DAP4 Data Request Form 1C.F19.SSMIS.XCAL2021-V.20160105-S214106-E232259.009078.V07A.HDF5
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: 1C.F19.SSMIS.XCAL2021-V.20160105-S214106-E232259.009078.V07A.HDF5

  • View/Hide
    • FileHeader: DOI=10.5067/GPM/SSMIS/F19/1C/07; DOIauthority=http://dx.doi.org/; DOIshortName=1CF19SSMIS; AlgorithmID=1CSSMIS; AlgorithmVersion=2021-V; FileName=1C.F19.SSMIS.XCAL2021-V.20160105-S214106-E232259.009078.V07A.HDF5; SatelliteName=F19; InstrumentName=SSMIS; GenerationDateTime=2022-05-13T21:17:03.000Z; StartGranuleDateTime=2016-01-05T21:41:06.000Z; StopGranuleDateTime=2016-01-05T23:23:00.000Z; GranuleNumber=009078; NumberOfSwaths=4; NumberOfGrids=0; GranuleStart=SOUTHERNMOST_LATITUDE; TimeInterval=ORBIT; ProcessingSystem=PPS; ProductVersion=V07A; EmptyGranule=NOT_EMPTY; MissingData=1; (Type is String)
    • InputRecord: InputFileNames=1Base.F19.SSMIS.TB2021.20160105-S214106-E232259.009078.V07A.HDF5,NPR.TDRN.SD.D16005.S2042.E2212.B0907677.NS,NPR.TDRN.SD.D16005.S2208.E2353.B0907778.NS; InputAlgorithmVersions=2021,100,100; InputGenerationDateTimes=2022-05-13T21:16:43.000Z,9999-99-99T99:99:99.999Z,9999-99-99T99:99:99.999Z; (Type is String)
    • NavigationRecord: LongitudeOnEquator=-52.674057; UTCDateTimeOnEquator=2016-01-05T22:06:34.465Z; MeanSolarBetaAngle=74.402451; EphemerisFileName=; AttitudeFileName=; GeoControlFileName=; EphemerisSource=; AttitudeSource=; GeoToolkitVersion=; SensorAlignmentFirstRotationAngle=; SensorAlignmentSecondRotationAngle=; SensorAlignmentThirdRotationAngle=; SensorAlignmentFirstRotationAxis=; SensorAlignmentSecondRotationAxis=; SensorAlignmentThirdRotationAxis=; (Type is String)
    • FileInfo: DataFormatVersion=7e; TKCodeBuildVersion=0; MetadataVersion=7e; FormatPackage=HDF5-1.10.5; BlueprintFilename=GPM.V7.1CSSMIS.blueprint.xml; BlueprintVersion=BV_69; TKIOVersion=3.99; MetadataStyle=PVL; EndianType=LITTLE_ENDIAN; (Type is String)
    • XCALinfo: CalibrationStandard=GPM GMI V05 Tb; CalibrationTable=1C.DMSP-F19.SSMIS.XCAL2021-V.tbl; CalibrationLevel=V (Verified); (Type is String)
      • S1
        • S1_SwathHeader: NumberScansInSet=1; MaximumNumberScansTotal=4000; NumberScansBeforeGranule=0; NumberScansGranule=3220; NumberScansAfterGranule=0; NumberPixels=90; ScanType=CONICAL; (Type is String)
        • S1_IncidenceAngleIndex: IncidenceAngleIndex=1,1,1; (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /S1 (Type is String)
    • S1_ScanTime: (Type is Container)
    • S1_SCstatus: (Type is Container)
      • S2
        • S2_SwathHeader: NumberScansInSet=1; MaximumNumberScansTotal=4000; NumberScansBeforeGranule=0; NumberScansGranule=3220; NumberScansAfterGranule=0; NumberPixels=90; ScanType=CONICAL; (Type is String)
        • S2_IncidenceAngleIndex: IncidenceAngleIndex=1,1; (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /S2 (Type is String)
    • S2_ScanTime: (Type is Container)
    • S2_SCstatus: (Type is Container)
      • S3
        • S3_SwathHeader: NumberScansInSet=1; MaximumNumberScansTotal=4000; NumberScansBeforeGranule=0; NumberScansGranule=3220; NumberScansAfterGranule=0; NumberPixels=180; ScanType=CONICAL; (Type is String)
        • S3_IncidenceAngleIndex: IncidenceAngleIndex=1,1,1,1; (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /S3 (Type is String)
    • S3_ScanTime: (Type is Container)
    • S3_SCstatus: (Type is Container)
      • S4
        • S4_SwathHeader: NumberScansInSet=1; MaximumNumberScansTotal=4000; NumberScansBeforeGranule=0; NumberScansGranule=3220; NumberScansAfterGranule=0; NumberPixels=180; ScanType=CONICAL; (Type is String)
        • S4_IncidenceAngleIndex: IncidenceAngleIndex=1,1; (Type is String)
        • fullnamepath: /S4 (Type is String)
    • S4_ScanTime: (Type is Container)
    • S4_SCstatus: (Type is Container)
      • DODS_EXTRA
        • Unlimited_Dimension: nscan1 nscan2 nscan3 nscan4 (Type is String)

  • View/Hide
      [ /nscan1 = 0..3219 ]
      [ /npixel1 = 0..89 ]
      [ /nscan2 = 0..3219 ]
      [ /npixel2 = 0..89 ]
      [ /nscan3 = 0..3219 ]
      [ /npixel3 = 0..179 ]
      [ /nscan4 = 0..3219 ]
      [ /npixel4 = 0..179 ]
      [ /nchUIA1 = 0..0 ]
      [ /nchUIA2 = 0..0 ]
      [ /nchUIA3 = 0..0 ]
      [ /nchUIA4 = 0..0 ]
      [ /nchannel1 = 0..2 ]
      [ /nchannel2 = 0..1 ]
      [ /nchannel3 = 0..3 ]
      [ /nchannel4 = 0..1 ]

S1_Longitude[ /nscan1= 0..3219] [ /npixel1= 0..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1,npixel1 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: Longitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/Longitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S1_Latitude[ /nscan1= 0..3219] [ /npixel1= 0..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1,npixel1 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: Latitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/Latitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S2_Longitude[ /nscan2= 0..3219] [ /npixel2= 0..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2,npixel2 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: Longitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/Longitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S2_Latitude[ /nscan2= 0..3219] [ /npixel2= 0..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2,npixel2 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: Latitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/Latitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S3_Longitude[ /nscan3= 0..3219] [ /npixel3= 0..179] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3,npixel3 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: Longitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/Longitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S3_Latitude[ /nscan3= 0..3219] [ /npixel3= 0..179] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3,npixel3 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: Latitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/Latitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S4_Longitude[ /nscan4= 0..3219] [ /npixel4= 0..179] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4,npixel4 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: Longitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/Longitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S4_Latitude[ /nscan4= 0..3219] [ /npixel4= 0..179] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4,npixel4 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: Latitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/Latitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
nchUIA1[ /nchUIA1= 0..0] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
nchUIA2[ /nchUIA2= 0..0] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
nchUIA3[ /nchUIA3= 0..0] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
nchUIA4[ /nchUIA4= 0..0] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
nchannel1[ /nchannel1= 0..2] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • comment: Number of Swath S1 channels (10V 10H 19V 19H 23V 37V 37H 89V 89H). (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
nchannel2[ /nchannel2= 0..1] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • comment: Number of Swath S2 channels (166V 166H 183+/-3V 183+/-8V). (Type is String)
    • units: level (Type is String)
nchannel3[ /nchannel3= 0..3] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
nchannel4[ /nchannel4= 0..1] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: level (Type is String)
S1_ScanTime_MilliSecond[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: ms (Type is String)
    • units: ms (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: MilliSecond (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/MilliSecond (Type is String)
S1_ScanTime_Minute[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: minutes (Type is String)
    • units: minutes (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Minute (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Minute (Type is String)
S1_ScanTime_Year[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: years (Type is String)
    • units: years (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: Year (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Year (Type is String)
S1_ScanTime_SecondOfDay[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: s (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SecondOfDay (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/SecondOfDay (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float64)
S1_ScanTime_Second[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: s (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Second (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Second (Type is String)
S1_ScanTime_DayOfYear[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: days (Type is String)
    • units: days (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: DayOfYear (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/DayOfYear (Type is String)
S1_ScanTime_Hour[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: hours (Type is String)
    • units: hours (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Hour (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Hour (Type is String)
S1_ScanTime_Month[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: months (Type is String)
    • units: months (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Month (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Month (Type is String)
S1_ScanTime_DayOfMonth[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: days (Type is String)
    • units: days (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: DayOfMonth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/DayOfMonth (Type is String)
S1_SCstatus_SCorientation[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: SCorientation (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/SCstatus/SCorientation (Type is String)
S1_SCstatus_SClatitude[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SClatitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/SCstatus/SClatitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S1_SCstatus_SClongitude[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SClongitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/SCstatus/SClongitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S1_SCstatus_SCaltitude[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • Units: km (Type is String)
    • units: km (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SCaltitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/SCstatus/SCaltitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S1_SCstatus_FractionalGranuleNumber[ /nscan1= 0..3219] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: FractionalGranuleNumber (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/SCstatus/FractionalGranuleNumber (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float64)
S1_sunGlintAngle[ /nscan1= 0..3219] [ /npixel1= 0..89] [ /nchUIA1= 0..0] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1,npixel1,nchUIA1 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: sunGlintAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/sunGlintAngle (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude nchUIA1 (Type is String)
S1_incidenceAngleIndex[ /nscan1= 0..3219] [ /nchannel1= 0..2] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1,nchannel1 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngleIndex (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/incidenceAngleIndex (Type is String)
S1_Tc[ /nscan1= 0..3219] [ /npixel1= 0..89] [ /nchannel1= 0..2] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1,npixel1,nchannel1 (Type is String)
    • Units: K (Type is String)
    • units: K (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • LongName: Intercalibrated Tb for channels 1) 19.35 GHz V-Pol 2) 19.35 GHz H-Pol and 3) 22.235 GHz V-Pol (Type is String)
    • origname: Tc (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/Tc (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude nchannel1 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S1_sunLocalTime[ /nscan1= 0..3219] [ /npixel1= 0..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1,npixel1 (Type is String)
    • Units: hours (Type is String)
    • units: hours (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: sunLocalTime (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/sunLocalTime (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S1_Quality[ /nscan1= 0..3219] [ /npixel1= 0..89] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1,npixel1 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Quality (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/Quality (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude (Type is String)
S1_incidenceAngle[ /nscan1= 0..3219] [ /npixel1= 0..89] [ /nchUIA1= 0..0] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan1,npixel1,nchUIA1 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S1/incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude nchUIA1 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S2_ScanTime_MilliSecond[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: ms (Type is String)
    • units: ms (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: MilliSecond (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/MilliSecond (Type is String)
S2_ScanTime_Minute[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: minutes (Type is String)
    • units: minutes (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Minute (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Minute (Type is String)
S2_ScanTime_Year[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: years (Type is String)
    • units: years (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: Year (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Year (Type is String)
S2_ScanTime_SecondOfDay[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: s (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SecondOfDay (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/SecondOfDay (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float64)
S2_ScanTime_Second[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: s (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Second (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Second (Type is String)
S2_ScanTime_DayOfYear[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: days (Type is String)
    • units: days (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: DayOfYear (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/DayOfYear (Type is String)
S2_ScanTime_Hour[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: hours (Type is String)
    • units: hours (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Hour (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Hour (Type is String)
S2_ScanTime_Month[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: months (Type is String)
    • units: months (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Month (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Month (Type is String)
S2_ScanTime_DayOfMonth[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: days (Type is String)
    • units: days (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: DayOfMonth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/DayOfMonth (Type is String)
S2_SCstatus_SCorientation[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: SCorientation (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/SCstatus/SCorientation (Type is String)
S2_SCstatus_SClatitude[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SClatitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/SCstatus/SClatitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S2_SCstatus_SClongitude[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SClongitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/SCstatus/SClongitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S2_SCstatus_SCaltitude[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • Units: km (Type is String)
    • units: km (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SCaltitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/SCstatus/SCaltitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S2_SCstatus_FractionalGranuleNumber[ /nscan2= 0..3219] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: FractionalGranuleNumber (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/SCstatus/FractionalGranuleNumber (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float64)
S2_sunGlintAngle[ /nscan2= 0..3219] [ /npixel2= 0..89] [ /nchUIA2= 0..0] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2,npixel2,nchUIA2 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: sunGlintAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/sunGlintAngle (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude nchUIA2 (Type is String)
S2_incidenceAngleIndex[ /nscan2= 0..3219] [ /nchannel2= 0..1] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2,nchannel2 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngleIndex (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/incidenceAngleIndex (Type is String)
S2_Tc[ /nscan2= 0..3219] [ /npixel2= 0..89] [ /nchannel2= 0..1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2,npixel2,nchannel2 (Type is String)
    • Units: K (Type is String)
    • units: K (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • LongName: Intercalibrated Tb for channels 1) 37.0 GHz V-Pol and 2) 37.0 GHz H-Pol (Type is String)
    • origname: Tc (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/Tc (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude nchannel2 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S2_sunLocalTime[ /nscan2= 0..3219] [ /npixel2= 0..89] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2,npixel2 (Type is String)
    • Units: hours (Type is String)
    • units: hours (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: sunLocalTime (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/sunLocalTime (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S2_Quality[ /nscan2= 0..3219] [ /npixel2= 0..89] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2,npixel2 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Quality (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/Quality (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude (Type is String)
S2_incidenceAngle[ /nscan2= 0..3219] [ /npixel2= 0..89] [ /nchUIA2= 0..0] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan2,npixel2,nchUIA2 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S2/incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude nchUIA2 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S3_ScanTime_MilliSecond[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: ms (Type is String)
    • units: ms (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: MilliSecond (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/MilliSecond (Type is String)
S3_ScanTime_Minute[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: minutes (Type is String)
    • units: minutes (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Minute (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Minute (Type is String)
S3_ScanTime_Year[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: years (Type is String)
    • units: years (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: Year (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Year (Type is String)
S3_ScanTime_SecondOfDay[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: s (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SecondOfDay (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/SecondOfDay (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float64)
S3_ScanTime_Second[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: s (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Second (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Second (Type is String)
S3_ScanTime_DayOfYear[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: days (Type is String)
    • units: days (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: DayOfYear (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/DayOfYear (Type is String)
S3_ScanTime_Hour[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: hours (Type is String)
    • units: hours (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Hour (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Hour (Type is String)
S3_ScanTime_Month[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: months (Type is String)
    • units: months (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Month (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Month (Type is String)
S3_ScanTime_DayOfMonth[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: days (Type is String)
    • units: days (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: DayOfMonth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/DayOfMonth (Type is String)
S3_SCstatus_SCorientation[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: SCorientation (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/SCstatus/SCorientation (Type is String)
S3_SCstatus_SClatitude[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SClatitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/SCstatus/SClatitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S3_SCstatus_SClongitude[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SClongitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/SCstatus/SClongitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S3_SCstatus_SCaltitude[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • Units: km (Type is String)
    • units: km (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SCaltitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/SCstatus/SCaltitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S3_SCstatus_FractionalGranuleNumber[ /nscan3= 0..3219] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: FractionalGranuleNumber (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/SCstatus/FractionalGranuleNumber (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float64)
S3_sunGlintAngle[ /nscan3= 0..3219] [ /npixel3= 0..179] [ /nchUIA3= 0..0] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3,npixel3,nchUIA3 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: sunGlintAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/sunGlintAngle (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S3_Longitude S3_Latitude nchUIA3 (Type is String)
S3_incidenceAngleIndex[ /nscan3= 0..3219] [ /nchannel3= 0..3] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3,nchannel3 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngleIndex (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/incidenceAngleIndex (Type is String)
S3_Tc[ /nscan3= 0..3219] [ /npixel3= 0..179] [ /nchannel3= 0..3] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3,npixel3,nchannel3 (Type is String)
    • Units: K (Type is String)
    • units: K (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • LongName: Intercalibrated Tb for channels 1) 150 GHz H-Pol 2) 183.31 +/- 1 GHz H-Pol 3) 183.31 +/- 3 GHz H-Pol and 4) 183.31 +/- 6.6 GHz H-Pol (Type is String)
    • origname: Tc (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/Tc (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S3_Longitude S3_Latitude nchannel3 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S3_sunLocalTime[ /nscan3= 0..3219] [ /npixel3= 0..179] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3,npixel3 (Type is String)
    • Units: hours (Type is String)
    • units: hours (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: sunLocalTime (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/sunLocalTime (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S3_Longitude S3_Latitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S3_Quality[ /nscan3= 0..3219] [ /npixel3= 0..179] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3,npixel3 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Quality (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/Quality (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S3_Longitude S3_Latitude (Type is String)
S3_incidenceAngle[ /nscan3= 0..3219] [ /npixel3= 0..179] [ /nchUIA3= 0..0] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan3,npixel3,nchUIA3 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S3/incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S3_Longitude S3_Latitude nchUIA3 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S4_ScanTime_MilliSecond[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: ms (Type is String)
    • units: ms (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: MilliSecond (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/MilliSecond (Type is String)
S4_ScanTime_Minute[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: minutes (Type is String)
    • units: minutes (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Minute (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Minute (Type is String)
S4_ScanTime_Year[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: years (Type is String)
    • units: years (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: Year (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Year (Type is String)
S4_ScanTime_SecondOfDay[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: s (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SecondOfDay (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/SecondOfDay (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float64)
S4_ScanTime_Second[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: s (Type is String)
    • units: s (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Second (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Second (Type is String)
S4_ScanTime_DayOfYear[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: days (Type is String)
    • units: days (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: DayOfYear (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/DayOfYear (Type is String)
S4_ScanTime_Hour[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: hours (Type is String)
    • units: hours (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Hour (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Hour (Type is String)
S4_ScanTime_Month[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: months (Type is String)
    • units: months (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Month (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Month (Type is String)
S4_ScanTime_DayOfMonth[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: days (Type is String)
    • units: days (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: DayOfMonth (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/DayOfMonth (Type is String)
S4_SCstatus_SCorientation[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999 (Type is Int16)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999 (Type is String)
    • origname: SCorientation (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/SCstatus/SCorientation (Type is String)
S4_SCstatus_SClatitude[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SClatitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/SCstatus/SClatitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S4_SCstatus_SClongitude[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SClongitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/SCstatus/SClongitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S4_SCstatus_SCaltitude[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • Units: km (Type is String)
    • units: km (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: SCaltitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/SCstatus/SCaltitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S4_SCstatus_FractionalGranuleNumber[ /nscan4= 0..3219] (Type is Float64)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4 (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: FractionalGranuleNumber (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/SCstatus/FractionalGranuleNumber (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float64)
S4_sunGlintAngle[ /nscan4= 0..3219] [ /npixel4= 0..179] [ /nchUIA4= 0..0] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4,npixel4,nchUIA4 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: sunGlintAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/sunGlintAngle (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S4_Longitude S4_Latitude nchUIA4 (Type is String)
S4_incidenceAngleIndex[ /nscan4= 0..3219] [ /nchannel4= 0..1] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4,nchannel4 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngleIndex (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/incidenceAngleIndex (Type is String)
S4_Tc[ /nscan4= 0..3219] [ /npixel4= 0..179] [ /nchannel4= 0..1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4,npixel4,nchannel4 (Type is String)
    • Units: K (Type is String)
    • units: K (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • LongName: Intercalibrated Tb for channels 1) 91.665 GHz V-Pol and 2) 91.665 GHz H-Pol (Type is String)
    • origname: Tc (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/Tc (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S4_Longitude S4_Latitude nchannel4 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S4_sunLocalTime[ /nscan4= 0..3219] [ /npixel4= 0..179] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4,npixel4 (Type is String)
    • Units: hours (Type is String)
    • units: hours (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: sunLocalTime (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/sunLocalTime (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S4_Longitude S4_Latitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)
S4_Quality[ /nscan4= 0..3219] [ /npixel4= 0..179] (Type is Int8)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4,npixel4 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -99 (Type is Int8)
    • CodeMissingValue: -99 (Type is String)
    • origname: Quality (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/Quality (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S4_Longitude S4_Latitude (Type is String)
S4_incidenceAngle[ /nscan4= 0..3219] [ /npixel4= 0..179] [ /nchUIA4= 0..0] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • DimensionNames: nscan4,npixel4,nchUIA4 (Type is String)
    • Units: degrees (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • CodeMissingValue: -9999.9 (Type is String)
    • origname: incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /S4/incidenceAngle (Type is String)
    • coordinates: S4_Longitude S4_Latitude nchUIA4 (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -9999.9 (Type is Float32)

Hyrax development sponsored by NSF, NASA, and NOAA

OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.17.0)
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