Dataset Information


Variables in this Dataset

temperature: Array of 32 bit Reals [ZDim = 0..3][xtrack = 0..3][ytrack = 0..7]
coordinates: pressure Latitude Longitude
_FillValue: -9999.000000
long_name: Swath1:temperature
pressure: Array of 32 bit Reals [ZDim = 0..3]
long_name: Swath1:pressure
Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [xtrack = 0..3][ytrack = 0..7]
units: degrees_north
long_name: Swath1:Latitude
Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [xtrack = 0..3][ytrack = 0..7]
units: degrees_east
long_name: Swath1:Longitude
temperature_1: Array of 32 bit Reals [ZDim_1 = 0..7][xtrack_1 = 0..7][ytrack_1 = 0..15]
coordinates: pressure_1 Latitude_1 Longitude_1
_FillValue: -9999.000000
long_name: Swath2:temperature
pressure_1: Array of 32 bit Reals [ZDim_1 = 0..7]
long_name: Swath2:pressure
Latitude_1: Array of 32 bit Reals [xtrack_1 = 0..7][ytrack_1 = 0..15]
units: degrees_north
long_name: Swath2:Latitude
Longitude_1: Array of 32 bit Reals [xtrack_1 = 0..7][ytrack_1 = 0..15]
units: degrees_east
long_name: Swath2:Longitude