Dataset Information


Variables in this Dataset

CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_NDVI: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: VI
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily NDVI
Fill_values_legend: -12000 NODATA HighLatitude -13000 NODATA -14000 Antarctica -15000 Water
orig_scale_factor: 10000
_FillValue: -15000
valid_min: -1.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_EVI2: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: VI
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily EVI2
Fill_values_legend: -12000 NODATA HighLatitude -13000 NODATA -14000 Antarctica -15000 Water
orig_scale_factor: 10000
_FillValue: -15000
valid_min: -1.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_VI_Quality: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
_FillValue: 65535
valid_range: 0, 65535
scale_factor: 1
units: bit field
long_name: VI Quality
Legend: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 15) to the LSB (bit 0): Bit Description 13-15 Land/Water Flag; 000 -- shallow ocean 001 -- land 010 -- ocean coastlines and lake shorelines 011 -- shallow inland water 100 -- ephemeral water 101 -- deep inland water 110 -- continental/moderate ocean 111 -- deep ocean 12 View Angle > 30; 1 -- yes, 0 -- no 11 Sun Zenith Angle > 85; 1 -- yes, 0 -- no 10 Sun Zenith Angle > 75; 1 -- yes, 0 -- no 8-9 Gap Fill Status; 00 not gap filled 01 interpolated 10 long term average 11 not set 7 Snow/Ice estimated; 1 -- yes, 0 -- no 6 Snow/Ice Flag; 1 -- yes, 0 -- no 5 Aerosol estimated; 1 -- yes, 0 -- no 3-4 Aerosol Quantity; 00 -- climatology 01 -- low 10 -- average 11 -- high 2 Cloud Shadow; 1 -- yes, 0 -- no 0-1 Cloud State; 00 -- clear 01 -- cloudy 10 -- mixed 11 -- not set, assumed clear
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_Pixel_Reliability: Array of 32 bit Integers [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
valid_range: -4, 11
scale_factor: 1
units: N/A
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily Pixel Reliability
legend: Legend: 0 Excellent 1 Good 2 Acceptable 3 Marginal 4 Pass 5 Questionable 6 Poor 7 Cloud Shadow 8 Snow 9 Cloud 10 Estimated 11 LTAVG -1 NODATA -2 NODATA High Latitudes -3 Antartica -4 Water
_FillValue: -4
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_RED_reflectance: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: reflectance
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily RED reflectance
bandwidth: 620 - 670 nm
orig_scale_factor: 10000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_NIR_reflectance: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: reflectance
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily NIR reflectance
bandwidth: 841 - 876 nm
orig_scale_factor: 10000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_BLUE_reflectance: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: reflectance
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily BLUE reflectance
bandwidth: 459 - 479 nm
orig_scale_factor: 10000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_MIR_reflectance: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: reflectance
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily MIR reflectance
bandwidth: 2105 - 2155 nm
orig_scale_factor: 10000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_Solar_Zenith_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: degrees
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily Solar Zenith Angle
orig_scale_factor: 100
_FillValue: 0
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 180.0000000
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_View_Zenith_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: degrees
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily View Zenith Angle
orig_scale_factor: 100
_FillValue: 0
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 180.0000000
CMG_0_05_Deg_Daily_Relative_Azimuth_Angle: Array of 32 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
units: degrees
long_name: CMG 0.05 Deg Daily Relative Azimuth Angle
orig_scale_factor: 100
_FillValue: 0
valid_min: -180.0000000
valid_max: 180.0000000
Latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599]
long_name: Latitude
units: degrees_north
Longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [Longitude = 0..7199]
long_name: Longitude
units: degrees_east