Dataset Information

SoftwareRevisionDate: March 16, 2005
SoftwareBuildNumber: 1

Variables in this Dataset

Very_low_res_sst: Array of 16 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..719][Longitude = 0..1439]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Very_low_res_sst
Unit: deg C
scale_factor: 0.009999999776
Low_res_sst: Array of 16 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..719][Longitude = 0..1439]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Low_res_sst
Unit: deg C
scale_factor: 0.009999999776
Low_res_wind: Array of 16 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..719][Longitude = 0..1439]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Low_res_wind
Unit: m/s
scale_factor: 0.009999999776
Med_res_wind: Array of 16 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..719][Longitude = 0..1439]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Med_res_wind
Unit: m/s
scale_factor: 0.009999999776
Med_res_vapor: Array of 16 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..719][Longitude = 0..1439]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Med_res_vapor
Unit: mm
scale_factor: 0.009999999776
High_res_cloud: Array of 16 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..719][Longitude = 0..1439]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: High_res_cloud
Unit: mm
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
Latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..719]
long_name: Latitude
units: degrees_north
Longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [Longitude = 0..1439]
long_name: Longitude
units: degrees_east