Dataset Information

FileHeader: DOI=10.5067/GPM/GMI/GPM/1B/07; DOIauthority=; DOIshortName=1BGMI; AlgorithmID=1BGMI; AlgorithmVersion=TB2021-20210218; FileName=1B.GPM.GMI.TB2021.20160105-S230545-E003816.010538.V07A.HDF5; SatelliteName=GPM; InstrumentName=GMI; GenerationDateTime=2022-05-09T22:59:55.000Z; StartGranuleDateTime=2016-01-05T23:05:45.953Z; StopGranuleDateTime=2016-01-06T00:38:17.949Z; GranuleNumber=10538; NumberOfSwaths=2; NumberOfGrids=0; GranuleStart=SOUTHERNMOST_LATITUDE; TimeInterval=ORBIT; ProcessingSystem=PPS; ProductVersion=V07A; EmptyGranule=NOT_EMPTY; MissingData=0;
InputRecord: InputFileNames=1A.GPM.GMI.COUNT2021.20160105-S230545-E003816.010538.V07A.HDF5,1A.GPM.GMI.COUNT2021.20160105-S213314-E230544.010537.V07A.HDF5,1A.GPM.GMI.COUNT2021.20160106-S003817-E021048.010539.V07A.HDF5; InputAlgorithmVersions=4.5; InputGenerationDateTimes=2022-05-09T22:53:19.000Z,2022-05-09T22:53:11.000Z,2022-05-09T22:54:28.000Z;
NavigationRecord: LongitudeOnEquator=179.046739; UTCDateTimeOnEquator=2016-01-05T23:28:53.899Z; MeanSolarBetaAngle=-18.034080; EphemerisFileName=GPMCORE.20160105.230545953_20160106.003817949.001.EPHEM.txt; AttitudeFileName=GPMCORE.20160105.230545953_20160106.003817949.001.ATT.txt; GeoControlFileName=Control_Parameters_GMI_20210319.V07A.txt; EphemerisSource=7_PVT_WITH_FALLBACK_AS_FLAGGED; AttitudeSource=1_ON_BOARD_CALCULATED_PITCH_ROLL_YAW; GeoToolkitVersion=V7.1 12.11.2020.3GeoTKtestKu.fs ; SensorAlignmentFirstRotationAngle=179.964996; SensorAlignmentSecondRotationAngle=0.004000; SensorAlignmentThirdRotationAngle=0.001000; SensorAlignmentFirstRotationAxis=1; SensorAlignmentSecondRotationAxis=2; SensorAlignmentThirdRotationAxis=3;
FileInfo: DataFormatVersion=7b; TKCodeBuildVersion=0; MetadataVersion=7b; FormatPackage=HDF5-1.10.5; BlueprintFilename=GPM.V7.1BGMI.blueprint.xml; BlueprintVersion=BV_68; TKIOVersion=3.99; MetadataStyle=PVL; EndianType=LITTLE_ENDIAN;
Unlimited_Dimension: nscan

Variables in this Dataset

S1_ScanTime_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: ms
units: ms
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: MilliSecond
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/MilliSecond
S1_ScanTime_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: minutes
units: minutes
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Minute
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Minute
S1_ScanTime_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: years
units: years
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: Year
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Year
S1_ScanTime_SecondOfDay: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: SecondOfDay
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/SecondOfDay
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_ScanTime_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Second
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Second
S1_ScanTime_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: DayOfYear
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/DayOfYear
S1_ScanTime_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: hours
units: hours
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Hour
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Hour
S1_ScanTime_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: months
units: months
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Month
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Month
S1_ScanTime_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: DayOfMonth
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/DayOfMonth
S1_moonVectorInstFrame: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][GMIxyz = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan,GMIxyz
Units: counts
units: counts
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: moonVectorInstFrame
fullnamepath: /S1/moonVectorInstFrame
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calCounts_hotLoadThermisterTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8][ntherm = 0..10]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1,ntherm
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: hotLoadThermisterTemp
fullnamepath: /S1/calCounts/hotLoadThermisterTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calCounts_coldLoadReading: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8][ncolds1 = 0..84]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1,ncolds1
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: coldLoadReading
fullnamepath: /S1/calCounts/coldLoadReading
S1_calCounts_hotLoadnDiodeReading: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8][nhots1 = 0..64]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1,nhots1
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: hotLoadnDiodeReading
fullnamepath: /S1/calCounts/hotLoadnDiodeReading
S1_calCounts_hotLoadReading: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8][nhots1 = 0..64]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1,nhots1
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: hotLoadReading
fullnamepath: /S1/calCounts/hotLoadReading
S1_calCounts_coldLoadnDiodeReading: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8][ncolds1 = 0..84]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1,ncolds1
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: coldLoadnDiodeReading
fullnamepath: /S1/calCounts/coldLoadnDiodeReading
S1_sunGlintAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunGlintAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/sunGlintAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sampleHeader_blanking: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: blanking
fullnamepath: /S1/sampleHeader/blanking
S1_sampleHeader_earthViewFirstSample: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: earthViewFirstSample
fullnamepath: /S1/sampleHeader/earthViewFirstSample
S1_sampleHeader_sampleNumber: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8][nsamt = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1,nsamt
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: sampleNumber
fullnamepath: /S1/sampleHeader/sampleNumber
S1_sampleHeader_tachSeconds: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][ntach = 0..31]
DimensionNames: nscan,ntach
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: tachSeconds
fullnamepath: /S1/sampleHeader/tachSeconds
S1_sampleHeader_tachMicroSeconds: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][ntach = 0..31]
DimensionNames: nscan,ntach
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: tachMicroSeconds
fullnamepath: /S1/sampleHeader/tachMicroSeconds
S1_navigation_scPos: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][XYZ = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan,XYZ
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scPos
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scPos
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_timeMidScanOffset: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeMidScanOffset
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/timeMidScanOffset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttPitchGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttPitchGeod
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttPitchGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scVel: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][XYZ = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan,XYZ
Units: m/s
units: m/s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scVel
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scVel
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scHeadingGround: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scHeadingGround
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scHeadingGround
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttRollGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttRollGeod
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttRollGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttRollGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttRollGeoc
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttRollGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAlt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAlt
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAlt
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scHeadingOrbital: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scHeadingOrbital
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scHeadingOrbital
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scLon: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scLon
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scLon
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttYawGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttYawGeoc
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttYawGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttPitchGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttPitchGeoc
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttPitchGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_dprAlt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: dprAlt
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/dprAlt
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_greenHourAng: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: greenHourAng
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/greenHourAng
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scLat: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scLat
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scLat
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttYawGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttYawGeod
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttYawGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_timeMidScan: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeMidScan
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/timeMidScan
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_meanColdSkyCntnDiode: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: meanColdSkyCntnDiode
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/meanColdSkyCntnDiode
S1_calibration_receiverGain: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: receiverGain
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/receiverGain
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_onOrbitNonLinearity: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: onOrbitNonLinearity
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/onOrbitNonLinearity
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_coldSkyTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: coldSkyTemp
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/coldSkyTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_meanHotLoadCount: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: meanHotLoadCount
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/meanHotLoadCount
S1_calibration_offset: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8][LNL = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1,LNL
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: offset
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/offset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_calibrationQCflag: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: calibrationQCflag
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/calibrationQCflag
S1_calibration_diodeCoupledTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: diodeCoupledTemp
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/diodeCoupledTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_meanHotLoadCntnDiode: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: meanHotLoadCntnDiode
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/meanHotLoadCntnDiode
S1_calibration_diodeFlag: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: diodeFlag
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/diodeFlag
S1_calibration_receiverTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: receiverTemp
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/receiverTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_nonLinearGain: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: nonLinearGain
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/nonLinearGain
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_hotLoadTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: hotLoadTemp
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/hotLoadTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_gain: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8][LNL = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1,LNL
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: gain
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/gain
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_calibration_meanColdSkyCount: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: meanColdSkyCount
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/meanColdSkyCount
S1_calibration_derivedNonLinearity: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan1
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: derivedNonLinearity
fullnamepath: /S1/calibration/derivedNonLinearity
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_solarAzimuthAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarAzimuthAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/solarAzimuthAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_phaseFromOrbitMidnight: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: phaseFromOrbitMidnight
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/phaseFromOrbitMidnight
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_sunEarthSeparation: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunEarthSeparation
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/sunEarthSeparation
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_earthAngularRadius: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: earthAngularRadius
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/earthAngularRadius
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_phaseOfEclipseExit: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: phaseOfEclipseExit
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/phaseOfEclipseExit
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_solarBetaAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarBetaAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/solarBetaAngle
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_timeSinceEclipseEntry: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeSinceEclipseEntry
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/timeSinceEclipseEntry
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_orbitRate: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees/s
units: degrees/s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: orbitRate
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/orbitRate
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_sunVectorInBodyFrame: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][SVBFd = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan,SVBFd
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunVectorInBodyFrame
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/sunVectorInBodyFrame
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_Tb: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220][nchan1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1,nchan1
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Tb
fullnamepath: /S1/Tb
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude nchan1
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_satAzimuthAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: satAzimuthAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/satAzimuthAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_solarZenAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarZenAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/solarZenAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunLocalTime: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1
Units: hours
units: hours
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunLocalTime
fullnamepath: /S1/sunLocalTime
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_scanStatus_operationalMode: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: operationalMode
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/operationalMode
S1_scanStatus_modeStatus: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: modeStatus
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/modeStatus
S1_scanStatus_targetSelectionMidScan: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: targetSelectionMidScan
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/targetSelectionMidScan
S1_scanStatus_geoWarning: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: geoWarning
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/geoWarning
S1_scanStatus_pointingStatus: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pointingStatus
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/pointingStatus
S1_scanStatus_geoError: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: geoError
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/geoError
S1_scanStatus_dataQuality: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: dataQuality
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/dataQuality
S1_scanStatus_acsModeMidScan: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: acsModeMidScan
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/acsModeMidScan
S1_scanStatus_missing: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: missing
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/missing
S1_scanStatus_FractionalGranuleNumber: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: FractionalGranuleNumber
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/FractionalGranuleNumber
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_scanStatus_SCorientation: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: SCorientation
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/SCorientation
S1_incidenceAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: incidenceAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/incidenceAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_RFIFlag: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220][nfreq1 = 0..4]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1,nfreq1
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: RFIFlag
fullnamepath: /S1/RFIFlag
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude nfreq1
S2_ScanTime_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: ms
units: ms
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: MilliSecond
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/MilliSecond
S2_ScanTime_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: minutes
units: minutes
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Minute
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Minute
S2_ScanTime_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: years
units: years
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: Year
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Year
S2_ScanTime_SecondOfDay: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: SecondOfDay
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/SecondOfDay
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_ScanTime_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Second
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Second
S2_ScanTime_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: DayOfYear
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/DayOfYear
S2_ScanTime_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: hours
units: hours
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Hour
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Hour
S2_ScanTime_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: months
units: months
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Month
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Month
S2_ScanTime_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: DayOfMonth
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/DayOfMonth
S2_moonVectorInstFrame: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][GMIxyz = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan,GMIxyz
Units: counts
units: counts
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: moonVectorInstFrame
fullnamepath: /S2/moonVectorInstFrame
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calCounts_hotLoadThermisterTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3][ntherm = 0..10]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2,ntherm
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: hotLoadThermisterTemp
fullnamepath: /S2/calCounts/hotLoadThermisterTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calCounts_coldLoadReading: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3][ncolds2 = 0..84]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2,ncolds2
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: coldLoadReading
fullnamepath: /S2/calCounts/coldLoadReading
S2_calCounts_hotLoadnDiodeReading: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3][nhots2 = 0..64]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2,nhots2
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: hotLoadnDiodeReading
fullnamepath: /S2/calCounts/hotLoadnDiodeReading
S2_calCounts_hotLoadReading: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3][nhots2 = 0..64]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2,nhots2
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: hotLoadReading
fullnamepath: /S2/calCounts/hotLoadReading
S2_calCounts_coldLoadnDiodeReading: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3][ncolds2 = 0..84]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2,ncolds2
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: coldLoadnDiodeReading
fullnamepath: /S2/calCounts/coldLoadnDiodeReading
S2_sunGlintAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunGlintAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/sunGlintAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sampleHeader_blanking: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: blanking
fullnamepath: /S2/sampleHeader/blanking
S2_sampleHeader_earthViewFirstSample: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: earthViewFirstSample
fullnamepath: /S2/sampleHeader/earthViewFirstSample
S2_sampleHeader_sampleNumber: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3][nsamt = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2,nsamt
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: sampleNumber
fullnamepath: /S2/sampleHeader/sampleNumber
S2_sampleHeader_tachSeconds: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][ntach = 0..31]
DimensionNames: nscan,ntach
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: tachSeconds
fullnamepath: /S2/sampleHeader/tachSeconds
S2_sampleHeader_tachMicroSeconds: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][ntach = 0..31]
DimensionNames: nscan,ntach
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: tachMicroSeconds
fullnamepath: /S2/sampleHeader/tachMicroSeconds
S2_navigation_scPos: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][XYZ = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan,XYZ
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scPos
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scPos
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_timeMidScanOffset: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeMidScanOffset
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/timeMidScanOffset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttPitchGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttPitchGeod
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttPitchGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scVel: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][XYZ = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan,XYZ
Units: m/s
units: m/s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scVel
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scVel
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scHeadingGround: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scHeadingGround
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scHeadingGround
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttRollGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttRollGeod
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttRollGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttRollGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttRollGeoc
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttRollGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAlt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAlt
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAlt
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scHeadingOrbital: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scHeadingOrbital
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scHeadingOrbital
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scLon: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scLon
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scLon
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttYawGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttYawGeoc
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttYawGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttPitchGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttPitchGeoc
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttPitchGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_dprAlt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: dprAlt
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/dprAlt
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_greenHourAng: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: greenHourAng
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/greenHourAng
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scLat: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scLat
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scLat
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttYawGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttYawGeod
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttYawGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_timeMidScan: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeMidScan
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/timeMidScan
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_meanColdSkyCntnDiode: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: meanColdSkyCntnDiode
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/meanColdSkyCntnDiode
S2_calibration_receiverGain: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: receiverGain
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/receiverGain
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_onOrbitNonLinearity: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: onOrbitNonLinearity
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/onOrbitNonLinearity
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_coldSkyTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: coldSkyTemp
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/coldSkyTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_meanHotLoadCount: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: meanHotLoadCount
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/meanHotLoadCount
S2_calibration_offset: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3][LNL = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2,LNL
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: offset
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/offset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_calibrationQCflag: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: calibrationQCflag
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/calibrationQCflag
S2_calibration_diodeCoupledTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: diodeCoupledTemp
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/diodeCoupledTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_meanHotLoadCntnDiode: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: meanHotLoadCntnDiode
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/meanHotLoadCntnDiode
S2_calibration_diodeFlag: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: counts
units: counts
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: diodeFlag
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/diodeFlag
S2_calibration_receiverTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: receiverTemp
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/receiverTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_nonLinearGain: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: nonLinearGain
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/nonLinearGain
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_hotLoadTemp: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: hotLoadTemp
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/hotLoadTemp
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_gain: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3][LNL = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2,LNL
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: gain
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/gain
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_calibration_meanColdSkyCount: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: meanColdSkyCount
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/meanColdSkyCount
S2_calibration_derivedNonLinearity: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,nchan2
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: derivedNonLinearity
fullnamepath: /S2/calibration/derivedNonLinearity
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_solarAzimuthAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarAzimuthAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/solarAzimuthAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_phaseFromOrbitMidnight: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: phaseFromOrbitMidnight
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/phaseFromOrbitMidnight
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_sunEarthSeparation: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunEarthSeparation
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/sunEarthSeparation
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_earthAngularRadius: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: earthAngularRadius
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/earthAngularRadius
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_phaseOfEclipseExit: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: phaseOfEclipseExit
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/phaseOfEclipseExit
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_solarBetaAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarBetaAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/solarBetaAngle
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_timeSinceEclipseEntry: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeSinceEclipseEntry
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/timeSinceEclipseEntry
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_orbitRate: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees/s
units: degrees/s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: orbitRate
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/orbitRate
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_sunVectorInBodyFrame: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][SVBFd = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan,SVBFd
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunVectorInBodyFrame
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/sunVectorInBodyFrame
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_Tb: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220][nchan2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2,nchan2
Units: K
units: K
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Tb
fullnamepath: /S2/Tb
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude nchan2
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_satAzimuthAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: satAzimuthAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/satAzimuthAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_solarZenAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarZenAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/solarZenAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunLocalTime: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2
Units: hours
units: hours
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunLocalTime
fullnamepath: /S2/sunLocalTime
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_scanStatus_operationalMode: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: operationalMode
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/operationalMode
S2_scanStatus_modeStatus: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: modeStatus
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/modeStatus
S2_scanStatus_targetSelectionMidScan: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: targetSelectionMidScan
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/targetSelectionMidScan
S2_scanStatus_geoWarning: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: geoWarning
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/geoWarning
S2_scanStatus_pointingStatus: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pointingStatus
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/pointingStatus
S2_scanStatus_geoError: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: geoError
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/geoError
S2_scanStatus_dataQuality: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: dataQuality
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/dataQuality
S2_scanStatus_acsModeMidScan: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: acsModeMidScan
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/acsModeMidScan
S2_scanStatus_missing: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: missing
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/missing
S2_scanStatus_FractionalGranuleNumber: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: FractionalGranuleNumber
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/FractionalGranuleNumber
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_scanStatus_SCorientation: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan
Units: degrees
units: degrees
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: SCorientation
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/SCorientation
S2_incidenceAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: incidenceAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/incidenceAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_RFIFlag: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220][nfreq2 = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2,nfreq2
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: RFIFlag
fullnamepath: /S2/RFIFlag
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude nfreq2
S1_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Longitude
fullnamepath: /S1/Longitude
units: degrees_east
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix1 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix1
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Latitude
fullnamepath: /S1/Latitude
units: degrees_north
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Longitude
fullnamepath: /S2/Longitude
units: degrees_east
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan = 0..2960][npix2 = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan,npix2
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Latitude
fullnamepath: /S2/Latitude
units: degrees_north
_FillValue: -9999.9
GMIxyz: Array of 32 bit Integers [GMIxyz = 0..2]
comment: x, y, z components in GMI instrument coordinate system.
units: level
LNL: Array of 32 bit Integers [LNL = 0..1]
comment: Linear and non-linear.
units: level
SVBFd: Array of 32 bit Integers [SVBFd = 0..2]
units: level
XYZ: Array of 32 bit Integers [XYZ = 0..2]
units: level
nchan1: Array of 32 bit Integers [nchan1 = 0..8]
comment: Number of channels in Swath 1.
units: level
nchan2: Array of 32 bit Integers [nchan2 = 0..3]
comment: Number of channels in Swath 2.
units: level
ncolds1: Array of 32 bit Integers [ncolds1 = 0..84]
comment: Maximum number of cold samples in Swath 1.
units: level
ncolds2: Array of 32 bit Integers [ncolds2 = 0..84]
comment: Maximum number of cold samples in Swath 2.
units: level
nfreq1: Array of 32 bit Integers [nfreq1 = 0..4]
comment: Number of frequencies in Swath 1.
units: level
nfreq2: Array of 32 bit Integers [nfreq2 = 0..1]
comment: Number of frequencies in Swath 2.
units: level
nhots1: Array of 32 bit Integers [nhots1 = 0..64]
comment: Maximum number of hot samples in Swath 1.
units: level
nhots2: Array of 32 bit Integers [nhots2 = 0..64]
comment: Maximum number of hot samples in Swath 2.
units: level
nsamt: Array of 32 bit Integers [nsamt = 0..3]
comment: The types are: total science GSDR, earthview,hot load, cold sky.
units: level
ntach: Array of 32 bit Integers [ntach = 0..31]
comment: Number of tachometer readings.
units: level
ntherm: Array of 32 bit Integers [ntherm = 0..10]
comment: Number of hot load thermisters.
units: level