DAP4 Data Request Form VNP21_NRT.A2020342.0000.001.nc
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: VNP21_NRT.A2020342.0000.001.nc

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      • NC_GLOBAL
        • DayNightFlag: Day (Type is String)
        • StartTime: 2020-12-07 00:00:00.000 (Type is String)
        • PGE_Name: PGE616 (Type is String)
        • EndTime: 2020-12-07 00:06:00.000 (Type is String)
        • NorthBoundingCoord: -11.8473740 (Type is Float32)
        • SouthBoundingCoord: -36.8886147 (Type is Float32)
        • InputPointer: /MODAPSnrt4/archive/f109/running/VNP_LP_L4nrtm7/265211665/VNP35_L2.A2020342.0000.001.2020342015536.hdf /MODAPSnrt4/archive/f109/running/VNP_LP_L4nrtm7/265211665/NPP_VMAES_L1.A2020342.0000.001.2020342013849.hdf /MODAPSnrt4/archive/f109/running/VNP_LP_L4nrtm7/265211665/off_NCEP-GFS-03HR-ANC_GFS_NCEP_003f_20201206_202012061800Z_20201206213001Z_ee20201207000000Z_np.grib2 /MODAPSnrt4/archive/f109/running/VNP_LP_L4nrtm7/265211665/off_NCEP-GFS-03HR-ANC_GFS_NCEP_003f_20201207_202012070000Z_20201207033001Z_ee20201207060000Z_np.grib2 (Type is String)
        • EastBoundingCoord: -136.285904 (Type is Float32)
        • WestBoundingCoord: -172.266251 (Type is Float32)
        • GRingPointLatitude: -31.8273048, -36.8886147, -16.1097450, -11.8473740 (Type is Float32)
        • GRingPointLongitude: -136.285904, -169.813583, -172.266251, -144.059357 (Type is Float32)
        • LongName: VIIRS/NPP Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity 6-Min L2 Swath 750m (Type is String)
        • PGE_EndTime: 2020-12-07 00:06:00.000 (Type is String)
        • SatelliteInstrument: NPP_OPS (Type is String)
        • PGE_StartTime: 2020-12-07 00:00:00.000 (Type is String)
        • AlgorithmType: NPP (Type is String)
        • PGEVersion: 1.0.8 (Type is String)
        • ShortName: VNP21_NRT (Type is String)
        • SensorShortname: VIIRS (Type is String)
        • PGENumber: 616 (Type is String)
        • ProductionDateTime: 2020-12-07T08:08:59.065Z (Type is String)
        • NWPSource: NCEP (Type is String)
        • project: VIIRS Land SIPS LSTE Project (Type is String)
        • AlgorithmVersion: VIIRS 2016 (Type is String)
        • RangeBeginningDate: 2020-12-07 (Type is String)
        • processing_level: Level 2 (Type is String)
        • publisher_url: http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov (Type is String)
        • creator_email: modis-ops@lists.nasa.gov (Type is String)
        • LocalGranuleID: VNP21_NRT.A2020342.0000.001.2020342080820.nc (Type is String)
        • license: http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/ (Type is String)
        • naming_authority: gov.nasa.gsfc.VIIRSland (Type is String)
        • LUTs_used: wvs_coeff_npp_viirs.h5 (Type is String)
        • identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/VIIRS/VNP21_NRT.001 (Type is String)
        • institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Type is String)
        • ProcessingCenter: LandSIPS (Type is String)
        • ProcessingEnvironment: Linux nrt4min109 3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 26 15:27:06 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux (Type is String)
        • keywords_vocabulary: NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords (Type is String)
        • PlatformShortName: NPP (Type is String)
        • VersionID: 001 (Type is String)
        • publisher_name: LAADS (Type is String)
        • Conventions: CF-1.6 (Type is String)
        • creator_name: VIIRS Land SIPS Processing Group (Type is String)
        • publisher_email: modis-ops@lists.nasa.gov (Type is String)
        • creator_url: http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov (Type is String)
        • RangeBeginningTime: 00:00:00.000 (Type is String)
        • stdname_vocabulary: NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention (Type is String)
        • RangeEndingTime: 00:06:00.000 (Type is String)
        • InstrumentShortname: VIIRS (Type is String)
        • identifier_product_doi_authority: http://dx.doi.org (Type is String)
        • title: VIIRS LSTE Data (Type is String)
        • cdm_data_type: swath (Type is String)
        • RangeEndingDate: 2020-12-07 (Type is String)


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