DAP4 Data Request Form DeepBlue-SeaWiFS_L2_20101210T135954Z_v004-20130525T172725Z.h5
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: DeepBlue-SeaWiFS_L2_20101210T135954Z_v004-20130525T172725Z.h5

  • View/Hide
    • Conventions: CF-1.4 (Type is String)
    • orbit_number: 71101 (Type is Int32)
    • description: SeaWiFS Deep Blue Level 2 Long-term Aerosol Data (Type is String)
    • references: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/measures (Type is String)
    • institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Type is String)
    • history: 20130525T172725Z ./bin/apply_deep_blue 2010 344 etc/config ./tmp/S2010344003503.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344021539.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344035615.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344053651.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344071730.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344085805.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344103842.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344121918.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344135954.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344154030.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344172106.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344185551.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344190344.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344204218.L1B_GAC ./tmp/S2010344222255.L1B_GAC (Type is String)
    • long_name: SeaWiFS Deep Blue Aerosol Optical Depth and Angstrom Exponent Level 2 Data (Type is String)
    • title: SeaWiFS Deep Blue Aerosol Optical Depth and Angstrom Exponent Level 2 Data (Type is String)
    • input_data_products: etc/seawifs_solar_eclipses.txt etc/seawifs_deep_blue_inputs.hdf etc/seawifs_ai_input.hdf etc/land_aerosol_luts_20100701.hdf etc/ocean_20110411.hdf etc/seawifs_surfdb_winter_20110208.hdf etc/seawifs_surfdb_spring_20110208.hdf etc/seawifs_surfdb_summer_20110208.hdf etc/seawifs_surfdb_fall_20110208.hdf etc/seawifs_brdfbase_20110415.hdf etc/seawifs_terrainflag_20130511.hdf /data1/corey/seawifs_l1a/ncep_ancillary etc/seawifs_dust_base.hdf etc/surface_pressure_20110406.hdf etc/landcover_20111114.hdf etc/landmask.hdf (Type is String)
    • short_name: SWDB_L2 (Type is String)
    • version_id: 004 (Type is String)
    • pge_version: 004 (Type is String)
    • local_granule_id: DeepBlue-SeaWiFS_L2_20101210T135954Z_v004-20130525T172725Z.h5 (Type is String)
    • range_beginning_date: 2010-12-10 (Type is String)
    • range_beginning_time: 13:59:55.040000 (Type is String)
    • range_ending_date: 2010-12-10 (Type is String)
    • range_ending_time: 14:40:51.068000 (Type is String)
    • equator_crossing_longitude: -1.006393671 (Type is Float32)
    • equator_crossing_date: 2010-12-10 (Type is String)
    • equator_crossing_time: 14:11:57.105000 (Type is String)
    • production_datetime: 2013-05-25T17:27:25.891000Z (Type is String)
    • instrument_long_name: Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (Type is String)
    • instrument_short_name: SeaWiFS (Type is String)
    • platform_long_name: Orbview-2 (Type is String)
    • platform_short_name: OV-2 (Type is String)
    • north_bounding_coordinate: 46.69662476 (Type is Float32)
    • south_bounding_coordinate: -89.95253754 (Type is Float32)
    • east_bounding_coordinate: -98.93245697 (Type is Float32)
    • west_bounding_coordinate: 171.0047607 (Type is Float32)
    • contact_person_name: Corey Bettenhausen (Type is String)
    • contact_person_role: technical contact (Type is String)
    • contact_person_email: corey.bettenhausen@nasa.gov (Type is String)
    • contact_person_address: NASA/GSFC, 8800 Greenbelt Road, Mail Code 613, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (Type is String)
    • related_url: http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/measures (Type is String)
    • keyword: aerosol optical thickness angstrom exponent land ocean deep blue seawifs (Type is String)
    • data_set_language: en (Type is String)
    • format: hdf5 (Type is String)
    • identifier_product_doi_authority: http://dx.doi.org/ (Type is String)
    • identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/MEASURES/SWDB/DATA201 (Type is String)
    • diagnostics: (Type is Container)

  • View/Hide
      [ /land_bands = 0..2 ]
      [ /natrack = 0..1228 ]
      [ /nxtrack = 0..81 ]
      [ /ocean_bands = 0..2 ]

land_bands[ /land_bands= 0..2] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: nm (Type is String)
    • long_name: wavelength bands over land (Type is String)
    • origname: land_bands (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /land_bands (Type is String)
latitude[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
    • long_name: latitude of center of cell (Type is String)
    • standard_name: latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -90.00000000, 90.00000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: latitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /latitude (Type is String)
longitude[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)
    • long_name: longitude of center of cell (Type is String)
    • standard_name: longitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -180.0000000, 180.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: longitude (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /longitude (Type is String)
ocean_bands[ /ocean_bands= 0..2] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: nm (Type is String)
    • long_name: wavelength bands over ocean (Type is String)
    • origname: ocean_bands (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /ocean_bands (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness estimated at 550 nm over land (Type is String)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness estimated at 550 nm over land and ocean (Type is String)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land_ocean (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land_ocean_best_estimate[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: best estimate of aerosol optical thickness estimated at 550 nm over land and ocean (Type is String)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • comment: Data from aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land_ocean with confidence flag values of 3 over land and 2 or 3 over ocean. (Type is String)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land_ocean_best_estimate (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_550_land_ocean_best_estimate (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_550_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness estimated at 550 nm over ocean (Type is String)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_550_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_550_ocean (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_land[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness confidence flag over land (Type is String)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol status_flag (Type is String)
    • flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • flag_meanings: no_confidence marginal good very_good (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_land (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_land_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol status_flag (Type is String)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness confidence flag over land and ocean (Type is String)
    • flag_meanings: no_confidence marginal good very_good (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_land_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_land_ocean (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: 999 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness confidence flag over ocean (Type is String)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol status_flag (Type is String)
    • flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • flag_meanings: no_confidence marginal good very_good (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_confidence_flag_ocean (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_land[ /land_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness at 412 nm, 490 nm, and 670 nm over land (Type is String)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: land_bands longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_land (Type is String)
aerosol_optical_thickness_ocean[ /ocean_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness at 510 nm, 670 nm, and 865 nm over ocean (Type is String)
    • standard_name: atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: ocean_bands longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /aerosol_optical_thickness_ocean (Type is String)
angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_land[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: angstrom exponent confidence flag over land (Type is String)
    • standard_name: angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air status_flag (Type is String)
    • flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • flag_meanings: no_confidence marginal good very_good (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • origname: angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_land (Type is String)
angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_land_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: angstrom exponent confidence flag over land and ocean (Type is String)
    • standard_name: angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air status_flag (Type is String)
    • flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • flag_meanings: no_confidence marginal good very_good (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • origname: angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_land_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_land_ocean (Type is String)
angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: angstrom exponent confidence flag over ocean (Type is String)
    • standard_name: angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air status_flag (Type is String)
    • flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • flag_meanings: no_confidence marginal good very_good (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 3 (Type is Int32)
    • origname: angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /angstrom_exponent_confidence_flag_ocean (Type is String)
angstrom_exponent_land[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: angstrom exponent over land as derived from aerosol optical thickness at 412 nm and 490 nm (Type is String)
    • standard_name: angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -0.5000000000, 2.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: angstrom_exponent_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /angstrom_exponent_land (Type is String)
angstrom_exponent_land_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: angstrom exponent over land and ocean as derived from aerosol optical thickness at 412 nm and 490 nm or 510 nm and 670 nm (Type is String)
    • standard_name: angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -0.5000000000, 2.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: angstrom_exponent_land_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /angstrom_exponent_land_ocean (Type is String)
angstrom_exponent_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: angstrom exponent over ocean as derived from aerosol optical thickness at 510 nm and 670 nm (Type is String)
    • standard_name: angstrom_exponent_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -0.5000000000, 2.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: angstrom_exponent_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /angstrom_exponent_ocean (Type is String)
diagnostics_aerosol_index[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: aerosol index over land (Type is String)
    • origname: aerosol_index (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/aerosol_index (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_aerosol_optical_thickness_550_stddev_land[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm over land (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_550_stddev_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/aerosol_optical_thickness_550_stddev_land (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_aerosol_optical_thickness_550_stddev_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm over ocean (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_550_stddev_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/aerosol_optical_thickness_550_stddev_ocean (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_aerosol_optical_thickness_out_of_bounds_mask_land[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness out of bounds mask over land (Type is String)
    • flag_values: 0, 1 (Type is Int32)
    • flag_meanings: within_bounds out_of_bounds (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 1 (Type is Int32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_out_of_bounds_mask_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/aerosol_optical_thickness_out_of_bounds_mask_land (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_aerosol_optical_thickness_processing_flag_land_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • long_name: aerosol optical thickness processing algorithm flag (Type is String)
    • flag_values: -1, 0, 1, 2 (Type is Int32)
    • flag_meanings: mixed deep_blue vegetated ocean (Type is String)
    • valid_range: -1, 2 (Type is Int32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_processing_flag_land_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/aerosol_optical_thickness_processing_flag_land_ocean (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_aerosol_optical_thickness_stddev_land[ /land_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 412 nm, 490nm, and 670nm over land (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_stddev_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/aerosol_optical_thickness_stddev_land (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_ocean_bands diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_aerosol_optical_thickness_stddev_ocean[ /ocean_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: standard deviation of aerosol optical thickness at 510 nm, 670 nm, and 865 nm over ocean (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 5.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: aerosol_optical_thickness_stddev_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/aerosol_optical_thickness_stddev_ocean (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_ocean_bands diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_cloud_fraction[ /land_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • standard_name: cloud_area_fraction (Type is String)
    • long_name: estimated cloud fraction at 412 nm, 490 nm, and 670 nm (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: cloud_fraction (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/cloud_fraction (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_land_bands diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_fine_mode_volume_fraction_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: fine mode volume fraction over ocean (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: fine_mode_volume_fraction_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/fine_mode_volume_fraction_ocean (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_fine_mode_volume_fraction_stddev_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: standard deviation of fine mode volume fraction over ocean (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: fine_mode_volume_fraction_stddev_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/fine_mode_volume_fraction_stddev_ocean (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_lambertian_equivalent_reflectivity_land[ /land_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: lambertian-equivalent reflectivitiy at 412 nm, 490 nm, and 670 nm over land (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: lambertian_equivalent_reflectivity_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/lambertian_equivalent_reflectivity_land (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_land_bands diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_lambertian_equivalent_reflectivity_ocean[ /ocean_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: lambertian-equivalent reflectivity at 510 nm, 670 nm, and 865 nm over ocean (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: lambertian_equivalent_reflectivity_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/lambertian_equivalent_reflectivity_ocean (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_ocean_bands diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_normalized_difference_vegetation_index_land[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: normalized difference vegetation index (Type is String)
    • standard_name: normalized_difference_vegetation_index (Type is String)
    • origname: normalized_difference_vegetation_index_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/normalized_difference_vegetation_index_land (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_retrieval_fitting_sqrtsumsq_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: square root of the average aerosol retrieval sumsq fitting error over ocean (Type is String)
    • origname: retrieval_fitting_sqrtsumsq_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/retrieval_fitting_sqrtsumsq_ocean (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_surface_reflectance_land[ /land_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: surface reflectance at 412 nm, 490 nm, and 670 nm over land (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: surface_reflectance_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/surface_reflectance_land (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_land_bands diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_toa_reflectance_land[ /land_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: top-of-atmosphere reflectance over land at 412 nm, 490 n, and 670 nm (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: toa_reflectance_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/toa_reflectance_land (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_toa_reflectance_ocean[ /ocean_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: top-of-atmosphere reflectance over ocean at 510 nm, 670 n, and 865 nm (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: toa_reflectance_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/toa_reflectance_ocean (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_ocean_bands diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_toa_stddev_within_0_2_degrees[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • long_name: standard deviation of top-of-atmosphere reflectance at 412 nm at 0.2 degree radius (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: toa_stddev_within_0.2_degrees (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/toa_stddev_within_0.2_degrees (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
diagnostics_wind_speed[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: m s-1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: NCEP-derived wind speed (Type is String)
    • standard_name: wind_speed (Type is String)
    • origname: wind_speed (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /diagnostics/wind_speed (Type is String)
    • coordinates: diagnostics_longitude diagnostics_latitude (Type is String)
natrack[ /natrack= 0..1228] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • long_name: number of cells along the swath (Type is String)
    • axis: Y (Type is String)
    • origname: natrack (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /natrack (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
number_pixels_used_land[ /land_bands= 0..2] [ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • units: count (Type is String)
    • long_name: number of pixels used for aerosol optical thickness retrieval over land at 412 nm, 490 nm, and 670 nm (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 9 (Type is Int32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: number_pixels_used_land (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /number_pixels_used_land (Type is String)
number_pixels_used_ocean[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999 (Type is Int32)
    • units: count (Type is String)
    • long_name: number of pixels used for aerosol optical thickness retrieval over ocean at 510 nm, 670 nm, and 865 nm (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 9 (Type is Int32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: number_pixels_used_ocean (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /number_pixels_used_ocean (Type is String)
nxtrack[ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • units: 1 (Type is String)
    • axis: X (Type is String)
    • long_name: number of cells across the swath (Type is String)
    • origname: nxtrack (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /nxtrack (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
relative_azimuth_angle[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • comment: relative azimuth angle follows the gordon convention and is measured from due south. (Type is String)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • long_name: relative azimuth angle (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 180.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • origname: relative_azimuth_angle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /relative_azimuth_angle (Type is String)
scattering_angle[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • long_name: scattering angle (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 180.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: scattering_angle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /scattering_angle (Type is String)
solar_zenith_angle[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • long_name: solar zenith angle (Type is String)
    • standard_name: solar_zenith_angle (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 90.00000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • origname: solar_zenith_angle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /solar_zenith_angle (Type is String)
time_of_measurement[ /natrack= 0..1228] (Type is Int32)
  • attributes
    • units: seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00:00.0 (Type is String)
    • long_name: time of measurement of row of cells (Type is String)
    • standard_name: time (Type is String)
    • origname: time_of_measurement (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /time_of_measurement (Type is String)
viewing_zenith_angle[ /natrack= 0..1228] [ /nxtrack= 0..81] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: viewing zenith angle (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0.000000000, 90.00000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: longitude latitude (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -999.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
    • origname: viewing_zenith_angle (Type is String)
    • fullnamepath: /viewing_zenith_angle (Type is String)

Hyrax development sponsored by NSF, NASA, and NOAA

OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.17.0)
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