Dataset Information

Title: MODISA Level-2 Data
Sensor_Name: MODISA
Product_Name: A2002185000000.L2_LAC_SST
Software_Name: MSl12
Software_Version: 5.5.6
Replacement_Flag: ORIGINAL
Orbit_Node_Longitude: 0.000000000
Orbit_Number: 0
Processing_Time: 2006318191847000
Processing_Control: MSl12 par=/data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/A2002185000000.L1B_LAC.param metafile=A2002185000000.L2_LAC.meta
Input_Parameters: IFILE1 = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/A2002185000000.L1B_LAC OFILE1 = A2002185000000.L2_LAC_SST L2PROD1 = sst,qual_sst,l2_flags CALFILE = CLDFILE = GEOFILE = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/A2002185000000.GEO RFLAG = ORIGINAL EVAL = 0 MODE = 0 SPIXL = 1 EPIXL = -1 DPIXL = 1 SLINE = 1 ELINE = -1 DLINE = 1 CTL_PT_INCR = 8 PROC_OCEAN = 1 PROC_LAND = 0 ATMOCOR = 0 AER_OPT = -3 AER_WAVE_SHORT = 748 AER_WAVE_LONG = 869 AER_SWIR_SHORT = -1 AER_SWIR_LONG = -1 AER_ITER_MAX = 10 BRDF_OPT = 7 GAS_OPT = 1 IOP_OPT = 0 GSM01_OPT = 0 QAA_OPT = 0 QAA_S = 0.01500 POL_OPT = 3 ABSAER_OPT = 0 SL_PIXL = -1 SL_FRAC = 0.2500 GLINT_OPT = 1 RESOLUTION = -1 OUTBAND_OPT = 2 OXABAND_OPT = 0 FILTER_OPT = 1 FILTER_FILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/modisa/msl12_filter.dat # FILTER_1 = 7 x 5 (1) straylight filter on flag 5 # FILTER_2 = 7 x 5 (1) straylight filter on flag 10 MET1 = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/S200218500_NCEP.MET MET2 = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/S200218506_NCEP.MET MET3 = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/S200218506_NCEP.MET OZONE1 = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/S200218412_EPTOMS.OZONE OZONE2 = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/S200218512_EPTOMS.OZONE OZONE3 = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/S200218512_EPTOMS.OZONE LAND = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/landmask.dat WATER = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/watermask.dat DEMFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/digital_elevation_map.hdf ICEFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/ice_mask.hdf SSTFILE = /data2/vdc/sdpsoper/vpu1/workbuf/oisst.20020703 NO2FILE = ALPHAFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/alpha510_climatology.hdf TAUAFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/taua865_climatology.hdf GAIN = 0.9710, 0.9848, 0.9795, 0.9870, 0.9850, 0.9797, 0.9776, 0.9855, 1.0000 OFFSET = 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 AERMODELS = o99, m50, m70, m90, m99, c50, c70, c90, c99, t50, t90, t99 TAUA = 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 AERMODRAT = 0.00000 AERMODMIN = -1f AERMODMAX = -1f ALBEDO = 0.027 ABSAER = 0.000 RHOAMIN = 0.00010 NLWMIN = 0.150 HIPOL = 0.500 WSMAX = 8.000 TAUAMAX = 0.300 EPSMIN = 0.850 EPSMAX = 1.350 GLINT_THRESH = 0.005 WINDSPEED = -1000.000 WINDANGLE = -1000.000 PRESSURE = -1000.000 OZONE = -1000.000 WATERVAPOR = -1000.000 RELHUMID = -1000.000 SUNZEN = 90.000 SATZEN = 60.000 MASKLAND = 1 MASKBATH = 0 MASKCLOUD = 1 MASKGLINT = 0 MASKSUNZEN = 0 MASKSATZEN = 0 MASKHILT = 1 MASKSTLIGHT = 0 MUMM_ALPHA = 1.720 MUMM_GAMMA = 1.000 MUMM_EPSILON = 1.000 CHLOC2_WAVE = -1, -1 CHLOC2_COEF = 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 CHLOC3_WAVE = 443, 489, 550 CHLOC3_COEF = 0.28300, -2.75300, 1.45700, 0.65900, -1.40300 CHLOC4_WAVE = -1, -1, -1, -1 CHLOC4_COEF = 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 CHLCLARK_WAVE = 443, 488, 551 CHLCLARK_COEF = 0.78927, -3.92552, 11.63776, -27.15800, 27.93696, -10.39859
Input_Files: A2002185000000.L1B_LAC,S200218500_NCEP.MET,S200218506_NCEP.MET,S200218506_NCEP.MET,S200218412_EPTOMS.OZONE,S200218512_EPTOMS.OZONE,S200218512_EPTOMS.OZONE,,,landmask.dat,watermask.dat,digital_elevation_map.hdf,ice_mask.hdf,oisst.20020703,,alpha510_climatology.hdf,taua865_climatology.hdf,A2002185000000.GEO,
Number_of_Bands: 9
Number_of_Scan_Lines: 2040
Pixels_per_Scan_Line: 1354
Scene_Center_Scan_Line: 1020
Number_of_Scan_Control_Points: 2040
Number_of_Pixel_Control_Points: 170
Start_Time: 2002185000005000
Start_Year: 2002
Start_Day: 185
Start_Millisec: 5000
Upper_Left_Longitude: 16.99081612
Upper_Right_Longitude: 46.66421890
Upper_Left_Latitude: 48.08250427
Upper_Right_Latitude: 43.81280518
Start_Center_Longitude: 32.43212128
Start_Center_Latitude: 46.86656189
Latitude_Units: degrees North
Longitude_Units: degrees East
Scene_Center_Time: 2002185000236000
Scene_Center_Longitude: 29.41296768
Scene_Center_Latitude: 37.87225342
Scene_Center_Solar_Zenith: 113.4000015
Earth_Sun_Distance_Correction: 0.96740546429576746
End_Time: 2002185000505000
End_Year: 2002
End_Day: 185
End_Millisec: 305000
Lower_Left_Longitude: 14.99474812
Lower_Right_Longitude: 38.42099380
Lower_Left_Latitude: 29.98145294
Lower_Right_Latitude: 26.60264206
End_Center_Longitude: 26.92421341
End_Center_Latitude: 28.83333969
Northernmost_Latitude: 48.08250427
Southernmost_Latitude: 26.60264206
Easternmost_Longitude: 46.66421890
Westernmost_Longitude: 14.99474812
Start_Node: Descending
End_Node: Descending
Day_or_Night: Night
Flag_Percentages: 0.000000000, 56.85134125, 3.561995029, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 6.868537903, 3.029476881, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 100.0000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.1897066087, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 24.42809296, 56.85134125, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 43.14865875

Variables in this Dataset

Scan_Line_Attributes_year: Array of 32 bit Integers [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan year
valid_range: 1996, 2038
units: years
Scan_Line_Attributes_day: Array of 32 bit Integers [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan day of year
valid_range: 1, 366
units: days
Scan_Line_Attributes_msec: Array of 32 bit Integers [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan-line time, milliseconds of day
valid_range: 0, 86399999
units: milliseconds
Navigation_Data_tilt: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Tilt angle for scan line
valid_range: -20.10000038, 20.10000038
units: degrees
Scan_Line_Attributes_slon: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan start-pixel longitude
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
units: degrees
Scan_Line_Attributes_clon: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan center-pixel longitude
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
units: degrees
Scan_Line_Attributes_elon: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan end-pixel longitude
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
units: degrees
Scan_Line_Attributes_slat: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan start-pixel latitude
valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000
units: degrees
Scan_Line_Attributes_clat: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan center-pixel latitude
valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000
units: degrees
Scan_Line_Attributes_elat: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan end-pixel latitude
valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000
units: degrees
Scan_Line_Attributes_csol_z: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan center-pixel solar zenith angle
valid_range: 0.000000000, 180.0000000
units: degrees
Navigation_Data_longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039][Pixels_per_Scan_Line = 0..1353]
long_name: Longitudes at control points
valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000
units: degrees_east
Navigation_Data_latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039][Pixels_per_Scan_Line = 0..1353]
long_name: Latitudes at control points
valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000
units: degrees_north
Geophysical_Data_sst: Array of 16 bit Integers [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039][Pixels_per_Scan_Line = 0..1353]
scale_factor: 0.004999999888
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -32767
long_name: Sea Surface Temperature
slope: 0.004999999888
intercept: 0.000000000
units: degrees-C
coordinates: Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude
Geophysical_Data_qual_sst: Array of 32 bit Integers [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039][Pixels_per_Scan_Line = 0..1353]
scale_factor: 1.000000000
add_offset: 0.000000000
long_name: Quality Levels, Sea Surface Temperature
slope: 1.000000000
intercept: 0.000000000
units: dimensionless
coordinates: Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude
Geophysical_Data_l2_flags: Array of 32 bit Integers [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039][Pixels_per_Scan_Line = 0..1353]
long_name: Level-2 Processing Flags
units: dimensionless
f01_name: ATMFAIL
f02_name: LAND
f03_name: BADANC
f04_name: HIGLINT
f05_name: HILT
f06_name: HISATZEN
f07_name: COASTZ
f08_name: NEGLW
f09_name: STRAYLIGHT
f10_name: CLDICE
f11_name: COCCOLITH
f12_name: TURBIDW
f13_name: HISOLZEN
f14_name: HITAU
f15_name: LOWLW
f16_name: CHLFAIL
f17_name: NAVWARN
f18_name: ABSAER
f19_name: TRICHO
f20_name: MAXAERITER
f21_name: MODGLINT
f22_name: CHLWARN
f23_name: ATMWARN
f24_name: DARKPIXEL
f25_name: SEAICE
f26_name: NAVFAIL
f27_name: FILTER
f28_name: SSTWARN
f29_name: SSTFAIL
f30_name: HIPOL
f31_name: SPARE
f32_name: OCEAN
coordinates: Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude
Sensor_Band_Parameters_wavelength: Array of 32 bit Integers [band_number = 0..8]
long_name: Wavelengths
units: nm
coordinates: band_number
Navigation_Data_cntl_pt_cols: Array of 32 bit Integers [Number_of_Pixel_Control_Points = 0..169]
long_name: Pixel control points
units: none
coordinates: Number_of_Pixel_Control_Points
Navigation_Data_cntl_pt_rows: Array of 32 bit Integers [Number_of_Scan_Lines = 0..2039]
long_name: Scan control points
units: none
Sensor_Band_Parameters_vcal_gain: Array of 32 bit Reals [band_number = 0..8]
long_name: Vicarious Calibration Gain
units: dimensionless
coordinates: band_number
Sensor_Band_Parameters_vcal_offset: Array of 32 bit Reals [band_number = 0..8]
long_name: Vicarious Calibration Offset
units: mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1
coordinates: band_number
Sensor_Band_Parameters_F0: Array of 32 bit Reals [band_number = 0..8]
long_name: Mean Solar Flux
units: mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1
coordinates: band_number
Sensor_Band_Parameters_k_oz: Array of 32 bit Reals [band_number = 0..8]
long_name: Ozone Absorption Coefficient
units: cm^-1
coordinates: band_number
Sensor_Band_Parameters_Tau_r: Array of 32 bit Reals [band_number = 0..8]
long_name: Rayleigh Optical Thickness
units: dimensionless
coordinates: band_number
Number_of_Pixel_Control_Points: Array of 32 bit Integers [Number_of_Pixel_Control_Points = 0..169]
long_name: Number of Pixel Control Points
units: level
band_number: Array of 32 bit Integers [band_number = 0..8]
long_name: band number
units: level