Dataset Information

FirePix: 0
MissingPix: 0
LandPix: 243042
WaterPix: 2505578
WaterAdjacentFirePix: 0
CloudAdjacentFirePix: 0
UnknownPix: 0
LandCloudPix: 180039
WaterCloudPix: 0
GlintPix: 0
GlintRejectedPix: 0
CoastRejectedPix: 0
HotSurfRejectedPix: 0
DayPix: 2352829
NightPix: 395791
Satellite: Terra
ProcessVersionNumber: 5.0.1
MOD021KM_input_file: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5496/running/AM1M_L1m/23614311/MOD021KM.A2012243.0745.005.2012243134226.hdf
MOD03_input_file: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5496/running/AM1M_L1m/23614311/MOD03.A2012243.0745.005.2012243133832.hdf
SystemID: Linux minion5496 2.6.18-308.8.2.el5PAE #1 SMP Tue Jun 12 10:37:15 EDT 2012 i686

Variables in this Dataset

fire_mask: Array of Bytes [number_of_scan_lines = 0..2029][pixels_per_scan_line = 0..1353]
long_name: fire mask
valid_range: 0, 9
legend: Classes: 0 missing input data 1 not processed (obsolete) 2 not processed (obsolete) 3 water 4 cloud 5 non-fire 6 unknown 7 fire (low confidence) 8 fire (nominal confidence) 9 fire (high confidence)
algorithm_QA: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [number_of_scan_lines = 0..2029][pixels_per_scan_line = 0..1353]
long_name: algorithm QA
units: bit field
FP_line: Array of 16 bit Integers [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: granule line of fire pixel
FP_sample: Array of 16 bit Integers [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: granule sample of fire pixel
FP_latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: latitude of fire pixel
units: degrees
FP_longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: longitude of fire pixel
units: degrees
FP_R2: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: channel 2 reflectance of fire pixel
FP_T21: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: channel 21/22 brightness temperature of fire pixel
units: kelvins
FP_T31: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: channel 31 brightness temperature of fire pixel
units: kelvins
FP_MeanT21: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: channel 21/22 brightness temperature of background
units: kelvins
FP_MeanT31: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: channel 31 brightness temperature of background
units: kelvins
FP_MeanDT: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: mean background brightness temperature difference
units: kelvins
FP_MAD_T21: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: background channel 21/22 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation
units: kelvins
FP_MAD_T31: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: background channel 31 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation
units: kelvins
FP_MAD_DT: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: background brightness temperature difference mean absolute deviation
units: kelvins
FP_power: Array of 32 bit Reals [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: fire radiative power
units: MW
FP_AdjCloud: Array of Bytes [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: number of adjacent cloud pixels
FP_AdjWater: Array of Bytes [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: number of adjacent water pixels
FP_WinSize: Array of Bytes [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: background window size
FP_NumValid: Array of 16 bit Integers [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: number of valid background pixels
FP_confidence: Array of Bytes [number_of_active_fires = 0..-1]
long_name: detection confidence
units: %
CMG_day: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [cmg_cells_day = 0..46909][cmg_values = 0..7]
long_name: Climate Modeling Grid information
CMG_night: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [cmg_cells_night = 0..6897][cmg_values = 0..7]
long_name: Climate Modeling Grid information