Attributes { HDF_GLOBAL { Int32 FirePix 17; Int32 LandFirePix 13; Int32 WaterFirePix 4; Int32 MissingPix 0; Int32 LandPix 507720; Int32 WaterPix 2245854; Int32 CoastPix 8586; Int32 WaterAdjacentFirePix 9; Int32 CloudAdjacentFirePix 2; Int32 UnknownLandPix 0; Int32 UnknownWaterPix 10470; Int32 LandCloudPix 136948; Int32 WaterCloudPix 1113448; Int32 GlintPix 461023; Int32 GlintRejectedPix 1; Int32 CoastRejectedLandPix 0; Int32 HotSurfRejectedPix 0; Int32 ClearingRejectedPix 1; Int32 CoastRejectedWaterPix 12; Int32 DayPix 2762160; Int32 NightPix 0; Int32 MissingRadPix 0; Int32 MissingGeoPix 0; String Satellite "Aqua"; String ProcessVersionNumber "6.2.3"; String MOD021KM_input_file "/MODAPSnrt3/archive/f104/running/PM1M_C6_64_L1nrtmc/237114134/MYD021KM.A2019265.1955.061.2019265203439.NRT.hdf"; String MOD03_input_file "/MODAPSnrt3/archive/f104/running/PM1M_C6_64_L1nrtmc/237114134/MYD03.A2019265.1955.061.2019265203347.NRT.hdf"; String SystemID "Linux nrt3min104 3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 18 16:35:19 UTC 2019 x86_64"; String identifier_product_doi "10.5067/MODIS/MYD14.NRT.006"; String identifier_product_doi_authority ""; } CoreMetadata { INVENTORYMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; ECSDATAGRANULE { REPROCESSINGPLANNED { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"further update is anticipated\""; } REPROCESSINGACTUAL { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Near Real Time\""; } LOCALGRANULEID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MYD14.A2019265.1955.006.2019265163941.NRT.hdf\""; } DAYNIGHTFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Day\""; } PRODUCTIONDATETIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2019-09-22T20:39:41.000Z\""; } LOCALVERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"6.2.3\""; } } MEASUREDPARAMETER { MEASUREDPARAMETERCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; PARAMETERNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"MODIS L2 Active Fire Detection\""; } QAFLAGS { String CLASS "\"1\""; AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Suspect\""; } AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"not being investigated\""; } SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Not Investigated\""; String CLASS "\"1\""; } SCIENCEQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"See for the product Science Quality status.\""; } } QASTATS { String CLASS "\"1\""; QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 VALUE 0; } } } } ORBITCALCULATEDSPATIALDOMAIN { ORBITCALCULATEDSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; ORBITNUMBER { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 VALUE 92516; } EQUATORCROSSINGLONGITUDE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE 91.0816352092639; } EQUATORCROSSINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"20:44:18.505113\""; } EQUATORCROSSINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"2019-09-22\""; } } } COLLECTIONDESCRIPTIONCLASS { SHORTNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MYD14\""; } VERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 6; } } SPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { HORIZONTALSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { GPOLYGON { GPOLYGONCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; GRING { String CLASS "\"1\""; EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"N\""; } } GRINGPOINT { String CLASS "\"1\""; GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE -84.9011658179256, -105.631011789188, -110.277215929198, -88.1679454302437; } GRINGPOINTLATITUDE { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE 4.26962892803956, 1.28425248433496, 19.1686521533889, 22.4465985811037; } GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE 1, 2, 3, 4; } } } } } } RANGEDATETIME { RANGEBEGINNINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"19:55:00.000000\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2019-09-22\""; } RANGEENDINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"20:00:00.000000\""; } RANGEENDINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2019-09-22\""; } } INPUTGRANULE { INPUTPOINTER { Int32 NUM_VAL 75; String VALUE "\"MYD021KM.A2019265.1955.061.2019265203439.NRT.hdf\"", "\"MYD03.A2019265.1955.061.2019265203347.NRT.hdf\""; } } PGEVERSIONCLASS { PGEVERSION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"6.0.14\""; } } ANCILLARYINPUTGRANULE { ANCILLARYINPUTGRANULECONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; ANCILLARYINPUTPOINTER { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MYD03.A2019265.1955.061.2019265203347.NRT.hdf\""; } ANCILLARYINPUTTYPE { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Geolocation\""; } } } ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSOR { ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSORCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS\""; } ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Aqua\""; } ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS\""; } } } ADDITIONALATTRIBUTES { ADDITIONALATTRIBUTESCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\""; ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY\"", "\"QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY\"", "\"QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDCLOUD\"", "\"QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER\"", "\"FIREPIXELS\"", "\"GRANULENUMBER\"", "\"PROCESSVERSION\"", "\"identifier_product_doi\"", "\"identifier_product_doi_authority\""; } INFORMATIONCONTENT { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\""; PARAMETERVALUE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\""; String VALUE "\"100\"", "\"0\"", "\"45\"", "\"0\"", "\"17\"", "\"241\"", "\"6.2.3\"", "\"10.5067/MODIS/MYD14.NRT.006\"", "\"\""; } } } } } } ArchiveMetadata { ARCHIVEDMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; LONGNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS/Aqua Thermal Anomalies/Fire 5-Min L2 Swath 1km\""; } PROCESSINGCENTER { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODAPS\""; } SPSOPARAMETERS { Int32 NUM_VAL 5; String VALUE "\"2663\"", "\"2664\"", "\"2665\"", "\"2666\"", "\"2711\""; } NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 22.3378787552681; } SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 1.30268382875383; } EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -84.9215868941872; } WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -110.226505513744; } INSTRUMENTSCANSPROCESSED { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 204; } PERCENTLAND { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 18; } CLOUDPIXELS { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 1250396; } NOFIREPIXELS { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 1501277; } GLINTPIXELS { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 1; } UNKNOWNPIXELS { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 10470; } WATERPIXELS { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 2245854; } CLOUDADJACENTFIREPIXELS { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 2; } WATERADJACENTFIREPIXELS { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 9; } INTERNALCLOUDMASK { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"yes\""; } PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Linux nrt3min104 3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jun 18 16:35:19 UTC 2019 x86_64\""; } DESCRREVISION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"6.0\""; } } } fire_mask { String long_name "fire mask"; Byte valid_range 0, 9; String legend "Classes: 0 missing input data 1 not processed (obsolete) 2 not processed (obsolete) 3 non-fire water 4 cloud 5 non-fire land 6 unknown 7 fire (low confidence) 8 fire (nominal confidence) 9 fire (high confidence)"; } fire_mask_dim_0 { String name "number_of_scan_lines"; } fire_mask_dim_1 { String name "pixels_per_scan_line"; } algorithm_QA { String long_name "algorithm QA"; String units "bit field"; } algorithm_QA_dim_0 { String name "number_of_scan_lines"; } algorithm_QA_dim_1 { String name "pixels_per_scan_line"; } latitude { String long_name "latitude"; String units "degrees"; } latitude_dim_0 { String name "number_of_scan_lines"; } latitude_dim_1 { String name "pixels_per_scan_line"; } longitude { String long_name "longitude"; String units "degrees"; } longitude_dim_0 { String name "number_of_scan_lines"; } longitude_dim_1 { String name "pixels_per_scan_line"; } FP_line { String long_name "granule line of fire pixel"; } FP_line_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_sample { String long_name "granule sample of fire pixel"; } FP_sample_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_latitude { String long_name "latitude of fire pixel"; String units "degrees"; } FP_latitude_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_longitude { String long_name "longitude of fire pixel"; String units "degrees"; } FP_longitude_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_R2 { String long_name "channel 2 reflectance of fire pixel"; } FP_R2_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_T21 { String long_name "channel 21/22 brightness temperature of fire pixel"; String units "kelvins"; } FP_T21_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_T31 { String long_name "channel 31 brightness temperature of fire pixel"; String units "kelvins"; } FP_T31_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_MeanT21 { String long_name "channel 21/22 brightness temperature of background"; String units "kelvins"; } FP_MeanT21_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_MeanT31 { String long_name "channel 31 brightness temperature of background"; String units "kelvins"; } FP_MeanT31_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_MeanDT { String long_name "mean background brightness temperature difference"; String units "kelvins"; } FP_MeanDT_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_MAD_T21 { String long_name "background channel 21/22 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation"; String units "kelvins"; } FP_MAD_T21_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_MAD_T31 { String long_name "background channel 31 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation"; String units "kelvins"; } FP_MAD_T31_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_MAD_DT { String long_name "background brightness temperature difference mean absolute deviation"; String units "kelvins"; } FP_MAD_DT_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_power { String long_name "fire radiative power"; String units "MW"; } FP_power_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_AdjCloud { String long_name "number of adjacent cloud pixels"; } FP_AdjCloud_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_AdjWater { String long_name "number of adjacent water pixels"; } FP_AdjWater_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_WinSize { String long_name "background window size"; } FP_WinSize_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_NumValid { String long_name "number of valid background pixels"; } FP_NumValid_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_confidence { String long_name "detection confidence"; String units "%"; } FP_confidence_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_land { String long_name "land pixel flag"; } FP_land_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_MeanR2 { String long_name "background channel 2 reflectance"; } FP_MeanR2_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_MAD_R2 { String long_name "background channel 2 reflectance mean absolute deviation"; } FP_MAD_R2_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_ViewZenAng { String long_name "view zenith angle"; String units "degrees"; } FP_ViewZenAng_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_SolZenAng { String long_name "solar zenith angle"; String units "degrees"; } FP_SolZenAng_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } FP_RelAzAng { String long_name "relative azimuth angle"; String units "degrees"; } FP_RelAzAng_dim_0 { String name "number_of_active_fires"; } }