Attributes { HDF5_GLOBAL { String title "AIRS-CloudSat matchups for AIRS granule AIRS.2006.06.15.239.L2.RetStd.v5.0.14.0.G07346074153.hdf (AIRS vars)"; String PRODUCTIONDATE "201201240753"; String CloudSatGranules "2006166230520_00708_CS_2B-GEOPROF_GRANULE_P_R04_E00.hdf"; String RANGEBEGINNINGDATE "2006-06-15"; String RANGEBEGINNINGTIME "23:53:25"; String RANGEENDINGDATE "2006-06-15"; String RANGEENDINGTIME "23:59:25"; Float64 NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE 21.690250396728501; Float64 SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE -1.7605216503143299; Float64 EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE -147.34747314453099; Float64 WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE -167.39973449707000; } AIRS { } AIRS_RetStd { } AIRS_Radiances { } AIRS_VIS_Radiances { } CloudSat { } CloudSat_GEOPROF { } CloudSat_GEOPROF_LIDAR { } CloudSat_CLDCLASS { } CloudSat_CWC_RO { } AIRS_RetStd_CldFrcStdErr { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "CldFrcStdErr"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/RetStd/CldFrcStdErr"; } AIRS_RetStd_dust_flag { Int16 _FillValue -9999; String origname "dust_flag"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/RetStd/dust_flag"; } AIRS_RetStd_latAIRS { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "latAIRS"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/RetStd/latAIRS"; } AIRS_RetStd_lonAIRS { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "lonAIRS"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/RetStd/lonAIRS"; } AIRS_RetStd_CldFrcStd { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "CldFrcStd"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/RetStd/CldFrcStd"; } AIRS_RetStd_spectral_clear_indicator { Int16 _FillValue -9999; String origname "spectral_clear_indicator"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/RetStd/spectral_clear_indicator"; } AIRS_Radiances_scanang { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "scanang"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/scanang"; } AIRS_Radiances_Time { Float64 _FillValue -9999.0000000000000; String origname "Time"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/Time"; } AIRS_Radiances_landFrac { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "landFrac"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/landFrac"; } AIRS_Radiances_Longitude { Float64 _FillValue -9999.0000000000000; String origname "Longitude"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/Longitude"; } AIRS_Radiances_dust_flag { Int16 _FillValue -9999; String origname "dust_flag"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/dust_flag"; } AIRS_Radiances_solazi { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "solazi"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/solazi"; } AIRS_Radiances_Latitude { Float64 _FillValue -9999.0000000000000; String origname "Latitude"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/Latitude"; } AIRS_Radiances_dust_score { Int16 _FillValue -9999; String origname "dust_score"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/dust_score"; } AIRS_Radiances_radiances { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "radiances"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/radiances"; } AIRS_Radiances_satzen { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "satzen"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/satzen"; } AIRS_Radiances_spectral_freq { String origname "spectral_freq"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/spectral_freq"; } AIRS_Radiances_solzen { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "solzen"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/solzen"; } AIRS_Radiances_satazi { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "satazi"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/satazi"; } AIRS_Radiances_landFrac_err { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "landFrac_err"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/landFrac_err"; } AIRS_Radiances_spectral_clear_indicator { Int16 _FillValue -9999; String origname "spectral_clear_indicator"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/Radiances/spectral_clear_indicator"; } AIRS_VIS_Radiances_radiances { Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; String origname "radiances"; String fullnamepath "/AIRS/VIS.Radiances/radiances"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Data_quality { String units "--"; String long_name "Data Quality"; Int32 valid_range 0, 127; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Data_quality"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Data_quality"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Longitude { String units "degrees"; String long_name "Spacecraft Longitude"; Float64 valid_range -180.00000000000000, 180.00000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Longitude"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Longitude"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Data_status { String units "--"; String long_name "Data status flags"; Int32 valid_range 0, 127; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Data_status"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Data_status"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Clutter_reduction_flag { String long_name "Clutter_reduction_flag"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Clutter_reduction_flag"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Clutter_reduction_flag"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_MODIS_scene_char { String missop "=="; Int32 missing -9; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 9; String long_name "MODIS scene characterizations"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String origname "MODIS_scene_char"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/MODIS_scene_char"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Latitude { String units "degrees"; String long_name "Spacecraft Latitude"; Float64 valid_range -90.000000000000000, 90.000000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Latitude"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Latitude"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Pitch_offset { String units "degrees"; String long_name "Nominal satellite pitch angle offset from nadir"; Float64 valid_range -90.000000000000000, 90.000000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Pitch_offset"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Pitch_offset"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Navigation_land_sea_flag { String units "--"; String long_name "Land Sea Flag"; Int32 valid_range 1, 3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Navigation_land_sea_flag"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Navigation_land_sea_flag"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Profile_time { String units "seconds"; String long_name "Seconds since the start of the granule."; Float64 valid_range 0.0000000000000000, 6000.0000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Profile_time"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Profile_time"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_nbin_2B_GEOPROF { String origname "nbin:2B-GEOPROF"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/nbin:2B-GEOPROF"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Sigma_Zero { String missop "=="; Int32 missing -9999; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range -1000, 4000; String long_name "Sigma-Zero"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "dB*100"; String origname "Sigma-Zero"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Sigma-Zero"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Height { Int16 _FillValue -9999; String missop "=="; Int32 missing -9999; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range -5000, 30000; String long_name "Height of range bin in Reflectivity/Cloud Mask above reference surface (~ mean sea level)."; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "m"; String origname "Height"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Height"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_MODIS_Cloud_Fraction { String missop "=="; Int32 missing -99; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 100; String long_name "MODIS 250m Cloud Fraction"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String origname "MODIS_Cloud_Fraction"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/MODIS_Cloud_Fraction"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_Radar_Reflectivity { Int16 _FillValue 15360; String missop "=="; Int32 missing -8888; Float64 factor 100.00000000000000; Int32 valid_range -4000, 5000; String long_name "Radar Reflectivity Factor"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "dBZe"; String origname "Radar_Reflectivity"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/Radar_Reflectivity"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_UTC_start { String units "seconds"; String long_name "UTC seconds since 00:00 Z of the first profile"; Float64 valid_range 0.0000000000000000, 86400.000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "UTC_start"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/UTC_start"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_MODIS_cloud_flag { String missop "=="; Int32 missing 99; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 3; String long_name "MOD35_bit_2and3_cloud_flag"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "None"; String origname "MODIS_cloud_flag"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/MODIS_cloud_flag"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_SurfaceHeightBin { String missop "=="; Int32 missing -1; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 1, 125; String long_name "Location of Surface Bin as determined by 1B CPR algorithm. The value here is shifted (as Height)."; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String origname "SurfaceHeightBin"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/SurfaceHeightBin"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_SurfaceHeightBin_fraction { String units "none"; String long_name "SurfaceHeightBin_fraction"; Float64 missing 0.0000000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "SurfaceHeightBin_fraction"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/SurfaceHeightBin_fraction"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_CPR_Cloud_mask { Int16 _FillValue -99; String missop "=="; Int32 missing -9; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 40; String long_name "CPR Cloud Mask"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "CPR_Cloud_mask"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/CPR_Cloud_mask"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_MODIS_scene_var { String missop "=="; Int32 missing -9; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 5; String long_name "MODIS scene variability"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String origname "MODIS_scene_var"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/MODIS_scene_var"; } CloudSat_GEOPROF_nray_2B_GEOPROF { String origname "nray:2B-GEOPROF"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/GEOPROF/nray:2B-GEOPROF"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_Data_quality { String units "--"; String long_name "Data Quality"; Int32 valid_range 0, 127; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Data_quality"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/Data_quality"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_Longitude { String units "degrees"; String long_name "Spacecraft Longitude"; Float64 valid_range -180.00000000000000, 180.00000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Longitude"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/Longitude"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_Vertical_binsize { String units "m"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String missop "=="; Float64 missing -9999.0000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Vertical_binsize"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/Vertical_binsize"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_Data_status { String units "--"; String long_name "Data status flags"; Int32 valid_range 0, 127; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Data_status"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/Data_status"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_DEM_elevation { String missop "=="; Int32 missing 9999; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range -9999, 8850; String long_name "Digital Elevation Map"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "meters"; String origname "DEM_elevation"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/DEM_elevation"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_Data_targetID { String units "--"; String long_name "CPR bus orientation (target ID)"; Int32 valid_range 0, 81; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Data_targetID"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/Data_targetID"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_cloud_scenario { String units "none"; String long_name "Cloud scenario"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 32767; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String origname "cloud_scenario"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/cloud_scenario"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_Latitude { String units "degrees"; String long_name "Spacecraft Latitude"; Float64 valid_range -90.000000000000000, 90.000000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Latitude"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/Latitude"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_nray_2B_CLDCLASS { String origname "nray:2B-CLDCLASS"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/nray:2B-CLDCLASS"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_Height { Int16 _FillValue -9999; String missop "=="; Int32 missing -9999; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range -5000, 30000; String long_name "Height of range bin in Reflectivity/Cloud Mask above reference surface (~ mean sea level)."; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "m"; String origname "Height"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/Height"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_UTC_start { String units "seconds"; String long_name "UTC seconds since 00:00 Z of the first profile"; Float64 valid_range 0.0000000000000000, 86400.000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "UTC_start"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/UTC_start"; } CloudSat_CLDCLASS_nbin_2B_CLDCLASS { String origname "nbin:2B-CLDCLASS"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CLDCLASS/nbin:2B-CLDCLASS"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_N_cloudy_bins { String missop "="; Int32 missing -77; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 125; String long_name "Number of Cloudy Bins"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "--"; String origname "N_cloudy_bins"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/N_cloudy_bins"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_water_content_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Water Content Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_ice_water_content_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_water_content_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Data_quality { String units "--"; String long_name "Data Quality"; Int32 valid_range 0, 127; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Data_quality"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Data_quality"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_effective_radius_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Effective Radius Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_ice_effective_radius_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_effective_radius_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_N_not_converged { String long_name "Number of RO Profiles Not Converged (Ice-only)"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "IO_RO_N_not_converged"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_N_not_converged"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_log_num_conc_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only log(Number Concentration) Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "IO_RO_log_num_conc_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_log_num_conc_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_effective_radius_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only Effective Radius Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "IO_RO_effective_radius_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_effective_radius_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_N_single_cloud_type { String long_name "Number of Cloudy Profiles with Single Cloud Type"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "N_single_cloud_type"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/N_single_cloud_type"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_liquid_water_path { String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 15000; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Liquid Water Path"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "g m^{-2}"; String origname "LO_RO_liquid_water_path"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_liquid_water_path"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_N_not_converged { String long_name "Number of RO Profiles Not Converged (Liquid-only)"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "LO_RO_N_not_converged"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_N_not_converged"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_num_conc_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Number Concentration Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_ice_num_conc_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_num_conc_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Longitude { String units "degrees"; String long_name "Spacecraft Longitude"; Float64 valid_range -180.00000000000000, 180.00000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Longitude"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Longitude"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_log_number_conc { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1000.0000000000000; Int32 valid_range -3000, 5000; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only log(Number Concentration)"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "log(L^{-1})"; String origname "IO_RO_log_number_conc"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_log_number_conc"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Vertical_binsize { String units "m"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String missop "=="; Float64 missing -9999.0000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Vertical_binsize"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Vertical_binsize"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Data_status { String units "--"; String long_name "Data status flags"; Int32 valid_range 0, 127; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Data_status"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Data_status"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty { String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Water Path Uncertainty"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_CWC_status { String units "--"; String long_name "Combined Radar-only Status"; Int32 valid_range -32768, 32767; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "RO_CWC_status"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_CWC_status"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Data_targetID { String units "--"; String long_name "CPR bus orientation (target ID)"; Int32 valid_range 0, 81; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Data_targetID"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Data_targetID"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_ice_water_content { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 10000; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only Ice Water Content"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "mg m^{-3}"; String origname "IO_RO_ice_water_content"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_ice_water_content"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_PCT_two_cloud_types { String long_name "Percentage of Cloudy Profiles with Two Cloud Types"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "PCT_two_cloud_types"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/PCT_two_cloud_types"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_number_conc { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 10.000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 30000; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Number Concentration"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "cm^{-3}"; String origname "LO_RO_number_conc"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_number_conc"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_distrib_width_param_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Distribution Width Parameter Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_ice_distrib_width_param_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_distrib_width_param_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_distrib_width_param { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1000.0000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 5000; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Distribution Width Parameter"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "--"; String origname "LO_RO_distrib_width_param"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_distrib_width_param"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_distrib_width_param { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1000.0000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 5000; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Distribution Width Parameter"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "--"; String origname "RO_liq_distrib_width_param"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_distrib_width_param"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_N_low_confidence_CLDCLASS { String long_name "Number of Profiles with Low Confidence CLDCLASS"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "N_low_confidence_CLDCLASS"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/N_low_confidence_CLDCLASS"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_effective_radius { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 10.000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 10000; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Effective Radius"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "um"; String origname "LO_RO_effective_radius"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_effective_radius"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_distrib_width_param_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only Distribution Width Parameter Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "IO_RO_distrib_width_param_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_distrib_width_param_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_PCT_clear_CPR { String long_name "Percentage of Profiles that are Cloud-Free"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "PCT_clear_CPR"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/PCT_clear_CPR"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_PCT_not_converged { String long_name "Percentage of RO Profiles Not Converged (Liquid-only)"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "LO_RO_PCT_not_converged"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_PCT_not_converged"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_water_content_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Water Content Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_liq_water_content_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_water_content_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_water_path { String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 10000; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Water Path"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "g m^{-2}"; String origname "RO_ice_water_path"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_water_path"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_effective_radius { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 10.000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 30000; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only Effective Radius"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "um"; String origname "IO_RO_effective_radius"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_effective_radius"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_effective_radius { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 10.000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 10000; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Effective Radius"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "um"; String origname "RO_liq_effective_radius"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_effective_radius"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_distrib_width_param { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1000.0000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 5000; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Distribution Width Parameter"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "--"; String origname "RO_ice_distrib_width_param"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_distrib_width_param"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Latitude { String units "degrees"; String long_name "Spacecraft Latitude"; Float64 valid_range -90.000000000000000, 90.000000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Latitude"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Latitude"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_PCT_three_cloud_types { String long_name "Percentage of Cloudy Profiles with Three Cloud Types"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "PCT_three_cloud_types"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/PCT_three_cloud_types"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_distrib_width_param_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Distribution Width Parameter Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "LO_RO_distrib_width_param_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_distrib_width_param_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_num_conc_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Number Concentration Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "LO_RO_num_conc_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_num_conc_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_effective_radius_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Effective Radius Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_liq_effective_radius_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_effective_radius_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_water_content { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 10000; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Water Content"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "mg m^{-3}"; String origname "RO_ice_water_content"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_water_content"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_num_conc_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Number Concentration Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_liq_num_conc_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_num_conc_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Profile_time { String units "seconds"; String long_name "Seconds since the start of the granule."; Float64 valid_range 0.0000000000000000, 6000.0000000000000; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "Profile_time"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Profile_time"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_PCT_large_norm_chisq { String long_name "Percentage of RO Profiles with Large Chi-Square (Ice-only)"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "IO_RO_PCT_large_norm_chisq"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_PCT_large_norm_chisq"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_liquid_water_content { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 15000; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Liquid Water Content"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "mg m^{-3}"; String origname "LO_RO_liquid_water_content"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_liquid_water_content"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_N_three_cloud_types { String long_name "Number of Cloudy Profiles with Three Cloud Types"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "N_three_cloud_types"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/N_three_cloud_types"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_phase_fraction { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1000.0000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 1000; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Phase Fraction"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "--"; String origname "RO_ice_phase_fraction"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_phase_fraction"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_PCT_drizzle_or_precipitation { String long_name "Percentage of Profiles with Possible Drizzle or Precipitation"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "PCT_drizzle_or_precipitation"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/PCT_drizzle_or_precipitation"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_number_conc { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 10.000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 30000; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Number Concentration"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "cm^{-3}"; String origname "RO_liq_number_conc"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_number_conc"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_distrib_width_param_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Distribution Width Parameter Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_liq_distrib_width_param_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_distrib_width_param_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_effective_radius { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 10.000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 30000; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Effective Radius"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "um"; String origname "RO_ice_effective_radius"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_effective_radius"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Height { Int16 _FillValue -9999; String missop "=="; Int32 missing -9999; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range -5000, 30000; String long_name "Height of range bin in Reflectivity/Cloud Mask above reference surface (~ mean sea level)."; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "m"; String origname "Height"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Height"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_effective_radius_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Effective Radius Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "LO_RO_effective_radius_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_effective_radius_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_liquid_water_content_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Liquid Water Content Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "LO_RO_liquid_water_content_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_liquid_water_content_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_ice_water_content_uncertainty { Byte _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only Ice Water Content Uncertainty"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "IO_RO_ice_water_content_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_ice_water_content_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty { String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only Ice Water Path Uncertainty"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "IO_RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_ice_water_path_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_liquid_water_path_uncertainty { String missop "="; Int32 missing -3; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, -6; String long_name "Liquid-only Radar-only Liquid Water Path Uncertainty"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "LO_RO_liquid_water_path_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_liquid_water_path_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_Cloud_mask_threshold { String missop "="; Int32 missing 99; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 40; String long_name "Cloud Mask Threshold"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "--"; String origname "Cloud_mask_threshold"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/Cloud_mask_threshold"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_nbin_2B_CWC_RO { String origname "nbin:2B-CWC-RO"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/nbin:2B-CWC-RO"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_ice_water_path { String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 10000; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only Ice Water Path"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "g m^{-2}"; String origname "IO_RO_ice_water_path"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_ice_water_path"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_water_path_uncertainty { String missop "="; Int32 missing 253; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 250; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Water Path Uncertainty"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "%"; String origname "RO_liq_water_path_uncertainty"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_water_path_uncertainty"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_N_two_cloud_types { String long_name "Number of Cloudy Profiles with Two Cloud Types"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "N_two_cloud_types"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/N_two_cloud_types"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_PCT_not_converged { String long_name "Percentage of RO Profiles Not Converged (Ice-only)"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "IO_RO_PCT_not_converged"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_PCT_not_converged"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_water_content { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 15000; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Water Content"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "mg m^{-3}"; String origname "RO_liq_water_content"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_water_content"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_ice_number_conc { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 10.000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 30000; String long_name "Radar-only Ice Number Concentration"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "L^{-1}"; String origname "RO_ice_number_conc"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_ice_number_conc"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_N_drizzle_or_precipitation { String long_name "Number of Profiles with Possible Drizzle or Precipitation"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "N_drizzle_or_precipitation"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/N_drizzle_or_precipitation"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_IO_RO_distrib_width_param { Int16 _FillValue 0; String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 factor 1000.0000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 5000; String long_name "Ice-only Radar-only Distribution Width Parameter"; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String units "--"; String origname "IO_RO_distrib_width_param"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/IO_RO_distrib_width_param"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_RO_liq_water_path { String missop "="; Int32 missing -3333; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; Int32 valid_range 0, 15000; String long_name "Radar-only Liquid Water Path"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; String units "g m^{-2}"; String origname "RO_liq_water_path"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/RO_liq_water_path"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_LO_RO_PCT_large_norm_chisq { String long_name "Percentage of RO Profiles with Large Chi-Square (Liquid-only)"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "LO_RO_PCT_large_norm_chisq"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/LO_RO_PCT_large_norm_chisq"; } CloudSat_CWC_RO_PCT_single_cloud_type { String long_name "Percentage of Cloudy Profiles with Single Cloud Type"; Float64 factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 offset 0.0000000000000000; String origname "PCT_single_cloud_type"; String fullnamepath "/CloudSat/CWC-RO/PCT_single_cloud_type"; } }