DAP4 Data Request Form S1999001.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km.hdf
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: S1999001.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km.hdf

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      • HDF_GLOBAL
        • Product_Name: S1999001.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km (Type is String)
        • Sensor_Name: SeaWiFS (Type is String)
        • Sensor: Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) (Type is String)
        • Title: SeaWiFS Level-3 Standard Mapped Image (Type is String)
        • Data_Center: NASA/GSFC SeaWiFS Data Processing Center (Type is String)
        • Station_Name: Wallops Flight Facility (Type is String)
        • Station_Latitude: 37.92720032 (Type is Float32)
        • Station_Longitude: -75.47530365 (Type is Float32)
        • Mission: SeaStar SeaWiFS (Type is String)
        • Mission_Characteristics: Nominal orbit: inclination = 98.2 (Sun-synchronous); node = 12 noon local (descending); eccentricity = <0.002; altitude = 705 km; ground speed = 6.75 km/sec (Type is String)
        • Sensor_Characteristics: Number of bands = 8; number of active bands = 8; wavelengths per band (nm) = 412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670, 765, 865; bits per pixel = 10; instantaneous field-of-view = 1.5835 mrad; pixels per scan = 1285; scan rate = 6/sec; sample rate = 7710/sec (Type is String)
        • Product_Type: D (Type is String)
        • Processing_Version: 2009.1 (Type is String)
        • Software_Name: smigen (Type is String)
        • Software_Version: 4.13 (Type is String)
        • Processing_Time: 2009315141640000 (Type is String)
        • Input_Files: S1999001.L3b_DAY_CHL.main (Type is String)
        • Processing_Control: smigen par=S1999001.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km.param (Type is String)
        • Input_Parameters: IFILE = /data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu1/workbuf/S1999001.L3b_DAY_CHL.main|OFILE = S1999001.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km|PFILE = |PROD = chlor_a|PALFILE = DEFAULT|PROCESSING VERSION = 2009.1|MEAS = 1|STYPE = 0|DATAMIN = 0.000000|DATAMAX = 0.000000|LONWEST = -180.000000|LONEAST = 180.000000|LATSOUTH = -90.000000|LATNORTH = 90.000000|RESOLUTION = 9km|PROJECTION = RECT|GAP_FILL = 0|SEAM_LON = -180.000000|PRECISION=F (Type is String)
        • Period_Start_Year: 1999 (Type is Int16)
        • Period_Start_Day: 1 (Type is Int16)
        • Period_End_Year: 1999 (Type is Int16)
        • Period_End_Day: 1 (Type is Int16)
        • Start_Time: 1998365192337650 (Type is String)
        • End_Time: 1999002050309958 (Type is String)
        • Start_Year: 1998 (Type is Int16)
        • Start_Day: 365 (Type is Int16)
        • Start_Millisec: 69817650 (Type is Int32)
        • End_Year: 1999 (Type is Int16)
        • End_Day: 2 (Type is Int16)
        • End_Millisec: 18189958 (Type is Int32)
        • Start_Orbit: 7547 (Type is Int32)
        • End_Orbit: 7567 (Type is Int32)
        • Orbit: 7567 (Type is Int32)
        • Map_Projection: Equidistant Cylindrical (Type is String)
        • Latitude_Units: degrees North (Type is String)
        • Longitude_Units: degrees East (Type is String)
        • Northernmost_Latitude: 90.00000000 (Type is Float32)
        • Southernmost_Latitude: -90.00000000 (Type is Float32)
        • Westernmost_Longitude: -180.0000000 (Type is Float32)
        • Easternmost_Longitude: 180.0000000 (Type is Float32)
        • Latitude_Step: 0.08333333582 (Type is Float32)
        • Longitude_Step: 0.08333333582 (Type is Float32)
        • SW_Point_Latitude: -89.95833588 (Type is Float32)
        • SW_Point_Longitude: -179.9583282 (Type is Float32)
        • Data_Bins: 408210 (Type is Int32)
        • Number_of_Lines: 2160 (Type is Int32)
        • Number_of_Columns: 4320 (Type is Int32)
        • Parameter: Chlorophyll a concentration (Type is String)
        • Measure: Mean (Type is String)
        • Units: mg m^-3 (Type is String)
        • Scaling: linear (Type is String)
        • Scaling_Equation: (Slope*l3m_data) + Intercept = Parameter value (Type is String)
        • Slope: 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
        • Intercept: 0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
        • Data_Minimum: 0.002117000055 (Type is Float32)
        • Data_Maximum: 78.65550995 (Type is Float32)
        • Suggested_Image_Scaling_Minimum: 0.009999999776 (Type is Float32)
        • Suggested_Image_Scaling_Maximum: 20.00000000 (Type is Float32)
        • Suggested_Image_Scaling_Type: LOG (Type is String)
        • Suggested_Image_Scaling_Applied: No (Type is String)

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      [ /Number_of_Lines = 0..2159 ]
      [ /Number_of_Columns = 0..4319 ]

l3m_data[ /Number_of_Lines= 0..2159] [ /Number_of_Columns= 0..4319] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: l3m_data (Type is String)
    • scale_factor: 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • add_offset: 0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • Fill: -32767.00000 (Type is Float32)
    • Scaling: linear (Type is String)
    • Scaling_Equation: (Slope*l3m_data) + Intercept = Parameter value (Type is String)
    • Slope: 1.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • Intercept: 0.000000000 (Type is Float32)
    • coordinates: Number_of_Lines Number_of_Columns (Type is String)
Number_of_Lines[ /Number_of_Lines= 0..2159] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: latitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_north (Type is String)
Number_of_Columns[ /Number_of_Columns= 0..4319] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: longitude (Type is String)
    • units: degrees_east (Type is String)

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