Attributes { HDF5_GLOBAL { String Source "v17.11.1"; String Institution "NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office"; String History "File written by ldas2daac.x"; String Comment "HDF-5"; String Filename "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/Vv7031/lmc/SMAP_L4_SM_lmc_00000000T000000_Vv7031_001.h5"; String Title "SMAP L4_SM Land-Model-Constants (LMC) Data Granule"; String Conventions "CF"; String References "see SMAP L4_SM Product Specification Documentation"; String Contact ""; } Land_Model_Constants_Data { } Metadata { String iso_19139_dataset_xml " SMAP_L4_SM_lmc_00000000T000000_Vv7031_001.h5 eng utf8 dataset NSIDC DAAC > National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC pointOfContact NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA originator 2024-04-18T01:40:40.000Z ISO 19115-2 Geographic information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009-02-15 2 row 1624 9 column 3856 9 area false false SMAP Fixed Earth Grids, SMAP Science Document no: 033, May 11, 2009 SMAP_L4_SM_lmc_00000000T000000_Vv7031_001.h5 2024-04-18T01:40:40.000Z creation Vv70310001 SPL4SMLM The ECS Short Name 007 gov.nasa.esdis The ECS Version ID AA0BB14A-FD24-11EE-83CF-BC30036FC218 urn:uuid A Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA processor Global Modeling and Assimilation Office originator documentDigital L4_SM_lmc The SMAP L4_SM data product provides global, 3-hourly surface and root zone soil moisture at 9 km resolution. The L4_SM data product consists of three Collections: geophysical, analysis update and land-model-constants. The SMAP L4_SM data product provides spatially and temporally complete surface and root zone soil moisture information for science and applications users. The software that generates the L4_SM data product and the data system that automates its production were designed and implemented at the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. onGoing 2024-04-18T01:40:40.000Z creation An ASCII product that contains statistical information on data product results. These statistics enable data producers and users to assess the quality of the data in the data product granule. crossReference eng utf8 geoscientificInformation Data product generated by the SMAP mission in HDF5 format with ISO 19115 conformant metadata. Global land excluding inland water and permanent ice. 1 -180 180 -85.04456 85.04456 2015-03-31T00:00:00.000Z 2021-01-01T01:29:59.999Z dataset 2014-06-25T15:59:52.000Z "; String iso_19139_series_xml " L4_SM_lmc eng utf8 series NSIDC DAAC > National Snow and Ice Data Center DAAC pointOfContact 2022-08-15 ISO 19115-2 Geographic information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO 19115-2:2009-02-15 SMAP L4 Global 9 km Surface and Rootzone Soil Moisture Land Model Constants 2022-08-15 revision Vv7031 SPL4SMLM The ECS Short Name 007 gov.nasa.esdis The ECS Version ID doi:10.5067/KN96XNPZM4EG gov.nasa.esdis A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) that provides a persistent interoperable means to locate the SMAP Level 4 Radar data product. National Aeronautics and Space Administration resourceProvider Global Modeling and Assimilation Office originator documentDigital L4_SM The Version-7 Release of the SMAP Level 4 Science Processing Software. The SMAP L4_SM data product provides global, 3-hourly surface and root zone soil moisture at 9 km resolution. The L4_SM data product consists of three Collections: geophysical, analysis update and land-model-constants. The SMAP L4_SM data product provides spatially and temporally complete surface and root zone soil moisture information for science and applications users. The software that generates the L4_SM data product and the data system that automates its production were designed and implemented at the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. onGoing National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA. distributor As Needed 2023-08-15 series HDF5 Version 1.10.4 EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SOILS > SOIL MOISTURE/WATER CONTENT EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SOILS > SOIL MOISTURE/WATER CONTENT > NONE > NONE > SURFACE SOIL MOISTURE EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > SOILS > SOIL MOISTURE/WATER CONTENT > NONE > NONE > ROOT ZONE SOIL MOISTURE theme NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Active Remote Sensing > NONE > SMAP L-BAND RADAR > SMAP L-Band Radar theme NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Earth Observation Satellites > NASA Decadal Survey > SMAP > Soil Moisture Active and Passive Observatory theme NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords GEOGRAPHIC REGION > GLOBAL theme NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords SMAP largerWorkCitation mission eng utf8 geoscientificInformation Data product generated by the SMAP mission in HDF5 format with metadata that conforms to the ISO 19115 model. Global land excluding inland water and permanent ice. 1 -180 180 -85.04456 85.04456 2015-03-31T00:00:00.000Z 2021-01-01T01:29:59.999Z Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture (L4_SM) Product Specification Document 2022-09-01 publication 1.6 L4_SM A short name used by the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission to identify the Level 4 Radar product. documentDigital L4_SM The SMAP L4_SM data product provides global, 3-hourly surface and root zone soil moisture at 9 km resolution. The L4_SM data product consists of three Collections: geophysical, analysis update and land-model-constants. eng "; String fullnamepath "/Metadata"; } Metadata_CRID { } Metadata_CRID_LMC { String L4_SM_lmc_identifier_product_DOI "10.5067/KN96XNPZM4EG"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/CRID/LMC"; } Metadata_CRID_Root { String L4_SM_BCS_RTM_version "RTMParam_SMAP_L4SM_v005"; String L4_KERNEL_PROCESSOR "x86_64"; String L4_KERNEL_VERSION "#1 SMP Wed Apr 5 06:49:18 UTC 2023 (026e398)"; String L4_KERNEL_RELEASE "4.12.14-122.156-default"; String L4_COMPILER_VERSION "gcc"; String L4_SM_ENSPROP_version "R005"; String L4_SM_SWVersionID "v17.11.1"; String HDF5_formatVersion "Version 1.10.4"; String L4_SM_DRIVER_version "R005"; String L4_MATH_KERNEL_LIBRARY "0"; String L4_SM_SCALING_SPL1CTB_version "L4SM_v014"; String L4_OPERATIONAL_version "GEOSldas-SMAP_L4_OPS-R17_4_p1"; String L4_KERNEL_NAME "Linux"; String L4_SM_CATBIAS_version "R001"; String VersionID "Vv7031"; String L4_SM_BATCH_JOB_version "R004"; String L4_MPI_VERSION "impi"; String L4_SM_ENSUPD_version "R011"; String L4_SM_METADATA_version "jardizzo-SMAP_L4_SM-meta_R003"; String L4_OPERATING_SYSTEM "GNU/Linux"; String CompositeReleaseID "Vv70310001"; String L4_SM_algorithmVersionID "v17.11.1"; String L4_SM_BCS_CLSM_version "Icarus-NLv5_EASE"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/CRID/Root"; } Metadata_DatasetIdentification { String shortName "SPL4SMLM"; String characterSet "utf8"; String QAAbstract "An ASCII product that contains statistical information on data product results. These statistics enable data producers and users to assess the quality of the data in the data product granule."; String ECSVersionDescription "Three-character string that identifies the type of ECS data stream and reflects the major science version of the product."; String UUID "AA0BB14A-FD24-11EE-83CF-BC30036FC218"; String language "eng"; String QAFileName ""; String topicCategoryCode "geoscientificInformation"; String ECSVersionID "007"; String abstract "The SMAP L4_SM data product provides global, 3-hourly surface and root zone soil moisture at 9 km resolution. The L4_SM data product consists of three Collections: geophysical, analysis update and land-model-constants."; String creationDate "2024-04-18T01:40:40.000Z"; String VersionID "Vv7031"; String status "onGoing"; String QACreationDate "2024-04-18T01:40:40.000Z"; String credit "The software that generates the L4_SM data product and the data system that automates its production were designed and implemented at the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA."; String purpose "The SMAP L4_SM data product provides spatially and temporally complete surface and root zone soil moisture information for science and applications users."; String fileName "SMAP_L4_SM_lmc_00000000T000000_Vv7031_001.h5"; String longName "SMAP L4 Global 9 km Surface and Rootzone Soil Moisture Land Model Constants"; String CompositeReleaseID "Vv70310001"; String originatorOrganizationName "NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA"; String SMAPShortName "L4_SM_lmc"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/DatasetIdentification"; } Metadata_Extent { String description "Global land excluding inland water and permanent ice."; Float32 westBoundLongitude -180.0000000; Float32 eastBoundLongitude 180.0000000; Float32 southBoundLatitude -85.04456329; Float32 northBoundLatitude 85.04456329; String rangeBeginningDateTime "2015-03-31T00:00:00.000Z"; String rangeEndingDateTime "2021-01-01T01:29:59.999Z"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/Extent"; } Metadata_GridSpatialRepresentation { } Metadata_GridSpatialRepresentation_Latitude { UInt32 dimensionSize 1624; String resolution "9 km on average"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Latitude"; } Metadata_GridSpatialRepresentation_Longitude { UInt32 dimensionSize 3856; String resolution "9 km on average"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/GridSpatialRepresentation/Longitude"; } Metadata_ProcessStep { String epochUTCDate "2000-01-01T11:58:55.816Z"; String processDescription "Assimilates Level 1 and Level 2 SMAP data into a global land surface model to generate spatially complete and temporally continuous estimates of soil moisture and associated land surface conditions."; String stepDateTime "2024-04-18T01:40:40.000Z"; String documentation "Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture (L4_SM) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)"; String algorithmVersionID "v17.11.1"; String softwareTitle "Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture SPS"; String identifier "L4_SM_SPS"; String ATBDVersion "Revision-A"; String softwareDate "2022-06-15"; String ATBDDate "2014-12-09"; String SWVersionID "v17.11.1"; String algorithmDescription "The L4_SM algorithm is a customized, off-line (land-only) version of the ensemble-based NASA GEOS-5 land data assimilation system. It merges SMAP observations with estimates from a land surface model that is driven with observations-based precipitation forcing."; String ATBDTitle "Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture (L4_SM) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)"; Float32 epochJulianDate 2451545.000; String timeVariableEpoch "J2000"; String documentDate "2014-12-09"; String processor "Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Science Data System (SDS) Operations Facility"; String documentVersion "Revision-A"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/ProcessStep"; } Metadata_SeriesIdentification { String identifier_product_DOI "10.5067/KN96XNPZM4EG"; String shortName "SPL4SMLM"; String mission "SMAP"; String characterSet "utf8"; String resourceProviderOrganizationName "National Aeronautics and Space Administration"; String ECSVersionDescription "Three-character string that identifies the type of ECS data stream and reflects the major science version of the product."; String language "eng"; String formatVersion "Version 1.10.4"; String PSDTitle "Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture (L4_SM) Product Specification Document"; String topicCategoryCode "geoscientificInformation"; String ECSVersionID "007"; String abstract "The SMAP L4_SM data product provides global, 3-hourly surface and root zone soil moisture at 9 km resolution. The L4_SM data product consists of three Collections: geophysical, analysis update and land-model-constants."; String VersionID "Vv7031"; String status "onGoing"; String PSDEdition "1.6"; String revisionDate "2022-08-15"; String credit "The software that generates the L4_SM data product and the data system that automates its production were designed and implemented at the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA."; String purpose "The SMAP L4_SM data product provides spatially and temporally complete surface and root zone soil moisture information for science and applications users."; String format "HDF5"; String longName "SMAP L4 Global 9 km Surface and Rootzone Soil Moisture Land Model Constants"; String maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency "As Needed"; String PSDPublicationDate "2022-09-01"; String pointOfContact "National Snow and Ice Data Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA."; String CompositeReleaseID "Vv70310001"; String maintenanceDate "2023-08-15"; String SMAPShortName "L4_SM"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/SeriesIdentification"; } Metadata_Config { String L4_SM_SCALING_SPL1CTB_description "TBD"; String L4_SM_VersionID "Vv7031"; String L4_SM_SPL1CTB_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/SMAP/OPS/L1C_TB"; String L4_SM_RST_DIR "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/Operations/SPL4SM/SPL4SM_Vv7031/runModel/output/SMAP_EASEv2_M09_GLOBAL/rs"; String L4_BROWSE_EXPORT_LOGIN "scp://"; String L4_SM_ATBDVersion "Revision-A"; String L4_SM_ENSUPD_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/Operations/SPL4SM/SPL4SM_Vv7031/runModel/rip"; String L4_SM_aup_identifier_product_DOI "10.5067/LWJ6TF5SZRG3"; String L4_SM_CLIM_description "Pentad climatology used for percentile calculation"; String L4_SM_CATBIAS_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_BCS_RTM_version "RTMParam_SMAP_L4SM_v005"; String L4_OBS2HTML_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/Vv7031/obs2html"; String L4_SM_PSDEdition "1.6"; String L4_SM_softwareDate "2022-06-15"; String L4_SM_SPL2SMAP_description "SMAP L2 Soil Moisture Active/Passive"; String L4_SM_SCALING_SPL1CTB_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/scaling/SMAP_L1C_Tb_pentad/L4SM_v014"; String L4_SM_PSDPublicationDate "2022-09-01"; String L4_SM_BCS_RTM_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/bcs/RTM_params/RTMParam_SMAP_L4SM_v005"; String L4_SM_STREAM_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/Operations/SPL4SM/SPL4SM_Vv7031"; String L4_SM_ENSPROP_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/Operations/SPL4SM/SPL4SM_Vv7031/runModel/rip"; String L4_SM_BROWSE_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/Vv7031/browse"; String L4_QUADS_EXPORT_LOGIN "scp://"; String L4_SM_gph_identifier_product_DOI "10.5067/EVKPQZ4AFC4D"; String L4_SM_ENSPROP_version "R005"; String L4_SM_SCALING_SPL1CTB_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_CLIM_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/climatology/L4SM_v010"; String L4_SM_SPL1CTB_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_SPL2SMAP_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_ENSUPD_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_MET_PATH "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/GEOS/FP"; String L4_SM_SWVersionID "v17.11.1"; String L4_SM_BCS_RTM_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_PRECIP_description "CPCU/IMERG Corrected Precipitation"; String L4_SM_DRIVER_description "LDAS Main Driver Inputs"; String L4_SM_ATBDDate "2014-12-09"; String L4_SM_SPL2SMA_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/SMAP/OPS/L2_SM_A"; String L4_SM_STREAM_description "fp"; String L4_SM_PRECIP_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_CATBIAS_description "Catchment Bias Inputs"; String L4_SM_documentDate "2014-12-09"; String ECSVersionID "007"; String L4_SM_DRIVER_version "R005"; String L4_SM_STREAM_version "SPL4SM_Vv7031"; String L4_SM_MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/Operations/SPL4SM/SPL4SM_Vv7031/runModel/output/SMAP_EASEv2_M09_GLOBAL"; String L4_SM_SCALING_SPL1CTB_version "L4SM_v014"; String L4_OPERATIONAL_version "GEOSldas-SMAP_L4_OPS-R17_4_p1"; String ORIGINATING_SYSTEM "SMAP_GMAO"; String L4_SM_lmc_identifier_product_DOI "10.5067/KN96XNPZM4EG"; String L4_SM_CATBIAS_version "R001"; String L4_SM_CATBIAS_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/Operations/SPL4SM/SPL4SM_Vv7031/runModel/rip"; String L4_BROWSE_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/Vv7031/browse"; String L4_SM_CLIM_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_BATCH_JOB_version "R004"; String L4_SM_maintenanceDate "2023-08-15"; String L4_SM_ENSUPD_version "R011"; String L4_SM_BATCH_JOB_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/Operations/SPL4SM/SPL4SM_Vv7031/runModel/rip"; String L4_SM_documentation "Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture (L4_SM) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)"; String L4_SM_SPL1CTB_version "R17000"; String L4_SM_DRIVER_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_QUADS_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/Vv7031/quads"; String L4_SM_LFO_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/GEOS/FP/GEOS.fp.asm/diag"; String L4_SM_QUADS_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/Vv7031/quads"; String L4_SM_SPL2SMA_version "R17000"; String BLACKLIST "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/smap_blacklist.csv"; String L4_OBS2HTML_EXPORT_DIR "/san_extranet/collab/SMAP/monitoring/l4sm_ods/Vv7031"; String L4_SM_BCS_RTM_description "TBD"; String L4_SM_PRECIP_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/GEOS/FP/precip_corr_CPCUFLK_fp_v1/GEOS.fp.asm/diag"; String L4_OPERATIONAL_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_METADATA_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_SPL2SMA_description "SMAP L2 Soil Moisture Active"; String L4_SM_LFO_DOI "TBD"; String L4_BROWSE_EXPORT_DIR "/san_extranet/collab/SMAP/browse/l4sm/Vv7031"; String L4_SM_METADATA_description "SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture Metadata Version"; String L4_SM_LFO_description "GEOS Forward Processing"; String L4_SM_SPL2SMAP_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/SMAP/OPS/L2_SM_AP"; String L4_SM_LFO_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_SPL2SMAP_version "R17000"; String L4_SM_MET_TAG "GEOS.fp.asm__precCPCUFLK_fp_v1"; String L4_SM_SPL2SMA_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_OBS2HTML_EXPORT_LOGIN "scp://"; String L4_SM_SPL1CTB_description "SMAP L1C Brightness Temperatures"; String L4_SM_ENSPROP_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_QUADS_EXPORT_DIR "/san_extranet/collab/SMAP/monitoring/l4sm_quads/Vv7031"; String L4_SM_ECSVersionID "007"; String L4_SM_BATCH_JOB_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_OPERATIONAL_description "SMAP Level-4 Operational System"; String L4_SM_ODS_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/Vv7031/obs"; String L4_SM_ENSUPD_description "EnKF Inputs for Land EnKF Update"; String L4_SM_METADATA_version "jardizzo-SMAP_L4_SM-meta_R003"; String L4_SM_BCS_CLSM_description "TBD"; String L4_SM_DRIVER_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/Operations/SPL4SM/SPL4SM_Vv7031/runModel/rip"; String L4_SM_ENSPROP_description "EnKF Inputs"; String CompositeStreamID "fp"; String L4_SM_BCS_CLSM_changeLog "Initial version"; String L4_SM_BCS_CLSM_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/bcs/CLSM_params/Icarus-NLv5_EASE"; String L4_SM_BATCH_JOB_description "Batch Job"; String L4_SM_algorithmVersionID "v17.11.1"; String L4_SM_CLIM_version "L4SM_v010"; String L4_SM_revisionDate "2022-08-15"; String L4_SM_PRECIP_version "CPCUFLK_fp_v1"; String L4_SM_OBS2HTML_directoryID "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/smap/SMAP_L4/L4_SM/Vv7031/obs2html"; String L4_SM_BCS_CLSM_version "Icarus-NLv5_EASE"; String L4_SM_PRECIP_DOI "TBD"; String L4_SM_LFO_version "GEOS.fp.asm"; String L4_SM_documentVersion "Revision-A"; String L4_SM_CompositeReleaseID "Vv70310001"; String fullnamepath "/Metadata/Config"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzsf { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of surface soil moisture layer"; Float32 valid_max 0.05000000075; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.05000000075; String origname "clsm_dzsf"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzsf"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_bh { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: H-pol. Vegetation b parameter"; Float32 valid_max 0.6999999881; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_bh"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_bh"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_cdcr2 { String long_name "Catchment model: Maximum water holding capacity of land element"; Float32 valid_max 6000.000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "kg m-2"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 200.0000000; String origname "clsm_cdcr2"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_cdcr2"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_poros { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Porosity"; Float32 valid_max 0.9300000072; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m3 m-3"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.3000000119; String origname "mwrtm_poros"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_poros"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzgt3 { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of soil heat diffusion model layer 3"; Float32 valid_max 0.3858999908; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.3858999908; String origname "clsm_dzgt3"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzgt3"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzgt2 { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of soil heat diffusion model layer 2"; Float32 valid_max 0.1951999962; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.1951999962; String origname "clsm_dzgt2"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzgt2"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_rghhmax { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Maximum microwave roughness parameter"; Float32 valid_max 10.00000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_rghhmax"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_rghhmax"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_rghpolmix { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Polarization mixing parameter"; Float32 valid_max 0.000000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_rghpolmix"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_rghpolmix"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzgt1 { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of soil heat diffusion model layer 1"; Float32 valid_max 0.09880000353; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.09880000353; String origname "clsm_dzgt1"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzgt1"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_wp { String long_name "Catchment model: Soil wilting point"; Float32 valid_max 0.3499999940; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m3 m-3"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.001000000047; String origname "clsm_wp"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_wp"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_veghght { String long_name "Catchment model: Vegetation canopy height"; Float32 valid_max 60.00000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "clsm_veghght"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_veghght"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_lewt { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Parameter to transform leaf area index into vegetation water content"; Float32 valid_max 2.000000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "kg m-2"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_lewt"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_lewt"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzgt4 { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of soil heat diffusion model layer 4"; Float32 valid_max 0.7626000047; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.7626000047; String origname "clsm_dzgt4"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzgt4"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_cdcr1 { String long_name "Catchment model: Catchment deficit at which baseflow ceases"; Float32 valid_max 3200.000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "kg m-2"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 30.00000000; String origname "clsm_cdcr1"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_cdcr1"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_cell_elevation { String long_name "Mean elevation above sea level of land within each grid cell."; Float32 valid_max 6000.000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min -500.0000000; String origname "cell_elevation"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/cell_elevation"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_rghwmin { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Soil moisture value below which maximum microwave roughness parameter is used"; Float32 valid_max 0.4000000060; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m3 m-3"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.1000000015; String origname "mwrtm_rghwmin"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_rghwmin"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzrz { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of root zone soil moisture layer"; Float32 valid_max 1.000000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 1.000000000; String origname "clsm_dzrz"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzrz"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_vegcls { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Vegetation class. Type is Unsigned32."; UInt32 valid_max 16; UInt32 _FillValue 4294967294; UInt32 fmissing_value 4294967294; UInt32 missing_value 4294967294; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; UInt32 valid_min 1; String origname "mwrtm_vegcls"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_vegcls"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_bv { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: V-pol. Vegetation b parameter"; Float32 valid_max 0.8500000238; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min -0.1500000060; String origname "mwrtm_bv"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_bv"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_rghwmax { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Soil moisture value above which minimum microwave roughness parameter is used"; Float32 valid_max 0.9300000072; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m3 m-3"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.3000000119; String origname "mwrtm_rghwmax"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_rghwmax"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_rghnrh { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: H-pol. Exponent for rough reflectivity parameterization"; Float32 valid_max 1.750000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_rghnrh"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_rghnrh"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dztsurf { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of soil layer associated with surface_temp"; Float32 valid_max 0.05000000075; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "clsm_dztsurf"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dztsurf"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_rghhmin { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Minimum microwave roughness parameter"; Float32 valid_max 10.00000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_rghhmin"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_rghhmin"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_wangwp { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Wang dielectric model wilting point soil moisture"; Float32 valid_max 0.4000000060; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m3 m-3"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_wangwp"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_wangwp"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_wangwt { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Wang dielectric model transition soil moisture"; Float32 valid_max 0.4000000060; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m3 m-3"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.1000000015; String origname "mwrtm_wangwt"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_wangwt"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzgt5 { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of soil heat diffusion model layer 5"; Float32 valid_max 1.507099986; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 1.507099986; String origname "clsm_dzgt5"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzgt5"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzpr { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of profile soil moisture layer (\"depth-to-bedrock\" in the Catchment model)"; Float32 valid_max 10.00000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 1.330000043; String origname "clsm_dzpr"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzpr"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_poros { String long_name "Catchment model: Soil porosity"; Float32 valid_max 0.9300000072; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m3 m-3"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.3000000119; String origname "clsm_poros"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_poros"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_cell_land_fraction { String long_name "Area fraction of land within each grid cell."; Float32 valid_max 1.000000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "cell_land_fraction"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/cell_land_fraction"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_omega { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Scattering albedo"; Float32 valid_max 0.3000000119; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_omega"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_omega"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_soilcls { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Soil class. Type is Unsigned32."; UInt32 valid_max 253; UInt32 _FillValue 4294967294; UInt32 fmissing_value 4294967294; UInt32 missing_value 4294967294; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; UInt32 valid_min 1; String origname "mwrtm_soilcls"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_soilcls"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_clsm_dzgt6 { String long_name "Catchment model: Thickness of soil heat diffusion model layer 6"; Float32 valid_max 10.00000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "m"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 10.00000000; String origname "clsm_dzgt6"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/clsm_dzgt6"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_rghnrv { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: V-pol. Exponent for rough reflectivity parameterization"; Float32 valid_max 2.000000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min -1.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_rghnrv"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_rghnrv"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_clay { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Clay fraction"; Float32 valid_max 1.000000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_clay"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_clay"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } Land_Model_Constants_Data_mwrtm_sand { String long_name "Microwave radiative transfer model: Sand fraction"; Float32 valid_max 1.000000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min 0.000000000; String origname "mwrtm_sand"; String fullnamepath "/Land-Model-Constants_Data/mwrtm_sand"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } time { String long_name "Time"; String units "seconds since 2000-01-01 11:58:55.816"; Float64 actual_range 752155200.00000000, 752155200.00000000; String delta_t "0000-00-00 01:00:00"; String origname "time"; String fullnamepath "/time"; } EASE2_global_projection { String grid_mapping_name "lambert_cylindrical_equal_area"; Float64 standard_parallel 30.000000000000000; Float64 false_easting 0.0000000000000000; Float64 false_northing 0.0000000000000000; Float64 longitude_of_central_meridian 0.0000000000000000; String origname "EASE2_global_projection"; String fullnamepath "/EASE2_global_projection"; } cell_lat { String long_name "The geodetic latitude of the center of each cell in the cylindrical 9 km Earth-fixed EASE-Grid 2.0. Zero latitude represents the Equator. Positive latitudes represent locations North of the Equator. Negative latitudes represent locations South of the Equator."; Float32 valid_max 90.00000000; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "degrees"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min -90.00000000; String origname "cell_lat"; String fullnamepath "/cell_lat"; } cell_row { String long_name "The row index of each cell in the cylindrical 9 km Earth-fixed EASE-Grid 2.0. Type is Unsigned32."; UInt32 valid_max 1623; UInt32 _FillValue 4294967294; UInt32 fmissing_value 4294967294; UInt32 missing_value 4294967294; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; UInt32 valid_min 0; String origname "cell_row"; String fullnamepath "/cell_row"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } cell_lon { String long_name "The longitude of the center of each cell in the cylindrical 9 km Earth-fixed EASE-Grid 2.0. Zero longitude represents the Prime Meridian. Positive longitudes represent locations to the East of the Prime Meridian. Negative longitudes represent locations to the West of the Prime Meridian."; Float32 valid_max 179.9989929; Float32 _FillValue -9999.000000; Float32 fmissing_value -9999.000000; Float32 missing_value -9999.000000; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "degrees"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; Float32 valid_min -180.0000000; String origname "cell_lon"; String fullnamepath "/cell_lon"; } cell_column { String long_name "The column index of each cell in the cylindrical 9 km Earth-fixed EASE-Grid 2.0. Type is Unsigned32."; UInt32 valid_max 3855; UInt32 _FillValue 4294967294; UInt32 fmissing_value 4294967294; UInt32 missing_value 4294967294; String DIMENSION_LABELS "y", "x"; String units "dimensionless"; String grid_mapping "EASE2_global_projection"; UInt32 valid_min 0; String origname "cell_column"; String fullnamepath "/cell_column"; String coordinates "cell_lat cell_lon"; } x { String long_name "X coordinate of cell center in EASE 2.0 global projection"; String standard_name "projection_x_coordinate"; String axis "X"; String units "m"; String origname "x"; String fullnamepath "/x"; } y { String long_name "Y coordinate of cell center in EASE 2.0 global projection"; String standard_name "projection_y_coordinate"; String axis "Y"; String units "m"; String origname "y"; String fullnamepath "/y"; } FakeDim0 { String units "level"; } }