Attributes { Latitude { String units "degrees_north"; Float32 valid_range -90.00000000, 90.00000000; Float32 _FillValue -999.9000244; String long_name "Geodetic Latitude"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; } Longitude { String units "degrees_east"; Float32 valid_range -180.0000000, 180.0000000; Float32 _FillValue -999.9000244; String long_name "Geodetic Longitude"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; } Latitude_1 { String units "degrees_north"; String long_name "Latitude_1"; } Longitude_1 { String units "degrees_east"; String long_name "Longitude_1"; } QA_Bytes_IR { String units "level"; String long_name "QA_Bytes_IR(fake)"; } QA_Bytes_NIR { String units "level"; String long_name "QA_Bytes_NIR(fake)"; } Scan_Start_Time { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Float64 valid_range 0.0000000000000000, 3155800064.0000000; Float64 _FillValue -999.90002441406250; String long_name "TAI time at start of scan replicated across the swath"; String units "seconds since 1993-1-1 00:00:00.0 0"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Solar_Zenith { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 18000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Solar Zenith Angle, Cell to Sun"; String units "degrees"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Solar_Azimuth { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range -18000, 18000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Solar Azimuth Angle, Cell to Sun"; String units "degrees"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Sensor_Zenith { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 18000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Sensor Zenith Angle, Cell to Sensor"; String units "degrees"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Sensor_Azimuth { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range -18000, 18000; Int16 _FillValue -32768; String long_name "Sensor Azimuth Angle, Cell to Sensor"; String units "degrees"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0099999997764825821; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Cloud_Mask_QA { String coordinates "Latitude_1 Longitude_1"; String long_name "MODIS Cloud Mask, First Byte"; String unit "none"; String Parameter_Type "MODIS Input"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 1, 2030, 1; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 1, 1354, 1; String Geolocation_Pointer "External MODIS geolocation product"; String description " bit field Description Key --------- ----------- --- 0 Cloud Mask Flag 0 = not determined 1 = determined 1-2 Unobstructed FOV Quality Flag 00 = cloud 01 = 66% prob. clear 10 = 95% prob. clear 11 = 99% prob. clear PROCESSING PATH FLAGS --------------------- 3 Day / Night Flag 0 = Night / 1 = Day 4 Sunglint Flag 0 = Yes / 1 = No 5 Snow / Ice Background Flag 0 = Yes / 1 = No 6-7 Land / Water Flag 00=Water/01=Coastal 10=Desert/11=Land "; Int32 valid_range 0, -1; Int32 _FillValue 0; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Water_Vapor_Near_Infrared { String coordinates "Latitude_1 Longitude_1"; String long_name "Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor - Near Infrared Retrieval"; String unit "cm"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 1, 2030, 1; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 1, 1354, 1; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -9999; Float64 scale_factor 0.0010000000474974513; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Water_Vapor_Correction_Factors { String coordinates "Latitude_1 Longitude_1"; String long_name "Aerosol Correction Factor for Water Vapor - Near Infrared Retrieval"; String unit "none"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 1, 2030, 1; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 1, 1354, 1; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -9999; Float64 scale_factor 0.0010000000474974513; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Water_Vapor_Infrared { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude"; Int16 valid_range 0, 20000; Int16 _FillValue -9999; String long_name "Total Column Precipitable Water Vapor - IR Retrieval"; String units "cm"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; Float64 scale_factor 0.0010000000474974513; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Quality_Assurance_Near_Infrared { String coordinates "Latitude_1 Longitude_1 QA_Bytes_NIR"; String long_name "Run time QA flags"; String unit "none"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 1, 2030, 1; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 1, 1354, 1; String Geolocation_Pointer "External MODIS geolocation product"; String description "See MODIS atmosphere QA plan for details"; Int32 valid_range 0, -1; Int32 _FillValue 0; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } Quality_Assurance_Infrared { String coordinates "Latitude Longitude QA_Bytes_IR"; Int32 valid_range 0, -1; Int32 _FillValue 0; String long_name "Run time QA flags"; String units "none"; String Parameter_Type "Output"; Int32 Cell_Along_Swath_Sampling 3, 2028, 5; Int32 Cell_Across_Swath_Sampling 3, 1348, 5; String Geolocation_Pointer "Internal geolocation arrays"; String description "\\n Water Vapor IR product and Optional run time QA flags Product run time QA flags QA Flag Name Number of Bit Value Description Bits ------------------------------------------------------------- IR Water Vapor 1 0 not useful QA 1 useful IR Water Vapor 2 0-3 4 confidence Confidence QA levels Spares 5 ---------------------- 1 byte total ------------------------- Optional run time QA flags - processing path flags QA Flag Name Number of Bit Value Description Bits ------------------------------------------------------------- Number of 8 0-25 Cloudy Pixels within 5x5 km box Number of 8 0-25 Clear Pixels within 5x5 km box Number of 8 0-25 Missing Pixels within 5x5 km box IR Water Vapor 2 0 Split Window (11- 12) technique Retrieval 1 Integration of moisture profile Method Used 2 Other 3 No Retrieval Spares 6 ---------------------- 4 bytes total ----------------------- "; Float64 scale_factor 1.0000000000000000; Float64 add_offset 0.0000000000000000; } CoreMetadata { INVENTORYMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; ECSDATAGRANULE { REPROCESSINGPLANNED { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"further update is anticipated\""; } REPROCESSINGACTUAL { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"reprocessed\""; } LOCALGRANULEID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MOD05_L2.A2010001.0000.006.2015041171924.hdf\""; } DAYNIGHTFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Both\""; } PRODUCTIONDATETIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2015-02-10T17:19:25.000Z\""; } LOCALVERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"006\""; } } MEASUREDPARAMETER { MEASUREDPARAMETERCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; PARAMETERNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; String VALUE "\"Water_Vapor_Near_Infrared\"", "\"Water_Vapor_Infrared\""; } QAFLAGS { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; String VALUE "\"Passed\"", "\"Passed\""; } AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; String VALUE "\"SuccessfulRetrievalPct>50%\"", "\"Tests Passed\""; } SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1; String VALUE "\"Not Investigated\"", "\"Not Investigated\""; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; } SCIENCEQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1; String VALUE "\"See for more details on MODIS Atmosphere data quality.\"", "\"See for more details on MODIS Atmosphere data quality.\""; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; } } QASTATS { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\""; Int32 VALUE 38, 51; } } } } ORBITCALCULATEDSPATIALDOMAIN { ORBITCALCULATEDSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; ORBITNUMBER { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 VALUE 53395; } EQUATORCROSSINGLONGITUDE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE 164.121672912109; } EQUATORCROSSINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"23:33:33.861779\""; } EQUATORCROSSINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"2009-12-31\""; } } } COLLECTIONDESCRIPTIONCLASS { SHORTNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MOD05_L2\""; } VERSIONID { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Int32 VALUE 6; } } INPUTGRANULE { INPUTPOINTER { Int32 NUM_VAL 25; String VALUE "\"MOD03.A2010001.0000.006.2012280165535.hdf\"", "\"MOD021KM.A2010001.0000.006.2014222194100.hdf\"", "\"MOD35_L2.A2010001.0000.006.2015039064923.hdf\"", "\"MOD07_L2.A2010001.0000.006.2015039065040.hdf\"", "\"TRANSM_H2O.MDL_1_H2k.v1\"", "\"TRANSM_H2O.MDL_2_H2k.v1\"", "\" TRANSM_H2O.MDL_3_H2k.v1\"", "\"TRANSM_H2O.MDL_4_H2k.v1\"", "\"TRANSM_H2O.MDL_5_H2k.v1\"", "\"TRANSM_H2O.MDL_6_H2k.v1\"", "\"WEIGHT_TABLE.v1\"", "\"gdas1.PGrbF00.100101.00z\"", "\"TOAST_100101.GRB\""; } } SPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { HORIZONTALSPATIALDOMAINCONTAINER { BOUNDINGRECTANGLE { WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -47.0676624014122; } NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -59.3239698942098; } EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE 49.7734420510939; } SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; Float64 VALUE -83.947952973723; } } } } RANGEDATETIME { RANGEBEGINNINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2010-01-01\""; } RANGEBEGINNINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:00:00.000000\""; } RANGEENDINGDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2010-01-01\""; } RANGEENDINGTIME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"00:05:00.000000\""; } } PGEVERSIONCLASS { PGEVERSION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"PGE04:6.0.44\""; } } ANCILLARYINPUTGRANULE { ANCILLARYINPUTGRANULECONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; ANCILLARYINPUTTYPE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"Geolocation\""; } ANCILLARYINPUTPOINTER { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"MOD03.A2010001.0000.006.2012280165535.hdf\""; } } } ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSOR { ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMINSTRUMENTSENSORCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS\""; } ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Terra\""; } ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME { String CLASS "\"1\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS\""; } } } ADDITIONALATTRIBUTES { ADDITIONALATTRIBUTESCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String VALUE "\"SuccessfulRetrievalPct_NIR\"", "\"SuccessfulRetrievalPct_IR\"", "\"LowConfidentClearPct\"", "\"DayProcessedPct\"", "\"NightProcessedPct\"", "\"SunglintProcessedPct\"", "\"Snow_IceSurfaceProcessedPct\"", "\"LandProcessedPct\"", "\"WaterProcessedPct\"", "\"ShadowFoundPct\"", "\"ThinCirrusSolarFoundPct\"", "\"ThinCirrusIR_FoundPct\"", "\"NonCloudObstructionFoundPct\"", "\"MaxSolarZenithAngle\"", "\"MinSolarZenithAngle\"", "\"identifier_product_doi\"", "\"identifier_product_doi_authority\""; } INFORMATIONCONTENT { String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; PARAMETERVALUE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; String CLASS "\"1\"", "\"2\"", "\"3\"", "\"4\"", "\"5\"", "\"6\"", "\"7\"", "\"8\"", "\"9\"", "\"10\"", "\"11\"", "\"12\"", "\"13\"", "\"14\"", "\"15\"", "\"16\"", "\"17\""; String VALUE "\" 62.45\"", "\" 48.71\"", "\" 44.19\"", "\" 55.44\"", "\" 44.56\"", "\" 0.00\"", "\" 67.96\"", "\" 53.71\"", "\" 46.29\"", "\" 46.29\"", "\" 1.25\"", "\" 1.87\"", "\" 0.00\"", "\" 96.78\"", "\" 71.47\"", "\"10.5067/MODIS/MOD05_L2.006\"", "\"\""; } } } } } } ArchiveMetadata { ARCHIVEDMETADATA { String GROUPTYPE "MASTERGROUP"; PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Linux minion5250 2.6.18-400.1.1.el5PAE #1 SMP Thu Dec 18 01:38:34 EST 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux\""; } ALGORITHMPACKAGE { ALGORITHMPACKAGEACCEPTANCEDATE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"June 1997\""; } ALGORITHMPACKAGEMATURITYCODE { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"at-launch\""; } ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"ATBD-MOD-03\""; } ALGORITHMPACKAGEVERSION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2\""; } LOCALINPUTGRANULEID { Int32 NUM_VAL 10; String VALUE "\"MOD03.A2010001.0000.006.2012280165535.hdf\"", "\"MOD021KM.A2010001.0000.006.2014222194100.hdf\"", "\"MOD35_L2.A2010001.0000.006.2015039064923.hdf\"", "\"MOD07_L2.A2010001.0000.006.2015039065040.hdf\""; } INSTRUMENTNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer\""; } } GPOLYGON { GPOLYGONCONTAINER { String CLASS "\"1\""; GRING { String CLASS "\"1\""; EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String CLASS "\"1\""; String VALUE "\"N\""; } } GRINGPOINT { String CLASS "\"1\""; GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE 49.7754391298546, -49.6386313023596, -31.8885405371619, 14.7600865215763; } GRINGPOINTLATITUDE { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE -70.0608806041149, -83.2823121516969, -65.5402701781074, -59.0896550170681; } GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO { Int32 NUM_VAL 4; String CLASS "\"1\""; Float64 VALUE 1, 2, 3, 4; } } } } ALGORITHMSOFTWAREVERSION_NIR { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2\""; } ALGORITHMSOFTWAREVERSION_IR { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"2\""; } DESCRREVISION { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"6.0\""; } PRODUCTIONHISTORY { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"PGE04:6.0.44\""; } LONGNAME { Int32 NUM_VAL 1; String VALUE "\"MODIS/Terra Total Precipitable Water Vapor 5-Min L2 Swath 1km and 5km\""; } } } HDF_GLOBAL { String HDFEOSVersion "HDFEOS_V2.17"; Int32 Maximum_Number_of_1km_Frames 1354; Int32 Number_of_Instrument_Scans 203; String title " MODIS HDF File Specification MOD05_L2: MODIS Level 2 NIR and IR Total Precipitable Water "; String Slope_and_Offset_Usage " The local SDS scale_factor and add_offset attributes are used for the conversion of stored integer data to geophysical floating point numbers. The implementation follows conventional HDF usage (See HDF Users Guide): float value = scale_factor*(stored integer - add_offset) The unit of the derived floating point value is indicated in the 'units' local attribute which is also provided. "; String identifier_product_doi "10.5067/MODIS/MOD05_L2.006"; String identifier_product_doi_authority ""; } }