DAP4 Data Request Form MOD14.A2012243.0745.005.2012243095118.hdf
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: MOD14.A2012243.0745.005.2012243095118.hdf

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      • HDF_GLOBAL
        • FirePix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • MissingPix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • LandPix: 243042 (Type is Int32)
        • WaterPix: 2505578 (Type is Int32)
        • WaterAdjacentFirePix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • CloudAdjacentFirePix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • UnknownPix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • LandCloudPix: 180039 (Type is Int32)
        • WaterCloudPix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • GlintPix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • GlintRejectedPix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • CoastRejectedPix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • HotSurfRejectedPix: 0 (Type is Int32)
        • DayPix: 2352829 (Type is Int32)
        • NightPix: 395791 (Type is Int32)
        • Satellite: Terra (Type is String)
        • ProcessVersionNumber: 5.0.1 (Type is String)
        • MOD021KM_input_file: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5496/running/AM1M_L1m/23614311/MOD021KM.A2012243.0745.005.2012243134226.hdf (Type is String)
        • MOD03_input_file: /MODAPSops8/archive/f5496/running/AM1M_L1m/23614311/MOD03.A2012243.0745.005.2012243133832.hdf (Type is String)
        • SystemID: Linux minion5496 2.6.18-308.8.2.el5PAE #1 SMP Tue Jun 12 10:37:15 EDT 2012 i686 (Type is String)
      • CoreMetadata
            • GROUPTYPE: MASTERGROUP (Type is String)
              • ECSDATAGRANULE
                  • LOCALGRANULEID
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "MOD14.A2012243.0745.005.2012243095118.hdf" (Type is String)
                  • PRODUCTIONDATETIME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "2012-08-30T13:51:18.000Z" (Type is String)
                  • DAYNIGHTFLAG
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "Day" (Type is String)
                  • REPROCESSINGACTUAL
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "processed once" (Type is String)
                  • LOCALVERSIONID
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "5.0.1" (Type is String)
                  • REPROCESSINGPLANNED
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "further update is anticipated" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                      • QAFLAGS
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                          • SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG
                            • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • VALUE: "Not Investigated" (Type is String)
                            • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                            • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: "not being investigated" (Type is String)
                          • AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG
                            • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: "Suspect" (Type is String)
                            • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: "See http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/QA_WWW/qaFlagPage.cgi?sat=terra for the product Science Quality status." (Type is String)
                      • QASTATS
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                          • QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA
                            • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: 0 (Type is Int32)
                      • PARAMETERNAME
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "MODIS L2 Active Fire Detection" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                      • EQUATORCROSSINGDATE
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "2012-08-30" (Type is String)
                      • EQUATORCROSSINGTIME
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "08:12:25.180700" (Type is String)
                      • ORBITNUMBER
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: 67555 (Type is Int32)
                      • EQUATORCROSSINGLONGITUDE
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: 34.3206352285627 (Type is Float64)
                  • VERSIONID
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: 5 (Type is Int32)
                  • SHORTNAME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "MOD14" (Type is String)
                      • GPOLYGON
                          • GPOLYGONCONTAINER
                            • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                              • GRINGPOINT
                                • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                  • GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE
                                    • NUM_VAL: 4 (Type is Int32)
                                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                    • VALUE: -121.963622127609, 159.160410623152, 106.417340335888, 23.4260285157055 (Type is Float64)
                                  • GRINGPOINTLATITUDE
                                    • NUM_VAL: 4 (Type is Int32)
                                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                    • VALUE: 79.8018210795062, 68.8718431081997, 69.2272593868612, 81.0780040910048 (Type is Float64)
                                  • GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO
                                    • NUM_VAL: 4 (Type is Int32)
                                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                    • VALUE: 1, 2, 3, 4 (Type is Float64)
                              • GRING
                                • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                  • EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG
                                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                                    • VALUE: "N" (Type is String)
              • RANGEDATETIME
                  • RANGEENDINGDATE
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "2012-08-30" (Type is String)
                  • RANGEENDINGTIME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "07:50:00.000000" (Type is String)
                  • RANGEBEGINNINGDATE
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "2012-08-30" (Type is String)
                  • RANGEBEGINNINGTIME
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "07:45:00.000000" (Type is String)
              • INPUTGRANULE
                  • INPUTPOINTER
                    • NUM_VAL: 75 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "MOD021KM.A2012243.0745.005.2012243134226.hdf", "MOD03.A2012243.0745.005.2012243133832.hdf" (Type is String)
              • PGEVERSIONCLASS
                  • PGEVERSION
                    • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                    • VALUE: "5.0.7" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                      • ANCILLARYINPUTPOINTER
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "MOD03.A2012243.0745.005.2012243133832.hdf" (Type is String)
                      • ANCILLARYINPUTTYPE
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "Geolocation" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "MODIS" (Type is String)
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "Terra" (Type is String)
                        • CLASS: "1" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                        • VALUE: "MODIS" (Type is String)
                    • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" (Type is String)
                      • ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME
                        • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" (Type is String)
                        • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                      • INFORMATIONCONTENT
                        • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" (Type is String)
                          • PARAMETERVALUE
                            • NUM_VAL: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (Type is Int32)
                            • CLASS: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7" (Type is String)
                            • VALUE: "100", "0", "6", "0", "0", "95", "5.0.1" (Type is String)
      • ArchiveMetadata
            • GROUPTYPE: MASTERGROUP (Type is String)
              • LONGNAME
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "MODIS/Terra Thermal Anomalies/Fire 5-Min L2 Swath 1km" (Type is String)
              • PROCESSINGCENTER
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "MODAPS" (Type is String)
              • SPSOPARAMETERS
                • NUM_VAL: 5 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "2663", "2664", "2665", "2666", "2711" (Type is String)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 89.9967643114813 (Type is Float64)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 68.8725595327337 (Type is Float64)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 180.0 (Type is Float64)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: -180.0 (Type is Float64)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 203 (Type is Int32)
              • PERCENTLAND
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 8 (Type is Int32)
              • CLOUDPIXELS
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 180039 (Type is Int32)
              • NOFIREPIXELS
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 63003 (Type is Int32)
              • GLINTPIXELS
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 0 (Type is Int32)
              • UNKNOWNPIXELS
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 0 (Type is Int32)
              • WATERPIXELS
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 2505578 (Type is Int32)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 0 (Type is Int32)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: 0 (Type is Int32)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "yes" (Type is String)
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "Linux minion5496 2.6.18-308.8.2.el5PAE #1 SMP Tue Jun 12 10:37:15 EDT 2012 i686" (Type is String)
              • DESCRREVISION
                • NUM_VAL: 1 (Type is Int32)
                • VALUE: "5.0" (Type is String)
      • fire_mask_dim_0
        • name: number_of_scan_lines (Type is String)
      • fire_mask_dim_1
        • name: pixels_per_scan_line (Type is String)
      • algorithm_QA_dim_0
        • name: number_of_scan_lines (Type is String)
      • algorithm_QA_dim_1
        • name: pixels_per_scan_line (Type is String)
      • FP_line_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_sample_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_latitude_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_longitude_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_R2_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_T21_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_T31_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_MeanT21_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_MeanT31_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_MeanDT_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_MAD_T21_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_MAD_T31_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_MAD_DT_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_power_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_AdjCloud_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_AdjWater_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_WinSize_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_NumValid_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • FP_confidence_dim_0
        • name: number_of_active_fires (Type is String)
      • CMG_day_dim_0
        • name: cmg_cells_day (Type is String)
      • CMG_day_dim_1
        • name: cmg_values (Type is String)
      • CMG_night_dim_0
        • name: cmg_cells_night (Type is String)
      • CMG_night_dim_1
        • name: cmg_values (Type is String)

  • View/Hide
      [ /number_of_scan_lines = 0..2029 ]
      [ /pixels_per_scan_line = 0..1353 ]
      [ /number_of_active_fires = 0..-1 ]
      [ /cmg_cells_day = 0..46909 ]
      [ /cmg_values = 0..7 ]
      [ /cmg_cells_night = 0..6897 ]

fire_mask[ /number_of_scan_lines= 0..2029] [ /pixels_per_scan_line= 0..1353] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: fire mask (Type is String)
    • valid_range: 0, 9 (Type is Byte)
    • legend: Classes: 0 missing input data 1 not processed (obsolete) 2 not processed (obsolete) 3 water 4 cloud 5 non-fire 6 unknown 7 fire (low confidence) 8 fire (nominal confidence) 9 fire (high confidence) (Type is String)
algorithm_QA[ /number_of_scan_lines= 0..2029] [ /pixels_per_scan_line= 0..1353] (Type is UInt32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: algorithm QA (Type is String)
    • units: bit field (Type is String)
FP_line[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: granule line of fire pixel (Type is String)
FP_sample[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: granule sample of fire pixel (Type is String)
FP_latitude[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: latitude of fire pixel (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
FP_longitude[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: longitude of fire pixel (Type is String)
    • units: degrees (Type is String)
FP_R2[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: channel 2 reflectance of fire pixel (Type is String)
FP_T21[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: channel 21/22 brightness temperature of fire pixel (Type is String)
    • units: kelvins (Type is String)
FP_T31[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: channel 31 brightness temperature of fire pixel (Type is String)
    • units: kelvins (Type is String)
FP_MeanT21[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: channel 21/22 brightness temperature of background (Type is String)
    • units: kelvins (Type is String)
FP_MeanT31[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: channel 31 brightness temperature of background (Type is String)
    • units: kelvins (Type is String)
FP_MeanDT[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: mean background brightness temperature difference (Type is String)
    • units: kelvins (Type is String)
FP_MAD_T21[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: background channel 21/22 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation (Type is String)
    • units: kelvins (Type is String)
FP_MAD_T31[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: background channel 31 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation (Type is String)
    • units: kelvins (Type is String)
FP_MAD_DT[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: background brightness temperature difference mean absolute deviation (Type is String)
    • units: kelvins (Type is String)
FP_power[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Float32)
  • attributes
    • long_name: fire radiative power (Type is String)
    • units: MW (Type is String)
FP_AdjCloud[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of adjacent cloud pixels (Type is String)
FP_AdjWater[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of adjacent water pixels (Type is String)
FP_WinSize[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: background window size (Type is String)
FP_NumValid[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Int16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: number of valid background pixels (Type is String)
FP_confidence[ /number_of_active_fires= 0..-1] (Type is Byte)
  • attributes
    • long_name: detection confidence (Type is String)
    • units: % (Type is String)
CMG_day[ /cmg_cells_day= 0..46909] [ /cmg_values= 0..7] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Climate Modeling Grid information (Type is String)
CMG_night[ /cmg_cells_night= 0..6897] [ /cmg_values= 0..7] (Type is UInt16)
  • attributes
    • long_name: Climate Modeling Grid information (Type is String)

Hyrax development sponsored by NSF, NASA, and NOAA

OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.17.0)
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