Dataset Information

ISOLineageMetadata_00: dataset 2014-08-15T16:28:05Z AMSR-E Science Investigator-led Processing System at the Global Hydrology Resource Center (AMSR-E SIPS at GHRC), Huntsville, AL USA processor AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030034_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030123_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030212_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030302_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030440_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030529_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030618_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030707_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030757_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030846_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206030935_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031024_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031114_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031203_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031252_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031341_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031430_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031519_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031609_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031658_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031747_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031836_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206031926_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206032015_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206032104_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206032153_A.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206032242_D.hdf AMSR_E_L2A_BrightnessTemperatures_V12_200206032332_A.hdf @L3seaice processing_host="amsr1" processing_environment="Reprocessing" AMSR_E_L3_SeaIce12km_V15_20020603.hdf 2014-08-15T16:28:05Z creation urn:amsr1:Reprocessing:2014-08-15T16:28:05Z:AMSR_E_L3_SeaIce12km_V15_20020603.hdf series Brightness Temperatures (TB'S) at 18.7 through 89.0 GHz, sea ice concentration, and snow depth over sea ice are mapped to a polar stereographic grid at 12.5 km spatial resolution. TB's are gridded into 12.5 km grid cells using a drop-in-the-bucket method where the grid cell that contains the center of the observation footprint is given the whole weight of the observation. NT2 sea ice concentrations are calculated using the individual Level-2A TB's in order to make the atmospheric corrections on an orbit-by-orbit basis before obtaining daily average ice concentrations. Snow depth over sea ice is a 5-day running average, which is based on the current day and the previous four days. Sea ice concentration and brightness temperatures include daily ascending averages, daily descending averages, and daily averages; snow depth over sea ice is a five-day running average. The AMSR-E/Aqua Level-2A swath product includes brightness temperatures at 6.9 GHz, 10.7 GHz, 18.7 GHz, 23.8 GHz, 36.5 GHz, and 89.0 GHz resampled at resolutions of 56 km, 38 km, 21 km, 12 km, and 5.4 km. AMSR-E/Aqua AMSR-E/Aqua L2A Global Swath Spatially-Resampled Brightness Temperatures doi:10.5067/AMSR-E/AE_L2A.003 gov.nasa.esdis Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Coastal boundaries in the northern hemisphere. coast_north.hdf Coastal boundaries in the southern hemisphere. coast_south.hdf Land mask in the northern hemisphere. land_north_12.hdf Land mask in the southern hemisphere. land_south_12.hdf Sea surface temperatures in the northern hemisphere for a given month (NN, 01-12). Ice concentration pixels corresponding to sst values greater than 278 K are set to zero (open water). sst_n_NN.hdf Sea surface temperatures in the southern hemisphere for a given month (NN, 01-12). Ice concentration pixels corresponding to sst values greater than 275 K are set to zero (open water). sst_s_NN.hdf Land mask in the southern hemisphere. land_south_12.hdf The processing date (year/month/day) of the Northern Hemisphere sea ice and snow melt masks used for the snow depth on sea ice. This is stored in the output file for use in the next day's processing. date The first year in which the mask was set, or reset, to begin processing the snow depth on sea ice. This is stored in the output file for use in the next day's processing. initialization year A cumulative sea ice mask maintained from beginning of mission and updated daily by the NT2 algorithm. This is stored in the output file for use in the next day's processing. multiyear mask A running 5-day snow melt mask corresponding to the running 5-day snow melt product. This is stored in the output file. variability 5day A default multiyear_mask used to initiate processing at beginning of the mission. multiyear_mask_default.hdf AE_SI3_V15_20140215_dap.tar 20140215 lastUpdate V15 Enhanced NASA Team 2 (NT2) 2013-11-12 lastUpdate 20131112 Dr. Thorsten Markus NASA / GSFC Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory author Dr. Donald Cavalieri NASA / GSFC Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory author Enhanced NASA Team 2 (NT2) sea ice concentrations are calculated using the individual Level-2A TB's. The primary source of error is attributed to conditions in the surface layer such as surface glaze and layering, which can significantly affect the horizontally polarized 18.7 GHz TB, leading to an underestimation of sea ice concentration. The NT2 algorithm uses the 89 GHz channels because the horizontally polarized 89 GHz data are less affected by surface conditions than the horizontally polarized 18.7 GHz data, and the 89 GHz channels have successfully been used in sea ice concentration retrievals under clear atmospheric conditions. As a result, this algorithm can identify more complex ice types resulting from surface glaze and layering in the snow cover. The thin-ice bias is then reduced. Bootstrap Basic Algorithm (BBA) 2013-11-12 lastUpdate 20131112 Josefino Comiso NASA / GSFC Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory author The Bootstrap Basic Algorithm (BBA) uses two sets of channels to identify consolidated ice and open water: 18.7V GHz and 37V GHz, and 37H GHz and 37V GHz. Using these channels for the retrieval of sea ice concentration ensures consistency with historical sea ice products, beginning with SMMR. Snow Depth on Sea Ice 2013-11-12 lastUpdate 20131112 Dr. Thorsten Markus NASA / GSFC Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory author Dr. Donald Cavalieri NASA / GSFC Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory author Snow depth on sea ice is a 5-day running average of the current day and the previous four days. This algorithm is only valid over seasonal ice. The snow depth on sea ice is calculated using a spectral gradient ratio of the 18.7 GHz and 36.5 GHz vertical polarization channels. The algorithm uses 2 masks: a multiyear sea ice mask updated daily by the NT2 algorithm and a running 5-day snow melt mask corresponding to the snow depth on ice product. The AMSR-E/Aqua Level 3 12.5 km daily sea ice product includes 18.7 - 89.0 GHz TBs, sea ice concentration averages, and 5-day snow depth over sea ice on a 12.5 km polar stereographic grid, generated by the NT2 algorithm using Level-2A TBs. This validated version includes an updated Southern Hemisphere sea ice mask derived from National Ice Center data (June 2011) and updated flags correlating with the new mask. AMSR-E/Aqua Daily L3 12.5 km Tb, Sea Ice Conc., & Snow Depth Polar Grids doi:10.5067/AMSR-E/AE_SI12.003 gov.nasa.esdis Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Processing_Facility: AMSR-E Science Investigator-led Processing System at the Global Hydrology Resource Center (AMSR-E SIPS at GHRC), Huntsville, AL USA
DOI: 10.5067/AMSR-E/AE_L2A.003 10.5067/AMSR-E/AE_SI12.003

Variables in this Dataset

SI_12km_NH_18V_ASC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_NH_18V_ASC
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SI_12km_NH_36V_DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
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long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_NH_ICECON_ASC
SI_12km_NH_ICECON_DSC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_NH_ICECON_DSC
SI_12km_NH_ICECON_DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
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long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_NH_ICECON_DAY
SI_12km_NH_ICEDIFF_ASC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
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coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_NH_ICEDIFF_DSC
SI_12km_NH_ICEDIFF_DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_NH_ICEDIFF_DAY
SI_12km_NH_SNOWDEPTH_5DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_NH_SNOWDEPTH_5DAY
Latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:Latitude
units: degrees_north
Longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim = 0..895][XDim = 0..607]
long_name: NpPolarGrid12km:Longitude
units: degrees_east
SI_12km_SH_18V_ASC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_18V_DSC
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_18V_DAY
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_18H_ASC
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_18H_DSC
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_18H_DAY
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_23V_ASC
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_23V_DSC
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_23H_DAY
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_36V_ASC
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_36H_ASC
SI_12km_SH_36H_DSC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_36H_DSC
SI_12km_SH_36H_DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_36H_DAY
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_89V_DSC
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_89V_DAY
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long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_89H_ASC
SI_12km_SH_89H_DSC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_89H_DSC
SI_12km_SH_89H_DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_89H_DAY
SI_12km_SH_ICECON_ASC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_ICECON_ASC
SI_12km_SH_ICECON_DSC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_ICECON_DSC
SI_12km_SH_ICECON_DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_ICECON_DAY
SI_12km_SH_ICEDIFF_ASC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_ICEDIFF_ASC
SI_12km_SH_ICEDIFF_DSC: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_ICEDIFF_DSC
SI_12km_SH_ICEDIFF_DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_ICEDIFF_DAY
SI_12km_SH_SNOWDEPTH_5DAY: Array of 16 bit Integers [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:SI_12km_SH_SNOWDEPTH_5DAY
Latitude_1: Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:Latitude
units: degrees_north
Longitude_1: Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim_1 = 0..663][XDim_1 = 0..631]
long_name: SpPolarGrid12km:Longitude
units: degrees_east
date_NONEOS: Array of 16 bit Integers [fakeDim4 = 0..2]
long_name: date
initialization_year_NONEOS: Array of 16 bit Integers [fakeDim5 = 0..0]
long_name: initialization year
multiyear_mask_NONEOS: Array of 16 bit Integers [fakeDim6 = 0..895][fakeDim7 = 0..607]
long_name: multiyear mask
variability_5day_NONEOS: Array of 16 bit Integers [fakeDim8 = 0..895][fakeDim9 = 0..607]
long_name: variability 5day