Attributes { CoreMetadata { INVENTORYMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; ECSDATAGRANULE { LOCALGRANULEID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"CER_ISCCP-D2like-Day_Aqua-FM3-MODIS_Beta1_023030.200612\""; } LOCALVERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Clib-20071227 TK5.2.12 HDF-4.2r0 HDFEOS- 2.15v SW672 ANC672\""; } PRODUCTIONDATETIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2008-12-23T19:21:47.000Z\""; } } MEASUREDPARAMETER { MEASUREDPARAMETERCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; PARAMETERNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"GranuleParameters\""; } QAFLAGS { String CLASS "\"1\""; AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Passed\""; } AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"QA flag explanation\""; } } } } COLLECTIONDESCRIPTIONCLASS { SHORTNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"CMSFC_AB\""; } VERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 1; } } INPUTGRANULE { INPUTPOINTER { Int32 NUM_VAL 800; String VALUE "\"20061201\"", "\"20061202\"", "\"20061203\"", "\"20061204\"", "\"20061205\"", "\"20061206\"", "\"20061207\"", "\"20061208\"", "\"20061209\"", "\"20061210\"", "\"20061211\"", "\"20061212\"", "\"20061213\"", "\"20061214\"", "\"20061215\"", "\"20061216\"", "\"20061217\"", "\"20061218\"", "\"20061219\"", "\"20061220\"", "\" 20061221\"", "\"20061222\"", "\"20061223\"", "\"20061224\"", "\"20061225\"", "\"20061226\"", "\"20061227\"", "\"20061228\"", "\"20061229\"", "\"20061230\"", "\"20061231\""; } } SPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { HORIZONTALSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { BOUNDINGRECTANGLE { WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -180.0; } NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 90.0; } EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 180.0; } SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -90.0; } } } } RANGEDATETIME { RANGEBEGINNINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:00:00.000000\""; } RANGEENDINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:59:59.999999\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2006-12-01\""; } RANGEENDINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2006-12-31\""; } } PGEVERSIONCLASS { PGEVERSION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"023030\""; } } ADDITIONALATTRIBUTES { ADDITIONALATTRIBUTESCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\""; ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"CERPGEName\"", "\"SamplingStrategy\"", "\"ProductionStrategy\"", "\"CERDataDateYear\"", "\"CERDataDateMonth\"", "\"ImagerShortName\"", "\"NumberInputFiles\""; } INFORMATIONCONTENT { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\""; PARAMETERVALUE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\""; String VALUE "\"CER9.0P1\"", "\"Aqua-FM3-MODIS\"", "\"Beta1\"", "\"2006\"", "\"12\"", "\"MODIS\"", "\"31\""; } } } } ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSOR { ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSORCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\""; ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\"", "\"Aqua\""; } ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"FM3\"", "\"FM3\"", "\"FM3\""; } ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"Total Detector\"", "\"Window Detector\"", "\"Shortwave Detector\""; } } } } } ArchiveMetadata { ARCHIVEDMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; CEREASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 0.0; } CERNORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 0.0; } CERSOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 180.0; } CERWESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 360.0; } CERPRODUCTIONDATETIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2008-12-23T14:21:47\""; } NUMBEROFRECORDS { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 64800; } PRODUCTGENERATIONLOC { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"NASA Langley Research Center, HOST - mag314 OS - Linux\""; } } } Number_Of_Observations___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Number Of Observations - Cumulus - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Total Cloud Fraction - Cumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Cumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Cumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Cumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Cumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Cumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Water Path - Cumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Cumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Cumulus - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Cumulus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Effective Pressure - Cumulus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Effective Temperature - Cumulus - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Cumulus - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Cumulus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Water Path - Cumulus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Cumulus - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Cumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Cumulus - MH"; } Number_Of_Observations___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Number Of Observations - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Path - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Path - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Stratocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Stratocumulus - MH"; } Number_Of_Observations___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Number Of Observations - Stratus - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Stratus - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Stratus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Stratus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Stratus - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Stratus - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Stratus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Water Path - Stratus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Stratus - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Stratus - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Stratus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Stratus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Stratus - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Stratus - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Stratus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Water Path - Stratus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Stratus - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Stratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Stratus - MH"; } Number_Of_Observations___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Number Of Observations - Altocumulus - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Total Cloud Fraction - Altocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Altocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Altocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Altocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Altocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Altocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Water Path - Altocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Altocumulus - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Altocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Altocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Effective Pressure - Altocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Effective Temperature - Altocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Altocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Altocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Water Path - Altocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Altocumulus - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Altocumulus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Altocumulus - MH"; } Number_Of_Observations___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Number Of Observations - Altostratus - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Altostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Altostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Altostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Altostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Altostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Altostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Path - Altostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Altostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Altostratus - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Altostratus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Altostratus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Altostratus - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Altostratus - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Altostratus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Path - Altostratus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Altostratus - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Altostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Altostratus - MH"; } Number_Of_Observations___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Number Of Observations - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Water Path - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Water Path - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Nimbostrutus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Nimbostrutus - MH"; } Number_Of_Observations___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Number Of Observations - Cirrus - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Total Cloud Fraction - Cirrus - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Cirrus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Cirrus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Cirrus - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Cirrus - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Cirrus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Water Path - Cirrus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Cirrus - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Cirrus - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Cirrus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Effective Pressure - Cirrus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Effective Temperature - Cirrus - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Cirrus - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Cirrus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Water Path - Cirrus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Cirrus - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Cirrus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Cirrus - MH"; } Number_Of_Observations___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Number Of Observations - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Path - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Path - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Cirrostratus___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Cirrostratus - MH"; } Number_Of_Observations___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Number Of Observations - Deep Convection - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Deep Convection - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Deep Convection - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Deep Convection - MH"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Deep Convection - MH"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Deep Convection - MH"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Deep Convection - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Water Path - Deep Convection - MH"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Deep Convection - MH"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Deep Convection - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Deep Convection - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Deep Convection - MH"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Deep Convection - MH"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Deep Convection - MH"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Deep Convection - MH"; } Ice_Water_Path___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Water Path - Deep Convection - MH"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Deep Convection - MH"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Deep_Convection___MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Deep Convection - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____10_180mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(10-180mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(10-180mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (10-180mb) - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____10_180mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(10-180mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(10-180mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (10-180mb) - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____10_180mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(10-180mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(10-180mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (10-180mb) - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____180_310mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(180-310mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(180-310mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (180-310mb) - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____180_310mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(180-310mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(180-310mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (180-310mb) - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____180_310mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(180-310mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(180-310mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (180-310mb) - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____310_440mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(310-440mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(310-440mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (310-440mb) - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____310_440mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(310-440mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(310-440mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (310-440mb) - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____310_440mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(310-440mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(310-440mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (310-440mb) - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____440_560mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(440-560mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(440-560mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (440-560mb) - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____440_560mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(440-560mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(440-560mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (440-560mb) - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____440_560mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(440-560mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(440-560mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (440-560mb) - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____560_680mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(560-680mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(560-680mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (560-680mb) - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____560_680mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(560-680mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(560-680mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (560-680mb) - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____560_680mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(560-680mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(560-680mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (560-680mb) - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____680_800mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(680-800mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(680-800mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (680-800mb) - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____680_800mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(680-800mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(680-800mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (680-800mb) - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____680_800mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(680-800mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(680-800mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (680-800mb) - MH"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____800_1000mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(800-1000mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(800-1000mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (800-1000mb) - MH"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____800_1000mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(800-1000mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(800-1000mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (800-1000mb) - MH"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____800_1000mb____MH { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(800-1000mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Hourly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly 3-Hourly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(800-1000mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (800-1000mb) - MH"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Cumulus - M"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Total Cloud Fraction - Cumulus - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Cumulus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Cumulus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Cumulus - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Cumulus - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Cumulus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Water Path - Cumulus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Cumulus - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Cumulus - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Cumulus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Effective Pressure - Cumulus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Effective Temperature - Cumulus - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Cumulus - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Cumulus - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Water Path - Cumulus - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Cumulus - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Cumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cumulus (Low, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cumulus (Low, Thin)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Cumulus - M"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Stratocumulus__ { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Stratocumulus -"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Stratocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Stratocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Stratocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Stratocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Stratocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Stratocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Path - Stratocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Stratocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Stratocumulus - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Stratocumulus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Stratocumulus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Stratocumulus - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Stratocumulus - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Stratocumulus - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Path - Stratocumulus - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Stratocumulus - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Stratocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratocumulus (Low, Mid-thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Stratocumulus - M"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Stratus - M"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Stratus - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Stratus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Stratus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Stratus - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Stratus - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Stratus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Water Path - Stratus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Stratus - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Stratus - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Stratus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Stratus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Stratus - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Stratus - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Stratus - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Water Path - Stratus - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Stratus - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Stratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Stratus (Low, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Stratus (Low, Thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Stratus - M"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Altocumulus - M"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Total Cloud Fraction - Altocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Altocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Altocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Altocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Altocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Altocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Water Path - Altocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Altocumulus - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Altocumulus - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Altocumulus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Effective Pressure - Altocumulus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Effective Temperature - Altocumulus - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Altocumulus - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Altocumulus - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Water Path - Altocumulus - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Altocumulus - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Altocumulus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altocumulus (Mid, Thin)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Altocumulus - M"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Altostratus - M"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Altostratus - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Altostratus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Altostratus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Altostratus - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Altostratus - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Altostratus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Path - Altostratus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Altostratus - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Altostratus - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Altostratus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Altostratus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Altostratus - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Altostratus - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Altostratus - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Path - Altostratus - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Altostratus - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Altostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Altostratus (Mid, Mid-thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Altostratus - M"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Water Path - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Water Path - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Nimbostrutus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Nimbostrutus (Mid, Thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Nimbostrutus - M"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Cirrus - M"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Total Cloud Fraction - Cirrus - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Cirrus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Cirrus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Cirrus - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Cirrus - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Cirrus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Water Path - Cirrus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Cirrus - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Cirrus - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Cirrus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Effective Pressure - Cirrus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Effective Temperature - Cirrus - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Cirrus - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Cirrus - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Water Path - Cirrus - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Cirrus - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Cirrus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrus (High, Thin)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrus (High, Thin)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Cirrus - M"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Cirrostratus - M"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Cirrostratus - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Cirrostratus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Cirrostratus - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Cirrostratus - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Cirrostratus - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Cirrostratus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Path - Cirrostratus - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Cirrostratus - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Cirrostratus - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Cirrostratus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Cirrostratus - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Cirrostratus - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Cirrostratus - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Cirrostratus - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Path - Cirrostratus - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Cirrostratus - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Cirrostratus___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Cirrostratus (High, Mid-thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Cirrostratus - M"; } Monthly_Total_Number_Of_Observations___Deep_Convection { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Number"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Monthly Total Number Of Observations - Deep Convection"; } Total_Cloud_Fraction___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Total Cloud Fraction - Deep Convection - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Fraction___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Cloud Fraction - Deep Convection - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Pressure___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Effective Pressure - Deep Convection - M"; } Liquid_Effective_Temperature___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Effective Temperature - Deep Convection - M"; } Liquid_Linear_Optical_Depth___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Linear Optical Depth - Deep Convection - M"; } Liquid_Log_Optical_Depth___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Log Optical Depth - Deep Convection - M"; } Liquid_Water_Path___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Water Path - Deep Convection - M"; } Liquid_Water_Particle_Radius___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Water Particle Radius - Deep Convection - M"; } Liquid_Infrared_Emissivity___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Liquid Infrared Emissivity - Deep Convection - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Fraction___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Cloud Fraction - Deep Convection - M"; } Ice_Effective_Pressure___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "HectoPascals"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Effective Pressure - Deep Convection - M"; } Ice_Effective_Temperature___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Kelvin"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Effective Temperature - Deep Convection - M"; } Ice_Linear_Optical_Depth___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Linear Optical Depth - Deep Convection - M"; } Ice_Log_Optical_Depth___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Log Optical Depth - Deep Convection - M"; } Ice_Water_Path___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Water Path - Deep Convection - M"; } Ice_Water_Particle_Diameter___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Grams per square meter"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Water Particle Diameter - Deep Convection - M"; } Ice_Infrared_Emissivity___Deep_Convection___M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "Deep Convection (High, Thick)"; String units "Unitless"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D2-like 9 Cloud Types/Deep Convection (High, Thick)/Ice Infrared Emissivity - Deep Convection - M"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____10_180mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(10-180mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(10-180mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (10-180mb) - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____10_180mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(10-180mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(10-180mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (10-180mb) - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____10_180mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(10-180mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(10-180mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (10-180mb) - M"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____180_310mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(180-310mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(180-310mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (180-310mb) - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____180_310mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(180-310mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(180-310mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (180-310mb) - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____180_310mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(180-310mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(180-310mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (180-310mb) - M"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____310_440mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(310-440mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(310-440mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (310-440mb) - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____310_440mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(310-440mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(310-440mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (310-440mb) - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____310_440mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(310-440mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(310-440mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (310-440mb) - M"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____440_560mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(440-560mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(440-560mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (440-560mb) - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____440_560mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(440-560mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(440-560mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (440-560mb) - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____440_560mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(440-560mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(440-560mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (440-560mb) - M"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____560_680mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(560-680mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(560-680mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (560-680mb) - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____560_680mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(560-680mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(560-680mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (560-680mb) - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____560_680mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(560-680mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(560-680mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (560-680mb) - M"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____680_800mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(680-800mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(680-800mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (680-800mb) - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____680_800mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(680-800mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(680-800mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (680-800mb) - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____680_800mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(680-800mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(680-800mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (680-800mb) - M"; } Total_Cloud_Area_Fraction____800_1000mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(800-1000mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(800-1000mb)/Total Cloud Area Fraction - (800-1000mb) - M"; } Liquid_Cloud_Area_Fraction____800_1000mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(800-1000mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(800-1000mb)/Liquid Cloud Area Fraction - (800-1000mb) - M"; } Ice_Cloud_Area_Fraction____800_1000mb____M { Float32 _FillValue 3.402823466e+38; String long_name "(800-1000mb)"; String units "Percent"; String coordinates "Monthly_Avgs Optical_Depths latitude longitude"; String fullpath "/Monthly Averages/D1-like 42 Cloud Type Fractions/(800-1000mb)/Ice Cloud Area Fraction - (800-1000mb) - M"; } latitude { String long_name "latitude"; String units "degrees_north"; String fullpath "latitude"; } longitude { String long_name "longitude"; String units "degrees_east"; String fullpath "longitude"; } Monthly_Avgs { String long_name "Monthly Avgs"; String units "level"; String fullpath "Monthly Avgs"; } Monthly_Hourly_Avgs { String long_name "Monthly Hourly Avgs"; String units "level"; String fullpath "Monthly Hourly Avgs"; } Optical_Depths { String long_name "Optical Depths"; String units "level"; String fullpath "Optical Depths"; } CERES_metadata { String Vdata_field_SHORTNAME "CMSFC_AB "; String Vdata_field_RANGEBEGINNINGDATE "2006-12-01 "; String Vdata_field_RANGEBEGINNINGTIME "00:00:00.000000 "; String Vdata_field_RANGEENDINGDATE "2006-12-31 "; String Vdata_field_RANGEENDINGTIME "00:59:59.999999 "; String Vdata_field_AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG "Passed "; String Vdata_field_AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION "QA flag explanation "; String Vdata_field_ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME "Aqua "; String Vdata_field_ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME "FM3 "; String Vdata_field_LOCALGRANULEID "CER_ISCCP-D2like-Day_Aqua-FM3-MODIS_Beta1_023030.200612 "; String Vdata_field_LOCALVERSIONID "Clib-20071227 TK5.2.12 HDF-4.2r0 HDFEOS- 2.15v SW672 ANC672 "; String Vdata_field_CERPRODUCTIONDATETIME "2008-12-23T14:21:47 "; Int32 Vdata_field_NUMBEROFRECORDS 64800; String Vdata_field_PRODUCTGENERATIONLOC "NASA Langley Research Center, HOST - mag314 OS - Linux "; } }