DAP4 Data Request Form ATL14_AA_0314_100m_002_02.nc
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: ATL14_AA_0314_100m_002_02.nc

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      • NC_GLOBAL
        • GDAL_AREA_OR_POINT: Area (Type is String)
        • Conventions: CF-1.6 (Type is String)
        • short_name: ATL14 (Type is String)
        • level: L3B (Type is String)
        • title: SET_BY_META (Type is String)
        • description: This data set (ATL14) contains seasonal gridded land ice elevation. (Type is String)
        • contributor_name: Benjamin Smith (besmith@uw.edu), Tyler Sutterley (tsutterl@uw.edu), Suzanne Dickinson (sdickins@uw.edu), Benjamin Jelley (benjamin.p.jelley@nasa.gov), Denis Felikson (denis.felikson@nasa.gov), Thomas A Neumann (thomas.neumann@nasa.gov), Helen Fricker (hafricker@ucsd.edu), Alex Gardner (alex.s.gardner@jpl.nasa.gov), Laurence Padman (padman@esr.org), Thorsten Markus (thorsten.markus@nasa.gov), Nathan Kurtz (nathan.t.kurtz@nasa.gov), Suneel Bhardwaj (suneel.bhardwaj@nasa.gov), David W Hancock III (david.w.hancock@nasa.gov), Jeffrey Lee (jeffrey.e.lee@nasa.gov) (Type is String)
        • contributor_role: Investigator, Investigator, Algorithm Developer, Algorithm Developer, Investigator, Investigator, Investigator, Investigator, Investigator, Investigator, Investigator, Investigator, Investigator, Algorithm Developer (Type is String)
        • date_type: UTC (Type is String)
        • geospatial_lat_max: -60.88151633146890 (Type is Float64)
        • geospatial_lat_min: -78.13589365082520 (Type is Float64)
        • geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north (Type is String)
        • geospatial_lon_max: 171.7589788231710 (Type is Float64)
        • geospatial_lon_min: -176.1439279139080 (Type is Float64)
        • geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east (Type is String)
        • granule_type: ATL14 (Type is String)
        • identifier_product_doi_authority: http://dx.doi.org (Type is String)
        • license: Data may not be reproduced or distributed without including the citation for this product included in this metadata. Data may not be distributed in an altered form without the written permission of the ICESat-2 Science Project Office at NASA/GSFC. (Type is String)
        • naming_authority: http://dx.doi.org (Type is String)
        • reference_frame: ITRF2014 (Type is String)
        • shortName: ATL14_META (Type is String)
        • spatial_coverage_type: Horizontal (Type is String)
        • standard_name_vocabulary: CF-1.6 (Type is String)
        • time_type: CCSDS UTC-A (Type is String)
        • vertical_datum: WGS84 (Type is String)
        • date_created: 2022-10-13T16:19:08.949134Z (Type is String)
        • fileName: ATL14_AA_0314_100m_002_02.nc (Type is String)
        • history: 2022-10-13T16:19:08.949134Z (Type is String)
        • identifier_product_format_version: 2.0 (Type is String)
        • time_coverage_duration: 94150869.62631059 (Type is Float64)
        • time_coverage_end: 2022-03-23T03:19:26.843657Z (Type is String)
        • time_coverage_start: 2019-03-29T10:18:17.217346Z (Type is String)
        • netcdfversion: 4.8.1 (Type is String)
        • identifier_file_uuid: 1a63d97e-cd0e-4d8e-896a-92a6549316b8 (Type is String)
        • publisher_name: NSIDC DAAC > NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center (Type is String)
        • publisher_email: nsidc@nsidc.org (Type is String)
        • publisher_url: http://nsidc.org/daac/ (Type is String)
        • identifier_product_type: ATL14 (Type is String)
        • identifier_product_doi: doi:10.5067/ATLAS/ATL14.002 (Type is String)
        • institution: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (Type is String)
        • creator_name: GSFC I-SIPS > ICESat-2 Science Investigator-led Processing System (Type is String)
        • summary: The purpose of ATL14 is to provide an IceSat-2 gridded satellite summary of heights of land-based ice. (Type is String)
        • keywords_vocabulary: NASA/GCMD Science Keywords (Type is String)
        • citation: Cite these data in publications as follows: The data used in this study were produced by the ICESat-2 Science Project Office at NASA/GSFC. The data archive site is the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. (Type is String)
        • processing_level: 3B (Type is String)
        • references: http://nsidc.org/data/icesat2/data.html (Type is String)
        • project: ICESat-2 > Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (Type is String)
        • instrument: ATLAS > Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (Type is String)
        • platform: ICESat-2 > Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2 (Type is String)
        • source: Spacecraft (Type is String)

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      [ /x = 0..54600 ]
      [ /y = 0..44600 ]

Polar_Stereographic(Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • standard_name: Polar_Stereographic (Type is String)
    • grid_mapping_name: polar_stereographic (Type is String)
    • straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole: 0.000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • latitude_of_projection_origin: -90.00000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • standard_parallel: -71.00000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • scale_factor_at_projection_origin: 1.000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • false_easting: 0.000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • false_northing: 0.000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • semi_major_axis: 6378.137000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • semi_minor_axis: 6356.752000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • inverse_flattening: 298.2572235630000 (Type is Float64)
    • spatial_epsg: 3031 (Type is String)
    • spatial_ref: PROJCS["WGS 84 / Antarctic Polar Stereographic",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Polar_Stereographic"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",-71],PARAMETER["central_meridian",0],PARAMETER["scale_factor",1],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","3031"]] (Type is String)
    • crs_wkt: PROJCS["WGS 84 / Antarctic Polar Stereographic",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Polar_Stereographic"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",-71],PARAMETER["central_meridian",0],PARAMETER["scale_factor",1],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]],AXIS["Easting",EAST],AXIS["Northing",NORTH],AUTHORITY["EPSG","3031"]] (Type is String)
    • GeoTransform: -2670000.000000000, 100.0000000000000, 0.000000000000000, 2270000.000000000, 0.000000000000000, -100.0000000000000 (Type is Float64)
x[ /x= 0..54600] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 1.797693134862316e+308 (Type is Float64)
    • units: meters (Type is String)
    • dimensions: x (Type is String)
    • datatype: float64 (Type is String)
    • coordinates: x (Type is String)
    • least_significant_digit: None (Type is String)
    • description: x coordinate of the DEM cell centers, in projected coordinates (Type is String)
    • long_name: Polar stereographic x (Type is String)
    • source: 3.2 (Type is String)
    • standard_name: projection_x_coordinate (Type is String)
y[ /y= 0..44600] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 1.797693134862316e+308 (Type is Float64)
    • units: meters (Type is String)
    • dimensions: y (Type is String)
    • datatype: float64 (Type is String)
    • coordinates: y (Type is String)
    • least_significant_digit: None (Type is String)
    • description: y coordinate of the DEM cell centers, in projected coordinates (Type is String)
    • long_name: Polar stereographic y (Type is String)
    • source: 3.2 (Type is String)
    • standard_name: projection_y_coordinate (Type is String)
ice_area[ /y= 0..44600] [ /x= 0..54600] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 3.40282347e+38 (Type is Float32)
    • units: meters^2 (Type is String)
    • dimensions: y, x (Type is String)
    • datatype: float32 (Type is String)
    • coordinates: y x (Type is String)
    • least_significant_digit: None (Type is String)
    • description: Ice-covered area of each grid cell, accounting for the area distortion in the polar-stereographic projections (Type is String)
    • long_name: DEM grid ice-covered area (Type is String)
    • source: 3.4 (Type is String)
    • grid_mapping: Polar_Stereographic (Type is String)
h[ /y= 0..44600] [ /x= 0..54600] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 3.40282347e+38 (Type is Float32)
    • units: meters (Type is String)
    • dimensions: y, x (Type is String)
    • datatype: float32 (Type is String)
    • coordinates: y x (Type is String)
    • least_significant_digit: 4 (Type is String)
    • description: DEM surface height, referenced to WGS84 (Type is String)
    • long_name: DEM height (Type is String)
    • source: 3.2 (Type is String)
    • grid_mapping: Polar_Stereographic (Type is String)
h_sigma[ /y= 0..44600] [ /x= 0..54600] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 3.40282347e+38 (Type is Float32)
    • units: meters (Type is String)
    • dimensions: y, x (Type is String)
    • datatype: float32 (Type is String)
    • coordinates: y x (Type is String)
    • least_significant_digit: 4 (Type is String)
    • description: Uncertainty in the DEM surface height (Type is String)
    • long_name: DEM uncertainty (Type is String)
    • source: 4.1 (Type is String)
    • grid_mapping: Polar_Stereographic (Type is String)
data_count[ /y= 0..44600] [ /x= 0..54600] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 3.40282347e+38 (Type is Float32)
    • units: counts (Type is String)
    • dimensions: y, x (Type is String)
    • datatype: float32 (Type is String)
    • coordinates: y x (Type is String)
    • least_significant_digit: None (Type is String)
    • description: Weighted number of data contributing to each node in the DEM. (Type is String)
    • long_name: DEM data count (Type is String)
    • source: (Type is String)
    • grid_mapping: Polar_Stereographic (Type is String)
misfit_rms[ /y= 0..44600] [ /x= 0..54600] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 3.40282347e+38 (Type is Float32)
    • units: meters (Type is String)
    • dimensions: y, x (Type is String)
    • datatype: float32 (Type is String)
    • coordinates: y x (Type is String)
    • least_significant_digit: None (Type is String)
    • description: Root-mean_square of the residuals associated with each DEM node (Type is String)
    • long_name: DEM per-node data residual (Type is String)
    • source: (Type is String)
    • grid_mapping: Polar_Stereographic (Type is String)
misfit_scaled_rms[ /y= 0..44600] [ /x= 0..54600] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 3.40282347e+38 (Type is Float32)
    • units: counts (Type is String)
    • dimensions: y, x (Type is String)
    • datatype: float32 (Type is String)
    • coordinates: y x (Type is String)
    • least_significant_digit: None (Type is String)
    • description: Root-mean_square of the error-scaled residuals associated with each DEM node (Type is String)
    • long_name: DEM per-node scaled data uncertainty (Type is String)
    • source: (Type is String)
    • grid_mapping: Polar_Stereographic (Type is String)

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