Dataset Information


Variables in this Dataset

Day_CMG_Snow_Cover: Array of Bytes [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Daily snow extent, global at 5km
units: none
format: I3
coordsys: latitude, longitude
valid_range: 0, 100
_FillValue: 255
Mask_value: 254
Night_value: 111
Cell_resolution: 0.05 deg
Water_mask_land_threshold____: 12.00000000
Antarctica_snow_note: Antarctica deliberately mapped as snow
Key: 0-100=percent of snow in cell, 107=lake ice, 111=night, 250=cloud obscured water, 253=data not mapped, 254=water mask, 255=fill
Day_CMG_Confidence_Index: Array of Bytes [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Confidence index for the daily snow map
units: none
format: I3
coordsys: latitude, longitude
valid_range: 0, 100
_FillValue: 255
Mask_value: 254
Cell_resolution: 0.05 deg
Water_mask_land_threshold____: 12.00000000
Antarctica_confidence_index_note: Antarctica deliberately mapped as snow. Confidence index set to 100.
Key: 0-100=confidence index value, 107=lake ice, 111=night, 250=cloud obscured water, 253=data not mapped, 254=water mask, 255=fill
Day_CMG_Cloud_Obscured: Array of Bytes [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Daily cloud obscuration percentage
units: none
format: I3
coordsys: latitude, longitude
valid_range: 0, 100
_FillValue: 255
Mask_value: 254
Not_processed_value: 252
Night_value: 111
Cell_resolution: 0.05 deg
Water_mask_land_threshold____: 12.00000000
Antarctica_cloud_note: Antarctica deliberately mapped as snow. Cloud value set to 252
Key: 0-100=percent of cloud in cell, 107=lake ice, 111=night, 250=cloud obscured water, 252=Antarctic mask, 253=data not mapped, 254=water mask, 255=fill
Snow_Spatial_QA: Array of Bytes [Latitude = 0..3599][Longitude = 0..7199]
coordinates: Latitude Longitude
long_name: Snow cover per cell QA
units: none
key: 0=good quality, 1=other quality, 252=Antarctica mask, 253=data not mapped, 254=ocean mask, 255=fill
format: I3
coordsys: latitude, longitude
valid_range: 0, 3
_FillValue: 255
Mask_value: 254
Cell_resolution: 0.05 deg
Water_mask_land_threshold____: 12.00000000
Antarctica_QA_note: Antarctica deliberately mapped as snow. QA value set to 252.
Latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [Latitude = 0..3599]
long_name: Latitude
units: degrees_north
Longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [Longitude = 0..7199]
long_name: Longitude
units: degrees_east