"; String sc_osc_rate "0.99999998854809"; String sc_osc_rate_date "2009-06-24"; String sc_osc_rate_time "23:22:29"; String internal_time_delay "0.0000151100"; String internal_time_delay_date "2009-06-24"; String internal_time_delay_time "23:22:29"; String internal_range_delay "9.5560"; String internal_range_delay_date "2009-06-24"; String internal_range_delay_time "23:22:29"; String Additional_Attribute "SP_ICE_PATH_NO, SP_ICE_GLAS_StartBlock, SP_ICE_GLAS_EndBlock, ReferenceOrbit, Track, PercentGroundHit, Cycle, Instance"; String internal_range_delay_desc "Internal range calibration bias determined during GLAS instrument integration testing and validated in-flight, meters."; String internal_time_delay_desc "Internal time calibration bias determined during GLAS instrument integration testing and validated in-flight, seconds."; String fullnamepath "/ANCILLARY_DATA"; } Data_4s { String Description "This group contain Aerosol crosssection and layer data. The data may be indexed to the 40HZ data using the i_rec_ndx parameter in each respective time group."; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers { String Description "This group contains aerosol layer information."; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers"; } Data_4s_Time { String Description "This group contains the 4s index and time-related parameters"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Time"; } Data_4s_PBL4_od { String Description "This group contains the 4 second PBL OD related parameters"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/PBL4_od"; } Data_4s_AerosolProfiles { String Description "This group contain Aerosol crosssection and layer data. The data may be indexed to the 40HZ data using the i_rec_ndx parameter in each respective time group."; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolProfiles"; } Data_4s_Geolocation { String Description "This group contains geolocation-related parameters."; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Geolocation"; } Data_4s_Flags { String Description "This group contains flags at 1 per 4 sec."; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Flags"; } BROWSE { } Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_r_SolAng { String units "Degrees"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Solar Angle"; String description "Solar Angle above or below the plane tangent to the ellipsoid surface at the laser spot. Positive values mean the sun is above the horizon, while negative values mean it is below the horizon. The effect of atmospheric refraction is not included. This is a low-precision value, with approximately one degree accuracy."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -90.00000000; Float32 valid_max 90.00000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_SolAng"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Reflectivity/r_SolAng"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Reflectivity_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Time_i_rec_ndx { String hertz "1"; String long_name "GLAS Record Index"; String description "Unique index that relates this record to the corresponding record(s) in each GLAS data product."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 2147483647; String origname "i_rec_ndx"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Time/i_rec_ndx"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Time_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Geophysical_r_cld1_grd_det { String units "meters"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution Ground Detection at 532 nm"; String description "Medium resolution processed ground height at 1hz, 1 per profile"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -1000.000000; Float32 valid_max 20000.00000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_cld1_grd_det"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geophysical/r_cld1_grd_det"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Geophysical_r_Surface_pres { String units "hPa"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Surface Pressure"; String standard_name "surface_air_pressure"; String description "Surface Pressure, 4 of 1-second intervals."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 2000.000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Surface_pres"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geophysical/r_Surface_pres"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Geophysical_r_Surface_relh { String units "percent"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Surface Relative Humidity"; String standard_name "relative_humidity"; String description "Surface Relative Humidity, 4 of 1-second intervals."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Surface_relh"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geophysical/r_Surface_relh"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Geophysical_r_Surface_temp { String units "degree Celsius"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Surface Temperature"; String standard_name "surface_temperature"; String description "Surface Temperature, 4 of 1-second intervals."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -100.0000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Surface_temp"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geophysical/r_Surface_temp"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Geophysical_r_Surface_wdir { String units "degrees"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Surface Wind Direction Azimuth from North"; String description "Surface wind direction azimuth from North, 4 of 1-second intervals. Wind direction at Earth's surface level measured in degrees of azimuth from North and derived from the meteorological data files."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 360.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Surface_wdir"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geophysical/r_Surface_wdir"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Geophysical_r_Surface_wind { String units "meters/second"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Surface Wind Speed"; String description "Surface Wind Speed, 4 of 1-second intervals. Wind speed at Earth's surface level measured in km/hour and derived from the meteorological data files."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 200.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Surface_wind"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geophysical/r_Surface_wind"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Geophysical_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_cld1_sval2 { String units "sr"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud true S values from equation calc."; String description "Cloud true extinction to backscatter ratios calculated from optically thin layer considerations. The first set of 2*10 bytes refers to the 10 possible layers at the first second."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 1.000000000; Float32 valid_max 200.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_cld1_sval2"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_cld1_sval2"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_MRg_cldtop_pres { String units "hPa"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Top Pressure"; String description "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Top Pressure"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 2000.000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_MRg_cldtop_pres"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_MRg_cldtop_pres"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_cld1_bot { String units "meters"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution Cloud Bottom at 532 nm"; String description "Medium resolution cloud bottom heights for layers which were selected for optical processing at 1hz, 1 per layer, 10 layers"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -1000.000000; Float32 valid_max 20000.00000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_cld1_bot"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_cld1_bot"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_i_cld1_bs_qf { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud backscatter quality flag for 532 nm"; String description "Quality Flag: 0 = 0-5 % Error; 1 = 5-10 % Error; 2 = 10-15 % Error; 3 = 15-20 % Error; 4 = 20-25 % Error; 5 = 25-30 % Error; 6 = 30-35 % Error; 7 = 35-40 % Error; 8 = 40-45 % Error; 9 = 45-50 % Error; 10 = 50-55 % Error; 11 = 55-60 % Error; 12 = 60-65 % Error; 13 = 65-70 % Error; 14 = 70 and greater % Error; 15 = Unable to calculate error"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; String flag_meanings "0-5_pct_err 5-10_pct_err 10-15_pct_err 15-20_pct_err 20-25_pct_err 25-30_pct_err 30-35_pct_err 35-40_pct_err 40-45_pct_err 45-50_pct_err 50-55_pct_err 55-60_pct_err 60-65_pct_err 65-70_pct_err 70_and_greater_pct_err unable_to_calc_err"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_cld1_bs_qf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/i_cld1_bs_qf"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_i_cld1_ext_qf { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud extinction quality flag at 532 nm"; String description "Quality Flag Values: 0 = 0-5 % Error; 1 = 5-10 % Error; 2 = 10-15 % Error; 3 = 15-20 % Error; 4 = 20-25 % Error; 5 = 25-30 % Error; 6 = 30-35 % Error; 7 = 35-40 % Error; 8 = 40-45 % Error; 9 = 45-50 % Error; 10 = 50-55 % Error; 11 = 55-60 % Error; 12 = 60-65 % Error; 13 = 65-70 % Error; 14 = 70 and greater % Error; 15 = Unable to calculate error"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; String flag_meanings "0-5_pct_err 5-10_pct_err 10-15_pct_err 15-20_pct_err 20-25_pct_err 25-30_pct_err 30-35_pct_err 35-40_pct_err 40-45_pct_err 45-50_pct_err 50-55_pct_err 55-60_pct_err 60-65_pct_err 65-70_pct_err 70_and_greater_pct_err unable_to_calc_err"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_cld1_ext_qf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/i_cld1_ext_qf"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_cld1_top { String units "meters"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution Cloud Top at 532 nm"; String description "Medium resolution cloud top heights for layers which were selected for optical processing at 1hz, 1 per layer, 10 layers"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -1000.000000; Float32 valid_max 20000.00000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_cld1_top"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_cld1_top"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_i_cld1_ext_uf { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud extinction use flag at 532 nm"; String description "Use Flag - 00 = less than or equal to -75.0 C; 01 = -75.0 through -68.5; 02 = -68.5 through -62.0; 03 = -62.0 through -55.5; 04 = -55.5 through -49.0; 05 = -49.0 through -32.5; 06 = -32.5 through -26.0; 07 = -26.0 through -19.5; 08 = -19.5 through -13.0; 09 = -13.0 through -6.5; 10 = -6.5 through 0.0; 11 = 0.0 through 6.5; 12 = 6.5 through 13.0; 13 = 13.0 through 19.5; 14 = greater than 19.5 C; 15 = invalid"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; String flag_meanings "up_to_-75_C -75_to_-68.5 -68.5_to_-62.0 -62_to_-55.5 -55.5_to_-49 -49_to_-32.5 -32.5_to_-26 -26_to_-19.5 -19.5_to_-13 -13_to_-6.5 -6.5_to_0 0_to_6.5 6.5_to_13 13_to_19.5 greater_than_19.5_C invalid"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_cld1_ext_uf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/i_cld1_ext_uf"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_MRg_cldtop_temp { String units "degree Celsius"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Top Temperature"; String description "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Top Temperature"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -100.0000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_MRg_cldtop_temp"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_MRg_cldtop_temp"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_i_cld1_sval_uf { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud true S values use flag"; String description "Cloud true S values use flag for 10 layers at 1 Hz for 4 sec. First 40 bits (bytes 16-20) are for 10 layers of the first second, last 40 bits (bytes 1 - 5) are for 10 layers of the fourth second. Stipulates which extinction to backscatter ratio was used in processing (1=default, 2=calculated). 15 denotes no layer detected (invalid)."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 1, 2, 15; String flag_meanings "default calculated no_layer_detected"; Int32 valid_min 1; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_cld1_sval_uf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/i_cld1_sval_uf"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_MRg_cldbot_pres { String units "hPa"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Bottom Pressure"; String description "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Bottom Pressure"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 2000.000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_MRg_cldbot_pres"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_MRg_cldbot_pres"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_MRg_cldbot_relh { String units "percent"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Bottom Relative Humidity"; String description "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Bottom Relative Humidity"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_MRg_cldbot_relh"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_MRg_cldbot_relh"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_i_cld1_bs_uf { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud backscatter use flag for 532 nm"; String description "Use Flag - 0 = no saturation detected; 1 = one or two bins were saturated with 1064 nm conversion performed; 2 = at least three bins were saturated with 1064 nm conversion performed; 3 = at least one but less than four bins were saturated with no conversion performed; 4 = four or more bins were saturated with no conversion performed; 15 = invalid"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 15; String flag_meanings "no_saturation_detected one_or_two_bins_saturated_1064nm_conversion at_least_three_bins_saturated_1064nm_conversion one_to_three_bins_saturated_no_conversion four_or_more_bins_saturated_no_conversion invalid"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_cld1_bs_uf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/i_cld1_bs_uf"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_MRg_cldbot_temp { String units "degree Celsius"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Bottom Temperature"; String description "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Bottom Temperature"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -100.0000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_MRg_cldbot_temp"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_MRg_cldbot_temp"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_MRg_cldtop_relh { String units "percent"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Top Relative Humidity"; String description "Medium Resolution 532 nm Cloud Top Relative Humidity"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_MRg_cldtop_relh"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_MRg_cldtop_relh"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_r_cld1_sval1 { String units "sr"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud true S values from table"; String description "Cloud true extinction to backscatter ratios calculated from meteorological and geographic data. The first set of 2*10 bytes refers to the 10 possible layers at the first second."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 1.000000000; Float32 valid_max 200.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_cld1_sval1"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/MRCloudLayer/r_cld1_sval1"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_MRCloudLayer_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Cloud_r_cld1_ext_prof { String units "1/m"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud Extinction Cross Section Profile at 532 nm"; String description "Cloud extinction cross section profile from 20 to -1km at 1hz calculated from the 532 nm data. The first 4*280 bytes refer to the profile at the first second."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -0.009999999776; Float32 valid_max 1.000000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_cld1_ext_prof"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Cloud/r_cld1_ext_prof"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Cloud_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Cloud_r_cld1_bs_prof { String units "1/(m-sr)"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud Backscatter Cross Section Profile at 532 nm(need in meta data the height for each of the 280 bins (once for both profiles?))"; String description "532 nm cloud backscatter cross section corrected for attenuation, from 20 to -1km at 1hz. The first 4*280 bytes refer to the profile at the first second."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -9.999999747e-05; Float32 valid_max 0.009999999776; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_cld1_bs_prof"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Cloud/r_cld1_bs_prof"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Cloud_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Angle_r_beam_azimuth { String units "degrees"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Azimuth"; String description "Azimuth (Az) is the direction clockwise from north of the laser beam as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 360.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_beam_azimuth"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Angle/r_beam_azimuth"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Angle_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Angle_r_beam_coelev { String units "degrees"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Co-elevation"; String description "Co-elevation (CE) is direction from vertical of the laser beam as seen by an observer located at the laser ground spot."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 360.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_beam_coelev"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Angle/r_beam_coelev"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Angle_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Angle_r_pad_angle { String units "degrees"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "PAD Angle"; String description "Attitude angle calculated from PAD and POD."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 360.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_pad_angle"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Angle/r_pad_angle"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Angle_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_gps_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "POD flag (Orbit Flag)"; String description "GPS;0=no GPS data outage;1=GPS data missing from portion of this record, possible degradation"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "no_GPS_data_outage GPS_data_missing"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "orbit_gps_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_gps_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_att_gyro_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Attitude Flag 1"; String description "GYRO data;0 = GYRO data is good 1 = Missing GYRO for at least a portion of the time of this frame 2 = Noisy GYRO for at least a portion of the time of this frame 3 = Noisy and missing GYRO for at least a portion of the time of this frame"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3; String flag_meanings "GYRO_data_good GYRO_data_missing GYRO_data_noisy GYRO_data_noisy_and_missing"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 3; String origname "att_gyro_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/att_gyro_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_att_oceansw_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Attitude Flag 1"; String description "Ocean sweep;0=non-ocean sweep, 1=within time frame of ocean sweep"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "non-ocean_sweep ocean_sweep"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "att_oceansw_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/att_oceansw_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_model_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "POD flag (Orbit Flag)"; String description "Model problems;0=no model problems;1=model problems; orbit RMS > 5 cm; required accuracy not met"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "no_problems problems"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "orbit_model_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_model_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_i_LidarQF { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Lidar Frame quality flag"; String description "Lidar frame quality flag. 0=good data, 1=data unsuitable for L2 processing due to weak 532 laser energy or high background."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "good unsuitable"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "i_LidarQF"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/i_LidarQF"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_array_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "POD flag (Orbit Flag)"; String description "Solar ray orientation;0=solar ray orientation used from measurement;1=modeled solar ray orientation, possible orbit degradation"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "solar_ray_orientation_from_measurement modeled_solar_ray_orientation"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "orbit_array_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_array_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_pred_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "POD flag (Orbit Flag)"; String description "Predicted or precision orbit;0=precision orbit used;1=predicted orbit used;2=on-board orbit used"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2; String flag_meanings "precision_orbit_used predicted_orbit_used on-board_orbit_used"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 2; String origname "orbit_pred_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_pred_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_att_pointing_flg { String hertz "1"; String description "Target of opportunity off-pointing;0=not within target of opportunity off-pointing 1=within time of target of opportunity off-pointing"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "not_TOO TOO"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String long_name "Attitude Flag 1"; String origname "att_pointing_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/att_pointing_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_att_steering_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Attitude Flag 1"; String description " Steering to reference track;0=not within target of opportunity off-pointing 1=within time of target of opportunity off-pointing"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "not_TOO TOO"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "att_steering_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/att_steering_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_man_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "POD flag (Orbit Flag)"; String description "Maneuvers;0=no maneuvers;1=maneuvers occurred during this record; orbit degraded"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "no_maneuvers maneuvers orbit_degraded"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "orbit_man_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_man_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_orbit_att_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "POD flag (Orbit Flag)"; String description "Attitude;0=instrument attitude used for orbit;1=modeled attitude used, possible orbit degradation"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "instrument_attitude_used modeled_attitude_used possible_orbit_degradation"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "orbit_att_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/orbit_att_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_att_ist_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Attitude Flag 1"; String description "IST data;0 = IST data is good 1 = Missing IST for at least a portion of the time of this frame 2 = Noisy IST for at least a portion of the time of this frame 3 = Noisy and missing IST for at least a portion of the time of this frame"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3; String flag_meanings "IST_data_good IST_missing IST_noisy IST_noisy_and_missing"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 3; String origname "att_ist_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/att_ist_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_att_lrs_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Attitude Flag 1"; String description "LRS Data;0 = LRS data good, consists of star, laser and CRS 1 = LRS data good, but no star data for at least a portion of this frame 2 = LRS data good, but no laser data for at least a portion of this frame 3 = LRS data good, but no CRS data for at least a portion of this frame 4 = LRS data good, but only CRS data for at least a portion of this frame 5 = LRS data good, but only laser data for at least a portion of this frame 6 = LRS data good, but only star data for at least a portion of this frame 7 = Missing LRS for at least a portion of the time of this frame"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; String flag_meanings "LRS_data_good LRS_data_good_but_no_star_data LRS_data_good_but_no_laser_data LRS_data_good_but_no_CRS_data LRS_data_good_but_only_some_CRS_data LRS_data_good_but_only_some_laser_data LRS_data_good_but_only_some_star_data some_missing_LRS_data"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 7; String origname "att_lrs_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/att_lrs_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_att_offnadir_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Attitude Flag 1"; String description "Off-nadir angle; 0=off-nadir angle within limits;1=large off-nadir angle"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "off-nadir_angle_within_limits large_off-nadir_angle"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "att_offnadir_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/att_offnadir_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Quality_att_actual_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Attitude Flag 1"; String description "0=i_AttFlg_1 through i_AttFlg_3 have been set based on actual data 1=i_AttFlg_1 through i_AttFlg_3 have not been set - IGNORE these flags"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "actual ignore"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "att_actual_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Quality/att_actual_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Quality_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Geolocation_d_lat { String units "degrees_north"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Profile Location, Latitude"; String standard_name "latitude"; String description "Profile coordinate in the IERS Terrestrial Reference Frame: east longitude and north latitude, at the 1 hertz rate."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float64 valid_min -90.000000000000000; Float64 valid_max 90.000000000000000; Float64 _FillValue 3.4028234699999998e+38; String origname "d_lat"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geolocation/d_lat"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Geolocation_d_lon { String units "degrees_east"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Profile Location, Longitude"; String standard_name "longitude"; String description "Profile coordinate in the IERS Terrestrial Reference Frame: east longitude and north latitude, at the 1 hertz rate."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float64 valid_min 0.0000000000000000; Float64 valid_max 360.00000000000000; Float64 _FillValue 3.4028234699999998e+38; String origname "d_lon"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Geolocation/d_lon"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Flags_surf_si_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Region Type"; String description "Region type;0=no Sea Ice;1=Sea Ice"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "surf_si_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Flags/surf_si_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Flags_surf_ld_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Region Type"; String description "Region type;0=no Land;1=Land"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "surf_ld_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Flags/surf_ld_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Flags_surf_oc_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Region Type"; String description "Region type;0=no Ocean;1=Ocean"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "surf_oc_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Flags/surf_oc_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Flags_surf_is_flg { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Region Type"; String description "Region type;0=no Ice Sheet;1=Ice Sheet"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "surf_is_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Flags/surf_is_flg"; String coordinates "Data_1HZ_Flags_DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_aer4_sval2 { String units "sr"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol true S Values from equation calc."; String description "Aerosol true extinction to backscatter ratios calculated from optically thin layer considerations"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 1.000000000; Float32 valid_max 200.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_aer4_sval2"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_aer4_sval2"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_aer4_top { String units "meters"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Low Resolution Aerosol Layer Top at 532 nm"; String description "Low resolution aerosol layer top heights for layers which were selected for optical processing at 0.25hz, 1 per layer, 9 layers including the planetary boundary layer and PSC"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -1000.000000; Float32 valid_max 20000.00000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_aer4_top"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_aer4_top"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_aer4_sval1 { String units "sr"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol true S Values from table"; String description "Aerosol true extinction to backscatter ratios calculated from meteorological and geographic data"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 1.000000000; Float32 valid_max 200.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_aer4_sval1"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_aer4_sval1"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_Aer_bot_pres { String units "hPa"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol Layers Pressure at Bottom of Layer at 532 nm"; String description "Aerosol Layers Pressure at Bottom of Layer at 532 nm"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 2000.000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Aer_bot_pres"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_Aer_bot_pres"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_i_aer4_sval_uf { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol true S Values use flag"; String description "Aerosol true S values use flag for 9 layers at 1 per 4 sec. Bits 0-3 (least significant bits) of byte 5 are for first layer, bits 0-3 of byte 1 are for 9th layer. 15 denotes no layer detected (invalid). Bits 36-39 are spares needed to make 5 bytes. Stipulates which extinction to backscatter ratio was used in processing (1=default, 2=calculated)."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 1, 2, 15; String flag_meanings "default calculated no_layer_detected"; Int32 valid_min 1; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_aer4_sval_uf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/i_aer4_sval_uf"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_Aer_top_temp { String units "degree Celsius"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol Layers Temperature at Top of Layer at 532 nm"; String description "Aerosol Layers Temperature at Top of Layer at 532 nm"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -100.0000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Aer_top_temp"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_Aer_top_temp"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_Aer_bot_relh { String units "percent"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol Layers Relative Humidity at Bottom of Layer at 532 nm"; String description "Aerosol Layers Relative Humidity at Bottom of Layer at 532 nm"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Aer_bot_relh"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_Aer_bot_relh"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_Aer_bot_temp { String units "degree Celsius"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol Layers Temperature at Bottom of Layer at 532 nm"; String description "Aerosol Layers Temperature at Bottom of Layer at 532 nm"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -100.0000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Aer_bot_temp"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_Aer_bot_temp"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_i_aer4_ext_qf { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol extinction flag for 532 nm"; String description "Quality Flag Values: 0 = 0-5 % Error; 1 = 5-10 % Error; 2 = 10-15 % Error; 3 = 15-20 % Error; 4 = 20-25 % Error; 5 = 25-30 % Error; 6 = 30-35 % Error; 7 = 35-40 % Error; 8 = 40-45 % Error; 9 = 45-50 % Error; 10 = 50-55 % Error; 11 = 55-60 % Error; 12 = 60-65 % Error; 13 = 65-70 % Error; 14 = 70 and greater % Error; 15 = Unable to calculate error"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; String flag_meanings "0-5_pct_err 5-10_pct_err 10-15_pct_err 15-20_pct_err 20-25_pct_err 25-30_pct_err 30-35_pct_err 35-40_pct_err 40-45_pct_err 45-50_pct_err 50-55_pct_err 55-60_pct_err 60-65_pct_err 65-70_pct_err 70_and_greater_pct_err unable_to_calc_err"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_aer4_ext_qf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/i_aer4_ext_qf"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_Aer_top_pres { String units "hPa"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol Layers Pressure at Top of Layer at 532 nm"; String description "Aerosol Layers Pressure at Top of Layer at 532 nm"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 2000.000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Aer_top_pres"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_Aer_top_pres"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_i_aer4_ext_uf { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol extinction flag for 532 nm"; String description "Use Flag Meaning: 00 = PBL generic (all PBL indices not mentioned below); 01 = PBL maritime (index 4); 02 = PBL continental ice (index 7); 03 = PBL continental haze (index 11); 04 = PBL Saharan dust (index 12); 05 = PBL desert (index 13); 06 = PBL smoke (indices 15,3); 07 = TROP generic (all TROP indices not mentioned below); 08 = TROP volcanic (index 3); 09 = TROP continental haze (index 11); 10 = TROP Saharan dust (index 12); 11 = TROP smoke (index 15); 12 = STRATO aerosol (any non-PSC layer whose top is > tropopause; 13 = PSC type I (PSC with rh less than or equal to 95%); 14 = PSC type II (PSC with rh greater than 95%); 15 = invalid"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; String flag_meanings "PBL_generic PBL_maritime PBL_continental_ice PBL_continental_haze PBL_Saharan_dust PBL_desert PBL_smoke TROP_generic TROP_volcanic TROP_continental_haze TROP_Saharan_dust TROP_smoke STRATO_aerosol PSC_type_I PSC_type_II invalid"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_aer4_ext_uf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/i_aer4_ext_uf"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_aer4_bot { String units "meters"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Low Resolution Aerosol Layer Bottom at 532 nm"; String description "Low resolution aerosol layer bottom heights for layers which were selected for optical processing at 0.25hz, 1 per layer, 9 layers including the planetary boundary layer and PSC"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -1000.000000; Float32 valid_max 20000.00000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_aer4_bot"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_aer4_bot"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_i_aer4_bs_qf { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol backscatter flag for 532 nm"; String description "Quality Flag: 0 = 0-5 % Error; 1 = 5-10 % Error; 2 = 10-15 % Error; 3 = 15-20 % Error; 4 = 20-25 % Error; 5 = 25-30 % Error; 6 = 30-35 % Error; 7 = 35-40 % Error; 8 = 40-45 % Error; 9 = 45-50 % Error; 10 = 50-55 % Error; 11 = 55-60 % Error; 12 = 60-65 % Error; 13 = 65-70 % Error; 14 = 70 and greater % Error; 15 = Unable to calculate error"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; String flag_meanings "0-5_pct_err 5-10_pct_err 10-15_pct_err 15-20_pct_err 20-25_pct_err 25-30_pct_err 30-35_pct_err 35-40_pct_err 40-45_pct_err 45-50_pct_err 50-55_pct_err 55-60_pct_err 60-65_pct_err 65-70_pct_err 70_and_greater_pct_err unable_to_calc_err"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_aer4_bs_qf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/i_aer4_bs_qf"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_i_aer4_bs_uf { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol backscatter flag for 532 nm"; String description "Use FLAG SATURATION STATUS: 0 = no saturation detected; 1 = one or two bins were saturated with 1064 nm conversion performed; 2 = at least three bins were saturated with 1064 nm conversion performed; 3 = at least one but less than four bins were saturated with no conversion performed; 4 = four or more bins were saturated with no conversion performed; 15 = invalid"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 15; String flag_meanings "no_saturation_detected one_or_two_bins_saturated_1064nm_conversion at_least_three_bins_saturated_1064nm_conversion one_to_three_bins_saturated_no_conversion four_or_more_bins_saturated_no_conversion invalid"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 15; String origname "i_aer4_bs_uf"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/i_aer4_bs_uf"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolLayers_r_Aer_top_relh { String units "percent"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol Layers Relative Humidity at Top of Layer at 532 nm"; String description "Aerosol Layers Relative Humidity at Top of Layer at 532 nm"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; Float32 valid_max 100.0000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Aer_top_relh"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolLayers/r_Aer_top_relh"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolLayers_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Time_i_rec_ndx { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "GLAS Record Index"; String description "Unique index that relates this record to the corresponding record(s) in each GLAS data product."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 2147483647; String origname "i_rec_ndx"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Time/i_rec_ndx"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Time_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Time_shot_time_flg { String hertz "0.25"; String description "Shot time;0=shot time is transmit time;1=shot time is ground bounce time"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "transmit_time ground_bounce_time"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String long_name "time correction flag"; String origname "shot_time_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Time/shot_time_flg"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Time_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Time_gps_time_flg { String hertz "0.25"; String description "GPS time;0=no delta gps time correction applied to shot time;1=delta gps time correction applied to shot time"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "not_applied applied"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String long_name "time correction flag"; String origname "gps_time_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Time/gps_time_flg"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Time_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Time_pl_timing_flg { String hertz "0.25"; String description "Post-launch timing;0=no post-launch timing bias applied;1=post-launch timing bias applied - see header for value"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "not_applied applied"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String long_name "time correction flag"; String origname "pl_timing_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Time/pl_timing_flg"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Time_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Time_ddelay_flg { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "time correction flag"; String description "Digitizer turn-on delay;0=digitizer turn-on delay accounted for in shot time - see header;1=digitizer turn-on delay not accounted for in shot time"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "applied not_applied"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "ddelay_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Time/ddelay_flg"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Time_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Time_peaktp_flg { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "time correction flag"; String description "Peak of transmit pulse;0=time to peak of transmit pulse accounted for in shot time;1=time to peak of transmit pulse not accounted for in shot time"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "applied not_applied"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "peaktp_flg"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Time/peaktp_flg"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Time_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_PBL4_od_r_Aer_PBL_LR_grd_det { String units "meters"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Low Resolution Ground Detection at 532 nm"; String description "Low resolution processed ground detection height at 0.25hz, 1 per profile"; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -1000.000000; Float32 valid_max 40000.00000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_Aer_PBL_LR_grd_det"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/PBL4_od/r_Aer_PBL_LR_grd_det"; String coordinates "Data_4s_PBL4_od_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolProfiles_r_aer4_bs_prof { String units "1/(m-sr)"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol Backscatter Cross Section Profile at 532nm (need in meta data the height for each of the 548 bins (once for both profiles?))"; String description "532 nm aerosol backscatter cross section from 40 to -1km at 0.25hz. The 4*548 bytes refer to the profile at the four second interval."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -9.999999747e-05; Float32 valid_max 0.009999999776; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_aer4_bs_prof"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolProfiles/r_aer4_bs_prof"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolProfiles_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolProfiles_r_aer4_ext_prof { String units "1/m"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Aerosol Extinction Cross Section Profile at 532 nm"; String description "Aerosol extinction cross section profile for 40 to -1km calculated from the 532 nm data at 0.25hz. The 4*548 bytes refer to the profile at the four second interval."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -0.009999999776; Float32 valid_max 1.000000000; Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String origname "r_aer4_ext_prof"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolProfiles/r_aer4_ext_prof"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolProfiles_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_AerosolProfiles_r_aod_botht_4s { String units "meters"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Cloud-free Trop. Height"; String description "Height of cloud-free troposphere (bottom of full column extinction profile)."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float32 valid_min -10000.00000; Float32 valid_max 400000.0000; String origname "r_aod_botht_4s"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/AerosolProfiles/r_aod_botht_4s"; String coordinates "Data_4s_AerosolProfiles_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Geolocation_d_lat { String units "degrees_north"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Profile Location, Latitude"; String standard_name "latitude"; String description "Profile coordinate in the IERS Terrestrial Reference Frame: east longitude and north latitude, at the 0.25 hertz rate."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float64 valid_min -90.000000000000000; Float64 valid_max 90.000000000000000; Float64 _FillValue 3.4028234699999998e+38; String origname "d_lat"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Geolocation/d_lat"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Geolocation_d_lon { String units "degrees_east"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Profile Location, Longitude"; String standard_name "longitude"; String description "Profile coordinate in the IERS Terrestrial Reference Frame: east longitude and north latitude, at the 0.25 hertz rate."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Float64 valid_min 0.0000000000000000; Float64 valid_max 360.00000000000000; Float64 _FillValue 3.4028234699999998e+38; String origname "d_lon"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Geolocation/d_lon"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Geolocation_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Flags_i_AttFlg3 { String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Attitude Flag 3"; String description "Attitude Flag 3, 0=PAD used for geolocation, 1=PAD not used for geolocation."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; Int32 flag_values 0, 1; String flag_meanings "PAD_used PAD_not_used"; Int32 valid_min 0; Int32 valid_max 1; String origname "i_AttFlg3"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Flags/i_AttFlg3"; String coordinates "Data_4s_Flags_DS_UTCTime_4s"; } BROWSE_Image_00 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_00"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_00"; } BROWSE_Image_01 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_01"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_01"; } BROWSE_Image_02 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_02"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_02"; } BROWSE_Image_03 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_03"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_03"; } BROWSE_Image_04 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_04"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_04"; } BROWSE_Image_05 { String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String CLASS "IMAGE"; String origname "Image_05"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_05"; } BROWSE_Image_06 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_06"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_06"; } BROWSE_Image_07 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_07"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_07"; } BROWSE_Image_08 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_08"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_08"; } BROWSE_Image_09 { String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String origname "Image_09"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_09"; } BROWSE_Image_10 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_10"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_10"; } BROWSE_Image_11 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_11"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_11"; } BROWSE_Image_12 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_12"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_12"; } BROWSE_Image_13 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_13"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_13"; } BROWSE_Image_14 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_14"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_14"; } BROWSE_Image_15 { String CLASS "IMAGE"; String IMAGE_SUBCLASS "IMAGE_TRUECOLOR"; String IMAGE_VERSION "1.2"; String INTERLACE_MODE "INTERLACE_PIXEL"; String origname "Image_15"; String fullnamepath "/BROWSE/Image_15"; } Data_1HZ_DS_Cloud_Layer_10 { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud Layer Index"; String description "This array contains the cloud layer index, up to 10"; String source "Constants"; String origname "DS_Cloud_Layer_10"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/DS_Cloud_Layer_10"; } Data_1HZ_DS_HeightRel_280 { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Relative Height"; String description "This array contains the height above the DEM, where DEM = DEMmin+HoffMin."; String source "Constants"; String origname "DS_HeightRel_280"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/DS_HeightRel_280"; } Data_1HZ_DS_UTCTime_1 { String units "seconds"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Transmit Time of First Shot in frame in J2000"; String standard_name "time"; String description "The transmit time of the first shot in the 1 second frame measured as 'UTC seconds' elapsed since Jan 1 2000 12:00:00 UTC. This time has been derived from the GPS time accounting for leap seconds."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; String origname "DS_UTCTime_1"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/DS_UTCTime_1"; } Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1 { String units "seconds"; String hertz "1"; String long_name "Transmit Time of First Shot in frame in J2000"; String standard_name "time"; String description "The transmit time of the first shot in the 1 second frame measured as 'UTC seconds' elapsed since Jan 1 2000 12:00:00 UTC. This time has been derived from the GPS time accounting for leap seconds."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; String origname "d_UTCTime_1"; String fullnamepath "/Data_1HZ/Time/d_UTCTime_1"; } Data_4s_DS_Cloud_Layer_9 { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Cloud Layer Index"; String description "This array contains the cloud layer index, up to 9"; String source "Constants"; String origname "DS_Cloud_Layer_9"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/DS_Cloud_Layer_9"; } Data_4s_DS_HeightRel_548 { String hertz "1"; String long_name "Relative Height"; String description "This array contains the height above the DEM, where DEM = DEMmin+HoffMin."; String source "Constants"; String origname "DS_HeightRel_548"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/DS_HeightRel_548"; } Data_4s_DS_UTCTime_4s { String units "seconds"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Transmit Time of First Shot in frame in J2000"; String standard_name "time"; String description "The transmit time of the first shot in the 4 second frame measured as 'UTC seconds' elapsed since Jan 1 2000 12:00:00 UTC. This time has been derived from the GPS time accounting for leap seconds."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; String origname "DS_UTCTime_4s"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/DS_UTCTime_4s"; } Data_4s_Time_d_UTCTime_4s { String units "seconds"; String hertz "0.25"; String long_name "Transmit Time of First Shot in frame in J2000"; String standard_name "time"; String description "The transmit time of the first shot in the 4 second frame measured as 'UTC seconds' elapsed since Jan 1 2000 12:00:00 UTC. This time has been derived from the GPS time accounting for leap seconds."; String source "Rel 33 GLAS Binary Data"; String origname "d_UTCTime_4s"; String fullnamepath "/Data_4s/Time/d_UTCTime_4s"; } FakeDim0 { String units "level"; } FakeDim1 { String units "level"; } FakeDim2 { String units "level"; } DODS_EXTRA { String Unlimited_Dimension "Data_1HZ_DS_Cloud_Layer_10", "Data_1HZ_DS_HeightRel_280", "Data_1HZ_DS_UTCTime_1", "Data_1HZ_Time_d_UTCTime_1", "Data_4s_DS_Cloud_Layer_9", "Data_4s_DS_HeightRel_548", "Data_4s_DS_UTCTime_4s", "Data_4s_Time_d_UTCTime_4s"; } }