Attributes { HDF_GLOBAL { String Title "OCTS Level-2 Data"; String Sensor_Name "OCTS"; String Product_Name "O1996306152450.L2_GAC"; String Software_Name "MSl12"; String Software_Version "5.8.6"; String Replacement_Flag "ORIGINAL"; Float32 Orbit_Node_Longitude -73.91458130; Int32 Orbit_Number 1093; String Node_Crossing_Time "1996306153706300"; String Processing_Time "2008256164620000"; String Processing_Control "MSl12 par=/data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/workbuf/O1996306152450.L1A_GAC.param metafile=O1996306152450.L2_GAC.meta"; String Input_Parameters " IFILE1 = /data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/workbuf/O1996306152450.L1A_GAC OFILE1 = O1996306152450.L2_GAC L2PROD1 = chlor_a angstrom_520 K_490 nLw_412 nLw_443 nLw_490 nLw_520 nLw_565 nLw_670 tau_865 eps_78 l2_flags CALFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/octs/cal/cal_octs_200601.hdf XCALFILE = CLDFILE = GEOFILE = RFLAG = ORIGINAL EVAL = 0 MODE = 0 SPIXL = 1 EPIXL = -1 DPIXL = 1 SLINE = 1 ELINE = -1 DLINE = 1 CTL_PT_INCR = 8 PROC_OCEAN = 1 PROC_LAND = 0 ATMOCOR = 1 AER_OPT = -3 AER_WAVE_SHORT = 765 AER_WAVE_LONG = 865 AER_SWIR_SHORT = -1 AER_SWIR_LONG = -1 AER_RRS_SHORT = 0 AER_RRS_LONG = 0 AER_ANGSTROM = 0 AER_ITER_MAX = 10 BRDF_OPT = 7 GAS_OPT = 1 IOP_OPT = 0 GSM_OPT = 0 GSM_FIT = 0 GSM_ADG_S = 0.02061 GSM_BBP_S = 1.03373 QAA_OPT = 1 QAA_ADG_S = 0.01500 QAA_WAVE = 412, 443, 489, 555, -1 GIOP_MAXITER = -1 GIOP_FIT_OPT = -1 GIOP_APH_OPT = -1 GIOP_ADG_OPT = -1 GIOP_BBP_OPT = -1 GIOP_RRS_OPT = -1 GIOP_APH_S = -1000.00000 GIOP_APH_W = -1.00000 GIOP_ADG_S = -1000.00000 GIOP_ADG_W = -1.00000 GIOP_BBP_S = -1000.00000 GIOP_BBP_W = -1.00000 GIOP_GRD = 0, 0 GIOP_WAVE = -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 GIOP_APHW = -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 GIOP_APHS = -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000, -1.00000 POL_OPT = 0 ABSAER_OPT = 0 SL_PIXL = -1 SL_FRAC = 0.2500 GLINT_OPT = 1 RESOLUTION = -1 OUTBAND_OPT = 2 OXABAND_OPT = 1 FILTER_OPT = 1 FILTER_FILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/octs/msl12_filter.dat # FILTER_1 = 5 x 5 (1) straylight filter on flag 5 # FILTER_2 = 5 x 5 (1) straylight filter on flag 10 # FILTER_3 = 5 x 5 (7) interquartile mean smoothing of Lt-Lr for band 1 # FILTER_4 = 5 x 5 (7) interquartile mean smoothing of Lt-Lr for band 2 # FILTER_5 = 5 x 5 (7) interquartile mean smoothing of Lt-Lr for band 3 # FILTER_6 = 5 x 5 (7) interquartile mean smoothing of Lt-Lr for band 4 # FILTER_7 = 5 x 5 (7) interquartile mean smoothing of Lt-Lr for band 5 # FILTER_8 = 5 x 5 (7) interquartile mean smoothing of Lt-Lr for band 6 # FILTER_9 = 5 x 5 (7) interquartile mean smoothing of Lt-Lr for band 7 # FILTER_10 = 5 x 5 (7) interquartile mean smoothing of Lt-Lr for band 8 MET1 = /data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/workbuf/S199630612_NCEP.MET MET2 = /data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/workbuf/S199630612_NCEP.MET MET3 = /data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/workbuf/S199630618_NCEP.MET OZONE1 = /data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/workbuf/S199630612_EPTOMS.OZONE OZONE2 = /data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/workbuf/S199630612_EPTOMS.OZONE OZONE3 = /data2/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu5/workbuf/S199630712_EPTOMS.OZONE LAND = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/landmask.dat WATER = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/watermask.dat DEMFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/digital_elevation_map.hdf ICEFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/ice_mask.hdf SSTFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/sst_climatology.hdf NO2FILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/no2_climatology.hdf ALPHAFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/alpha510_climatology.hdf TAUAFILE = /sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/common/taua865_climatology.hdf GAIN = 1.1660, 1.0404, 0.9734, 1.0231, 1.0339, 1.0325, 0.9951, 1.0000 OFFSET = 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 AERMODELS = o99, m50, m70, m90, m99, c50, c70, c90, c99, t50, t90, t99 TAUA = 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 AERMODRAT = 0.00000 AERMODMIN = -1f AERMODMAX = -1f ALBEDO = 0.027 ABSAER = 0.000 RHOAMIN = 0.00010 NLWMIN = 0.150 HIPOL = 0.500 WSMAX = 8.000 TAUAMAX = 0.300 EPSMIN = 0.850 EPSMAX = 1.350 GLINT_THRESH = 0.005 WINDSPEED = -1000.000 WINDANGLE = -1000.000 PRESSURE = -1000.000 OZONE = -1000.000 WATERVAPOR = -1000.000 RELHUMID = -1000.000 SUNZEN = 70.000 SATZEN = 60.000 MASKLAND = 1 MASKBATH = 0 MASKCLOUD = 1 MASKGLINT = 0 MASKSUNZEN = 0 MASKSATZEN = 0 MASKHILT = 1 MASKSTLIGHT = 0 MUMM_ALPHA = 1.720 MUMM_GAMMA = 1.000 MUMM_EPSILON = 1.000 CHLOC2_WAVE = 489, 565 CHLOC2_COEF = 0.28050, -2.16700, 1.17890, -0.15970, -1.55910 CHLOC3_WAVE = 443, 489, 565 CHLOC3_COEF = 0.28360, -2.19820, 1.05410, 0.18600, -0.71700 CHLOC4_WAVE = 443, 489, 520, 565 CHLOC4_COEF = 0.40060, -3.12470, 3.10410, -1.41790, -0.36540 CHLCLARK_WAVE = -1, -1, -1 CHLCLARK_COEF = 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 DEGC = 0 VCAL_OPT = -1 VCAL_NLW = 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 VCAL_LW = 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000 VCAL_CHL = -1.0000 VCAL_SOLZ = -1.0000 "; String Input_Files "O1996306152450.L1A_GAC,S199630612_NCEP.MET,S199630612_NCEP.MET,S199630618_NCEP.MET,S199630612_EPTOMS.OZONE,S199630612_EPTOMS.OZONE,S199630712_EPTOMS.OZONE,cal_octs_200601.hdf,,,landmask.dat,watermask.dat,digital_elevation_map.hdf,ice_mask.hdf,sst_climatology.hdf,no2_climatology.hdf,alpha510_climatology.hdf,taua865_climatology.hdf,,"; String Calibration_Data "/sdps/sdpsoper/data/OCDATA/data/octs/cal/cal_octs_200601.hdf"; String Mask_Names "ATMFAIL,LAND,CLDICE,HILT"; Int32 Number_of_Bands 8; Int32 Number_of_Scan_Lines 2196; Int32 Pixels_per_Scan_Line 400; Int32 Scene_Center_Scan_Line 1098; Int32 Number_of_Scan_Control_Points 2196; Int32 Number_of_Pixel_Control_Points 51; String Start_Time "1996306152450133"; Int16 Start_Year 1996; Int16 Start_Day 306; Int32 Start_Millisec 55490133; Float32 Upper_Left_Longitude -70.81331635; Float32 Upper_Right_Longitude -52.94080353; Float32 Upper_Left_Latitude 47.27939606; Float32 Upper_Right_Latitude 44.51697159; Float32 Start_Center_Longitude -61.76369095; Float32 Start_Center_Latitude 46.00815964; String Latitude_Units "degrees North"; String Longitude_Units "degrees East"; String Scene_Center_Time "1996306153306973"; Float32 Scene_Center_Longitude -70.23162842; Float32 Scene_Center_Latitude 16.81026840; Float32 Scene_Center_Solar_Zenith 33.91152573; Float64 Earth_Sun_Distance_Correction 1.0156003409399676; String End_Time "1996306154122912"; Int16 End_Year 1996; Int16 End_Day 306; Int32 End_Millisec 56482913; Float32 Lower_Left_Longitude -83.17055511; Float32 Lower_Right_Longitude -70.30629730; Float32 Lower_Left_Latitude -11.23715401; Float32 Lower_Right_Latitude -13.19745827; Float32 End_Center_Longitude -76.82841492; Float32 End_Center_Latitude -12.53766632; Float32 Northernmost_Latitude 47.27939606; Float32 Southernmost_Latitude -13.19745827; Float32 Easternmost_Longitude -52.94080353; Float32 Westernmost_Longitude -83.17055511; String Start_Node "Descending"; String End_Node "Descending"; String Day_or_Night "Day"; Float32 Flag_Percentages 0.06113388017, 38.64788437, 0.000000000, 0.009676684625, 64.96289062, 0.000000000, 1.157331467, 1.364640236, 21.81546021, 36.53483582, 0.02299635671, 0.2954235077, 0.000000000, 0.04986338690, 3.477345228, 78.88524628, 0.09107468277, 0.7291666865, 0.000000000, 0.03267304227, 7.466074467, 0.001138433465, 1.598816037, 0.09733606875, 0.000000000, 0.0006830600905, 1.858151197, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000, 78.88524628, 24.81728172; } Scan_Line_Attributes_year { String long_name "Scan year"; Int32 valid_range 1996, 2038; String units "years"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_day { String long_name "Scan day of year"; Int32 valid_range 1, 366; String units "days"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_msec { String long_name "Scan-line time, milliseconds of day"; Int32 valid_range 0, 86399999; String units "milliseconds"; } Navigation_Data_tilt { String long_name "Tilt angle for scan line"; Float32 valid_range -20.10000038, 20.10000038; String units "degrees"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_slon { String long_name "Scan start-pixel longitude"; Float32 valid_range -180.0000000, 180.0000000; String units "degrees"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_clon { String long_name "Scan center-pixel longitude"; Float32 valid_range -180.0000000, 180.0000000; String units "degrees"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_elon { String long_name "Scan end-pixel longitude"; Float32 valid_range -180.0000000, 180.0000000; String units "degrees"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_slat { String long_name "Scan start-pixel latitude"; Float32 valid_range -90.00000000, 90.00000000; String units "degrees"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_clat { String long_name "Scan center-pixel latitude"; Float32 valid_range -90.00000000, 90.00000000; String units "degrees"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_elat { String long_name "Scan end-pixel latitude"; Float32 valid_range -90.00000000, 90.00000000; String units "degrees"; } Scan_Line_Attributes_csol_z { String long_name "Scan center-pixel solar zenith angle"; Float32 valid_range 0.000000000, 180.0000000; String units "degrees"; } Navigation_Data_longitude { String long_name "Longitudes at control points"; Float32 valid_range -180.0000000, 180.0000000; String units "degrees_east"; } Navigation_Data_latitude { String long_name "Latitudes at control points"; Float32 valid_range -90.00000000, 90.00000000; String units "degrees_north"; } Geophysical_Data_chlor_a { Float32 scale_factor 1.000000000; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; String long_name "Chlorophyll Concentration, OC4 Algorithm"; Float32 slope 1.000000000; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "mg m^-3"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_angstrom_520 { Float32 scale_factor 0.0001999999949; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Angstrom coefficient, 520 to 865 nm"; Float32 slope 0.0001999999949; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "dimensionless"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_K_490 { Float32 scale_factor 0.0001999999949; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (OBPG)"; Float32 slope 0.0001999999949; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "m^-1"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_nLw_412 { Float32 scale_factor 0.001000000047; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Normalized water-leaving radiance at 412 nm"; Float32 slope 0.001000000047; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_nLw_443 { Float32 scale_factor 0.001000000047; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Normalized water-leaving radiance at 443 nm"; Float32 slope 0.001000000047; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_nLw_490 { Float32 scale_factor 0.001000000047; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Normalized water-leaving radiance at 490 nm"; Float32 slope 0.001000000047; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_nLw_520 { Float32 scale_factor 0.001000000047; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Normalized water-leaving radiance at 520 nm"; Float32 slope 0.001000000047; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_nLw_565 { Float32 scale_factor 0.001000000047; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Normalized water-leaving radiance at 565 nm"; Float32 slope 0.001000000047; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_nLw_670 { Float32 scale_factor 9.999999747e-05; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Normalized water-leaving radiance at 670 nm"; Float32 slope 9.999999747e-05; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_tau_865 { Float32 scale_factor 9.999999747e-05; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; Int16 _FillValue -32767; String long_name "Aerosol optical thickness at 865 nm"; Float32 slope 9.999999747e-05; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "dimensionless"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_eps_78 { Float32 scale_factor 0.009999999776; Float32 add_offset 0.000000000; String long_name "Epsilon of aerosol correction at 765 and 865 nm"; Float32 slope 0.009999999776; Float32 intercept 0.000000000; String units "dimensionless"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Geophysical_Data_l2_flags { String long_name "Level-2 Processing Flags"; String units "dimensionless"; String f01_name "ATMFAIL"; String f02_name "LAND"; String f03_name "SPARE"; String f04_name "HIGLINT"; String f05_name "HILT"; String f06_name "HISATZEN"; String f07_name "COASTZ"; String f08_name "NEGLW"; String f09_name "STRAYLIGHT"; String f10_name "CLDICE"; String f11_name "COCCOLITH"; String f12_name "TURBIDW"; String f13_name "HISOLZEN"; String f14_name "HITAU"; String f15_name "LOWLW"; String f16_name "CHLFAIL"; String f17_name "NAVWARN"; String f18_name "ABSAER"; String f19_name "SPARE"; String f20_name "MAXAERITER"; String f21_name "MODGLINT"; String f22_name "CHLWARN"; String f23_name "ATMWARN"; String f24_name "DARKPIXEL"; String f25_name "SEAICE"; String f26_name "NAVFAIL"; String f27_name "FILTER"; String f28_name "SSTWARN"; String f29_name "SSTFAIL"; String f30_name "HIPOL"; String f31_name "PRODFAIL"; String f32_name "OCEAN"; String coordinates "Navigation_Data_longitude Navigation_Data_latitude"; } Sensor_Band_Parameters_wavelength { String long_name "Wavelengths"; String units "nm"; String coordinates "total_band_number"; } Navigation_Data_cntl_pt_cols { String long_name "Pixel control points"; String units "none"; String coordinates "Number_of_Pixel_Control_Points"; } Navigation_Data_cntl_pt_rows { String long_name "Scan control points"; String units "none"; } Sensor_Band_Parameters_vcal_gain { String long_name "Vicarious Calibration Gain"; String units "dimensionless"; String coordinates "band_number"; } Sensor_Band_Parameters_vcal_offset { String long_name "Vicarious Calibration Offset"; String units "mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1"; String coordinates "band_number"; } Sensor_Band_Parameters_F0 { String long_name "Mean Solar Flux"; String units "mW cm^-2 um^-1"; String coordinates "band_number"; } Sensor_Band_Parameters_k_oz { String long_name "Ozone Absorption Coefficient"; String units "cm^-1"; String coordinates "band_number"; } Sensor_Band_Parameters_Tau_r { String long_name "Rayleigh Optical Thickness"; String units "dimensionless"; String coordinates "band_number"; } Number_of_Pixel_Control_Points { String long_name "Number of Pixel Control Points"; String units "level"; } band_number { String long_name "band number"; String units "level"; } total_band_number { String long_name "total band number"; String units "level"; } }