Dataset Information

granule_type: ATL09
short_name: ATL09
level: L3A
description: Along-track Cloud and other significant atmosphere layer heights, blowing snow, integrated backscatter, optical depth
contributor_name: Thomas E Neumann (, Thorsten Markus (, Suneel Bhardwaj ( David W Hancock III (
contributor_role: Instrument Engineer, Investigator, Principle Investigator, Data Producer, Data Producer
Conventions: CF-1.6
date_type: UTC
featureType: trajectory
geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north
geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east
identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/ATLAS/ATL09.001
identifier_product_type: ATL09
license: Data may not be reproduced or distributed without including the citation for this product included in this metadata. Data may not be distributed in an altered form without the written permission of the ICESat-2 Science Project Office at NASA/GSFC.
spatial_coverage_type: Horizontal
standard_name_vocabulary: CF-1.6
time_type: CCSDS UTC-A
date_created: 2019-05-23T13:26:45.000000Z
hdfversion: HDF5 1.10.3
history: 2019-05-23T13:26:45.000000Z;f737c66c-7778-37ab-a200-0cfee0675f21;Created by PGE atlas_l3a_atm Version 4.1
identifier_file_uuid: f737c66c-7778-37ab-a200-0cfee0675f21
identifier_product_format_version: 4.1
time_coverage_duration: 5657.0000000000000
time_coverage_end: 2018-11-17T10:40:21.000000Z
time_coverage_start: 2018-11-17T09:06:04.000000Z
geospatial_lat_min: -88.018490671091101
geospatial_lon_min: -179.99054067106431
geospatial_lat_max: 88.043163885934163
geospatial_lon_max: 179.98081571057057
publisher_name: NSIDC DAAC > NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center
title: ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Calibrated Backscatter Profiles and Atmospheric Layer Characteristics
identifier_file_product_type: ATL09
institution: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
creator_name: GSFC I-SIPS > ICESat-2 Science Investigator-led Processing System
summary: The purpose of ATL09 is to provide calibrated integrated backscatter, cloud layers and other meteorological and atmosphere data that will be used by in the creation of other ICESat-2 L3 products.
keywords_vocabulary: NASA/GCMD Science Keywords
citation: Cite these data in publications as follows: The data used in this study were produced by the ICESat-2 Science Project Office at NASA/GSFC. The data archive site is the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center.
processing_level: 3A
project: ICESat-2 > Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2
instrument: ATLAS > Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System
platform: ICESat-2 > Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2
source: Spacecraft
Unlimited_Dimension: orbit_info_crossing_time, orbit_info_sc_orient_time, profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time, profile_1_high_rate_delta_time, profile_1_low_rate_delta_time, profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time, profile_2_high_rate_delta_time, profile_2_low_rate_delta_time, profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time, profile_3_high_rate_delta_time, profile_3_low_rate_delta_time

Variables in this Dataset

orbit_info_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Cycle Number
description: A count of the number of exact repeats of this reference orbit.
source: Operations
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/cycle_number
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Orbit Number
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit.
source: Operations
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 65000
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/orbit_number
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_lan: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..0]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Ascending Node Longitude
description: Longitude at the ascending node crossing.
source: POD/PPD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
origname: lan
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/lan
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_sc_orient: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_sc_orient_time = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Spacecraft Orientation
description: This parameter tracks the spacecraft orientation between forward, backward and transitional flight modes. ICESat-2 is considered to be flying forward when the weak beams are leading the strong beams; and backward when the strong beams are leading the weak beams. ICESat-2 is considered to be in transition while it is maneuvering between the two orientations. Science quality is potentially degraded while in transition mode.
source: POD/PPD
flag_meanings: backward forward transition
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
origname: sc_orient
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/sc_orient
coordinates: orbit_info_sc_orient_time
orbit_info_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Reference Ground track
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT3 and GT4. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1387 RGTs.
source: POD/PPD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/rgt
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_counts_reduced: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1071327]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: ATLAS 50-shot background count - reduced
description: Number of photon counts in the 50-shot sum after subtracting the number of signal photon events, defined as in ATBD Section 5, in that span.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_counts_reduced
fullnamepath: /profile_1/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_counts_reduced
coordinates: profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_counts: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1071327]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: ATLAS 50-shot background count
description: Onboard 50 shot background (200 Hz) sum of photon events within the altimetric range window.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_counts
fullnamepath: /profile_1/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_counts
coordinates: profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_hist_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1071327]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Top of the altimetric range window
description: The height of the top of the altimetric histogram, in meters above the WGS-84 ellipsoid, with all geophysical corrections applied. Parameter is ingested at 50-Hz, and values are repeated to form a 200-Hz array.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_hist_top
fullnamepath: /profile_1/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_hist_top
coordinates: profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_int_height: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1071327]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Altimetric range window width
description: The height of the altimetric range window. This is the height over which the 50-shot sum is generated. Parameter is ingested at 50-Hz, and values are repeated to form a 200-Hz array.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_int_height
fullnamepath: /profile_1/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_int_height
coordinates: profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_int_height_reduced: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1071327]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Altimetric range window height - reduced
description: The height of the altimetric range window after subtracting the height span of the signal photon events in the 50-shot span.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_int_height_reduced
fullnamepath: /profile_1/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_int_height_reduced
coordinates: profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1071327]
units: counts / second
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background count rate based on the ATLAS 50-shot sum
description: The background count rate from the 50-shot altimetric histogram after removing the number of likely signal photons based on Section 5.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_rate
fullnamepath: /profile_1/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate
coordinates: profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1071327]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: PCE Major frame counter
description: Major Frame ID - The major frame ID is read from the DFC and starts counting at DFC POR. The counter is used to identify individual major frames across diag and science packets. This counter can go for about 2.7 years before rolling over. It is in the first time tag science packet. Used as part of the photon ID
source: ATL02
origname: pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /profile_1/bckgrd_atlas/pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_1_high_rate_sig_count_med: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: counts
long_name: Count of Signal Heights - Medium
description: Count of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
contentType: referenceInformation
origname: sig_count_med
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_count_med
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_surface_h_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface h from density
description: Surface height from density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surface_h_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/surface_h_dens
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_dem_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: dem source flag
description: Indicates source of the DEM height. Values: 0=None, 1=GIMP, 2=GMTED, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: none gimp gmted mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
origname: dem_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/dem_flag
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_msw_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Multiple Scattering Warning Flag
description: Multiple Scattering warning flag. The multiple scattering warning flag (ATL09 parameter msw_flag) has values from -1 to 5 where zero means no multiple scattering and 5 the greatest. If no layers were detected, then msw_flag = 0. If blowing snow is detected and its estimated optical depth is greater than or equal to 0.5, then msw_flag = 5. If the blowing snow optical depth is less than 0.5, then msw_flag = 4. If no blowing snow is detected but there are cloud or aerosol layers detected, the msw_flag assumes values of 1 to 3 based on the height of the bottom of the lowest layer: < 1 km, msw_flag = 3; 1-3 km, msw_flag = 2; > 3km, msw_flag = 1. A value of -1 indicates that the signal to noise of the data was too low to reliably ascertain the presence of cloud or blowing snow. We expect values of -1 to occur only during daylight.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: cannot_determine no_layers layer_gt_3km layer_between_1_and_3_km layer_lt_1km blow_snow_od_lt_0.5 blow_snow_od_gt_0.5
flag_values: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
valid_min: -1
valid_max: 5
origname: msw_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/msw_flag
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_cloud_flag_atm: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
description: Number of layers found from the backscatter profile using the DDA layer finder.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
origname: cloud_flag_atm
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/cloud_flag_atm
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_ocean_surf_reflec: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Ocean Surface Reflectance
description: Ocean Surface Reflectance from Eqn 4.10 based on the Cox-Munk model.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: ocean_surf_reflec
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/ocean_surf_reflec
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_sig_count_low: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Count of Signal Heights - Low
description: Count of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_count_low
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_count_low
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_layer_attr: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer attribute flag
description: Layer attribute flag for each of the possible 10 layers. Indicates (0) no_layer (1) cloud, (2) aerosol or (3) unknown.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_layer cloud aerosol unknown
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: layer_attr
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/layer_attr
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_hi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signal Heights -High
description: SDev of the heights of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_hi
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_bsnow_con: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow confidence
description: Blowing snow confidence. -3=surface not detected; -2=no surface wind;-1=no scattering layer found; 0=no top layer found; 1=none-little; 2=weak; 3=moderate; 4=moderate-high; 5=high; 6=very high
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: surface_not_detected no_surface_wind no_scattering_layer_found no_top_layer_found none_little weak moderate moderate_high high very_high
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 6
origname: bsnow_con
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/bsnow_con
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_layer_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: layer_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/layer_flag
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_dtime_fac1: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: dead_time_factor1
description: Dead time correction factor for surface signal computed from radiometric lookup table.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dtime_fac1
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/dtime_fac1
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_bsnow_psc: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow PSC flag
description: Blowing snow PSC flag. Indicates the potential for polar stratospheric clouds to affect the blowing snow retrieval, where 0=none and 3=maximum. This flag is a function of month and hemisphere and is only applied poleward of 60 north and south.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5
flag_meanings: none slight moderate maximum_bsnow_PSC_affected
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: bsnow_psc
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/bsnow_psc
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_surf_refl_true: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Estimated Surface Reflectance
description: The value of the clear-sky surface reflectivity to use in the compuation of total column optical depth and cloud detection from the measures apparent surface reflectance (ASR).
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surf_refl_true
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/surf_refl_true
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_bsnow_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow top h
description: Blowing snow layer top height
source: Atmosphere ATBD
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
origname: bsnow_h
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/bsnow_h
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_sig_h_mean_hi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of SignalHeights - High
description: Mean height of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_h_mean_hi
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_beam_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: beam azimuth
description: Beam azimuth
source: ATL03 ATBD
origname: beam_azimuth
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/beam_azimuth
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_range_to_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Range
description: Range from the spacecraft to the top of the atmosphere range window.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: range_to_top
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/range_to_top
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_solar_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: solar azimuth
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the sun vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot.
source: ATL03g ATBD
origname: solar_azimuth
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/solar_azimuth
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Longitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: longitude
description: Longitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, East=+, derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/longitude
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude
profile_1_high_rate_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: degrees_north
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Latitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: latitude
description: Latitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, North=+, Derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/latitude
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_surf_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface type
description: Flags describing which surface types this interval is associated with. 0=not type, 1=is type. Order of array is land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 4
flag_meanings: not_type is_type
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_type
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/surf_type
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_density_pass1: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Density profile - pass1
description: Density profiles from pass 1.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Part II
origname: density_pass1
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/density_pass1
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_column_od_asr_qf: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Optical depth ASR quality
description: Total column optical depth from ASR quality flag. The total atmosphere column particulate optical depth can be computed from the apparent surface reflectance if the actual surface reflectance is well known. The flag indicates the surface type over which the flag is computed in the order from unable to compute (0 - no_surface_signal) to best quality (4=water).
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_signal land sea_ice land_ice water
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: column_od_asr_qf
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/column_od_asr_qf
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_bsnow_od: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow OD
description: Blowing snow layer optical depth
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_od
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/bsnow_od
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_surf_type_igbp: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: IGBP Surface Type
description: IGBP Surface Type
source: Atmosphere ATBD, IGBP Surface Type
origname: surf_type_igbp
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/surf_type_igbp
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_backg_c: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background
description: Background, in photons/bin, used in the NRB Computation.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: backg_c
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/backg_c
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_sig_h_mean_med: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of Signa Heightsl - Med
description: Mean height of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_med
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_h_mean_med
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_dem_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: DEM Height
description: Best available DEM (in priority of GIMP/ANTARCTIC/GMTED/MSS) value at the geolocation point.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dem_h
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/dem_h
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_cloud_flag_asr: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
description: Cloud flag (probability) from apparent surface reflectance. 0=clear with high confidence; 1=clear with medium confidence; 2=clear with low confidence; 3=cloudy with low confidence; 4=cloudy with medium confidence; 5=cloudy with high confidence; 6=unknown
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence unknown
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
origname: cloud_flag_asr
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/cloud_flag_asr
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_tx_pulse_energy: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Joules
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Transmit Pulse Energy
description: Transmit energy, from the laser internal energy monitor, split into per-beam measurements.
source: ATL02 ATBD, Section 7.2
origname: tx_pulse_energy
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/tx_pulse_energy
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_layer_bot: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meter
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Height layer bottoms
description: Height of bottom of detected layers
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_bot
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/layer_bot
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_cab_prof: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Calibrated Attenuated Backscatter
description: Calibrated Attenuated Backscatter from 20 to -1 km with vertical resolution of 30m (eqn 4.1)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cab_prof
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/cab_prof
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_density_pass2: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Density profile - pass2
description: Density profiles from pass 2.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Part II
origname: density_pass2
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/density_pass2
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_surface_height: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface height
description: Height of the detected surface bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_height
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/surface_height
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_bsnow_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow density
description: Blowing snow layer density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/bsnow_dens
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_layer_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Height layer tops
description: Height of top of detected layers
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_top
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/layer_top
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_column_od_asr: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Optical depth from ASR
description: Optical depth of atmosphere column based on apparent surface reflectance and the assumed actual surface reflectance.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: column_od_asr
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/column_od_asr
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_layer_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer Density
description: Layer Density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/layer_dens
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_prof_dist_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Across Track Distance from RGT
description: Across-Track distance from the reference ground track.
source: ATL03g ATBD, Section 3.4
origname: prof_dist_y
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/prof_dist_y
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_beam_elevation: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: degrees
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: beam elevation
description: Beam elevation
source: ATL03 ATBD
origname: beam_elevation
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/beam_elevation
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_segment_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: along-track segment ID number.
description: A 7 digit number identifiying the along-track geolocation segment number. These are sequential, starting with 1 for the first segment after an ascending equatorial crossing node.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 3.1
origname: segment_id
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/segment_id
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_surface_bin: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 2147483647
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface bin
description: Vertially aligned, NRB bin number of the detected surface return.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_bin
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/surface_bin
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_solar_elevation: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: degrees
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: solar elevation
description: Solar Angle above or below the plane tangent to the ellipsoid surface at the laser spot. Positive values mean the sun is above the horizon, while negative values mean it is below the horizon. The effect of atmospheric refraction is not included. This is a low precision value, with approximately TBD degree accuracy.
source: ATL03g ATBD
origname: solar_elevation
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/solar_elevation
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_sig_count_hi: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Count of Signa Heightsl - High
description: Count of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_count_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_count_hi
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_dtime_fac2: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: dead_time_factor2
description: Dead time correction factor for surface signal computed from ATBD equation 2.1.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dtime_fac2
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/dtime_fac2
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_prof_dist_x: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Along Track Distance
description: Along-track distance from the equator crossing.
source: ATL03g ATBD, Section 3.4
origname: prof_dist_x
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/prof_dist_x
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_aclr_true: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Clear sky ASR
description: Clear sky initial surface reflectance based on GOME climatology or Cox-Munk model: see Fig 3.6.5 of the Atmosphere ATBD.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: aclr_true
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/aclr_true
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_apparent_surf_reflec: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Apparent Surface Reflectance
description: Apparent Surface Reflectance (ASR): Eqn 4.7
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: apparent_surf_reflec
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/apparent_surf_reflec
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: PCE Major frame counter
description: Major Frame Counter - The major frame counter is read from the DFC and starts counting at DFC POR. The counter is used to identify individual major frames across diag and science packets. This counter can go for about 2.7 years before rolling over. It is in the first time tag science packet. Used as part of the photon ID
source: ATL02
origname: pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_cloud_fold_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Folding Flag
description: Flag that indicates this profile likely contains cloud signal folded down from above 15 km to the last 2-3 km of the profile. See ATBD Table 3.9 for detailed flag value meanings
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_folding goes5_indicates profile_indicates both_indicate
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: cloud_fold_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/cloud_fold_flag
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_low: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signal Heights -Low
description: SDev of the heights of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_low
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_low
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_layer_con: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer confidence flag
description: Layer confidence flag for each layer
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10000
origname: layer_con
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/layer_con
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_bsnow_h_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow h from density
description: Blowing snow layer height from density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_h_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/bsnow_h_dens
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_sig_h_mean_low: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of Signal Heights - Low
description: Mean height of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_low
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_h_mean_low
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_backg_theoret: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: photons/bin
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background (Theoretical)
description: The theoretical background, in photons/bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: backg_theoret
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/backg_theoret
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_med: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signa Heights -Med
description: SDev of the heights of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_med
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_med
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_surface_sig: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface signal count
description: Number of photons in the detected surface bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_sig
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/surface_sig
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_layer_ib: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416][profile_1_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer integrated backscatter
description: Layer integrated backscatter
source: Atmosphere ATBD
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
origname: layer_ib
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/layer_ib
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_high_rate_snow_ice: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
_FillValue: 2147483647
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
description: NOAA snow-ice flag. 0=ice free water; 1=snow free land; 2=snow; 3=ice
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: snow_ice
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/snow_ice
coordinates: profile_1_high_rate_delta_time profile_1_high_rate_latitude profile_1_high_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_tropt: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: blended_tropopause_temperature
standard_name: temperature
description: Tropopause temperature (k)
origname: met_tropt
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_tropt
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_mol_backs_folded: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_1_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: m-1 sr-1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Folded molecular transmission profile
description: Folded molecular transmission profile, 30 m resolution, , m-1 sr-1; 20 km to -1 km (equation 3.17)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: mol_backs_folded
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/mol_backs_folded
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_molec_bkscat_p: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_1_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: Pa
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Pressure profile
description: Pressure profiles from 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_bkscat_p
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/molec_bkscat_p
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_t2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: temperature_at_2m
standard_name: temperature
description: Temperature at 2m above the displacement height (K)
origname: met_t2m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_t2m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_u2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_2m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 2m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u2m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_u2m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_u10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_10m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 10m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u10m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_u10m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_molec_trans: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_1_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Molecular transmission profile
description: Molecular transmission profile, 30 m resolution, 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_trans
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/molec_trans
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_cldprs: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_top_pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Pressure of the highest cloud top at this location from GEOS5 data
origname: met_cldprs
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_cldprs
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_bsnow_con: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow confidence
description: Blowing snow confidence. -3=surface not detected; -2=no surface wind;-1=no scattering layer found; 0=no top layer found; 1=none-little; 2=weak; 3=moderate; 4=moderate-high; 5=high; 6=very high
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: surface_not_detected no_surface_wind no_scattering_layer_found no_top_layer_found none_little weak moderate moderate_high high very_high
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 6
origname: bsnow_con
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/bsnow_con
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_bsnow_psc: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow PSC flag
description: Blowing snow PSC flag. Indicates the potential for polar stratospheric clouds to affect the blowing snow retrieval, where 0=none and 3=maximum. This flag is a function of month and hemisphere and is only applied poleward of 60 north and south.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5
flag_meanings: none slight moderate maximum_bsnow_PSC_affected
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: bsnow_psc
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/bsnow_psc
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_v50m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: northward_wind_at_50m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 50m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v50m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_v50m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_bsnow_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow top h
description: Blowing snow layer top height
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_h
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/bsnow_h
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_v10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Northward_wind_at_10m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 10m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v10m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_v10m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Longitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: longitude
description: Longitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, East=+, derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/longitude
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_ps: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Surface Pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Surface Pressure (Pa)
origname: met_ps
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_ps
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: degrees_north
long_name: Latitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: latitude
description: Latitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, North=+, Derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/latitude
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_surf_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface type
description: Flags describing which surface types this interval is associated with. 0=not type, 1=is type. Order of array is land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 4
flag_meanings: not_type is_type
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_type
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/surf_type
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_qv10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg kg-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: specific_humidity_at_10m
standard_name: specific_humidity
description: Specific humidity at 10 m above the displacement height (Pa)
origname: met_qv10m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_qv10m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_bsnow_od: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow OD
description: Blowing snow layer optical depth
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_od
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/bsnow_od
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_tqi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg m2
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_ice
description: Total column cloud ice (Kg/m2)
origname: met_tqi
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_tqi
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_t10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: temperature_at_10m
standard_name: temperature
description: Temperature at 10m above the displacement height (K)
origname: met_t10m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_t10m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_cal_c: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: Photons*m^3 *sr / J
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Calibration Constant
description: Calibration Constant (for each beam at 1 Hz)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cal_c
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/cal_c
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_tql: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg m2
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_liquid_water
description: Total column cloud liquid water (kg/m2)
origname: met_tql
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_tql
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_v2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Northward_wind_at_2m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 2m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v2m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_v2m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_ts: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface_temperature
standard_name: temperature
description: Surface skin temperature (K)
origname: met_ts
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_ts
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_qv2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg kg-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: specific_humidity_at_2m
standard_name: specific_humidity
description: Specific humidity at 2 m above the displacement height (Pa)
origname: met_qv2m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_qv2m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_molec_bkscat_t: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_1_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: degreesC
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Temperature profile
description: Temperature profiles from 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_bkscat_t
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/molec_bkscat_t
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_u50m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_50m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 50m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u50m
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_u50m
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_slp: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: Pa
contentType: modelResult
long_name: sea_level_pressure
standard_name: sea_level_pressure
description: sea-level pressure (Pa)
origname: met_slp
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_slp
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_met_troppb: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: blended_tropopause_pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Blended tropopause pressure (pa)
origname: met_troppb
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/met_troppb
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_bsnow_prob: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing Snow Probability
description: The probability of blowing snow based on meteorological data.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5.1
origname: bsnow_prob
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/bsnow_prob
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_1_low_rate_mol_backscatter: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_1_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: m-1 sr-1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Molecular backscatter profile
description: Molecular backscatter profile, 30 m resolution, 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: mol_backscatter
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/mol_backscatter
coordinates: profile_1_low_rate_delta_time profile_1_low_rate_latitude profile_1_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_counts_reduced: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1072896]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: ATLAS 50-shot background count - reduced
description: Number of photon counts in the 50-shot sum after subtracting the number of signal photon events, defined as in ATBD Section 5, in that span.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_counts_reduced
fullnamepath: /profile_3/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_counts_reduced
coordinates: profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_counts: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1072896]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: ATLAS 50-shot background count
description: Onboard 50 shot background (200 Hz) sum of photon events within the altimetric range window.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_counts
fullnamepath: /profile_3/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_counts
coordinates: profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_hist_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1072896]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Top of the altimetric range window
description: The height of the top of the altimetric histogram, in meters above the WGS-84 ellipsoid, with all geophysical corrections applied. Parameter is ingested at 50-Hz, and values are repeated to form a 200-Hz array.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_hist_top
fullnamepath: /profile_3/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_hist_top
coordinates: profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_int_height: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1072896]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Altimetric range window width
description: The height of the altimetric range window. This is the height over which the 50-shot sum is generated. Parameter is ingested at 50-Hz, and values are repeated to form a 200-Hz array.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_int_height
fullnamepath: /profile_3/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_int_height
coordinates: profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_int_height_reduced: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1072896]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Altimetric range window height - reduced
description: The height of the altimetric range window after subtracting the height span of the signal photon events in the 50-shot span.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_int_height_reduced
fullnamepath: /profile_3/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_int_height_reduced
coordinates: profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1072896]
units: counts / second
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background count rate based on the ATLAS 50-shot sum
description: The background count rate from the 50-shot altimetric histogram after removing the number of likely signal photons based on Section 5.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_rate
fullnamepath: /profile_3/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate
coordinates: profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1072896]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: PCE Major frame counter
description: Major Frame ID - The major frame ID is read from the DFC and starts counting at DFC POR. The counter is used to identify individual major frames across diag and science packets. This counter can go for about 2.7 years before rolling over. It is in the first time tag science packet. Used as part of the photon ID
source: ATL02
origname: pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /profile_3/bckgrd_atlas/pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_3_high_rate_sig_count_med: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
long_name: Count of Signal Heights - Medium
description: Count of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
contentType: referenceInformation
origname: sig_count_med
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_count_med
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_surface_h_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface h from density
description: Surface height from density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surface_h_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/surface_h_dens
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_dem_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: dem source flag
description: Indicates source of the DEM height. Values: 0=None, 1=GIMP, 2=GMTED, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: none gimp gmted mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
origname: dem_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/dem_flag
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_msw_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Multiple Scattering Warning Flag
description: Multiple Scattering warning flag. The multiple scattering warning flag (ATL09 parameter msw_flag) has values from -1 to 5 where zero means no multiple scattering and 5 the greatest. If no layers were detected, then msw_flag = 0. If blowing snow is detected and its estimated optical depth is greater than or equal to 0.5, then msw_flag = 5. If the blowing snow optical depth is less than 0.5, then msw_flag = 4. If no blowing snow is detected but there are cloud or aerosol layers detected, the msw_flag assumes values of 1 to 3 based on the height of the bottom of the lowest layer: < 1 km, msw_flag = 3; 1-3 km, msw_flag = 2; > 3km, msw_flag = 1. A value of -1 indicates that the signal to noise of the data was too low to reliably ascertain the presence of cloud or blowing snow. We expect values of -1 to occur only during daylight.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: cannot_determine no_layers layer_gt_3km layer_between_1_and_3_km layer_lt_1km blow_snow_od_lt_0.5 blow_snow_od_gt_0.5
flag_values: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
valid_min: -1
valid_max: 5
origname: msw_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/msw_flag
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_cloud_flag_atm: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
description: Number of layers found from the backscatter profile using the DDA layer finder.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
origname: cloud_flag_atm
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/cloud_flag_atm
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_ocean_surf_reflec: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Ocean Surface Reflectance
description: Ocean Surface Reflectance from Eqn 4.10 based on the Cox-Munk model.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: ocean_surf_reflec
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/ocean_surf_reflec
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_sig_count_low: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Count of Signal Heights - Low
description: Count of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_count_low
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_count_low
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_layer_attr: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer attribute flag
description: Layer attribute flag for each of the possible 10 layers. Indicates (0) no_layer (1) cloud, (2) aerosol or (3) unknown.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_layer cloud aerosol unknown
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: layer_attr
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/layer_attr
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_hi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signal Heights -High
description: SDev of the heights of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_hi
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_bsnow_con: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow confidence
description: Blowing snow confidence. -3=surface not detected; -2=no surface wind;-1=no scattering layer found; 0=no top layer found; 1=none-little; 2=weak; 3=moderate; 4=moderate-high; 5=high; 6=very high
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: surface_not_detected no_surface_wind no_scattering_layer_found no_top_layer_found none_little weak moderate moderate_high high very_high
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 6
origname: bsnow_con
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/bsnow_con
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_layer_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: layer_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/layer_flag
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_dtime_fac1: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: dead_time_factor1
description: Dead time correction factor for surface signal computed from radiometric lookup table.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dtime_fac1
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/dtime_fac1
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_bsnow_psc: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow PSC flag
description: Blowing snow PSC flag. Indicates the potential for polar stratospheric clouds to affect the blowing snow retrieval, where 0=none and 3=maximum. This flag is a function of month and hemisphere and is only applied poleward of 60 north and south.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5
flag_meanings: none slight moderate maximum_bsnow_PSC_affected
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: bsnow_psc
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/bsnow_psc
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_surf_refl_true: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Estimated Surface Reflectance
description: The value of the clear-sky surface reflectivity to use in the compuation of total column optical depth and cloud detection from the measures apparent surface reflectance (ASR).
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surf_refl_true
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/surf_refl_true
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_bsnow_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow top h
description: Blowing snow layer top height
source: Atmosphere ATBD
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
origname: bsnow_h
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/bsnow_h
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_sig_h_mean_hi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of SignalHeights - High
description: Mean height of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_h_mean_hi
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_beam_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: beam azimuth
description: Beam azimuth
source: ATL03 ATBD
origname: beam_azimuth
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/beam_azimuth
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_range_to_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Range
description: Range from the spacecraft to the top of the atmosphere range window.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: range_to_top
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/range_to_top
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_solar_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: solar azimuth
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the sun vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot.
source: ATL03g ATBD
origname: solar_azimuth
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/solar_azimuth
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Longitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: longitude
description: Longitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, East=+, derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/longitude
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude
profile_3_high_rate_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: degrees_north
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Latitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: latitude
description: Latitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, North=+, Derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/latitude
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_surf_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface type
description: Flags describing which surface types this interval is associated with. 0=not type, 1=is type. Order of array is land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 4
flag_meanings: not_type is_type
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_type
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/surf_type
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_density_pass1: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Density profile - pass1
description: Density profiles from pass 1.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Part II
origname: density_pass1
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/density_pass1
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_column_od_asr_qf: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Optical depth ASR quality
description: Total column optical depth from ASR quality flag. The total atmosphere column particulate optical depth can be computed from the apparent surface reflectance if the actual surface reflectance is well known. The flag indicates the surface type over which the flag is computed in the order from unable to compute (0 - no_surface_signal) to best quality (4=water).
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_signal land sea_ice land_ice water
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: column_od_asr_qf
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/column_od_asr_qf
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_bsnow_od: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow OD
description: Blowing snow layer optical depth
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_od
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/bsnow_od
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_surf_type_igbp: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: IGBP Surface Type
description: IGBP Surface Type
source: Atmosphere ATBD, IGBP Surface Type
origname: surf_type_igbp
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/surf_type_igbp
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_backg_c: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background
description: Background, in photons/bin, used in the NRB Computation.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: backg_c
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/backg_c
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_sig_h_mean_med: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of Signa Heightsl - Med
description: Mean height of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_med
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_h_mean_med
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_dem_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: DEM Height
description: Best available DEM (in priority of GIMP/ANTARCTIC/GMTED/MSS) value at the geolocation point.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dem_h
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/dem_h
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_cloud_flag_asr: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
description: Cloud flag (probability) from apparent surface reflectance. 0=clear with high confidence; 1=clear with medium confidence; 2=clear with low confidence; 3=cloudy with low confidence; 4=cloudy with medium confidence; 5=cloudy with high confidence; 6=unknown
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence unknown
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
origname: cloud_flag_asr
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/cloud_flag_asr
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_tx_pulse_energy: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Joules
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Transmit Pulse Energy
description: Transmit energy, from the laser internal energy monitor, split into per-beam measurements.
source: ATL02 ATBD, Section 7.2
origname: tx_pulse_energy
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/tx_pulse_energy
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_layer_bot: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meter
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Height layer bottoms
description: Height of bottom of detected layers
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_bot
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/layer_bot
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_cab_prof: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Calibrated Attenuated Backscatter
description: Calibrated Attenuated Backscatter from 20 to -1 km with vertical resolution of 30m (eqn 4.1)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cab_prof
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/cab_prof
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_density_pass2: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Density profile - pass2
description: Density profiles from pass 2.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Part II
origname: density_pass2
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/density_pass2
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_surface_height: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface height
description: Height of the detected surface bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_height
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/surface_height
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_bsnow_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow density
description: Blowing snow layer density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/bsnow_dens
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_layer_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Height layer tops
description: Height of top of detected layers
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_top
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/layer_top
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_column_od_asr: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Optical depth from ASR
description: Optical depth of atmosphere column based on apparent surface reflectance and the assumed actual surface reflectance.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: column_od_asr
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/column_od_asr
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_layer_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer Density
description: Layer Density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/layer_dens
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_prof_dist_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Across Track Distance from RGT
description: Across-Track distance from the reference ground track.
source: ATL03g ATBD, Section 3.4
origname: prof_dist_y
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/prof_dist_y
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_beam_elevation: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: degrees
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: beam elevation
description: Beam elevation
source: ATL03 ATBD
origname: beam_elevation
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/beam_elevation
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_segment_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: along-track segment ID number.
description: A 7 digit number identifiying the along-track geolocation segment number. These are sequential, starting with 1 for the first segment after an ascending equatorial crossing node.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 3.1
origname: segment_id
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/segment_id
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_surface_bin: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 2147483647
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface bin
description: Vertially aligned, NRB bin number of the detected surface return.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_bin
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/surface_bin
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_solar_elevation: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: degrees
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: solar elevation
description: Solar Angle above or below the plane tangent to the ellipsoid surface at the laser spot. Positive values mean the sun is above the horizon, while negative values mean it is below the horizon. The effect of atmospheric refraction is not included. This is a low precision value, with approximately TBD degree accuracy.
source: ATL03g ATBD
origname: solar_elevation
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/solar_elevation
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_sig_count_hi: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Count of Signa Heightsl - High
description: Count of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_count_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_count_hi
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_dtime_fac2: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: dead_time_factor2
description: Dead time correction factor for surface signal computed from ATBD equation 2.1.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dtime_fac2
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/dtime_fac2
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_prof_dist_x: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Along Track Distance
description: Along-track distance from the equator crossing.
source: ATL03g ATBD, Section 3.4
origname: prof_dist_x
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/prof_dist_x
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_aclr_true: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Clear sky ASR
description: Clear sky initial surface reflectance based on GOME climatology or Cox-Munk model: see Fig 3.6.5 of the Atmosphere ATBD.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: aclr_true
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/aclr_true
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_apparent_surf_reflec: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Apparent Surface Reflectance
description: Apparent Surface Reflectance (ASR): Eqn 4.7
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: apparent_surf_reflec
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/apparent_surf_reflec
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: PCE Major frame counter
description: Major Frame Counter - The major frame counter is read from the DFC and starts counting at DFC POR. The counter is used to identify individual major frames across diag and science packets. This counter can go for about 2.7 years before rolling over. It is in the first time tag science packet. Used as part of the photon ID
source: ATL02
origname: pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_cloud_fold_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Folding Flag
description: Flag that indicates this profile likely contains cloud signal folded down from above 15 km to the last 2-3 km of the profile. See ATBD Table 3.9 for detailed flag value meanings
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_folding goes5_indicates profile_indicates both_indicate
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: cloud_fold_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/cloud_fold_flag
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_low: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signal Heights -Low
description: SDev of the heights of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_low
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_low
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_layer_con: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer confidence flag
description: Layer confidence flag for each layer
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10000
origname: layer_con
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/layer_con
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_bsnow_h_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow h from density
description: Blowing snow layer height from density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_h_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/bsnow_h_dens
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_sig_h_mean_low: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of Signal Heights - Low
description: Mean height of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_low
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_h_mean_low
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_backg_theoret: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: photons/bin
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background (Theoretical)
description: The theoretical background, in photons/bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: backg_theoret
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/backg_theoret
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_med: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signa Heights -Med
description: SDev of the heights of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_med
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_med
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_surface_sig: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface signal count
description: Number of photons in the detected surface bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_sig
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/surface_sig
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_layer_ib: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_3_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer integrated backscatter
description: Layer integrated backscatter
source: Atmosphere ATBD
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
origname: layer_ib
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/layer_ib
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_high_rate_snow_ice: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 2147483647
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
description: NOAA snow-ice flag. 0=ice free water; 1=snow free land; 2=snow; 3=ice
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: snow_ice
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/snow_ice
coordinates: profile_3_high_rate_delta_time profile_3_high_rate_latitude profile_3_high_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_tropt: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: blended_tropopause_temperature
standard_name: temperature
description: Tropopause temperature (k)
origname: met_tropt
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_tropt
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_mol_backs_folded: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_3_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: m-1 sr-1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Folded molecular transmission profile
description: Folded molecular transmission profile, 30 m resolution, , m-1 sr-1; 20 km to -1 km (equation 3.17)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: mol_backs_folded
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/mol_backs_folded
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_molec_bkscat_p: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_3_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: Pa
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Pressure profile
description: Pressure profiles from 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_bkscat_p
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/molec_bkscat_p
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_t2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: temperature_at_2m
standard_name: temperature
description: Temperature at 2m above the displacement height (K)
origname: met_t2m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_t2m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_u2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_2m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 2m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u2m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_u2m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_u10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_10m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 10m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u10m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_u10m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_molec_trans: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_3_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Molecular transmission profile
description: Molecular transmission profile, 30 m resolution, 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_trans
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/molec_trans
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_cldprs: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_top_pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Pressure of the highest cloud top at this location from GEOS5 data
origname: met_cldprs
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_cldprs
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_bsnow_con: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow confidence
description: Blowing snow confidence. -3=surface not detected; -2=no surface wind;-1=no scattering layer found; 0=no top layer found; 1=none-little; 2=weak; 3=moderate; 4=moderate-high; 5=high; 6=very high
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: surface_not_detected no_surface_wind no_scattering_layer_found no_top_layer_found none_little weak moderate moderate_high high very_high
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 6
origname: bsnow_con
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/bsnow_con
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_bsnow_psc: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow PSC flag
description: Blowing snow PSC flag. Indicates the potential for polar stratospheric clouds to affect the blowing snow retrieval, where 0=none and 3=maximum. This flag is a function of month and hemisphere and is only applied poleward of 60 north and south.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5
flag_meanings: none slight moderate maximum_bsnow_PSC_affected
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: bsnow_psc
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/bsnow_psc
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_v50m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: northward_wind_at_50m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 50m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v50m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_v50m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_bsnow_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow top h
description: Blowing snow layer top height
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_h
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/bsnow_h
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_v10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Northward_wind_at_10m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 10m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v10m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_v10m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Longitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: longitude
description: Longitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, East=+, derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/longitude
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_ps: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Surface Pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Surface Pressure (Pa)
origname: met_ps
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_ps
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: degrees_north
long_name: Latitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: latitude
description: Latitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, North=+, Derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/latitude
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_surf_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface type
description: Flags describing which surface types this interval is associated with. 0=not type, 1=is type. Order of array is land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 4
flag_meanings: not_type is_type
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_type
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/surf_type
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_qv10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg kg-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: specific_humidity_at_10m
standard_name: specific_humidity
description: Specific humidity at 10 m above the displacement height (Pa)
origname: met_qv10m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_qv10m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_bsnow_od: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow OD
description: Blowing snow layer optical depth
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_od
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/bsnow_od
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_tqi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg m2
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_ice
description: Total column cloud ice (Kg/m2)
origname: met_tqi
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_tqi
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_t10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: temperature_at_10m
standard_name: temperature
description: Temperature at 10m above the displacement height (K)
origname: met_t10m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_t10m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_cal_c: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: Photons*m^3 *sr / J
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Calibration Constant
description: Calibration Constant (for each beam at 1 Hz)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cal_c
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/cal_c
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_tql: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg m2
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_liquid_water
description: Total column cloud liquid water (kg/m2)
origname: met_tql
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_tql
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_v2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Northward_wind_at_2m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 2m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v2m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_v2m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_ts: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface_temperature
standard_name: temperature
description: Surface skin temperature (K)
origname: met_ts
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_ts
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_qv2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg kg-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: specific_humidity_at_2m
standard_name: specific_humidity
description: Specific humidity at 2 m above the displacement height (Pa)
origname: met_qv2m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_qv2m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_molec_bkscat_t: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_3_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: degreesC
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Temperature profile
description: Temperature profiles from 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_bkscat_t
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/molec_bkscat_t
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_u50m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_50m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 50m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u50m
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_u50m
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_slp: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: Pa
contentType: modelResult
long_name: sea_level_pressure
standard_name: sea_level_pressure
description: sea-level pressure (Pa)
origname: met_slp
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_slp
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_met_troppb: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: blended_tropopause_pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Blended tropopause pressure (pa)
origname: met_troppb
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/met_troppb
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_bsnow_prob: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing Snow Probability
description: The probability of blowing snow based on meteorological data.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5.1
origname: bsnow_prob
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/bsnow_prob
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
profile_3_low_rate_mol_backscatter: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_3_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: m-1 sr-1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Molecular backscatter profile
description: Molecular backscatter profile, 30 m resolution, 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: mol_backscatter
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/mol_backscatter
coordinates: profile_3_low_rate_delta_time profile_3_low_rate_latitude profile_3_low_rate_longitude
quality_assessment_qa_granule_fail_reason: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag indicating granule failure reason. 0=no failure; 1=processing error; 2=Insufficient output data was generated; 3=TBD Failure; 4=TBD_Failure; 5=other failure.
source: Operations
flag_meanings: no_failure PROCESS_ERROR INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT failure_3 failure_4 OTHER_FAILURE
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
long_name: Granule Failure Reason
origname: qa_granule_fail_reason
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/qa_granule_fail_reason
quality_assessment_qa_granule_pass_fail: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag indicating granule quality. 0=granule passes automatic QA. 1=granule fails automatic QA.
source: Operations
flag_meanings: PASS FAIL
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: Granule Pass Flag
origname: qa_granule_pass_fail
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/qa_granule_pass_fail
quality_assessment_profile_1_cab_mol_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: CAB molec Avg
description: CAB/molec average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cab_mol_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cab_mol_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_asr_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Average
description: Apparent surface reflectance average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/asr_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_cod_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Maximum
description: Cloud Optical Depth maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cod_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_cld_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud Percent
description: Percent time clouds were detected
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cld_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_asr_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Minimum
description: Apparent surface reflectance minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/asr_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_osr_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Average
description: Ocean surface reflectance average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/osr_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_cld_asr_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud ASR Percent
description: Percent time clouds from ASR were detected
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_asr_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cld_asr_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_cld_min: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer min
description: Cloud layer min
source: ATL04
origname: cld_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cld_min
quality_assessment_profile_1_osr_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Maximum
description: Ocean surface reflectance maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/osr_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_surf_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Percent Surface
description: Percent time surface height was detected
source: ATL04
origname: surf_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/surf_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: telemetry
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_asr_std: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Standard Deviation
description: Apparent surface reflectance stdev
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_std
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/asr_std
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_cod_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Minimum
description: Cloud Optical Depth minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cod_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_cod_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Average
description: Cloud Optical Depth average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cod_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_cld_max: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer max
description: Cloud layer max
source: ATL04
origname: cld_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cld_max
quality_assessment_profile_1_osr_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Minimum
description: Ocean surface reflectance minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/osr_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_asr_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Maximum
description: Apparent surface reflectance maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/asr_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_1_cld_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer average
description: Cloud layer average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_1/cld_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_1_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cab_mol_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: CAB molec Avg
description: CAB/molec average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cab_mol_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cab_mol_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_asr_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Average
description: Apparent surface reflectance average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/asr_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cod_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Maximum
description: Cloud Optical Depth maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cod_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cld_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud Percent
description: Percent time clouds were detected
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cld_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_asr_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Minimum
description: Apparent surface reflectance minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/asr_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_osr_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Average
description: Ocean surface reflectance average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/osr_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cld_asr_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud ASR Percent
description: Percent time clouds from ASR were detected
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_asr_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cld_asr_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cld_min: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer min
description: Cloud layer min
source: ATL04
origname: cld_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cld_min
quality_assessment_profile_2_osr_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Maximum
description: Ocean surface reflectance maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/osr_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_surf_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Percent Surface
description: Percent time surface height was detected
source: ATL04
origname: surf_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/surf_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: telemetry
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_asr_std: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Standard Deviation
description: Apparent surface reflectance stdev
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_std
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/asr_std
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cod_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Minimum
description: Cloud Optical Depth minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cod_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cod_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Average
description: Cloud Optical Depth average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cod_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cld_max: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer max
description: Cloud layer max
source: ATL04
origname: cld_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cld_max
quality_assessment_profile_2_osr_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Minimum
description: Ocean surface reflectance minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/osr_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_asr_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Maximum
description: Apparent surface reflectance maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/asr_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_2_cld_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer average
description: Cloud layer average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_2/cld_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_2_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cab_mol_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: CAB molec Avg
description: CAB/molec average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cab_mol_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cab_mol_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_asr_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Average
description: Apparent surface reflectance average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/asr_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cod_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Maximum
description: Cloud Optical Depth maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cod_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cld_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud Percent
description: Percent time clouds were detected
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cld_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_asr_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Minimum
description: Apparent surface reflectance minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/asr_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_osr_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Average
description: Ocean surface reflectance average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/osr_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cld_asr_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud ASR Percent
description: Percent time clouds from ASR were detected
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_asr_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cld_asr_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cld_min: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer min
description: Cloud layer min
source: ATL04
origname: cld_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cld_min
quality_assessment_profile_3_osr_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Maximum
description: Ocean surface reflectance maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/osr_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_surf_pct: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: percent
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Percent Surface
description: Percent time surface height was detected
source: ATL04
origname: surf_pct
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/surf_pct
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: telemetry
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_asr_std: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Standard Deviation
description: Apparent surface reflectance stdev
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_std
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/asr_std
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cod_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Minimum
description: Cloud Optical Depth minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cod_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cod_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: COD Average
description: Cloud Optical Depth average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cod_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cod_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cld_max: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer max
description: Cloud layer max
source: ATL04
origname: cld_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cld_max
quality_assessment_profile_3_osr_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: OSR Minimum
description: Ocean surface reflectance minimum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: osr_min
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/osr_min
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_asr_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: ASR Maximum
description: Apparent surface reflectance maximum
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_max
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/asr_max
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
quality_assessment_profile_3_cld_avg: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Cloud layer average
description: Cloud layer average
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cld_avg
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/profile_3/cld_avg
coordinates: quality_assessment_profile_3_delta_time
profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_counts_reduced: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1069754]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: ATLAS 50-shot background count - reduced
description: Number of photon counts in the 50-shot sum after subtracting the number of signal photon events, defined as in ATBD Section 5, in that span.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_counts_reduced
fullnamepath: /profile_2/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_counts_reduced
coordinates: profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_counts: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1069754]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: ATLAS 50-shot background count
description: Onboard 50 shot background (200 Hz) sum of photon events within the altimetric range window.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_counts
fullnamepath: /profile_2/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_counts
coordinates: profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_hist_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1069754]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Top of the altimetric range window
description: The height of the top of the altimetric histogram, in meters above the WGS-84 ellipsoid, with all geophysical corrections applied. Parameter is ingested at 50-Hz, and values are repeated to form a 200-Hz array.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_hist_top
fullnamepath: /profile_2/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_hist_top
coordinates: profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_int_height: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1069754]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Altimetric range window width
description: The height of the altimetric range window. This is the height over which the 50-shot sum is generated. Parameter is ingested at 50-Hz, and values are repeated to form a 200-Hz array.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_int_height
fullnamepath: /profile_2/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_int_height
coordinates: profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_int_height_reduced: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1069754]
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Altimetric range window height - reduced
description: The height of the altimetric range window after subtracting the height span of the signal photon events in the 50-shot span.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_int_height_reduced
fullnamepath: /profile_2/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_int_height_reduced
coordinates: profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_bckgrd_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1069754]
units: counts / second
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background count rate based on the ATLAS 50-shot sum
description: The background count rate from the 50-shot altimetric histogram after removing the number of likely signal photons based on Section 5.
source: ATL03 ATBD Section 7.3
origname: bckgrd_rate
fullnamepath: /profile_2/bckgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate
coordinates: profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1069754]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: PCE Major frame counter
description: Major Frame ID - The major frame ID is read from the DFC and starts counting at DFC POR. The counter is used to identify individual major frames across diag and science packets. This counter can go for about 2.7 years before rolling over. It is in the first time tag science packet. Used as part of the photon ID
source: ATL02
origname: pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /profile_2/bckgrd_atlas/pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time
profile_2_high_rate_sig_count_med: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
long_name: Count of Signal Heights - Medium
description: Count of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
contentType: referenceInformation
origname: sig_count_med
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_count_med
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_surface_h_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface h from density
description: Surface height from density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surface_h_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/surface_h_dens
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_dem_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: dem source flag
description: Indicates source of the DEM height. Values: 0=None, 1=GIMP, 2=GMTED, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: none gimp gmted mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
origname: dem_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/dem_flag
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_msw_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Multiple Scattering Warning Flag
description: Multiple Scattering warning flag. The multiple scattering warning flag (ATL09 parameter msw_flag) has values from -1 to 5 where zero means no multiple scattering and 5 the greatest. If no layers were detected, then msw_flag = 0. If blowing snow is detected and its estimated optical depth is greater than or equal to 0.5, then msw_flag = 5. If the blowing snow optical depth is less than 0.5, then msw_flag = 4. If no blowing snow is detected but there are cloud or aerosol layers detected, the msw_flag assumes values of 1 to 3 based on the height of the bottom of the lowest layer: < 1 km, msw_flag = 3; 1-3 km, msw_flag = 2; > 3km, msw_flag = 1. A value of -1 indicates that the signal to noise of the data was too low to reliably ascertain the presence of cloud or blowing snow. We expect values of -1 to occur only during daylight.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: cannot_determine no_layers layer_gt_3km layer_between_1_and_3_km layer_lt_1km blow_snow_od_lt_0.5 blow_snow_od_gt_0.5
flag_values: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
valid_min: -1
valid_max: 5
origname: msw_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/msw_flag
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_cloud_flag_atm: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
description: Number of layers found from the backscatter profile using the DDA layer finder.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
origname: cloud_flag_atm
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/cloud_flag_atm
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_ocean_surf_reflec: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Ocean Surface Reflectance
description: Ocean Surface Reflectance from Eqn 4.10 based on the Cox-Munk model.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: ocean_surf_reflec
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/ocean_surf_reflec
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_sig_count_low: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Count of Signal Heights - Low
description: Count of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_count_low
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_count_low
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_layer_attr: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer attribute flag
description: Layer attribute flag for each of the possible 10 layers. Indicates (0) no_layer (1) cloud, (2) aerosol or (3) unknown.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_layer cloud aerosol unknown
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: layer_attr
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/layer_attr
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_hi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signal Heights -High
description: SDev of the heights of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_hi
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_bsnow_con: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow confidence
description: Blowing snow confidence. -3=surface not detected; -2=no surface wind;-1=no scattering layer found; 0=no top layer found; 1=none-little; 2=weak; 3=moderate; 4=moderate-high; 5=high; 6=very high
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: surface_not_detected no_surface_wind no_scattering_layer_found no_top_layer_found none_little weak moderate moderate_high high very_high
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 6
origname: bsnow_con
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/bsnow_con
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_layer_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: layer_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/layer_flag
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_dtime_fac1: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: dead_time_factor1
description: Dead time correction factor for surface signal computed from radiometric lookup table.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dtime_fac1
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/dtime_fac1
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_bsnow_psc: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow PSC flag
description: Blowing snow PSC flag. Indicates the potential for polar stratospheric clouds to affect the blowing snow retrieval, where 0=none and 3=maximum. This flag is a function of month and hemisphere and is only applied poleward of 60 north and south.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5
flag_meanings: none slight moderate maximum_bsnow_PSC_affected
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: bsnow_psc
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/bsnow_psc
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_surf_refl_true: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Estimated Surface Reflectance
description: The value of the clear-sky surface reflectivity to use in the compuation of total column optical depth and cloud detection from the measures apparent surface reflectance (ASR).
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surf_refl_true
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/surf_refl_true
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_bsnow_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow top h
description: Blowing snow layer top height
source: Atmosphere ATBD
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
origname: bsnow_h
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/bsnow_h
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_sig_h_mean_hi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of SignalHeights - High
description: Mean height of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_h_mean_hi
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_beam_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: beam azimuth
description: Beam azimuth
source: ATL03 ATBD
origname: beam_azimuth
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/beam_azimuth
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_range_to_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Range
description: Range from the spacecraft to the top of the atmosphere range window.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: range_to_top
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/range_to_top
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_solar_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: solar azimuth
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the sun vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot.
source: ATL03g ATBD
origname: solar_azimuth
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/solar_azimuth
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Longitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: longitude
description: Longitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, East=+, derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/longitude
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude
profile_2_high_rate_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: degrees_north
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Latitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: latitude
description: Latitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, North=+, Derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/latitude
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_surf_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface type
description: Flags describing which surface types this interval is associated with. 0=not type, 1=is type. Order of array is land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 4
flag_meanings: not_type is_type
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_type
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/surf_type
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_density_pass1: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Density profile - pass1
description: Density profiles from pass 1.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Part II
origname: density_pass1
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/density_pass1
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_column_od_asr_qf: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Optical depth ASR quality
description: Total column optical depth from ASR quality flag. The total atmosphere column particulate optical depth can be computed from the apparent surface reflectance if the actual surface reflectance is well known. The flag indicates the surface type over which the flag is computed in the order from unable to compute (0 - no_surface_signal) to best quality (4=water).
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_signal land sea_ice land_ice water
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: column_od_asr_qf
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/column_od_asr_qf
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_bsnow_od: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow OD
description: Blowing snow layer optical depth
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_od
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/bsnow_od
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_surf_type_igbp: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: IGBP Surface Type
description: IGBP Surface Type
source: Atmosphere ATBD, IGBP Surface Type
origname: surf_type_igbp
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/surf_type_igbp
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_backg_c: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background
description: Background, in photons/bin, used in the NRB Computation.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: backg_c
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/backg_c
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_sig_h_mean_med: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of Signa Heightsl - Med
description: Mean height of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_med
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_h_mean_med
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_dem_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: DEM Height
description: Best available DEM (in priority of GIMP/ANTARCTIC/GMTED/MSS) value at the geolocation point.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dem_h
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/dem_h
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_cloud_flag_asr: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
description: Cloud flag (probability) from apparent surface reflectance. 0=clear with high confidence; 1=clear with medium confidence; 2=clear with low confidence; 3=cloudy with low confidence; 4=cloudy with medium confidence; 5=cloudy with high confidence; 6=unknown
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence unknown
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
origname: cloud_flag_asr
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/cloud_flag_asr
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_tx_pulse_energy: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Joules
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Transmit Pulse Energy
description: Transmit energy, from the laser internal energy monitor, split into per-beam measurements.
source: ATL02 ATBD, Section 7.2
origname: tx_pulse_energy
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/tx_pulse_energy
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_layer_bot: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meter
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Height layer bottoms
description: Height of bottom of detected layers
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_bot
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/layer_bot
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_cab_prof: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Calibrated Attenuated Backscatter
description: Calibrated Attenuated Backscatter from 20 to -1 km with vertical resolution of 30m (eqn 4.1)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cab_prof
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/cab_prof
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_density_pass2: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Density profile - pass2
description: Density profiles from pass 2.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Part II
origname: density_pass2
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/density_pass2
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_surface_height: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface height
description: Height of the detected surface bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_height
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/surface_height
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_bsnow_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow density
description: Blowing snow layer density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/bsnow_dens
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_layer_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Height layer tops
description: Height of top of detected layers
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_top
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/layer_top
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_column_od_asr: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Optical depth from ASR
description: Optical depth of atmosphere column based on apparent surface reflectance and the assumed actual surface reflectance.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: column_od_asr
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/column_od_asr
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_layer_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer Density
description: Layer Density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/layer_dens
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_prof_dist_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Across Track Distance from RGT
description: Across-Track distance from the reference ground track.
source: ATL03g ATBD, Section 3.4
origname: prof_dist_y
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/prof_dist_y
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_beam_elevation: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: degrees
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: beam elevation
description: Beam elevation
source: ATL03 ATBD
origname: beam_elevation
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/beam_elevation
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_segment_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: along-track segment ID number.
description: A 7 digit number identifiying the along-track geolocation segment number. These are sequential, starting with 1 for the first segment after an ascending equatorial crossing node.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 3.1
origname: segment_id
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/segment_id
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_surface_bin: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 2147483647
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface bin
description: Vertially aligned, NRB bin number of the detected surface return.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_bin
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/surface_bin
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_solar_elevation: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: degrees
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: solar elevation
description: Solar Angle above or below the plane tangent to the ellipsoid surface at the laser spot. Positive values mean the sun is above the horizon, while negative values mean it is below the horizon. The effect of atmospheric refraction is not included. This is a low precision value, with approximately TBD degree accuracy.
source: ATL03g ATBD
origname: solar_elevation
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/solar_elevation
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_sig_count_hi: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Count of Signa Heightsl - High
description: Count of high-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_count_hi
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_count_hi
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_dtime_fac2: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: dead_time_factor2
description: Dead time correction factor for surface signal computed from ATBD equation 2.1.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: dtime_fac2
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/dtime_fac2
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_prof_dist_x: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Along Track Distance
description: Along-track distance from the equator crossing.
source: ATL03g ATBD, Section 3.4
origname: prof_dist_x
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/prof_dist_x
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_aclr_true: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Clear sky ASR
description: Clear sky initial surface reflectance based on GOME climatology or Cox-Munk model: see Fig 3.6.5 of the Atmosphere ATBD.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: aclr_true
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/aclr_true
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_apparent_surf_reflec: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Apparent Surface Reflectance
description: Apparent Surface Reflectance (ASR): Eqn 4.7
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: apparent_surf_reflec
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/apparent_surf_reflec
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: PCE Major frame counter
description: Major Frame Counter - The major frame counter is read from the DFC and starts counting at DFC POR. The counter is used to identify individual major frames across diag and science packets. This counter can go for about 2.7 years before rolling over. It is in the first time tag science packet. Used as part of the photon ID
source: ATL02
origname: pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_cloud_fold_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Cloud Folding Flag
description: Flag that indicates this profile likely contains cloud signal folded down from above 15 km to the last 2-3 km of the profile. See ATBD Table 3.9 for detailed flag value meanings
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: no_folding goes5_indicates profile_indicates both_indicate
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: cloud_fold_flag
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/cloud_fold_flag
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_low: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signal Heights -Low
description: SDev of the heights of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_low
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_low
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_layer_con: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer confidence flag
description: Layer confidence flag for each layer
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10000
origname: layer_con
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/layer_con
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_bsnow_h_dens: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow h from density
description: Blowing snow layer height from density
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_h_dens
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/bsnow_h_dens
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_sig_h_mean_low: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Mean of Signal Heights - Low
description: Mean height of low-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_mean_low
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_h_mean_low
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_backg_theoret: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: photons/bin
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Background (Theoretical)
description: The theoretical background, in photons/bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: backg_theoret
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/backg_theoret
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_sig_h_sdev_med: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: SDev of Signa Heights -Med
description: SDev of the heights of medium-confidence signal photons
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 5
origname: sig_h_sdev_med
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/sig_h_sdev_med
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_surface_sig: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: counts
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Surface signal count
description: Number of photons in the detected surface bin.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.5
origname: surface_sig
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/surface_sig
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_layer_ib: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417][profile_2_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Layer integrated backscatter
description: Layer integrated backscatter
source: Atmosphere ATBD
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
origname: layer_ib
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/layer_ib
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_high_rate_snow_ice: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
_FillValue: 2147483647
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
description: NOAA snow-ice flag. 0=ice free water; 1=snow free land; 2=snow; 3=ice
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: snow_ice
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/snow_ice
coordinates: profile_2_high_rate_delta_time profile_2_high_rate_latitude profile_2_high_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_tropt: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: blended_tropopause_temperature
standard_name: temperature
description: Tropopause temperature (k)
origname: met_tropt
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_tropt
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_mol_backs_folded: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_2_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: m-1 sr-1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Folded molecular transmission profile
description: Folded molecular transmission profile, 30 m resolution, , m-1 sr-1; 20 km to -1 km (equation 3.17)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: mol_backs_folded
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/mol_backs_folded
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_molec_bkscat_p: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_2_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: Pa
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Pressure profile
description: Pressure profiles from 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_bkscat_p
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/molec_bkscat_p
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_t2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: temperature_at_2m
standard_name: temperature
description: Temperature at 2m above the displacement height (K)
origname: met_t2m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_t2m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_u2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_2m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 2m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u2m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_u2m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_u10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_10m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 10m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u10m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_u10m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_molec_trans: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_2_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Molecular transmission profile
description: Molecular transmission profile, 30 m resolution, 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_trans
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/molec_trans
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_cldprs: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_top_pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Pressure of the highest cloud top at this location from GEOS5 data
origname: met_cldprs
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_cldprs
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_bsnow_con: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 127
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow confidence
description: Blowing snow confidence. -3=surface not detected; -2=no surface wind;-1=no scattering layer found; 0=no top layer found; 1=none-little; 2=weak; 3=moderate; 4=moderate-high; 5=high; 6=very high
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: surface_not_detected no_surface_wind no_scattering_layer_found no_top_layer_found none_little weak moderate moderate_high high very_high
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 6
origname: bsnow_con
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/bsnow_con
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_bsnow_psc: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow PSC flag
description: Blowing snow PSC flag. Indicates the potential for polar stratospheric clouds to affect the blowing snow retrieval, where 0=none and 3=maximum. This flag is a function of month and hemisphere and is only applied poleward of 60 north and south.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5
flag_meanings: none slight moderate maximum_bsnow_PSC_affected
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
origname: bsnow_psc
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/bsnow_psc
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_v50m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: northward_wind_at_50m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 50m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v50m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_v50m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_bsnow_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: meters
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow top h
description: Blowing snow layer top height
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_h
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/bsnow_h
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_v10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Northward_wind_at_10m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 10m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v10m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_v10m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: degrees_east
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Longitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: longitude
description: Longitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, East=+, derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/longitude
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_ps: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Surface Pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Surface Pressure (Pa)
origname: met_ps
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_ps
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: degrees_north
long_name: Latitude of the ATM histogram
standard_name: latitude
description: Latitude at the the top of the ATM histogram, WGS84, North=+, Derived from the geolocation of the ATM range window.
source: ATL03g ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/latitude
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_surf_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
units: 1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface type
description: Flags describing which surface types this interval is associated with. 0=not type, 1=is type. Order of array is land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water.
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 4
flag_meanings: not_type is_type
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
origname: surf_type
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/surf_type
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_qv10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg kg-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: specific_humidity_at_10m
standard_name: specific_humidity
description: Specific humidity at 10 m above the displacement height (Pa)
origname: met_qv10m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_qv10m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_bsnow_od: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing snow OD
description: Blowing snow layer optical depth
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bsnow_od
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/bsnow_od
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_tqi: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg m2
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_ice
description: Total column cloud ice (Kg/m2)
origname: met_tqi
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_tqi
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_t10m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: temperature_at_10m
standard_name: temperature
description: Temperature at 10m above the displacement height (K)
origname: met_t10m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_t10m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_cal_c: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: Photons*m^3 *sr / J
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Calibration Constant
description: Calibration Constant (for each beam at 1 Hz)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cal_c
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/cal_c
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_tql: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg m2
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: cloud_liquid_water
description: Total column cloud liquid water (kg/m2)
origname: met_tql
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_tql
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_v2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Northward_wind_at_2m
standard_name: northward_wind
description: Northward wind at 2m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_v2m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_v2m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_ts: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: K
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: surface_temperature
standard_name: temperature
description: Surface skin temperature (K)
origname: met_ts
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_ts
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_qv2m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: kg kg-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: specific_humidity_at_2m
standard_name: specific_humidity
description: Specific humidity at 2 m above the displacement height (Pa)
origname: met_qv2m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_qv2m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_molec_bkscat_t: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_2_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: degreesC
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Temperature profile
description: Temperature profiles from 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: molec_bkscat_t
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/molec_bkscat_t
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_u50m: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: m s-1
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Eastward_wind_at_50m
standard_name: eastward_wind
description: Eastward wind at 50m above the displacement height (m/s-1)
origname: met_u50m
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_u50m
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_slp: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: Pa
contentType: modelResult
long_name: sea_level_pressure
standard_name: sea_level_pressure
description: sea-level pressure (Pa)
origname: met_slp
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_slp
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_met_troppb: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: Pa
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: blended_tropopause_pressure
standard_name: pressure
description: Blended tropopause pressure (pa)
origname: met_troppb
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/met_troppb
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_bsnow_prob: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
units: 1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Blowing Snow Probability
description: The probability of blowing snow based on meteorological data.
source: Atmosphere ATBD Section 4.5.1
origname: bsnow_prob
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/bsnow_prob
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
profile_2_low_rate_mol_backscatter: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382][profile_2_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: m-1 sr-1
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Molecular backscatter profile
description: Molecular backscatter profile, 30 m resolution, 20 km to -1 km
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: mol_backscatter
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/mol_backscatter
coordinates: profile_2_low_rate_delta_time profile_2_low_rate_latitude profile_2_low_rate_longitude
ancillary_data_release: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Release Number
description: Release number of the granule. The release number is incremented when the software or ancillary data used to create the granule has been changed.
source: Operations
origname: release
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/release
ancillary_data_end_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Ending Geolocation Segment
description: The ending geolocation segment number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat granule geographic regions are further refined by geolocation segments. During the geolocation process, a geolocation segment is created approximately every 20m from the start of the orbit to the end. The geolocation segments help align the ATLAS strong a weak beams and provide a common segment length for the L2 and higher products. The geolocation segment indices differ slightly from orbit-to-orbit because of the irregular shape of the Earth. The geolocation segment indices on ATL01 and ATL02 are only approximate because beams have not been aligned at the time of their creation.
source: Derived
origname: end_geoseg
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_geoseg
ancillary_data_version: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Version
description: Version number of this granule within the release. It is a sequential number corresponding to the number of times the granule has been reprocessed for the current release.
source: Operations
origname: version
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/version
ancillary_data_end_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Ending Region
description: The ending product-specific region number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat-2 data products are separated by geographic regions. The data contained within a specific region are the same for ATL01 and ATL02. ATL03 regions differ slightly because of different geolocation segment locations caused by the irregular shape of the Earth. The region indices for other products are completely independent.
source: Derived
origname: end_region
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_region
ancillary_data_atmosphere_normalization2: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: normalization2
description: normalization flag to use for pass 2
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: true false
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: normalization2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/normalization2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_max_layers: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: maximum cloud layers for a profile
description: maximum cloud layers for a profile
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: max_layers
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/max_layers
ancillary_data_atmosphere_cal_bot_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: m
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: cal_bot_ht
description: Bottom height of calibration zone (m)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cal_bot_ht
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/cal_bot_ht
ancillary_data_atmosphere_surf_dem_span: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: DEM Span
description: DESM span for surface (m)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surf_dem_span
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/surf_dem_span
ancillary_data_atmosphere_bs_wind_thres: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: m/s
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: scale factor for layer top threshold
description: minimum windspeed for blowing snow
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bs_wind_thres
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/bs_wind_thres
ancillary_data_atmosphere_neighborhood1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: neighborhood1
description: neighborhood to use for pass 1
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: neighborhood1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/neighborhood1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_cal_top_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: m
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: cal_top_ht
description: Top height of calibration zone (m)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cal_top_ht
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/cal_top_ht
ancillary_data_atmosphere_alpha: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Scaling factor (a)
description: Scaling factor (a) for computation of the magnitude of molecular folding.
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 2
origname: alpha
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/alpha
ancillary_data_atmosphere_num_passes: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: number of passes
description: Flag indicating if cloud detection algorithm does one pass or two passes (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: one two
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: num_passes
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/num_passes
ancillary_data_atmosphere_size_threshold1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: size_threshold1
description: size_threshold, minimum cluster size, to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: size_threshold1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/size_threshold1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_thresh_sensitivity2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: thresh_sensitivity2
description: thresh_sensitivity to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: thresh_sensitivity2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/thresh_sensitivity2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_quantile2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: quantile2
description: quantile to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: quantile2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/quantile2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_atlas_tele_fov: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: radians
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: ATLAS Telescope Field of View
description: The ATLAS telescope field of view.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: atlas_tele_fov
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/atlas_tele_fov
ancillary_data_atmosphere_quantile1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: quantile1
description: quantile to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: quantile1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/quantile1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_backg_min_solar_elev: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Background minimum solar elevation angle
description: Background minimum solar elevation angle in Method 1 bkgd comp
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.4
origname: backg_min_solar_elev
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/backg_min_solar_elev
ancillary_data_atmosphere_layer_flag_cp1: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Layer Flag CP 1
description: Cloud_flag_ASR value used in the computation of the consolidated layer flag during daytime when cloud layers were detected.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
origname: layer_flag_cp1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/layer_flag_cp1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_aclr_use_atlas: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Flag to control the computation of the aclr_true parameter.
source: Operations
flag_meanings: non_water_uses_gnome non_water_uses_ATLAS_ASR
flag_values: 0, 1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
long_name: ALR Use ATLAS Flag
origname: aclr_use_atlas
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/aclr_use_atlas
ancillary_data_atmosphere_a_m2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: a_m2
description: a_m, anisotropy factor, to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: a_m2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/a_m2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_cal_select: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: calibration method used
description: The calibration method used in calculation of NRB
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.4
flag_meanings: method1 method2 method3
flag_values: 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 3
origname: cal_select
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/cal_select
ancillary_data_atmosphere_cal_default: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Default calibration value
description: Calibration constant default if it cannot be calculated from the data.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cal_default
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/cal_default
ancillary_data_atmosphere_cloud_det_layer_thick: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Cloud minimum layer
description: A layer must be 3 bins thick to be considered a layer.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cloud_det_layer_thick
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/cloud_det_layer_thick
ancillary_data_atmosphere_dtime_select: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: dead time factor used
description: Deadtime factor used.
source: Control
flag_meanings: dtime_fact1 dtime_fact2
flag_values: 1, 2
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 2
origname: dtime_select
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/dtime_select
ancillary_data_atmosphere_thresh_sensitivity1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: thresh_sensitivity1
description: thresh_sensitivity to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: thresh_sensitivity1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/thresh_sensitivity1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_cutoff2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: cutoff2
description: cutoff to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cutoff2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/cutoff2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_surf_lay_thick: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Surface layer thickness
description: Layer thickness for surface (m)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surf_lay_thick
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/surf_lay_thick
ancillary_data_atmosphere_neighborhood2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: neighborhood to use for pass 2
source: Atmosphere ATBD
long_name: neighborhood2
origname: neighborhood2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/neighborhood2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_a_m1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: a_m1
description: a_m, anisotropy factor, to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: a_m1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/a_m1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_threshold_segment_length2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: threshold_segment_length2
description: threshold_segment_length to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: threshold_segment_length2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/threshold_segment_length2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_thresh_bias1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: photons* square meter/Joule
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: thresh_bias1
description: thresh_bias to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: thresh_bias1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/thresh_bias1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_sigma1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: sigma1
description: sigma to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: sigma1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/sigma1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_cutoff1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: cutoff1
description: cutoff to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cutoff1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/cutoff1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_snow_age: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: hours
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Snow Age
description: Age of the snow on the ground.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: snow_age
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/snow_age
ancillary_data_atmosphere_bs_thresh_scale: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: scale factor for blowing snow threshold
description: scale factor for blowing snow threshold
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bs_thresh_scale
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/bs_thresh_scale
ancillary_data_atmosphere_backg_max_solar_elev: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Background maximum solar elevation angle
description: Background maximum solar elevation angle in Method 1 bkgd comp
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.4
origname: backg_max_solar_elev
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/backg_max_solar_elev
ancillary_data_atmosphere_surf_min: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: counts
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: minimum count for a surface type to be considered separate surface type
description: minimum count for a surface type to be considered separate surface type
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: surf_min
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/surf_min
ancillary_data_atmosphere_downsample2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: downsample2
description: downsample to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: downsample2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/downsample2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_downsample1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: downsample1
description: downsample to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: downsample1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/downsample1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_receiver_optical_throughput: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Receiver Optics Throughput
description: Nominal Receiver Optics Throughput
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: receiver_optical_throughput
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/receiver_optical_throughput
ancillary_data_atmosphere_normalization1: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: normalization1
description: normalization flag to use for pass 1
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: true false
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: normalization1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/normalization1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_sigma2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: sigma2
description: sigma to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: sigma2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/sigma2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_layer_thick: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: minimum layer thickness
description: minimum layer thickness
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_thick
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/layer_thick
ancillary_data_atmosphere_telescope_area: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: sq meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Telescope Effective Area
description: Effective collection area of telescope (At)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: telescope_area
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/telescope_area
ancillary_data_atmosphere_bs_extinc_backs: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: sr
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Blowing Snow to Extinction Backscatter Ratio
description: blowing snow extinct to backscatter ratio
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bs_extinc_backs
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/bs_extinc_backs
ancillary_data_atmosphere_planck_const: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: Js
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Planck constant (h)
description: Planck constant (h)
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 2
origname: planck_const
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/planck_const
ancillary_data_atmosphere_atlas_bandpass_fw: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: nm
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: ATLAS Bandpass Filter Width
description: The ATLAS bandpass filter width.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: atlas_bandpass_fw
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/atlas_bandpass_fw
ancillary_data_atmosphere_layer_sep: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: minimum layer separation
description: minimum layer separation
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: layer_sep
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/layer_sep
ancillary_data_atmosphere_layer_flag_cp2: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Layer Flag CP 2
description: Cloud_flag_ASR value used in the computation of the consolidated layer flag during daytime when no cloud layers were detected.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
origname: layer_flag_cp2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/layer_flag_cp2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_proc_interval: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: s
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: amount of data processed at one time
description: amount of data processed at one time
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: proc_interval
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/proc_interval
ancillary_data_atmosphere_surface_signal_source: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Signal Source Flag
description: Indicates the source of signal information used by ASR.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
flag_meanings: use_atl04 use_atl03
flag_values: 1, 2
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 2
origname: surface_signal_source
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/surface_signal_source
ancillary_data_atmosphere_detector_efficiency: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Detector Quantum Efficiency
description: Detector quantum efficiency (Qe)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: detector_efficiency
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/detector_efficiency
ancillary_data_atmosphere_backg_select: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: background method used
description: The background method used in calculation of NRB
source: Atmosphere ATBD section 3.3.4
flag_meanings: method1 method2 method3
flag_values: 1, 2, 3
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 3
origname: backg_select
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/backg_select
ancillary_data_atmosphere_bs_lay_max_size: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: m
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: blowing snow maximum layer size
description: blowing snow maximum layer size
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bs_lay_max_size
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/bs_lay_max_size
ancillary_data_atmosphere_size_threshold2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: size_threshold, minimum cluster size, to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
long_name: size_threshold2
origname: size_threshold2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/size_threshold2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_asr_cal_factor: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: ASR CAL factor
description: Calibration factor for ASR computation
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: asr_cal_factor
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/asr_cal_factor
ancillary_data_atmosphere_thresh_bias2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: photons* square meter/Joule
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: thresh_bias2
description: thresh_bias to use for pass 2 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: thresh_bias2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/thresh_bias2
ancillary_data_atmosphere_threshold_segment_length1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: bins
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: threshold_segment_length1
description: threshold_segment_length to use for pass 1 (day, night, twilight)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: threshold_segment_length1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/threshold_segment_length1
ancillary_data_atmosphere_cal_lat_bound: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: degrees_north
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: cal_lat_bound
description: Calibration constant latitude bound (deg_north)
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: cal_lat_bound
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/cal_lat_bound
ancillary_data_atmosphere_bs_top_scale: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: scale factor for layer top threshold
description: scale factor for layer top threshold
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: bs_top_scale
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/bs_top_scale
ancillary_data_atmosphere_solar_flux: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: W/(m^2 nm))
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Solar Flux
description: Solar flux at the top of the atmosphere at 532nm.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
origname: solar_flux
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atmosphere/solar_flux
ancillary_data_atlas_sdp_gps_epoch: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: seconds since 1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: ATLAS Epoch Offset
description: Number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS Standard Data Product (SDP) epoch (2018-01-01:T00.00.00.000000 UTC). Add this value to delta time parameters to compute full gps_seconds (relative to the GPS epoch) for each data point.
source: Operations
origname: atlas_sdp_gps_epoch
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch
ancillary_data_end_rgt: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Ending Reference Groundtrack
description: The ending reference groundtrack (RGT) number associated with the data contained within this granule. There are 1387 reference groundtrack in the ICESat-2 repeat orbit. The reference groundtrack increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth and resets to 1 each time the spacecraft completes a full cycle.
source: Derived
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
origname: end_rgt
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_rgt
ancillary_data_end_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: ATLAS End Time (Actual)
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch at the last data point in the file. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: Derived
origname: end_delta_time
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_delta_time
ancillary_data_end_orbit: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Ending Orbit Number
description: The ending orbit number associated with the data contained within this granule. The orbit number increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth.
source: Derived
origname: end_orbit
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_orbit
ancillary_data_start_cycle: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Starting Cycle
description: The starting cycle number associated with the data contained within this granule. The cycle number is the counter of the number of 91-day repeat cycles completed by the mission.
source: Derived
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 99
origname: start_cycle
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_cycle
ancillary_data_data_end_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: End UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Actual)
description: UTC (in CCSDS-A format) of the last data point within the granule.
source: Derived
origname: data_end_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/data_end_utc
ancillary_data_control: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Control File
description: PGE-specific control file used to generate this granule. To re-use, replace breaks (BR) with linefeeds.
source: Operations
origname: control
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/control
ancillary_data_start_gpssow: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: seconds
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Start GPS SOW of Granule (Actual)
description: GPS seconds-of-week of the first data point in the granule.
source: Derived
origname: start_gpssow
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_gpssow
ancillary_data_granule_end_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: End UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Requested)
description: Requested end time (in UTC CCSDS-A) of this granule.
source: Derived
origname: granule_end_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/granule_end_utc
ancillary_data_end_cycle: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Ending Cycle
description: The ending cycle number associated with the data contained within this granule. The cycle number is the counter of the number of 91-day repeat cycles completed by the mission.
source: Derived
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 99
origname: end_cycle
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_cycle
ancillary_data_granule_start_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Start UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Requested)
description: Requested start time (in UTC CCSDS-A) of this granule.
source: Derived
origname: granule_start_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/granule_start_utc
ancillary_data_start_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: ATLAS Start Time (Actual)
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch at the first data point in the file. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: Derived
origname: start_delta_time
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_delta_time
ancillary_data_start_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Starting Geolocation Segment
description: The starting geolocation segment number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat granule geographic regions are further refined by geolocation segments. During the geolocation process, a geolocation segment is created approximately every 20m from the start of the orbit to the end. The geolocation segments help align the ATLAS strong a weak beams and provide a common segment length for the L2 and higher products. The geolocation segment indices differ slightly from orbit-to-orbit because of the irregular shape of the Earth. The geolocation segment indices on ATL01 and ATL02 are only approximate because beams have not been aligned at the time of their creation.
source: Derived
origname: start_geoseg
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_geoseg
ancillary_data_start_orbit: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Starting Orbit Number
description: The starting orbit number associated with the data contained within this granule. The orbit number increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth.
source: Derived
origname: start_orbit
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_orbit
ancillary_data_data_start_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Start UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Actual)
description: UTC (in CCSDS-A format) of the first data point within the granule.
source: Derived
origname: data_start_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/data_start_utc
ancillary_data_end_gpsweek: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: weeks from 1980-01-06
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Ending GPSWeek of Granule (Actual)
description: GPS week number of the last data point in the granule.
source: Derived
origname: end_gpsweek
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_gpsweek
ancillary_data_start_rgt: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Starting Reference Groundtrack
description: The starting reference groundtrack (RGT) number associated with the data contained within this granule. There are 1387 reference groundtrack in the ICESat-2 repeat orbit. The reference groundtrack increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth and resets to 1 each time the spacecraft completes a full cycle.
source: Derived
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
origname: start_rgt
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_rgt
ancillary_data_end_gpssow: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: seconds
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Ending GPS SOW of Granule (Actual)
description: GPS seconds-of-week of the last data point in the granule.
source: Derived
origname: end_gpssow
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_gpssow
ancillary_data_qa_at_interval: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: QA Along-Track Interval
description: Statistics time interval for along-track QA data.
source: control
origname: qa_at_interval
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/qa_at_interval
ancillary_data_start_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Starting Region
description: The starting product-specific region number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat-2 data products are separated by geographic regions. The data contained within a specific region are the same for ATL01 and ATL02. ATL03 regions differ slightly because of different geolocation segment locations caused by the irregular shape of the Earth. The region indices for other products are completely independent.
source: Derived
origname: start_region
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_region
ancillary_data_start_gpsweek: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: weeks from 1980-01-06
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Start GPSWeek of Granule (Actual)
description: GPS week number of the first data point in the granule.
source: Derived
origname: start_gpsweek
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_gpsweek
ds_surf_type: Array of 32 bit Integers [ds_surf_type = 0..4]
units: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Surface Type Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale indexing the surface type array. Index=1 corresponds to Land; index = 2 corresponds to Ocean; Index = 3 corresponds to SeaIce; Index=4 corresponds to LandIce; Index=5 corresponds to InlandWater
flag_meanings: land ocean seaice landice inland_water
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 5
origname: ds_surf_type
fullnamepath: /ds_surf_type
orbit_info_crossing_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..0]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Ascending Node Crossing Time
standard_name: time
description: The time, in seconds since the ATLAS SDP GPS Epoch, at which the ascending node crosses the equator. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: POD/PPD
origname: crossing_time
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/crossing_time
orbit_info_sc_orient_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_sc_orient_time = 0..0]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Time of Last Spacecraft Orientation Change
standard_name: time
description: The time of the last spacecraft orientation change between forward, backward and transitional flight modes, expressed in seconds since the ATLAS SDP GPS Epoch. ICESat-2 is considered to be flying forward when the weak beams are leading the strong beams; and backward when the strong beams are leading the weak beams. ICESat-2 is considered to be in transition while it is maneuvering between the two orientations. Science quality is potentially degraded while in transition mode. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: POD/PPD
origname: sc_orient_time
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/sc_orient_time
profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_1_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1071327]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: physicalMeasurement
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: Derived via Time Tagging
coordinates: delta_time
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_1/bckgrd_atlas/delta_time
profile_1_high_rate_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134416]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
coordinates: latitude longitude
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/delta_time
profile_1_high_rate_ds_layers: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_1_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: counts
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Cloud Layers Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale indexing the cloud layers.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 10
origname: ds_layers
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/ds_layers
profile_1_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: VA Bin Height Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale containing the heights of the vertically-aligned bins.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: -955.5000000
valid_max: 20000.00000
origname: ds_va_bin_h
fullnamepath: /profile_1/high_rate/ds_va_bin_h
profile_1_low_rate_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: telemetry
coordinates: latitude longitude
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/delta_time
profile_1_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_1_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: VA Bin Height Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale containing the heights of the vertically-aligned bins.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: -955.5000000
valid_max: 20000.00000
origname: ds_va_bin_h
fullnamepath: /profile_1/low_rate/ds_va_bin_h
profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_2_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1069754]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: physicalMeasurement
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: Derived via Time Tagging
coordinates: delta_time
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_2/bckgrd_atlas/delta_time
profile_2_high_rate_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
coordinates: latitude longitude
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/delta_time
profile_2_high_rate_ds_layers: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_2_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: counts
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Cloud Layers Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale indexing the cloud layers.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 10
origname: ds_layers
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/ds_layers
profile_2_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: VA Bin Height Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale containing the heights of the vertically-aligned bins.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: -955.5000000
valid_max: 20000.00000
origname: ds_va_bin_h
fullnamepath: /profile_2/high_rate/ds_va_bin_h
profile_2_low_rate_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: telemetry
coordinates: latitude longitude
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/delta_time
profile_2_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_2_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: VA Bin Height Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale containing the heights of the vertically-aligned bins.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: -955.5000000
valid_max: 20000.00000
origname: ds_va_bin_h
fullnamepath: /profile_2/low_rate/ds_va_bin_h
profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_3_bckgrd_atlas_delta_time = 0..1072896]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: physicalMeasurement
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: Derived via Time Tagging
coordinates: delta_time
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_3/bckgrd_atlas/delta_time
profile_3_high_rate_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_delta_time = 0..134417]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: modelResult
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
coordinates: latitude longitude
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/delta_time
profile_3_high_rate_ds_layers: Array of 32 bit Integers [profile_3_high_rate_ds_layers = 0..9]
units: counts
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: Cloud Layers Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale indexing the cloud layers.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 10
origname: ds_layers
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/ds_layers
profile_3_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_high_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: VA Bin Height Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale containing the heights of the vertically-aligned bins.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: -955.5000000
valid_max: 20000.00000
origname: ds_va_bin_h
fullnamepath: /profile_3/high_rate/ds_va_bin_h
profile_3_low_rate_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_delta_time = 0..5382]
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
contentType: referenceInformation
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
source: telemetry
coordinates: latitude longitude
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/delta_time
profile_3_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [profile_3_low_rate_ds_va_bin_h = 0..699]
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
long_name: VA Bin Height Dimension Scale
description: Dimension scale containing the heights of the vertically-aligned bins.
source: Atmosphere ATBD
valid_min: -955.5000000
valid_max: 20000.00000
origname: ds_va_bin_h
fullnamepath: /profile_3/low_rate/ds_va_bin_h
FakeDim0: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: level
FakeDim1: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..2]
units: level