DAP4 Data Request Form O1997011.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km.nc
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: O1997011.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km.nc

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      • NC_GLOBAL
        • product_name: O1997011.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km.nc (Type is String)
        • instrument: OCTS (Type is String)
        • title: OCTS Level-3 Standard Mapped Image (Type is String)
        • project: Ocean Biology Processing Group (NASA/GSFC/OBPG) (Type is String)
        • platform: ADEOS (Type is String)
        • temporal_range: day (Type is String)
        • processing_version: 2014.0.1 (Type is String)
        • date_created: 2015-04-30T17:22:38.000Z (Type is String)
        • history: smigen par=O1997011.L3m_DAY_CHL_chlor_a_9km.nc.param (Type is String)
        • time_coverage_start: 1997-01-10T17:21:11.000Z (Type is String)
        • time_coverage_end: 1997-01-12T00:27:36.000Z (Type is String)
        • start_orbit_number: 2092 (Type is Int32)
        • end_orbit_number: 2110 (Type is Int32)
        • map_projection: Equidistant Cylindrical (Type is String)
        • latitude_units: degrees_north (Type is String)
        • longitude_units: degrees_east (Type is String)
        • northernmost_latitude: 90.0000000 (Type is Float32)
        • southernmost_latitude: -90.0000000 (Type is Float32)
        • westernmost_longitude: -180.000000 (Type is Float32)
        • easternmost_longitude: 180.000000 (Type is Float32)
        • geospatial_lat_max: 90.0000000 (Type is Float32)
        • geospatial_lat_min: -90.0000000 (Type is Float32)
        • geospatial_lon_max: 180.000000 (Type is Float32)
        • geospatial_lon_min: -180.000000 (Type is Float32)
        • grid_mapping_name: latitude_longitude (Type is String)
        • latitude_step: 0.0833333358 (Type is Float32)
        • longitude_step: 0.0833333358 (Type is Float32)
        • sw_point_latitude: -89.9583359 (Type is Float32)
        • sw_point_longitude: -179.958328 (Type is Float32)
        • geospatial_lon_resolution: 9.19999981 (Type is Float32)
        • geospatial_lat_resolution: 9.19999981 (Type is Float32)
        • geospatial_lat_units: km (Type is String)
        • geospatial_lon_units: km (Type is String)
        • spatialResolution: 9.20 km (Type is String)
        • data_bins: 292974 (Type is Int32)
        • number_of_lines: 2160 (Type is Int32)
        • number_of_columns: 4320 (Type is Int32)
        • measure: Mean (Type is String)
        • data_minimum: 0.00801999960 (Type is Float32)
        • data_maximum: 70.1543579 (Type is Float32)
        • suggested_image_scaling_minimum: 0.00999999978 (Type is Float32)
        • suggested_image_scaling_maximum: 20.0000000 (Type is Float32)
        • suggested_image_scaling_type: LOG (Type is String)
        • suggested_image_scaling_applied: No (Type is String)
        • _lastModified: 2015-04-30T17:22:38.000Z (Type is String)
        • Conventions: CF-1.6 (Type is String)
        • institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ocean Ecology Laboratory, Ocean Biology Processing Group (Type is String)
        • standard_name_vocabulary: NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention (Type is String)
        • Metadata_Conventions: Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0 (Type is String)
        • naming_authority: gov.nasa.gsfc.sci.oceandata (Type is String)
        • id: O1997011.L3b_DAY_CHL.nc/L3/O1997011.L3b_DAY_CHL.nc (Type is String)
        • license: http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/ (Type is String)
        • creator_name: NASA/GSFC/OBPG (Type is String)
        • publisher_name: NASA/GSFC/OBPG (Type is String)
        • creator_email: data@oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov (Type is String)
        • publisher_email: data@oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov (Type is String)
        • creator_url: http://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov (Type is String)
        • publisher_url: http://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov (Type is String)
        • processing_level: L3 Mapped (Type is String)
        • cdm_data_type: grid (Type is String)
        • identifier_product_doi_authority: http://dx.doi.org (Type is String)
        • identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/ADEOS/OCTS_OC.2014.0 (Type is String)
        • keywords: Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll; Oceans > Ocean Optics > Ocean Color (Type is String)
        • keywords_vocabulary: NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords (Type is String)

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      [ /lat = 0..2159 ]
      [ /lon = 0..4319 ]
      [ /rgb = 0..2 ]
      [ /eightbitcolor = 0..255 ]

lat[ /lat= 0..2159] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Latitude (Type is String)
    • units: degree_north (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -32767.0000 (Type is Float32)
    • valid_min: -90.0000000 (Type is Float32)
    • valid_max: 90.0000000 (Type is Float32)
lon[ /lon= 0..4319] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Longitude (Type is String)
    • units: degree_east (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -32767.0000 (Type is Float32)
    • valid_min: -180.000000 (Type is Float32)
    • valid_max: 180.000000 (Type is Float32)
chlor_a[ /lat= 0..2159] [ /lon= 0..4319] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Chlorophyll Concentration, OCI Algorithm (Type is String)
    • units: mg m^-3 (Type is String)
    • standard_name: mass_concentration_chlorophyll_concentration_in_sea_water (Type is String)
    • _FillValue: -32767.0000 (Type is Float32)
    • valid_min: 0.00100000005 (Type is Float32)
    • valid_max: 100.000000 (Type is Float32)
    • display_scale: log (Type is String)
    • display_min: 0.01000000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • display_max: 20.00000000000000 (Type is Float64)
    • scale_factor: 1.00000000 (Type is Float32)
    • add_offset: 0.00000000 (Type is Float32)
    • reference: Hu, C., Lee Z., and Franz, B.A. (2012). Chlorophyll-a algorithms for oligotrophic oceans: A novel approach based on three-band reflectance difference, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C01011, doi:10.1029/2011JC007395. (Type is String)
palette[ /rgb= 0..2] [ /eightbitcolor= 0..255] (Type is Byte)
no attributes

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