Dataset Information

short_name: ATL13
level: L3A
title: SET_BY_META
description: This data set (ATL13) contains along track surface heights of inland water bodies, including lakes, estuaries and rivers. Water surface slope and descriptive statistics are also provided. The data were acquired by the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter S
Conventions: CF-1.6
contributor_name: Thomas A Neumann (, Thorsten Markus (, Suneel Bhardwaj ( David W Hancock III (
contributor_role: Instrument Engineer, Investigator, Principle Investigator, Data Producer, Data Producer
date_type: UTC
featureType: trajectory
geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north
geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east
granule_type: ATL13
license: Data may not be reproduced or distributed without including the citation for this product included in this metadata. Data may not be distributed in an altered form without the written permission of the ICESat-2 Science Project Office at NASA/GSFC.
spatial_coverage_type: Horizontal
standard_name_vocabulary: CF-1.6
time_type: CCSDS UTC-A
date_created: 2023-06-14T00:56:11.000000Z
hdfversion: HDF5 1.10.7
history: 2023-06-14T00:56:11.000000Z;29c0c907-2211-3a9a-a120-f4c26c96b657;Created by PGE atlas_l3a_iw Version 4.0
identifier_file_uuid: 29c0c907-2211-3a9a-a120-f4c26c96b657
identifier_product_format_version: 4.0
time_coverage_duration: 22630.000000000000
time_coverage_end: 2019-03-31T03:39:51.000000Z
time_coverage_start: 2019-03-30T21:22:41.000000Z
geospatial_lat_min: -90.000000000000000
geospatial_lon_min: -180.00000000000000
geospatial_lat_max: 90.000000000000000
geospatial_lon_max: 180.00000000000000
publisher_name: NSIDC DAAC > NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center
identifier_product_type: ATL13
identifier_product_doi: doi:10.5067/ATLAS/ATL13.006
institution: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
creator_name: GSFC I-SIPS > ICESat-2 Science Investigator-led Processing System
summary: The purpose of ATL13 is to provide along-track inland water surface heights and associated statistics.
keywords_vocabulary: NASA/GCMD Science Keywords
citation: Cite these data in publications as follows: The data used in this study were produced by the ICESat-2 Science Project Office at NASA/GSFC. The data archive site is the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center.
processing_level: 3A
project: ICESat-2 > Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2
instrument: ATLAS > Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System
platform: ICESat-2 > Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2
source: Spacecraft
Unlimited_Dimension: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time, gt1l_delta_time, gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time, gt1r_delta_time, gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time, gt2l_delta_time, gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time, gt2r_delta_time, gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time, gt3l_delta_time, gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time, gt3r_delta_time, orbit_info_crossing_time, orbit_info_sc_orient_time

Variables in this Dataset

orbit_info_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: 1
source: Operations
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: A count of the number of exact repeats of this reference orbit.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/cycle_number
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Orbit Number
units: 1
source: Operations
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 65000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit.
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/orbit_number
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_lan: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Ascending Node Longitude
units: degrees_east
source: POD/PPD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at the ascending node crossing.
origname: lan
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/lan
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_sc_orient: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_sc_orient_time = 0..0]
long_name: Spacecraft Orientation
units: 1
source: POD/PPD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
contentType: referenceInformation
description: This parameter tracks the spacecraft orientation between forward, backward and transitional flight modes. ICESat-2 is considered to be flying forward when the weak beams are leading the strong beams; and backward when the strong beams are leading the weak beams. ICESat-2 is considered to be in transition while it is maneuvering between the two orientations. Science quality is potentially degraded while in transition mode.
flag_meanings: backward forward transition
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
origname: sc_orient
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/sc_orient
coordinates: orbit_info_sc_orient_time
orbit_info_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: POD/PPD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT3 and GT4. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/rgt
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
gt1r_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt1r/rgt
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the laser beam vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot viewing toward the spacecraft (i.e., the vector from the ground to the spacecraft). When the spacecraft is precisely at the geodetic zenith, the value will be 99999 degrees.
origname: segment_azimuth
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_azimuth
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_bias_fit: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height Bias Fit Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The height bias fit flag is set based on the value of the goodness of fit bias estimated as the difference between the centroid elevations of the observed surface water histogram and fitted integrated water surface model histogram. The flag values are set as follows: = -3 if H_bias_fit < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 <= H_bias_fit < -0.05;-1 when -0.05 <= H_bias_fit < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 < H_bias_fit < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 <= H_bias_fit; 4 if H_bias_fit is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 equal_to_or_above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_bias_fit
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_sseg_mean_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1r/sseg_mean_lon
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_cloud_flag_atm_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud flag from backscatter profile.
origname: cloud_flag_atm_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1r/cloud_flag_atm_atl09
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_ice: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The quality flag for ice describes the likelihood of ice on the short water body surface segment. 0 for QF_Bckgrd<= 2; 1 for 2 < QF_Bckgrd<= 4; 2 for 4 < QF_Bckgrd; 3 for (4 < QF_Bckgrd and QF_Cloud=1)
flag_meanings: qf_bckgrd_le_2 qf_bckgrd_le_4 qf_bckgrd_gt_4 qf_bckgrd_w_cloud
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_ice
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_ice
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt1r/transect_id
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_inland_water_body_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body type
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Type of Inland Water Body, where 1=Lake, 2=Known Reservoir, 3=(Reserved for future use), 4=Ephemeral Water, 5=River, 6=Estuary or Bay, 7=Coastal Water, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: Lake Known_Reservoir Reserved_for_future_use Ephemeral_Water River Estuary_or_Bay Coastal_Water Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_type
fullnamepath: /gt1r/inland_water_body_type
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_inland_water_body_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Identifying signature of an individual inland water body. Each body of water is represented by a unique numeric value.
origname: inland_water_body_id
fullnamepath: /gt1r/inland_water_body_id
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1r/sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface attenuation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface attenuation was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum (initial) limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the subsurface attenuation fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for subsurface attenuation is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
origname: segment_quality
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_quality
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_geoid: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Geoid
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Applicable mean-tide system geoid value at reporting location for all short segment statistics. (see geoid_free2mean to convert to the tide-free system.)
origname: segment_geoid
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_geoid
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_sseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Short Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Length of short segments flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 if sseg_length < 10 (meters); 1 if 10 <= sseg_length < 20 (meters); 2 if 20 <= sseg_length < 30 (meters); 3 if 30 <= sseg_length < 50 (meters); 4 if 50 <= sseg_length < 75 (meters); 5 if 75 <= sseg_length < 100 (meters); 6 if 100 <= sseg_length < 150 (meters); 7 if 150 <= sseg_length < 200 (meters); 8 if 200 <= sseg_length < 300 (meters); 9 if 300 <= sseg_length.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 below_threshold9 equal_to_or_above_threshold9
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_sseg_length
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1r/sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_tide_equilibrium: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Equilibrium
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+- 0.04 m). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_equilibrium
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_tide_equilibrium
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_lseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Long Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Long Segment Length flag is set based on the length of the long segment. The flag is set as follows: 0 if Lseg_length < 500 (meters); 1 if 50 <= Lseg_length < 1500 (meters); 2 if 150 <= Lseg_length < 3000 (meters); 3 if 3000 <= Lseg_length
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 above_threshold4
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_lseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_lseg_length
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_significant_wave_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: SWH
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Significant wave height
origname: significant_wave_ht
fullnamepath: /gt1r/significant_wave_ht
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_bottom_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Bottom latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1r/bottom_lat
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt1r/cycle_number
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface backscatter amplitude was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the backscatter amplitude fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for backscatter amplitude is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_water_depth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water depth
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Depth from the mean water surface to detected bottom.
origname: water_depth
fullnamepath: /gt1r/water_depth
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_bias_em: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: EM Bias Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Electromagnetic Bias flag is set based on threshold checks for the estimated electromagnetic height bias. The flag is set as follows: -3 if H_bias_EM < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 < H_bias_EM < -0.05; -1 if -0.05 <= H_bias_EM < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 <= H_bias_EM < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 < H_bias_EM; 4 if H_bias_EM is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_bias_em
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_id_end: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: Last ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_end
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_id_end
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_stdev_vlseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the very long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_vlseg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_stdev_vlseg
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_apparent_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Apparent height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Apparent height of the short segment, before adjustments are made by the algorithm, based on an average of heights within a designated range of the short segment mode.
origname: segment_apparent_ht
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_apparent_ht
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_stdev_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface StDev
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of water surface, calculated over long segments with result reported at each short segment location tag contained within.
origname: stdev_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt1r/stdev_water_surf
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_met_wind10_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height from ATL09 input.
origname: met_wind10_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1r/met_wind10_atl09
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_iwp: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Inland Water Segment Processing Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 7
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the level of processing the inland water algorithm was able to perform based on the data available, ranging from one to 7.
flag_meanings: 1_short_segment 2_short_segments 3_to_5_short_segments 6_to_7_short_segments 8_to_9_short_segments 10_to_29_short_segments at_least_30_short_segments
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: qf_iwp
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_iwp
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/rgt
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_trigger_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992][ds_anom_trigger = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Anomalous classification flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Nine element array describing justification for short segment classification as anomalous, where for each element 0 = not triggered as anomalous and 1 = triggered as anomalous due to any of the following causes: [element 1=coarse ht difference, element 2=abnormal length, element 3= histogram mode spread, element 4=histogram mode count, element 5=histogram mode intensity, element 6=invalid long segment, element 7=shore buffer designation, element 8=insufficient signal phs, element 9=transect coarse water height unavailable against which to test short segment height]
flag_meanings: not_triggered_as_anomalous triggered_as_anomalous
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: anom_sseg_trigger_flag
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_trigger_flag
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each anomalous short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
_FillValue: 2147483647
origname: anom_sseg_quality
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_quality
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/transect_id
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/cycle_number
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lats).
origname: anom_sseg_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lat
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment standard deviation
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of anomalous short segment photon height in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >=2.
origname: anom_sseg_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_stdev
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_ht_delta: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height difference
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height difference between anom_sseg_mode of the anomalous short segment and the transect coarse_transect_ht.
origname: anom_sseg_ht_delta
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_ht_delta
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_length: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Segment length
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of the short segment, based on end points computed by the average of sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons.
origname: anom_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_length
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_coarse_transect_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Coarse water height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Coarse water height of transect.
origname: coarse_transect_ht
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/coarse_transect_ht
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mode: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Anomalous mode bin height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height of anomalous short segment as determined by histogram bin mode.
origname: anom_sseg_mode
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mode
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lons).
origname: anom_sseg_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lon
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height of anomalous short segment as determined by the mean of photon orthometric heights in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >2
origname: anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1r_segment_podppd_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 0
long_name: POD_PPD Flag
units: 1
source: ATL02, ANC04, ANC05
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 7
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Composite POD/PPD flag that indicates the quality of input geolocation products for the utilized ATL03 segments on an ATL13 short segment output basis. A non-zero value may indicate that geolocation solutions are degraded or that ATLAS is within a calibration scan period (CAL). The ATL03 sigma values should indicate the degree of uncertainty associated with the degradation. Possible non-CAL values are: 0=NOMINAL; 1=POD_DEGRADE; 2=PPD_DEGRADE; 3=PODPPD_DEGRADE; possible CAL values are: 4=CAL_NOMINAL; 5=CAL_POD_DEGRADE; 6=CAL_PPD_DEGRADE; 7=CAL_PODPPD_DEGRADE;
flag_meanings: nominal pod_degrade ppd_degrade podppd_degrade cal_nominal cal_pod_degrade cal_ppd_degrade cal_podppd_degrade
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: segment_podppd_flag
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_podppd_flag
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time
gt1r_qf_ht_adj: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height adjustment Quality Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (C)
valid_min: -4
valid_max: 5
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag representing the range of height, defined in 5.3.5 (C), which has been added to the apparent surface height due to frame of reference scaling during deconvolution analysis.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 equal_to_or_above_threshold8 invalid
flag_values: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: qf_ht_adj
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_ht_adj
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_full_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Full Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be fully saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_full_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_full_sat_fract
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_id_beg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: First ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_beg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_id_beg
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_subsurf_anomaly: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD 5.3.4(A)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the likelihood that the bottom or other subsurface anomaly is bottom based on the threshold value at which an anomaly was found. 1 = Subsurface anomaly due to bottom likely; 2 = Subsurface signal may indicate bottom or other anomaly; 3 = Possible subsurface anomaly; invalid = No subsurface anomaly detected
flag_meanings: bottom_likely bottom_or_other_anomaly possible_subsurface_anomaly
flag_values: 1, 2, 3
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface Anomaly Quality Flag
origname: qf_subsurf_anomaly
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_subsurf_anomaly
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface Attenuation
units: m^-1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Subsurface attenuation coefficient.
origname: subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt1r/subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_layer_flag_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Consolidated cloud flag.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: layer_flag_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1r/layer_flag_atl09
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_inland_water_body_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body region
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: ATL13-created shapefile representing relevant bodies of water over which to implement the ATL13 water surface finding algorithm only within a region of processing interest.
origname: inland_water_body_region
fullnamepath: /gt1r/inland_water_body_region
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1r/sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_cloud_flag_asr_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud probability from ASR.
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: cloud_flag_asr_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1r/cloud_flag_asr_atl09
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_ice_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, section 5.2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes likelihood of ice on water surface short segment.
flag_meanings: no_ice ice
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: ice_flag
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ice_flag
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1r/sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_ref_elev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from east-north plane and positive towards up.
origname: segment_ref_elev
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_ref_elev
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_lon
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat
gt1r_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height EGM2008 converted from ellipsoidal height.
origname: ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ht_ortho
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_lat
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water surface height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Water surface height, reported for each short segment (default length = approximately 100 signal photons) with reference to WGS84 ellipsoid
origname: ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_near_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Near Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be nearly saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_near_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_near_sat_fract
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_err_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height Error
units: 1
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in heights reported in ht_water_surf.
origname: err_ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt1r/err_ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_bottom_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1r/bottom_lon
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_bias_fit: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Goodness of fit bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Bias contribution from goodness of observation/system response fit. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_bias_fit
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_cloud: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL09
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow. From the ATL09 data closest to the segment time.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: qf_cloud
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_cloud
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_inland_water_body_source: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body source
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Source of Inland Water Body shape, where 1=HydroLAKES, 2=Global Lakes and Wetlands Database, 3=Named Marine Water Bodies, 4=GSHHG Shoreline, 5=Global River Widths from Landsat, 6=Reserved, 7=Reserved, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: HydroLAKES Global_Lakes_and_Wetlands_Database Named_Marine_Water_Bodies GSHHG_Shoreline Global_River_Widths_from_Landsat Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_source
fullnamepath: /gt1r/inland_water_body_source
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_tide_earth_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Segment rate value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system that was applied in ATL03 to photon heights to the ht_water_surf to the mean-tide system. Subtract value from ht_water_surf to reference it in the mean-tide system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_tide_earth_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_tide_earth_free2mean
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_stdev_lseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_lseg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_stdev_lseg
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_dem_source: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: dem source flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Flag equal to the source of the selected photon (in hierarchy of Arctic/Global/MSS/Antarctic). Values: 0=None, 1=Arctic, 2=Global, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
flag_meanings: none arctic global mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: segment_dem_source
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_dem_source
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_fpb_correction: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First photon bias correction. May be applied at user disrection by subtracting from mean height produts ht_ortho and ht_water_surf.
origname: segment_fpb_correction
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_fpb_correction
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_inland_water_body_size: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body size
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Size of Inland Water Body, A=area, where 0=Not_Assigned, 1=A>10,000 sq km, 2=10,000>A>=1,000, 3=1,000>A>=100, 4=100>A>=10, 5=10>A>=1, 6=1>A>=0.1, 7=0.01>A, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: not_assigned area_gt_10000 10000_gt_area_ge_1000 1000_gt_area_ge_100 100_gt_area_ge_10 10_gt_area_ge_1 1_gt_area_ge_0.1 0.01_gt_area Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_size
fullnamepath: /gt1r/inland_water_body_size
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_met_wind10_atl13: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height, based on derived water surface wave height.
origname: met_wind10_atl13
fullnamepath: /gt1r/met_wind10_atl13
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_snow_ice_atl09: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: NOAA snow/ice flag scaled by ATL09 (0=ice-free water, 1=snow-free land, 2=snow, 3=ice, 127=invalid)
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice invalid
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 127
origname: snow_ice_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1r/snow_ice_atl09
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_tide_ocean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Ocean
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis (+-4 m)). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_ocean
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_tide_ocean
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_err_slope_trk: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
units: 1
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Slope Error
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in segment_slope_trk_local.
origname: err_slope_trk
fullnamepath: /gt1r/err_slope_trk
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_slope_trk_bdy: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water Body Slope
units: m/m
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Along track water body surface slope, reported per short segment ID per water body.
origname: segment_slope_trk_bdy
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_slope_trk_bdy
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_sseg_mean_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1r/sseg_mean_lat
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_geoid_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Value to convert segment geoid heights from the mean-tide system to the tide-free system. Subtract this value from mean-tide system segment_geoid (on ATL13) to get geoid heights in the tide-free system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_geoid_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_geoid_free2mean
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_spec_width: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Spectral width Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 4.8.8
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Spectral moments width flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 when spec_width is invalid; 1 when 0 <= spec_width <= 0.2; 2 when 0.2 < spec_width <= 0.3; 3 when 0.3 < spec_width <= 0.4; 4 when 0.4 < spec_width <= 0.5; 5 when 0.5 < spec_width <= 0.6; 6 when 0.6 < spec_width <= 0.7; 7 when 0.7 < spec_width <= 0.8; 8 when 0.8 < spec_width <= 0.9; 9 when 0.9 < spec_width.
flag_meanings: invalid 0<=spec_width<=0.2 0.2 flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_spec_width
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_spec_width
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_qf_bckgrd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Background Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the degree of background photons present in each short segment. bckgrd_dnsty_threshold1= 0.001 (counts per bi per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold2= 0.01 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold3= 0.05 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold4= 0.1 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold5= 0.3 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold6= 0.5 (counts per bin per Lseg)
flag_meanings: equal_to_or_below_threshold1 equal_to_or_below_threshold2 equal_to_or_below_threshold3 equal_to_or_below_threshold4 equal_to_or_below_threshold5 equal_to_or_below_threshold6 above_threshold6
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
origname: qf_bckgrd
fullnamepath: /gt1r/qf_bckgrd
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_sseg_mean_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean time
standard_name: time
units: Seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_time
fullnamepath: /gt1r/sseg_mean_time
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_met_ts_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface temperature
standard_name: temperature
units: K
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Surface (skin) temperature from ATL09.
origname: met_ts_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1r/met_ts_atl09
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_bias_em: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Electromagnetic bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Electromagnetic bias. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_bias_em
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_dem_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: DEM Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
contentType: referenceInformation
description: DEM height relative to WGS-84 ellipsoid, reported at the short segment rate.
origname: segment_dem_ht
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_dem_ht
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude
units: 1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: Subsurface backscatter amplitude, described in section 4.5.3, reported per long segment (default length = 10 short segments = approximately 1000 signal photons).
origname: subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt1r/subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt1r_segment_dac: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment DAC
units: meters
source: ATBD Section 5.3.5A
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) effect (+- 5 cm). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provided mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_dac
fullnamepath: /gt1r/segment_dac
coordinates: gt1r_delta_time gt1r_segment_lat gt1r_segment_lon
gt2r_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt2r/rgt
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the laser beam vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot viewing toward the spacecraft (i.e., the vector from the ground to the spacecraft). When the spacecraft is precisely at the geodetic zenith, the value will be 99999 degrees.
origname: segment_azimuth
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_azimuth
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_bias_fit: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height Bias Fit Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The height bias fit flag is set based on the value of the goodness of fit bias estimated as the difference between the centroid elevations of the observed surface water histogram and fitted integrated water surface model histogram. The flag values are set as follows: = -3 if H_bias_fit < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 <= H_bias_fit < -0.05;-1 when -0.05 <= H_bias_fit < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 < H_bias_fit < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 <= H_bias_fit; 4 if H_bias_fit is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 equal_to_or_above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_bias_fit
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_sseg_mean_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2r/sseg_mean_lon
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_cloud_flag_atm_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud flag from backscatter profile.
origname: cloud_flag_atm_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2r/cloud_flag_atm_atl09
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_ice: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The quality flag for ice describes the likelihood of ice on the short water body surface segment. 0 for QF_Bckgrd<= 2; 1 for 2 < QF_Bckgrd<= 4; 2 for 4 < QF_Bckgrd; 3 for (4 < QF_Bckgrd and QF_Cloud=1)
flag_meanings: qf_bckgrd_le_2 qf_bckgrd_le_4 qf_bckgrd_gt_4 qf_bckgrd_w_cloud
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_ice
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_ice
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt2r/transect_id
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_inland_water_body_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body type
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Type of Inland Water Body, where 1=Lake, 2=Known Reservoir, 3=(Reserved for future use), 4=Ephemeral Water, 5=River, 6=Estuary or Bay, 7=Coastal Water, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: Lake Known_Reservoir Reserved_for_future_use Ephemeral_Water River Estuary_or_Bay Coastal_Water Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_type
fullnamepath: /gt2r/inland_water_body_type
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_inland_water_body_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Identifying signature of an individual inland water body. Each body of water is represented by a unique numeric value.
origname: inland_water_body_id
fullnamepath: /gt2r/inland_water_body_id
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2r/sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface attenuation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface attenuation was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum (initial) limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the subsurface attenuation fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for subsurface attenuation is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
origname: segment_quality
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_quality
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_geoid: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Geoid
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Applicable mean-tide system geoid value at reporting location for all short segment statistics. (see geoid_free2mean to convert to the tide-free system.)
origname: segment_geoid
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_geoid
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_sseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Short Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Length of short segments flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 if sseg_length < 10 (meters); 1 if 10 <= sseg_length < 20 (meters); 2 if 20 <= sseg_length < 30 (meters); 3 if 30 <= sseg_length < 50 (meters); 4 if 50 <= sseg_length < 75 (meters); 5 if 75 <= sseg_length < 100 (meters); 6 if 100 <= sseg_length < 150 (meters); 7 if 150 <= sseg_length < 200 (meters); 8 if 200 <= sseg_length < 300 (meters); 9 if 300 <= sseg_length.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 below_threshold9 equal_to_or_above_threshold9
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_sseg_length
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2r/sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_tide_equilibrium: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Equilibrium
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+- 0.04 m). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_equilibrium
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_tide_equilibrium
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_lseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Long Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Long Segment Length flag is set based on the length of the long segment. The flag is set as follows: 0 if Lseg_length < 500 (meters); 1 if 50 <= Lseg_length < 1500 (meters); 2 if 150 <= Lseg_length < 3000 (meters); 3 if 3000 <= Lseg_length
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 above_threshold4
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_lseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_lseg_length
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_significant_wave_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: SWH
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Significant wave height
origname: significant_wave_ht
fullnamepath: /gt2r/significant_wave_ht
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_bottom_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Bottom latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2r/bottom_lat
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt2r/cycle_number
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface backscatter amplitude was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the backscatter amplitude fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for backscatter amplitude is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_water_depth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water depth
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Depth from the mean water surface to detected bottom.
origname: water_depth
fullnamepath: /gt2r/water_depth
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_bias_em: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: EM Bias Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Electromagnetic Bias flag is set based on threshold checks for the estimated electromagnetic height bias. The flag is set as follows: -3 if H_bias_EM < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 < H_bias_EM < -0.05; -1 if -0.05 <= H_bias_EM < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 <= H_bias_EM < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 < H_bias_EM; 4 if H_bias_EM is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_bias_em
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_id_end: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: Last ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_end
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_id_end
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_stdev_vlseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the very long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_vlseg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_stdev_vlseg
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_apparent_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Apparent height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Apparent height of the short segment, before adjustments are made by the algorithm, based on an average of heights within a designated range of the short segment mode.
origname: segment_apparent_ht
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_apparent_ht
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_stdev_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface StDev
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of water surface, calculated over long segments with result reported at each short segment location tag contained within.
origname: stdev_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt2r/stdev_water_surf
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_met_wind10_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height from ATL09 input.
origname: met_wind10_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2r/met_wind10_atl09
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_iwp: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Inland Water Segment Processing Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 7
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the level of processing the inland water algorithm was able to perform based on the data available, ranging from one to 7.
flag_meanings: 1_short_segment 2_short_segments 3_to_5_short_segments 6_to_7_short_segments 8_to_9_short_segments 10_to_29_short_segments at_least_30_short_segments
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: qf_iwp
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_iwp
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/rgt
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_trigger_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865][ds_anom_trigger = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Anomalous classification flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Nine element array describing justification for short segment classification as anomalous, where for each element 0 = not triggered as anomalous and 1 = triggered as anomalous due to any of the following causes: [element 1=coarse ht difference, element 2=abnormal length, element 3= histogram mode spread, element 4=histogram mode count, element 5=histogram mode intensity, element 6=invalid long segment, element 7=shore buffer designation, element 8=insufficient signal phs, element 9=transect coarse water height unavailable against which to test short segment height]
flag_meanings: not_triggered_as_anomalous triggered_as_anomalous
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: anom_sseg_trigger_flag
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_trigger_flag
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each anomalous short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
_FillValue: 2147483647
origname: anom_sseg_quality
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_quality
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/transect_id
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/cycle_number
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lats).
origname: anom_sseg_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lat
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment standard deviation
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of anomalous short segment photon height in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >=2.
origname: anom_sseg_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_stdev
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_ht_delta: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height difference
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height difference between anom_sseg_mode of the anomalous short segment and the transect coarse_transect_ht.
origname: anom_sseg_ht_delta
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_ht_delta
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_length: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Segment length
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of the short segment, based on end points computed by the average of sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons.
origname: anom_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_length
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_coarse_transect_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Coarse water height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Coarse water height of transect.
origname: coarse_transect_ht
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/coarse_transect_ht
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mode: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Anomalous mode bin height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height of anomalous short segment as determined by histogram bin mode.
origname: anom_sseg_mode
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mode
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lons).
origname: anom_sseg_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lon
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height of anomalous short segment as determined by the mean of photon orthometric heights in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >2
origname: anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2r_segment_podppd_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 0
long_name: POD_PPD Flag
units: 1
source: ATL02, ANC04, ANC05
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 7
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Composite POD/PPD flag that indicates the quality of input geolocation products for the utilized ATL03 segments on an ATL13 short segment output basis. A non-zero value may indicate that geolocation solutions are degraded or that ATLAS is within a calibration scan period (CAL). The ATL03 sigma values should indicate the degree of uncertainty associated with the degradation. Possible non-CAL values are: 0=NOMINAL; 1=POD_DEGRADE; 2=PPD_DEGRADE; 3=PODPPD_DEGRADE; possible CAL values are: 4=CAL_NOMINAL; 5=CAL_POD_DEGRADE; 6=CAL_PPD_DEGRADE; 7=CAL_PODPPD_DEGRADE;
flag_meanings: nominal pod_degrade ppd_degrade podppd_degrade cal_nominal cal_pod_degrade cal_ppd_degrade cal_podppd_degrade
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: segment_podppd_flag
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_podppd_flag
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time
gt2r_qf_ht_adj: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height adjustment Quality Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (C)
valid_min: -4
valid_max: 5
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag representing the range of height, defined in 5.3.5 (C), which has been added to the apparent surface height due to frame of reference scaling during deconvolution analysis.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 equal_to_or_above_threshold8 invalid
flag_values: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: qf_ht_adj
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_ht_adj
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_full_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Full Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be fully saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_full_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_full_sat_fract
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_id_beg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: First ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_beg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_id_beg
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_subsurf_anomaly: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD 5.3.4(A)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the likelihood that the bottom or other subsurface anomaly is bottom based on the threshold value at which an anomaly was found. 1 = Subsurface anomaly due to bottom likely; 2 = Subsurface signal may indicate bottom or other anomaly; 3 = Possible subsurface anomaly; invalid = No subsurface anomaly detected
flag_meanings: bottom_likely bottom_or_other_anomaly possible_subsurface_anomaly
flag_values: 1, 2, 3
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface Anomaly Quality Flag
origname: qf_subsurf_anomaly
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_subsurf_anomaly
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface Attenuation
units: m^-1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Subsurface attenuation coefficient.
origname: subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt2r/subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_layer_flag_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Consolidated cloud flag.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: layer_flag_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2r/layer_flag_atl09
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_inland_water_body_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body region
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: ATL13-created shapefile representing relevant bodies of water over which to implement the ATL13 water surface finding algorithm only within a region of processing interest.
origname: inland_water_body_region
fullnamepath: /gt2r/inland_water_body_region
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2r/sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_cloud_flag_asr_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud probability from ASR.
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: cloud_flag_asr_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2r/cloud_flag_asr_atl09
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_ice_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, section 5.2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes likelihood of ice on water surface short segment.
flag_meanings: no_ice ice
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: ice_flag
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ice_flag
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2r/sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_ref_elev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from east-north plane and positive towards up.
origname: segment_ref_elev
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_ref_elev
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_lon
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat
gt2r_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height EGM2008 converted from ellipsoidal height.
origname: ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ht_ortho
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_lat
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water surface height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Water surface height, reported for each short segment (default length = approximately 100 signal photons) with reference to WGS84 ellipsoid
origname: ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_near_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Near Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be nearly saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_near_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_near_sat_fract
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_err_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height Error
units: 1
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in heights reported in ht_water_surf.
origname: err_ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt2r/err_ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_bottom_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2r/bottom_lon
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_bias_fit: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Goodness of fit bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Bias contribution from goodness of observation/system response fit. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_bias_fit
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_cloud: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL09
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow. From the ATL09 data closest to the segment time.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: qf_cloud
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_cloud
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_inland_water_body_source: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body source
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Source of Inland Water Body shape, where 1=HydroLAKES, 2=Global Lakes and Wetlands Database, 3=Named Marine Water Bodies, 4=GSHHG Shoreline, 5=Global River Widths from Landsat, 6=Reserved, 7=Reserved, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: HydroLAKES Global_Lakes_and_Wetlands_Database Named_Marine_Water_Bodies GSHHG_Shoreline Global_River_Widths_from_Landsat Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_source
fullnamepath: /gt2r/inland_water_body_source
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_tide_earth_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Segment rate value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system that was applied in ATL03 to photon heights to the ht_water_surf to the mean-tide system. Subtract value from ht_water_surf to reference it in the mean-tide system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_tide_earth_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_tide_earth_free2mean
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_stdev_lseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_lseg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_stdev_lseg
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_dem_source: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: dem source flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Flag equal to the source of the selected photon (in hierarchy of Arctic/Global/MSS/Antarctic). Values: 0=None, 1=Arctic, 2=Global, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
flag_meanings: none arctic global mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: segment_dem_source
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_dem_source
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_fpb_correction: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First photon bias correction. May be applied at user disrection by subtracting from mean height produts ht_ortho and ht_water_surf.
origname: segment_fpb_correction
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_fpb_correction
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_inland_water_body_size: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body size
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Size of Inland Water Body, A=area, where 0=Not_Assigned, 1=A>10,000 sq km, 2=10,000>A>=1,000, 3=1,000>A>=100, 4=100>A>=10, 5=10>A>=1, 6=1>A>=0.1, 7=0.01>A, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: not_assigned area_gt_10000 10000_gt_area_ge_1000 1000_gt_area_ge_100 100_gt_area_ge_10 10_gt_area_ge_1 1_gt_area_ge_0.1 0.01_gt_area Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_size
fullnamepath: /gt2r/inland_water_body_size
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_met_wind10_atl13: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height, based on derived water surface wave height.
origname: met_wind10_atl13
fullnamepath: /gt2r/met_wind10_atl13
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_snow_ice_atl09: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: NOAA snow/ice flag scaled by ATL09 (0=ice-free water, 1=snow-free land, 2=snow, 3=ice, 127=invalid)
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice invalid
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 127
origname: snow_ice_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2r/snow_ice_atl09
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_tide_ocean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Ocean
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis (+-4 m)). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_ocean
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_tide_ocean
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_err_slope_trk: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
units: 1
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Slope Error
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in segment_slope_trk_local.
origname: err_slope_trk
fullnamepath: /gt2r/err_slope_trk
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_slope_trk_bdy: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water Body Slope
units: m/m
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Along track water body surface slope, reported per short segment ID per water body.
origname: segment_slope_trk_bdy
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_slope_trk_bdy
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_sseg_mean_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2r/sseg_mean_lat
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_geoid_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Value to convert segment geoid heights from the mean-tide system to the tide-free system. Subtract this value from mean-tide system segment_geoid (on ATL13) to get geoid heights in the tide-free system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_geoid_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_geoid_free2mean
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_spec_width: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Spectral width Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 4.8.8
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Spectral moments width flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 when spec_width is invalid; 1 when 0 <= spec_width <= 0.2; 2 when 0.2 < spec_width <= 0.3; 3 when 0.3 < spec_width <= 0.4; 4 when 0.4 < spec_width <= 0.5; 5 when 0.5 < spec_width <= 0.6; 6 when 0.6 < spec_width <= 0.7; 7 when 0.7 < spec_width <= 0.8; 8 when 0.8 < spec_width <= 0.9; 9 when 0.9 < spec_width.
flag_meanings: invalid 0<=spec_width<=0.2 0.2 flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_spec_width
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_spec_width
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_qf_bckgrd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Background Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the degree of background photons present in each short segment. bckgrd_dnsty_threshold1= 0.001 (counts per bi per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold2= 0.01 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold3= 0.05 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold4= 0.1 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold5= 0.3 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold6= 0.5 (counts per bin per Lseg)
flag_meanings: equal_to_or_below_threshold1 equal_to_or_below_threshold2 equal_to_or_below_threshold3 equal_to_or_below_threshold4 equal_to_or_below_threshold5 equal_to_or_below_threshold6 above_threshold6
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
origname: qf_bckgrd
fullnamepath: /gt2r/qf_bckgrd
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_sseg_mean_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean time
standard_name: time
units: Seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_time
fullnamepath: /gt2r/sseg_mean_time
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_met_ts_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface temperature
standard_name: temperature
units: K
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Surface (skin) temperature from ATL09.
origname: met_ts_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2r/met_ts_atl09
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_bias_em: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Electromagnetic bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Electromagnetic bias. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_bias_em
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_dem_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: DEM Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
contentType: referenceInformation
description: DEM height relative to WGS-84 ellipsoid, reported at the short segment rate.
origname: segment_dem_ht
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_dem_ht
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude
units: 1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: Subsurface backscatter amplitude, described in section 4.5.3, reported per long segment (default length = 10 short segments = approximately 1000 signal photons).
origname: subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt2r/subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt2r_segment_dac: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment DAC
units: meters
source: ATBD Section 5.3.5A
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) effect (+- 5 cm). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provided mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_dac
fullnamepath: /gt2r/segment_dac
coordinates: gt2r_delta_time gt2r_segment_lat gt2r_segment_lon
gt1l_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt1l/rgt
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the laser beam vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot viewing toward the spacecraft (i.e., the vector from the ground to the spacecraft). When the spacecraft is precisely at the geodetic zenith, the value will be 99999 degrees.
origname: segment_azimuth
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_azimuth
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_bias_fit: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height Bias Fit Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The height bias fit flag is set based on the value of the goodness of fit bias estimated as the difference between the centroid elevations of the observed surface water histogram and fitted integrated water surface model histogram. The flag values are set as follows: = -3 if H_bias_fit < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 <= H_bias_fit < -0.05;-1 when -0.05 <= H_bias_fit < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 < H_bias_fit < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 <= H_bias_fit; 4 if H_bias_fit is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 equal_to_or_above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_bias_fit
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_sseg_mean_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1l/sseg_mean_lon
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_cloud_flag_atm_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud flag from backscatter profile.
origname: cloud_flag_atm_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1l/cloud_flag_atm_atl09
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_ice: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The quality flag for ice describes the likelihood of ice on the short water body surface segment. 0 for QF_Bckgrd<= 2; 1 for 2 < QF_Bckgrd<= 4; 2 for 4 < QF_Bckgrd; 3 for (4 < QF_Bckgrd and QF_Cloud=1)
flag_meanings: qf_bckgrd_le_2 qf_bckgrd_le_4 qf_bckgrd_gt_4 qf_bckgrd_w_cloud
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_ice
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_ice
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt1l/transect_id
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_inland_water_body_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body type
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Type of Inland Water Body, where 1=Lake, 2=Known Reservoir, 3=(Reserved for future use), 4=Ephemeral Water, 5=River, 6=Estuary or Bay, 7=Coastal Water, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: Lake Known_Reservoir Reserved_for_future_use Ephemeral_Water River Estuary_or_Bay Coastal_Water Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_type
fullnamepath: /gt1l/inland_water_body_type
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_inland_water_body_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Identifying signature of an individual inland water body. Each body of water is represented by a unique numeric value.
origname: inland_water_body_id
fullnamepath: /gt1l/inland_water_body_id
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1l/sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface attenuation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface attenuation was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum (initial) limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the subsurface attenuation fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for subsurface attenuation is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
origname: segment_quality
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_quality
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_geoid: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Geoid
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Applicable mean-tide system geoid value at reporting location for all short segment statistics. (see geoid_free2mean to convert to the tide-free system.)
origname: segment_geoid
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_geoid
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_sseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Short Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Length of short segments flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 if sseg_length < 10 (meters); 1 if 10 <= sseg_length < 20 (meters); 2 if 20 <= sseg_length < 30 (meters); 3 if 30 <= sseg_length < 50 (meters); 4 if 50 <= sseg_length < 75 (meters); 5 if 75 <= sseg_length < 100 (meters); 6 if 100 <= sseg_length < 150 (meters); 7 if 150 <= sseg_length < 200 (meters); 8 if 200 <= sseg_length < 300 (meters); 9 if 300 <= sseg_length.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 below_threshold9 equal_to_or_above_threshold9
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_sseg_length
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1l/sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_tide_equilibrium: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Equilibrium
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+- 0.04 m). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_equilibrium
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_tide_equilibrium
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_lseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Long Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Long Segment Length flag is set based on the length of the long segment. The flag is set as follows: 0 if Lseg_length < 500 (meters); 1 if 50 <= Lseg_length < 1500 (meters); 2 if 150 <= Lseg_length < 3000 (meters); 3 if 3000 <= Lseg_length
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 above_threshold4
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_lseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_lseg_length
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_significant_wave_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: SWH
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Significant wave height
origname: significant_wave_ht
fullnamepath: /gt1l/significant_wave_ht
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_bottom_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Bottom latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1l/bottom_lat
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt1l/cycle_number
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface backscatter amplitude was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the backscatter amplitude fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for backscatter amplitude is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_water_depth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water depth
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Depth from the mean water surface to detected bottom.
origname: water_depth
fullnamepath: /gt1l/water_depth
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_bias_em: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: EM Bias Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Electromagnetic Bias flag is set based on threshold checks for the estimated electromagnetic height bias. The flag is set as follows: -3 if H_bias_EM < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 < H_bias_EM < -0.05; -1 if -0.05 <= H_bias_EM < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 <= H_bias_EM < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 < H_bias_EM; 4 if H_bias_EM is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_bias_em
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_id_end: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: Last ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_end
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_id_end
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_stdev_vlseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the very long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_vlseg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_stdev_vlseg
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_apparent_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Apparent height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Apparent height of the short segment, before adjustments are made by the algorithm, based on an average of heights within a designated range of the short segment mode.
origname: segment_apparent_ht
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_apparent_ht
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_stdev_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface StDev
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of water surface, calculated over long segments with result reported at each short segment location tag contained within.
origname: stdev_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt1l/stdev_water_surf
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_met_wind10_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height from ATL09 input.
origname: met_wind10_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1l/met_wind10_atl09
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_iwp: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Inland Water Segment Processing Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 7
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the level of processing the inland water algorithm was able to perform based on the data available, ranging from one to 7.
flag_meanings: 1_short_segment 2_short_segments 3_to_5_short_segments 6_to_7_short_segments 8_to_9_short_segments 10_to_29_short_segments at_least_30_short_segments
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: qf_iwp
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_iwp
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/rgt
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_trigger_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504][ds_anom_trigger = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Anomalous classification flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Nine element array describing justification for short segment classification as anomalous, where for each element 0 = not triggered as anomalous and 1 = triggered as anomalous due to any of the following causes: [element 1=coarse ht difference, element 2=abnormal length, element 3= histogram mode spread, element 4=histogram mode count, element 5=histogram mode intensity, element 6=invalid long segment, element 7=shore buffer designation, element 8=insufficient signal phs, element 9=transect coarse water height unavailable against which to test short segment height]
flag_meanings: not_triggered_as_anomalous triggered_as_anomalous
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: anom_sseg_trigger_flag
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_trigger_flag
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each anomalous short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
_FillValue: 2147483647
origname: anom_sseg_quality
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_quality
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/transect_id
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/cycle_number
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lats).
origname: anom_sseg_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lat
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment standard deviation
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of anomalous short segment photon height in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >=2.
origname: anom_sseg_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_stdev
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_ht_delta: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height difference
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height difference between anom_sseg_mode of the anomalous short segment and the transect coarse_transect_ht.
origname: anom_sseg_ht_delta
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_ht_delta
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_length: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Segment length
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of the short segment, based on end points computed by the average of sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons.
origname: anom_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_length
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_coarse_transect_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Coarse water height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Coarse water height of transect.
origname: coarse_transect_ht
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/coarse_transect_ht
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mode: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Anomalous mode bin height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height of anomalous short segment as determined by histogram bin mode.
origname: anom_sseg_mode
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mode
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lons).
origname: anom_sseg_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lon
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height of anomalous short segment as determined by the mean of photon orthometric heights in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >2
origname: anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt1l_segment_podppd_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 0
long_name: POD_PPD Flag
units: 1
source: ATL02, ANC04, ANC05
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 7
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Composite POD/PPD flag that indicates the quality of input geolocation products for the utilized ATL03 segments on an ATL13 short segment output basis. A non-zero value may indicate that geolocation solutions are degraded or that ATLAS is within a calibration scan period (CAL). The ATL03 sigma values should indicate the degree of uncertainty associated with the degradation. Possible non-CAL values are: 0=NOMINAL; 1=POD_DEGRADE; 2=PPD_DEGRADE; 3=PODPPD_DEGRADE; possible CAL values are: 4=CAL_NOMINAL; 5=CAL_POD_DEGRADE; 6=CAL_PPD_DEGRADE; 7=CAL_PODPPD_DEGRADE;
flag_meanings: nominal pod_degrade ppd_degrade podppd_degrade cal_nominal cal_pod_degrade cal_ppd_degrade cal_podppd_degrade
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: segment_podppd_flag
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_podppd_flag
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time
gt1l_qf_ht_adj: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height adjustment Quality Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (C)
valid_min: -4
valid_max: 5
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag representing the range of height, defined in 5.3.5 (C), which has been added to the apparent surface height due to frame of reference scaling during deconvolution analysis.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 equal_to_or_above_threshold8 invalid
flag_values: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: qf_ht_adj
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_ht_adj
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_full_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Full Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be fully saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_full_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_full_sat_fract
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_id_beg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: First ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_beg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_id_beg
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_subsurf_anomaly: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD 5.3.4(A)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the likelihood that the bottom or other subsurface anomaly is bottom based on the threshold value at which an anomaly was found. 1 = Subsurface anomaly due to bottom likely; 2 = Subsurface signal may indicate bottom or other anomaly; 3 = Possible subsurface anomaly; invalid = No subsurface anomaly detected
flag_meanings: bottom_likely bottom_or_other_anomaly possible_subsurface_anomaly
flag_values: 1, 2, 3
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface Anomaly Quality Flag
origname: qf_subsurf_anomaly
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_subsurf_anomaly
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface Attenuation
units: m^-1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Subsurface attenuation coefficient.
origname: subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt1l/subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_layer_flag_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Consolidated cloud flag.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: layer_flag_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1l/layer_flag_atl09
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_inland_water_body_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body region
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: ATL13-created shapefile representing relevant bodies of water over which to implement the ATL13 water surface finding algorithm only within a region of processing interest.
origname: inland_water_body_region
fullnamepath: /gt1l/inland_water_body_region
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1l/sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_cloud_flag_asr_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud probability from ASR.
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: cloud_flag_asr_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1l/cloud_flag_asr_atl09
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_ice_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, section 5.2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes likelihood of ice on water surface short segment.
flag_meanings: no_ice ice
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: ice_flag
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ice_flag
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1l/sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_ref_elev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from east-north plane and positive towards up.
origname: segment_ref_elev
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_ref_elev
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_lon
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat
gt1l_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height EGM2008 converted from ellipsoidal height.
origname: ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ht_ortho
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_lat
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water surface height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Water surface height, reported for each short segment (default length = approximately 100 signal photons) with reference to WGS84 ellipsoid
origname: ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_near_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Near Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be nearly saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_near_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_near_sat_fract
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_err_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height Error
units: 1
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in heights reported in ht_water_surf.
origname: err_ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt1l/err_ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_bottom_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lon
fullnamepath: /gt1l/bottom_lon
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_bias_fit: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Goodness of fit bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Bias contribution from goodness of observation/system response fit. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_bias_fit
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_cloud: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL09
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow. From the ATL09 data closest to the segment time.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: qf_cloud
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_cloud
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_inland_water_body_source: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body source
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Source of Inland Water Body shape, where 1=HydroLAKES, 2=Global Lakes and Wetlands Database, 3=Named Marine Water Bodies, 4=GSHHG Shoreline, 5=Global River Widths from Landsat, 6=Reserved, 7=Reserved, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: HydroLAKES Global_Lakes_and_Wetlands_Database Named_Marine_Water_Bodies GSHHG_Shoreline Global_River_Widths_from_Landsat Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_source
fullnamepath: /gt1l/inland_water_body_source
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_tide_earth_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Segment rate value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system that was applied in ATL03 to photon heights to the ht_water_surf to the mean-tide system. Subtract value from ht_water_surf to reference it in the mean-tide system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_tide_earth_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_tide_earth_free2mean
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_stdev_lseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_lseg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_stdev_lseg
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_dem_source: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: dem source flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Flag equal to the source of the selected photon (in hierarchy of Arctic/Global/MSS/Antarctic). Values: 0=None, 1=Arctic, 2=Global, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
flag_meanings: none arctic global mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: segment_dem_source
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_dem_source
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_fpb_correction: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First photon bias correction. May be applied at user disrection by subtracting from mean height produts ht_ortho and ht_water_surf.
origname: segment_fpb_correction
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_fpb_correction
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_inland_water_body_size: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body size
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Size of Inland Water Body, A=area, where 0=Not_Assigned, 1=A>10,000 sq km, 2=10,000>A>=1,000, 3=1,000>A>=100, 4=100>A>=10, 5=10>A>=1, 6=1>A>=0.1, 7=0.01>A, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: not_assigned area_gt_10000 10000_gt_area_ge_1000 1000_gt_area_ge_100 100_gt_area_ge_10 10_gt_area_ge_1 1_gt_area_ge_0.1 0.01_gt_area Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_size
fullnamepath: /gt1l/inland_water_body_size
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_met_wind10_atl13: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height, based on derived water surface wave height.
origname: met_wind10_atl13
fullnamepath: /gt1l/met_wind10_atl13
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_snow_ice_atl09: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: NOAA snow/ice flag scaled by ATL09 (0=ice-free water, 1=snow-free land, 2=snow, 3=ice, 127=invalid)
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice invalid
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 127
origname: snow_ice_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1l/snow_ice_atl09
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_tide_ocean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Ocean
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis (+-4 m)). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_ocean
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_tide_ocean
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_err_slope_trk: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
units: 1
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Slope Error
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in segment_slope_trk_local.
origname: err_slope_trk
fullnamepath: /gt1l/err_slope_trk
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_slope_trk_bdy: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water Body Slope
units: m/m
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Along track water body surface slope, reported per short segment ID per water body.
origname: segment_slope_trk_bdy
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_slope_trk_bdy
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_sseg_mean_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lat
fullnamepath: /gt1l/sseg_mean_lat
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_geoid_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Value to convert segment geoid heights from the mean-tide system to the tide-free system. Subtract this value from mean-tide system segment_geoid (on ATL13) to get geoid heights in the tide-free system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_geoid_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_geoid_free2mean
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_spec_width: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Spectral width Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 4.8.8
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Spectral moments width flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 when spec_width is invalid; 1 when 0 <= spec_width <= 0.2; 2 when 0.2 < spec_width <= 0.3; 3 when 0.3 < spec_width <= 0.4; 4 when 0.4 < spec_width <= 0.5; 5 when 0.5 < spec_width <= 0.6; 6 when 0.6 < spec_width <= 0.7; 7 when 0.7 < spec_width <= 0.8; 8 when 0.8 < spec_width <= 0.9; 9 when 0.9 < spec_width.
flag_meanings: invalid 0<=spec_width<=0.2 0.2 flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_spec_width
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_spec_width
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_qf_bckgrd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Background Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the degree of background photons present in each short segment. bckgrd_dnsty_threshold1= 0.001 (counts per bi per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold2= 0.01 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold3= 0.05 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold4= 0.1 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold5= 0.3 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold6= 0.5 (counts per bin per Lseg)
flag_meanings: equal_to_or_below_threshold1 equal_to_or_below_threshold2 equal_to_or_below_threshold3 equal_to_or_below_threshold4 equal_to_or_below_threshold5 equal_to_or_below_threshold6 above_threshold6
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
origname: qf_bckgrd
fullnamepath: /gt1l/qf_bckgrd
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_sseg_mean_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean time
standard_name: time
units: Seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_time
fullnamepath: /gt1l/sseg_mean_time
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_met_ts_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface temperature
standard_name: temperature
units: K
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Surface (skin) temperature from ATL09.
origname: met_ts_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt1l/met_ts_atl09
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_bias_em: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Electromagnetic bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Electromagnetic bias. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_bias_em
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_dem_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: DEM Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
contentType: referenceInformation
description: DEM height relative to WGS-84 ellipsoid, reported at the short segment rate.
origname: segment_dem_ht
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_dem_ht
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude
units: 1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: Subsurface backscatter amplitude, described in section 4.5.3, reported per long segment (default length = 10 short segments = approximately 1000 signal photons).
origname: subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt1l/subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
gt1l_segment_dac: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment DAC
units: meters
source: ATBD Section 5.3.5A
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) effect (+- 5 cm). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provided mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_dac
fullnamepath: /gt1l/segment_dac
coordinates: gt1l_delta_time gt1l_segment_lat gt1l_segment_lon
quality_assessment_qa_granule_fail_reason: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Granule Failure Reason
units: 1
source: Operations
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag indicating granule failure reason. 0=no failure; 1=processing failure; 2=insufficient data; 3=TBD3; 4=TBD4; 5=TBD5
flag_meanings: no_failure processing_failure insufficient_data TBD3 TBD4 TBD5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: qa_granule_fail_reason
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/qa_granule_fail_reason
quality_assessment_qa_granule_pass_fail: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Granule Pass Flag
units: 1
source: Operations
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag indicating granule quality. 0=granule passes automatic QA. 1=granule fails automatic QA.
flag_meanings: PASS FAIL
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: qa_granule_pass_fail
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/qa_granule_pass_fail
gt3l_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt3l/rgt
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the laser beam vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot viewing toward the spacecraft (i.e., the vector from the ground to the spacecraft). When the spacecraft is precisely at the geodetic zenith, the value will be 99999 degrees.
origname: segment_azimuth
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_azimuth
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_bias_fit: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height Bias Fit Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The height bias fit flag is set based on the value of the goodness of fit bias estimated as the difference between the centroid elevations of the observed surface water histogram and fitted integrated water surface model histogram. The flag values are set as follows: = -3 if H_bias_fit < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 <= H_bias_fit < -0.05;-1 when -0.05 <= H_bias_fit < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 < H_bias_fit < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 <= H_bias_fit; 4 if H_bias_fit is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 equal_to_or_above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_bias_fit
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_sseg_mean_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3l/sseg_mean_lon
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_cloud_flag_atm_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud flag from backscatter profile.
origname: cloud_flag_atm_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3l/cloud_flag_atm_atl09
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_ice: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The quality flag for ice describes the likelihood of ice on the short water body surface segment. 0 for QF_Bckgrd<= 2; 1 for 2 < QF_Bckgrd<= 4; 2 for 4 < QF_Bckgrd; 3 for (4 < QF_Bckgrd and QF_Cloud=1)
flag_meanings: qf_bckgrd_le_2 qf_bckgrd_le_4 qf_bckgrd_gt_4 qf_bckgrd_w_cloud
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_ice
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_ice
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt3l/transect_id
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_inland_water_body_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body type
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Type of Inland Water Body, where 1=Lake, 2=Known Reservoir, 3=(Reserved for future use), 4=Ephemeral Water, 5=River, 6=Estuary or Bay, 7=Coastal Water, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: Lake Known_Reservoir Reserved_for_future_use Ephemeral_Water River Estuary_or_Bay Coastal_Water Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_type
fullnamepath: /gt3l/inland_water_body_type
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_inland_water_body_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Identifying signature of an individual inland water body. Each body of water is represented by a unique numeric value.
origname: inland_water_body_id
fullnamepath: /gt3l/inland_water_body_id
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3l/sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface attenuation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface attenuation was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum (initial) limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the subsurface attenuation fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for subsurface attenuation is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
origname: segment_quality
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_quality
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_geoid: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Geoid
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Applicable mean-tide system geoid value at reporting location for all short segment statistics. (see geoid_free2mean to convert to the tide-free system.)
origname: segment_geoid
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_geoid
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_sseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Short Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Length of short segments flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 if sseg_length < 10 (meters); 1 if 10 <= sseg_length < 20 (meters); 2 if 20 <= sseg_length < 30 (meters); 3 if 30 <= sseg_length < 50 (meters); 4 if 50 <= sseg_length < 75 (meters); 5 if 75 <= sseg_length < 100 (meters); 6 if 100 <= sseg_length < 150 (meters); 7 if 150 <= sseg_length < 200 (meters); 8 if 200 <= sseg_length < 300 (meters); 9 if 300 <= sseg_length.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 below_threshold9 equal_to_or_above_threshold9
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_sseg_length
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3l/sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_tide_equilibrium: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Equilibrium
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+- 0.04 m). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_equilibrium
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_tide_equilibrium
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_lseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Long Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Long Segment Length flag is set based on the length of the long segment. The flag is set as follows: 0 if Lseg_length < 500 (meters); 1 if 50 <= Lseg_length < 1500 (meters); 2 if 150 <= Lseg_length < 3000 (meters); 3 if 3000 <= Lseg_length
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 above_threshold4
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_lseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_lseg_length
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_significant_wave_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: SWH
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Significant wave height
origname: significant_wave_ht
fullnamepath: /gt3l/significant_wave_ht
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_bottom_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Bottom latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3l/bottom_lat
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt3l/cycle_number
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface backscatter amplitude was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the backscatter amplitude fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for backscatter amplitude is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_water_depth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water depth
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Depth from the mean water surface to detected bottom.
origname: water_depth
fullnamepath: /gt3l/water_depth
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_bias_em: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: EM Bias Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Electromagnetic Bias flag is set based on threshold checks for the estimated electromagnetic height bias. The flag is set as follows: -3 if H_bias_EM < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 < H_bias_EM < -0.05; -1 if -0.05 <= H_bias_EM < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 <= H_bias_EM < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 < H_bias_EM; 4 if H_bias_EM is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_bias_em
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_id_end: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: Last ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_end
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_id_end
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_stdev_vlseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the very long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_vlseg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_stdev_vlseg
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_apparent_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Apparent height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Apparent height of the short segment, before adjustments are made by the algorithm, based on an average of heights within a designated range of the short segment mode.
origname: segment_apparent_ht
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_apparent_ht
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_stdev_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface StDev
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of water surface, calculated over long segments with result reported at each short segment location tag contained within.
origname: stdev_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt3l/stdev_water_surf
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_met_wind10_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height from ATL09 input.
origname: met_wind10_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3l/met_wind10_atl09
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_iwp: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Inland Water Segment Processing Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 7
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the level of processing the inland water algorithm was able to perform based on the data available, ranging from one to 7.
flag_meanings: 1_short_segment 2_short_segments 3_to_5_short_segments 6_to_7_short_segments 8_to_9_short_segments 10_to_29_short_segments at_least_30_short_segments
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: qf_iwp
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_iwp
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/rgt
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_trigger_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767][ds_anom_trigger = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Anomalous classification flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Nine element array describing justification for short segment classification as anomalous, where for each element 0 = not triggered as anomalous and 1 = triggered as anomalous due to any of the following causes: [element 1=coarse ht difference, element 2=abnormal length, element 3= histogram mode spread, element 4=histogram mode count, element 5=histogram mode intensity, element 6=invalid long segment, element 7=shore buffer designation, element 8=insufficient signal phs, element 9=transect coarse water height unavailable against which to test short segment height]
flag_meanings: not_triggered_as_anomalous triggered_as_anomalous
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: anom_sseg_trigger_flag
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_trigger_flag
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each anomalous short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
_FillValue: 2147483647
origname: anom_sseg_quality
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_quality
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/transect_id
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/cycle_number
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lats).
origname: anom_sseg_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lat
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment standard deviation
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of anomalous short segment photon height in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >=2.
origname: anom_sseg_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_stdev
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_ht_delta: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height difference
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height difference between anom_sseg_mode of the anomalous short segment and the transect coarse_transect_ht.
origname: anom_sseg_ht_delta
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_ht_delta
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_length: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Segment length
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of the short segment, based on end points computed by the average of sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons.
origname: anom_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_length
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_coarse_transect_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Coarse water height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Coarse water height of transect.
origname: coarse_transect_ht
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/coarse_transect_ht
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mode: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Anomalous mode bin height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height of anomalous short segment as determined by histogram bin mode.
origname: anom_sseg_mode
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mode
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lons).
origname: anom_sseg_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lon
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height of anomalous short segment as determined by the mean of photon orthometric heights in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >2
origname: anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3l_segment_podppd_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 0
long_name: POD_PPD Flag
units: 1
source: ATL02, ANC04, ANC05
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 7
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Composite POD/PPD flag that indicates the quality of input geolocation products for the utilized ATL03 segments on an ATL13 short segment output basis. A non-zero value may indicate that geolocation solutions are degraded or that ATLAS is within a calibration scan period (CAL). The ATL03 sigma values should indicate the degree of uncertainty associated with the degradation. Possible non-CAL values are: 0=NOMINAL; 1=POD_DEGRADE; 2=PPD_DEGRADE; 3=PODPPD_DEGRADE; possible CAL values are: 4=CAL_NOMINAL; 5=CAL_POD_DEGRADE; 6=CAL_PPD_DEGRADE; 7=CAL_PODPPD_DEGRADE;
flag_meanings: nominal pod_degrade ppd_degrade podppd_degrade cal_nominal cal_pod_degrade cal_ppd_degrade cal_podppd_degrade
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: segment_podppd_flag
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_podppd_flag
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time
gt3l_qf_ht_adj: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height adjustment Quality Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (C)
valid_min: -4
valid_max: 5
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag representing the range of height, defined in 5.3.5 (C), which has been added to the apparent surface height due to frame of reference scaling during deconvolution analysis.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 equal_to_or_above_threshold8 invalid
flag_values: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: qf_ht_adj
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_ht_adj
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_full_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Full Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be fully saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_full_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_full_sat_fract
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_id_beg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: First ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_beg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_id_beg
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_subsurf_anomaly: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD 5.3.4(A)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the likelihood that the bottom or other subsurface anomaly is bottom based on the threshold value at which an anomaly was found. 1 = Subsurface anomaly due to bottom likely; 2 = Subsurface signal may indicate bottom or other anomaly; 3 = Possible subsurface anomaly; invalid = No subsurface anomaly detected
flag_meanings: bottom_likely bottom_or_other_anomaly possible_subsurface_anomaly
flag_values: 1, 2, 3
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface Anomaly Quality Flag
origname: qf_subsurf_anomaly
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_subsurf_anomaly
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface Attenuation
units: m^-1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Subsurface attenuation coefficient.
origname: subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt3l/subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_layer_flag_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Consolidated cloud flag.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: layer_flag_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3l/layer_flag_atl09
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_inland_water_body_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body region
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: ATL13-created shapefile representing relevant bodies of water over which to implement the ATL13 water surface finding algorithm only within a region of processing interest.
origname: inland_water_body_region
fullnamepath: /gt3l/inland_water_body_region
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3l/sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_cloud_flag_asr_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud probability from ASR.
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: cloud_flag_asr_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3l/cloud_flag_asr_atl09
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_ice_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, section 5.2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes likelihood of ice on water surface short segment.
flag_meanings: no_ice ice
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: ice_flag
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ice_flag
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3l/sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_ref_elev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from east-north plane and positive towards up.
origname: segment_ref_elev
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_ref_elev
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_lon
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat
gt3l_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height EGM2008 converted from ellipsoidal height.
origname: ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ht_ortho
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_lat
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water surface height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Water surface height, reported for each short segment (default length = approximately 100 signal photons) with reference to WGS84 ellipsoid
origname: ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_near_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Near Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be nearly saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_near_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_near_sat_fract
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_err_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height Error
units: 1
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in heights reported in ht_water_surf.
origname: err_ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt3l/err_ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_bottom_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3l/bottom_lon
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_bias_fit: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Goodness of fit bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Bias contribution from goodness of observation/system response fit. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_bias_fit
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_cloud: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL09
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow. From the ATL09 data closest to the segment time.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: qf_cloud
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_cloud
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_inland_water_body_source: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body source
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Source of Inland Water Body shape, where 1=HydroLAKES, 2=Global Lakes and Wetlands Database, 3=Named Marine Water Bodies, 4=GSHHG Shoreline, 5=Global River Widths from Landsat, 6=Reserved, 7=Reserved, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: HydroLAKES Global_Lakes_and_Wetlands_Database Named_Marine_Water_Bodies GSHHG_Shoreline Global_River_Widths_from_Landsat Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_source
fullnamepath: /gt3l/inland_water_body_source
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_tide_earth_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Segment rate value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system that was applied in ATL03 to photon heights to the ht_water_surf to the mean-tide system. Subtract value from ht_water_surf to reference it in the mean-tide system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_tide_earth_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_tide_earth_free2mean
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_stdev_lseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_lseg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_stdev_lseg
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_dem_source: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: dem source flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Flag equal to the source of the selected photon (in hierarchy of Arctic/Global/MSS/Antarctic). Values: 0=None, 1=Arctic, 2=Global, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
flag_meanings: none arctic global mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: segment_dem_source
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_dem_source
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_fpb_correction: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First photon bias correction. May be applied at user disrection by subtracting from mean height produts ht_ortho and ht_water_surf.
origname: segment_fpb_correction
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_fpb_correction
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_inland_water_body_size: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body size
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Size of Inland Water Body, A=area, where 0=Not_Assigned, 1=A>10,000 sq km, 2=10,000>A>=1,000, 3=1,000>A>=100, 4=100>A>=10, 5=10>A>=1, 6=1>A>=0.1, 7=0.01>A, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: not_assigned area_gt_10000 10000_gt_area_ge_1000 1000_gt_area_ge_100 100_gt_area_ge_10 10_gt_area_ge_1 1_gt_area_ge_0.1 0.01_gt_area Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_size
fullnamepath: /gt3l/inland_water_body_size
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_met_wind10_atl13: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height, based on derived water surface wave height.
origname: met_wind10_atl13
fullnamepath: /gt3l/met_wind10_atl13
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_snow_ice_atl09: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: NOAA snow/ice flag scaled by ATL09 (0=ice-free water, 1=snow-free land, 2=snow, 3=ice, 127=invalid)
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice invalid
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 127
origname: snow_ice_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3l/snow_ice_atl09
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_tide_ocean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Ocean
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis (+-4 m)). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_ocean
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_tide_ocean
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_err_slope_trk: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
units: 1
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Slope Error
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in segment_slope_trk_local.
origname: err_slope_trk
fullnamepath: /gt3l/err_slope_trk
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_slope_trk_bdy: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water Body Slope
units: m/m
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Along track water body surface slope, reported per short segment ID per water body.
origname: segment_slope_trk_bdy
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_slope_trk_bdy
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_sseg_mean_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3l/sseg_mean_lat
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_geoid_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Value to convert segment geoid heights from the mean-tide system to the tide-free system. Subtract this value from mean-tide system segment_geoid (on ATL13) to get geoid heights in the tide-free system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_geoid_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_geoid_free2mean
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_spec_width: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Spectral width Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 4.8.8
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Spectral moments width flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 when spec_width is invalid; 1 when 0 <= spec_width <= 0.2; 2 when 0.2 < spec_width <= 0.3; 3 when 0.3 < spec_width <= 0.4; 4 when 0.4 < spec_width <= 0.5; 5 when 0.5 < spec_width <= 0.6; 6 when 0.6 < spec_width <= 0.7; 7 when 0.7 < spec_width <= 0.8; 8 when 0.8 < spec_width <= 0.9; 9 when 0.9 < spec_width.
flag_meanings: invalid 0<=spec_width<=0.2 0.2 flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_spec_width
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_spec_width
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_qf_bckgrd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Background Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the degree of background photons present in each short segment. bckgrd_dnsty_threshold1= 0.001 (counts per bi per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold2= 0.01 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold3= 0.05 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold4= 0.1 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold5= 0.3 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold6= 0.5 (counts per bin per Lseg)
flag_meanings: equal_to_or_below_threshold1 equal_to_or_below_threshold2 equal_to_or_below_threshold3 equal_to_or_below_threshold4 equal_to_or_below_threshold5 equal_to_or_below_threshold6 above_threshold6
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
origname: qf_bckgrd
fullnamepath: /gt3l/qf_bckgrd
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_sseg_mean_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean time
standard_name: time
units: Seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_time
fullnamepath: /gt3l/sseg_mean_time
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_met_ts_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface temperature
standard_name: temperature
units: K
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Surface (skin) temperature from ATL09.
origname: met_ts_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3l/met_ts_atl09
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_bias_em: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Electromagnetic bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Electromagnetic bias. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_bias_em
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_dem_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: DEM Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
contentType: referenceInformation
description: DEM height relative to WGS-84 ellipsoid, reported at the short segment rate.
origname: segment_dem_ht
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_dem_ht
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude
units: 1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: Subsurface backscatter amplitude, described in section 4.5.3, reported per long segment (default length = 10 short segments = approximately 1000 signal photons).
origname: subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt3l/subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt3l_segment_dac: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment DAC
units: meters
source: ATBD Section 5.3.5A
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) effect (+- 5 cm). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provided mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_dac
fullnamepath: /gt3l/segment_dac
coordinates: gt3l_delta_time gt3l_segment_lat gt3l_segment_lon
gt2l_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt2l/rgt
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the laser beam vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot viewing toward the spacecraft (i.e., the vector from the ground to the spacecraft). When the spacecraft is precisely at the geodetic zenith, the value will be 99999 degrees.
origname: segment_azimuth
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_azimuth
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_bias_fit: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height Bias Fit Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The height bias fit flag is set based on the value of the goodness of fit bias estimated as the difference between the centroid elevations of the observed surface water histogram and fitted integrated water surface model histogram. The flag values are set as follows: = -3 if H_bias_fit < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 <= H_bias_fit < -0.05;-1 when -0.05 <= H_bias_fit < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 < H_bias_fit < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 <= H_bias_fit; 4 if H_bias_fit is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 equal_to_or_above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_bias_fit
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_sseg_mean_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2l/sseg_mean_lon
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_cloud_flag_atm_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud flag from backscatter profile.
origname: cloud_flag_atm_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2l/cloud_flag_atm_atl09
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_ice: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The quality flag for ice describes the likelihood of ice on the short water body surface segment. 0 for QF_Bckgrd<= 2; 1 for 2 < QF_Bckgrd<= 4; 2 for 4 < QF_Bckgrd; 3 for (4 < QF_Bckgrd and QF_Cloud=1)
flag_meanings: qf_bckgrd_le_2 qf_bckgrd_le_4 qf_bckgrd_gt_4 qf_bckgrd_w_cloud
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_ice
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_ice
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt2l/transect_id
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_inland_water_body_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body type
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Type of Inland Water Body, where 1=Lake, 2=Known Reservoir, 3=(Reserved for future use), 4=Ephemeral Water, 5=River, 6=Estuary or Bay, 7=Coastal Water, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: Lake Known_Reservoir Reserved_for_future_use Ephemeral_Water River Estuary_or_Bay Coastal_Water Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_type
fullnamepath: /gt2l/inland_water_body_type
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_inland_water_body_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Identifying signature of an individual inland water body. Each body of water is represented by a unique numeric value.
origname: inland_water_body_id
fullnamepath: /gt2l/inland_water_body_id
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2l/sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface attenuation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface attenuation was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum (initial) limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the subsurface attenuation fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for subsurface attenuation is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
origname: segment_quality
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_quality
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_geoid: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Geoid
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Applicable mean-tide system geoid value at reporting location for all short segment statistics. (see geoid_free2mean to convert to the tide-free system.)
origname: segment_geoid
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_geoid
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_sseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Short Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Length of short segments flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 if sseg_length < 10 (meters); 1 if 10 <= sseg_length < 20 (meters); 2 if 20 <= sseg_length < 30 (meters); 3 if 30 <= sseg_length < 50 (meters); 4 if 50 <= sseg_length < 75 (meters); 5 if 75 <= sseg_length < 100 (meters); 6 if 100 <= sseg_length < 150 (meters); 7 if 150 <= sseg_length < 200 (meters); 8 if 200 <= sseg_length < 300 (meters); 9 if 300 <= sseg_length.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 below_threshold9 equal_to_or_above_threshold9
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_sseg_length
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2l/sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_tide_equilibrium: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Equilibrium
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+- 0.04 m). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_equilibrium
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_tide_equilibrium
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_lseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Long Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Long Segment Length flag is set based on the length of the long segment. The flag is set as follows: 0 if Lseg_length < 500 (meters); 1 if 50 <= Lseg_length < 1500 (meters); 2 if 150 <= Lseg_length < 3000 (meters); 3 if 3000 <= Lseg_length
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 above_threshold4
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_lseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_lseg_length
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_significant_wave_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: SWH
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Significant wave height
origname: significant_wave_ht
fullnamepath: /gt2l/significant_wave_ht
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_bottom_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Bottom latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2l/bottom_lat
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt2l/cycle_number
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface backscatter amplitude was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the backscatter amplitude fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for backscatter amplitude is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_water_depth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water depth
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Depth from the mean water surface to detected bottom.
origname: water_depth
fullnamepath: /gt2l/water_depth
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_bias_em: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: EM Bias Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Electromagnetic Bias flag is set based on threshold checks for the estimated electromagnetic height bias. The flag is set as follows: -3 if H_bias_EM < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 < H_bias_EM < -0.05; -1 if -0.05 <= H_bias_EM < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 <= H_bias_EM < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 < H_bias_EM; 4 if H_bias_EM is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_bias_em
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_id_end: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: Last ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_end
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_id_end
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_stdev_vlseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the very long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_vlseg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_stdev_vlseg
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_apparent_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Apparent height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Apparent height of the short segment, before adjustments are made by the algorithm, based on an average of heights within a designated range of the short segment mode.
origname: segment_apparent_ht
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_apparent_ht
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_stdev_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface StDev
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of water surface, calculated over long segments with result reported at each short segment location tag contained within.
origname: stdev_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt2l/stdev_water_surf
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_met_wind10_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height from ATL09 input.
origname: met_wind10_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2l/met_wind10_atl09
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_iwp: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Inland Water Segment Processing Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 7
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the level of processing the inland water algorithm was able to perform based on the data available, ranging from one to 7.
flag_meanings: 1_short_segment 2_short_segments 3_to_5_short_segments 6_to_7_short_segments 8_to_9_short_segments 10_to_29_short_segments at_least_30_short_segments
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: qf_iwp
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_iwp
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/rgt
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_trigger_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820][ds_anom_trigger = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Anomalous classification flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Nine element array describing justification for short segment classification as anomalous, where for each element 0 = not triggered as anomalous and 1 = triggered as anomalous due to any of the following causes: [element 1=coarse ht difference, element 2=abnormal length, element 3= histogram mode spread, element 4=histogram mode count, element 5=histogram mode intensity, element 6=invalid long segment, element 7=shore buffer designation, element 8=insufficient signal phs, element 9=transect coarse water height unavailable against which to test short segment height]
flag_meanings: not_triggered_as_anomalous triggered_as_anomalous
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: anom_sseg_trigger_flag
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_trigger_flag
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each anomalous short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
_FillValue: 2147483647
origname: anom_sseg_quality
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_quality
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/transect_id
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/cycle_number
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lats).
origname: anom_sseg_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lat
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment standard deviation
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of anomalous short segment photon height in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >=2.
origname: anom_sseg_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_stdev
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_ht_delta: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height difference
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height difference between anom_sseg_mode of the anomalous short segment and the transect coarse_transect_ht.
origname: anom_sseg_ht_delta
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_ht_delta
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_length: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Segment length
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of the short segment, based on end points computed by the average of sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons.
origname: anom_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_length
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_coarse_transect_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Coarse water height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Coarse water height of transect.
origname: coarse_transect_ht
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/coarse_transect_ht
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mode: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Anomalous mode bin height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height of anomalous short segment as determined by histogram bin mode.
origname: anom_sseg_mode
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mode
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lons).
origname: anom_sseg_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lon
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height of anomalous short segment as determined by the mean of photon orthometric heights in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >2
origname: anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt2l_segment_podppd_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 0
long_name: POD_PPD Flag
units: 1
source: ATL02, ANC04, ANC05
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 7
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Composite POD/PPD flag that indicates the quality of input geolocation products for the utilized ATL03 segments on an ATL13 short segment output basis. A non-zero value may indicate that geolocation solutions are degraded or that ATLAS is within a calibration scan period (CAL). The ATL03 sigma values should indicate the degree of uncertainty associated with the degradation. Possible non-CAL values are: 0=NOMINAL; 1=POD_DEGRADE; 2=PPD_DEGRADE; 3=PODPPD_DEGRADE; possible CAL values are: 4=CAL_NOMINAL; 5=CAL_POD_DEGRADE; 6=CAL_PPD_DEGRADE; 7=CAL_PODPPD_DEGRADE;
flag_meanings: nominal pod_degrade ppd_degrade podppd_degrade cal_nominal cal_pod_degrade cal_ppd_degrade cal_podppd_degrade
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: segment_podppd_flag
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_podppd_flag
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time
gt2l_qf_ht_adj: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height adjustment Quality Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (C)
valid_min: -4
valid_max: 5
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag representing the range of height, defined in 5.3.5 (C), which has been added to the apparent surface height due to frame of reference scaling during deconvolution analysis.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 equal_to_or_above_threshold8 invalid
flag_values: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: qf_ht_adj
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_ht_adj
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_full_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Full Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be fully saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_full_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_full_sat_fract
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_id_beg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: First ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_beg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_id_beg
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_subsurf_anomaly: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD 5.3.4(A)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the likelihood that the bottom or other subsurface anomaly is bottom based on the threshold value at which an anomaly was found. 1 = Subsurface anomaly due to bottom likely; 2 = Subsurface signal may indicate bottom or other anomaly; 3 = Possible subsurface anomaly; invalid = No subsurface anomaly detected
flag_meanings: bottom_likely bottom_or_other_anomaly possible_subsurface_anomaly
flag_values: 1, 2, 3
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface Anomaly Quality Flag
origname: qf_subsurf_anomaly
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_subsurf_anomaly
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface Attenuation
units: m^-1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Subsurface attenuation coefficient.
origname: subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt2l/subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_layer_flag_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Consolidated cloud flag.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: layer_flag_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2l/layer_flag_atl09
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_inland_water_body_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body region
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: ATL13-created shapefile representing relevant bodies of water over which to implement the ATL13 water surface finding algorithm only within a region of processing interest.
origname: inland_water_body_region
fullnamepath: /gt2l/inland_water_body_region
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2l/sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_cloud_flag_asr_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud probability from ASR.
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: cloud_flag_asr_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2l/cloud_flag_asr_atl09
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_ice_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, section 5.2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes likelihood of ice on water surface short segment.
flag_meanings: no_ice ice
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: ice_flag
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ice_flag
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2l/sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_ref_elev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from east-north plane and positive towards up.
origname: segment_ref_elev
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_ref_elev
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_lon
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat
gt2l_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height EGM2008 converted from ellipsoidal height.
origname: ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ht_ortho
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_lat
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water surface height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Water surface height, reported for each short segment (default length = approximately 100 signal photons) with reference to WGS84 ellipsoid
origname: ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_near_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Near Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be nearly saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_near_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_near_sat_fract
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_err_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height Error
units: 1
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in heights reported in ht_water_surf.
origname: err_ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt2l/err_ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_bottom_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lon
fullnamepath: /gt2l/bottom_lon
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_bias_fit: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Goodness of fit bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Bias contribution from goodness of observation/system response fit. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_bias_fit
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_cloud: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL09
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow. From the ATL09 data closest to the segment time.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: qf_cloud
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_cloud
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_inland_water_body_source: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body source
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Source of Inland Water Body shape, where 1=HydroLAKES, 2=Global Lakes and Wetlands Database, 3=Named Marine Water Bodies, 4=GSHHG Shoreline, 5=Global River Widths from Landsat, 6=Reserved, 7=Reserved, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: HydroLAKES Global_Lakes_and_Wetlands_Database Named_Marine_Water_Bodies GSHHG_Shoreline Global_River_Widths_from_Landsat Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_source
fullnamepath: /gt2l/inland_water_body_source
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_tide_earth_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Segment rate value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system that was applied in ATL03 to photon heights to the ht_water_surf to the mean-tide system. Subtract value from ht_water_surf to reference it in the mean-tide system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_tide_earth_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_tide_earth_free2mean
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_stdev_lseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_lseg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_stdev_lseg
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_dem_source: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: dem source flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Flag equal to the source of the selected photon (in hierarchy of Arctic/Global/MSS/Antarctic). Values: 0=None, 1=Arctic, 2=Global, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
flag_meanings: none arctic global mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: segment_dem_source
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_dem_source
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_fpb_correction: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First photon bias correction. May be applied at user disrection by subtracting from mean height produts ht_ortho and ht_water_surf.
origname: segment_fpb_correction
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_fpb_correction
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_inland_water_body_size: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body size
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Size of Inland Water Body, A=area, where 0=Not_Assigned, 1=A>10,000 sq km, 2=10,000>A>=1,000, 3=1,000>A>=100, 4=100>A>=10, 5=10>A>=1, 6=1>A>=0.1, 7=0.01>A, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: not_assigned area_gt_10000 10000_gt_area_ge_1000 1000_gt_area_ge_100 100_gt_area_ge_10 10_gt_area_ge_1 1_gt_area_ge_0.1 0.01_gt_area Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_size
fullnamepath: /gt2l/inland_water_body_size
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_met_wind10_atl13: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height, based on derived water surface wave height.
origname: met_wind10_atl13
fullnamepath: /gt2l/met_wind10_atl13
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_snow_ice_atl09: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: NOAA snow/ice flag scaled by ATL09 (0=ice-free water, 1=snow-free land, 2=snow, 3=ice, 127=invalid)
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice invalid
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 127
origname: snow_ice_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2l/snow_ice_atl09
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_tide_ocean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Ocean
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis (+-4 m)). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_ocean
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_tide_ocean
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_err_slope_trk: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
units: 1
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Slope Error
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in segment_slope_trk_local.
origname: err_slope_trk
fullnamepath: /gt2l/err_slope_trk
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_slope_trk_bdy: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water Body Slope
units: m/m
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Along track water body surface slope, reported per short segment ID per water body.
origname: segment_slope_trk_bdy
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_slope_trk_bdy
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_sseg_mean_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lat
fullnamepath: /gt2l/sseg_mean_lat
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_geoid_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Value to convert segment geoid heights from the mean-tide system to the tide-free system. Subtract this value from mean-tide system segment_geoid (on ATL13) to get geoid heights in the tide-free system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_geoid_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_geoid_free2mean
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_spec_width: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Spectral width Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 4.8.8
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Spectral moments width flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 when spec_width is invalid; 1 when 0 <= spec_width <= 0.2; 2 when 0.2 < spec_width <= 0.3; 3 when 0.3 < spec_width <= 0.4; 4 when 0.4 < spec_width <= 0.5; 5 when 0.5 < spec_width <= 0.6; 6 when 0.6 < spec_width <= 0.7; 7 when 0.7 < spec_width <= 0.8; 8 when 0.8 < spec_width <= 0.9; 9 when 0.9 < spec_width.
flag_meanings: invalid 0<=spec_width<=0.2 0.2 flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_spec_width
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_spec_width
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_qf_bckgrd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Background Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the degree of background photons present in each short segment. bckgrd_dnsty_threshold1= 0.001 (counts per bi per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold2= 0.01 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold3= 0.05 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold4= 0.1 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold5= 0.3 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold6= 0.5 (counts per bin per Lseg)
flag_meanings: equal_to_or_below_threshold1 equal_to_or_below_threshold2 equal_to_or_below_threshold3 equal_to_or_below_threshold4 equal_to_or_below_threshold5 equal_to_or_below_threshold6 above_threshold6
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
origname: qf_bckgrd
fullnamepath: /gt2l/qf_bckgrd
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_sseg_mean_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean time
standard_name: time
units: Seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_time
fullnamepath: /gt2l/sseg_mean_time
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_met_ts_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface temperature
standard_name: temperature
units: K
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Surface (skin) temperature from ATL09.
origname: met_ts_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt2l/met_ts_atl09
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_bias_em: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Electromagnetic bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Electromagnetic bias. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_bias_em
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_dem_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: DEM Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
contentType: referenceInformation
description: DEM height relative to WGS-84 ellipsoid, reported at the short segment rate.
origname: segment_dem_ht
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_dem_ht
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude
units: 1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: Subsurface backscatter amplitude, described in section 4.5.3, reported per long segment (default length = 10 short segments = approximately 1000 signal photons).
origname: subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt2l/subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
gt2l_segment_dac: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment DAC
units: meters
source: ATBD Section 5.3.5A
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) effect (+- 5 cm). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provided mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_dac
fullnamepath: /gt2l/segment_dac
coordinates: gt2l_delta_time gt2l_segment_lat gt2l_segment_lon
ancillary_data_release: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Release Number
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Release number of the granule. The release number is incremented when the software or ancillary data used to create the granule has been changed.
origname: release
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/release
ancillary_data_end_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Geolocation Segment
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending geolocation segment number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat granule geographic regions are further refined by geolocation segments. During the geolocation process, a geolocation segment is created approximately every 20m from the start of the orbit to the end. The geolocation segments help align the ATLAS strong a weak beams and provide a common segment length for the L2 and higher products. The geolocation segment indices differ slightly from orbit-to-orbit because of the irregular shape of the Earth. The geolocation segment indices on ATL01 and ATL02 are only approximate because beams have not been aligned at the time of their creation.
origname: end_geoseg
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_geoseg
ancillary_data_version: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Version
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Version number of this granule within the release. It is a sequential number corresponding to the number of times the granule has been reprocessed for the current release.
origname: version
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/version
ancillary_data_end_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Region
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending product-specific region number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat-2 data products are separated by geographic regions. The data contained within a specific region are the same for ATL01 and ATL02. ATL03 regions differ slightly because of different geolocation segment locations caused by the irregular shape of the Earth. The region indices for other products are completely independent.
origname: end_region
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_region
ancillary_data_atlas_sdp_gps_epoch: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: ATLAS Epoch Offset
units: seconds since 1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS Standard Data Product (SDP) epoch (2018-01-01:T00.00.00.000000 UTC). Add this value to delta time parameters to compute full gps_seconds (relative to the GPS epoch) for each data point.
origname: atlas_sdp_gps_epoch
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch
ancillary_data_end_rgt: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Reference Groundtrack
units: 1
source: Derived
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending reference groundtrack (RGT) number associated with the data contained within this granule. There are 1387 reference groundtrack in the ICESat-2 repeat orbit. The reference groundtrack increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth and resets to 1 each time the spacecraft completes a full cycle.
origname: end_rgt
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_rgt
ancillary_data_end_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: ATLAS End Time (Actual)
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch at the last data point in the file. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: end_delta_time
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_delta_time
ancillary_data_end_orbit: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Orbit Number
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending orbit number associated with the data contained within this granule. The orbit number increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth.
origname: end_orbit
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_orbit
ancillary_data_start_cycle: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Cycle
units: 1
source: Derived
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 99
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting cycle number associated with the data contained within this granule. The cycle number is the counter of the number of 91-day repeat cycles completed by the mission.
origname: start_cycle
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_cycle
ancillary_data_data_end_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: End UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Actual)
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: UTC (in CCSDS-A format) of the last data point within the granule.
origname: data_end_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/data_end_utc
ancillary_data_control: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Control File
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: PGE-specific control file used to generate this granule. To re-use, replace breaks (BR) with linefeeds.
origname: control
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/control
ancillary_data_start_gpssow: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Start GPS SOW of Granule (Actual)
units: seconds
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: GPS seconds-of-week of the first data point in the granule.
origname: start_gpssow
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_gpssow
ancillary_data_granule_end_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: End UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Requested)
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Requested end time (in UTC CCSDS-A) of this granule.
origname: granule_end_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/granule_end_utc
ancillary_data_end_cycle: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Cycle
units: 1
source: Derived
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 99
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending cycle number associated with the data contained within this granule. The cycle number is the counter of the number of 91-day repeat cycles completed by the mission.
origname: end_cycle
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_cycle
ancillary_data_granule_start_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Start UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Requested)
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Requested start time (in UTC CCSDS-A) of this granule.
origname: granule_start_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/granule_start_utc
ancillary_data_start_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: ATLAS Start Time (Actual)
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch at the first data point in the file. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: start_delta_time
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_delta_time
ancillary_data_start_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Geolocation Segment
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting geolocation segment number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat granule geographic regions are further refined by geolocation segments. During the geolocation process, a geolocation segment is created approximately every 20m from the start of the orbit to the end. The geolocation segments help align the ATLAS strong a weak beams and provide a common segment length for the L2 and higher products. The geolocation segment indices differ slightly from orbit-to-orbit because of the irregular shape of the Earth. The geolocation segment indices on ATL01 and ATL02 are only approximate because beams have not been aligned at the time of their creation.
origname: start_geoseg
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_geoseg
ancillary_data_inland_water_n_coarse_iter: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim2 = 0..2]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Number of coarse iterations
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of coarse iteration steps for amplitude, mean height and standard deviation for surface iterated convolution.
origname: n_coarse_iter
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/n_coarse_iter
ancillary_data_inland_water_atm_window2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: ATM Background Window Top
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Upper limit of height above coarse water surface height for atmospheric background count calculation.
origname: atm_window2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/atm_window2
ancillary_data_inland_water_b1_sseg1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Small Segment Bin Size
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Bin size to be used for histogramming of each small segment.
origname: b1_sseg1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/b1_sseg1
ancillary_data_inland_water_s_seg1: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Short Segment Length
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 500
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Short segment size, indicating the number of along track signal photons per segment, operationally used as unit length over which to identify water surface height anomalies such as islands, bridges, etc.
origname: s_seg1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/s_seg1
ancillary_data_inland_water_detrend_width: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Detrend Width
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of standard deviations +/- mode to include in detrend band.
origname: detrend_width
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/detrend_width
ancillary_data_inland_water_sub_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Subsurf Max Vertical Profile
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Maximum vertical profile of water subsurface to include in estimation of subsurface characteristics
origname: sub_max
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/sub_max
ancillary_data_inland_water_lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim3 = 0..1]
long_name: Subsurface parameters
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Coefficient multiplier of unit exponential distribution and subsurface alpha_unit maximum values of iteration loops used in deconvolution, described in section 5.3.4 (A), based on water body type.
origname: lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_max
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_max
ancillary_data_inland_water_ref_dist_iw_bdy: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Reference Difference
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Maximum distance from a water body that a geosegment reference photon indicates the need for overlap testing each individual photon in the geosegment
origname: ref_dist_iw_bdy
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/ref_dist_iw_bdy
ancillary_data_inland_water_geoseg_edge_buffer: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim5 = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: geosegment edge buffer
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2, Table 5-2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of geosegments to include in the water surface calculation that are outside of both water body edges, as identified by reference photon location comparison to water body shapes.
flag_meanings: buffer_0 buffer_1 buffer_2 buffer_3 buffer_4 buffer_5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: geoseg_edge_buffer
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/geoseg_edge_buffer
ancillary_data_inland_water_sseg_mode_freq_test: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Short Segment Mode Frequency Test
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Threshold to test number of short segment histogram modes against for inclusion or exclusion of short segment.
origname: sseg_mode_freq_test
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/sseg_mode_freq_test
ancillary_data_inland_water_type_to_process: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Type to Process
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section, Table 5-4
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Water body types that are to be processed by the ATL13 algorithm. This parameter is a rank 1 array of extent 9, with the body type digits coinciding with the array subscripts 1 through 9. Array elements are binary values, if 0 then process body type, 1 otherwise. Water body types are described in ATL13 chapter and in Table 5-4.
flag_meanings: process_type otherwise
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: type_to_process
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/type_to_process
ancillary_data_inland_water_sig_threshold: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Signal Confidence Threshold
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Minimum signal confidence required for photon to be included in analysis
origname: sig_threshold
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/sig_threshold
ancillary_data_inland_water_size_to_process: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim7 = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Size to Process
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section, Table 5-4
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Water body sizes that are to be processed by the ATL13 algorithm for each water body type. This parameter is a rank 2 array of size 9x9, where array subscripts 1 through 9, coincide with body type digits along columns, and body size digits along rows. Array elements are binary values, if 0 then process body size for that type, 1 otherwise. Water body sizes are described in ATL13 chapter and in Table 5-4.
flag_meanings: process_size otherwise
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: size_to_process
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/size_to_process
ancillary_data_inland_water_lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim3 = 0..1]
long_name: Subsurface parameters
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Coefficient multiplier of unit exponential distribution and subsurface alpha_unit minimum values of iteration loops used in deconvolution, described in section 5.3.4 (A), based on water body type.
origname: lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_min
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_min
ancillary_data_inland_water_lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_incr: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim3 = 0..1]
long_name: Subsurface parameters
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Iteration loop coefficient multiplier of unit exponential distribution and subsurface alpha_unit step increments used in deconvolution, described in section 5.3.4 (A), based on water body type.
origname: lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_incr
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/lidar_coeff_alpha_unit_incr
ancillary_data_inland_water_gauss_pk_thres: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Gaussian Peak Threshold
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Fraction of the peak amplitude above which Gaussian fit error analysis is executed (ie, calculate error on Gaussian only between the peak amplitude and gauss_pk_thres * peak)
origname: gauss_pk_thres
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/gauss_pk_thres
ancillary_data_inland_water_sseg_mode_cnt_test: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim8 = 0..5]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Short segment mode count test
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
valid_min: 7
valid_max: 10
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Threshold to test number of values contained in short segment histogram multimodes against for inclusion or exclusion of short segment
flag_meanings: sseg_stdev_thres_1 sseg_stdev_thres_2 sseg_stdev_thres_3 sseg_stdev_thres_4 sseg_stdev_thres_5 sseg_stdev_thres_6
flag_values: 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 7
origname: sseg_mode_cnt_test
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/sseg_mode_cnt_test
ancillary_data_inland_water_shore_buffer: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim10 = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2, Table 5-2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of near-shore short segments to ignore in analysis due to near-shore influences.
flag_meanings: buffer_0 buffer_1
flag_values: 0, 1
long_name: Shore buffer
units: 1
origname: shore_buffer
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/shore_buffer
ancillary_data_inland_water_h_mavg_c: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Num Depth Bins C
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of bins over which to calculate moving average
origname: h_mavg_c
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/h_mavg_c
ancillary_data_inland_water_bckgrd_threshold: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim3 = 0..1]
long_name: Background Threshold
units: counts/sec
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Thresholds outside of which computed background is flagged (High, Low).
origname: bckgrd_threshold
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/bckgrd_threshold
ancillary_data_inland_water_n2: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..8]
long_name: refractive index of water
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD Section 5.3.2 C
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Refractive index of water for a processed water body.
origname: n2
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/n2
ancillary_data_inland_water_f2_d_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Minimum Distance Thres
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Minimum distance threshold between photons required for inclusion in algorithm.
origname: f2_d_min
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/f2_d_min
ancillary_data_inland_water_max_gseg_search: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Max Geoseg Search Radius
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Maximum number of geosegments in either direction to search for reported water surface heights
origname: max_gseg_search
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/max_gseg_search
ancillary_data_inland_water_sseg_length_test: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..8]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Short Segment Length Test
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
valid_min: 1.000000000
valid_max: 500.0000000
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Threshold by which to test the length of a short segment to determine anomalous or not anomalous, varying by water body type.
origname: sseg_length_test
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/sseg_length_test
ancillary_data_inland_water_h_mavg_a: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Num Depth Bins A
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of depth bins over which to compute H_mavg_a
origname: h_mavg_a
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/h_mavg_a
ancillary_data_inland_water_signal_window_bottom: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Signal Window Bottom
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Lower limit below coarse water surface to include photons for analysis.
origname: signal_window_bottom
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/signal_window_bottom
ancillary_data_inland_water_amp_mean_sig_min: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim2 = 0..2]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: iteration loop minimum values
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Amplitude, mean, and sigma minimum values of iteration loops used in deconvolution described in section 5.3.4(B)
origname: amp_mean_sig_min
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/amp_mean_sig_min
ancillary_data_inland_water_amp_mean_sig_nskip: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim2 = 0..2]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Skip factor for surface iterated convolution
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of amplitude, mean height and standard deviation values skipped based on body type, within coarse iteration loops of amplitude, HM_unit and sigma_unit used in deconvolution described in section 5.3.4 (B), to determine an approximate error minimum location over the surface profile range.
origname: amp_mean_sig_nskip
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/amp_mean_sig_nskip
ancillary_data_inland_water_c_fresnel: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Fresnel Coeff
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Fresnel specular reflection coefficient @ 532 nm
origname: c_fresnel
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/c_fresnel
ancillary_data_inland_water_sseg_mode_spread_test: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Short Segment Mode Spread Test
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Threshold to test distance between short segment histogram multimodes against for inclusion or exclusion of short segment.
origname: sseg_mode_spread_test
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/sseg_mode_spread_test
ancillary_data_inland_water_anmly_test: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim1 = 0..8][FakeDim11 = 0..11]
long_name: Anomaly Test
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Array containing threshold values against which to test segments for heights that are anomalous to the rest of the water surface. The anmly_test value is selected based on the corresponding length of the water body crossing, calculated in the code as iw_bdy_xlen_flag. The mode of each segment histogram will be tested against ht_water_coarse and marked as anomalous if the difference is greater than the anomaly test value associated with the segment crossing length.
origname: anmly_test
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/anmly_test
ancillary_data_inland_water_h_mavg_b: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Num Depth Bins B
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of depth bins over which to compute H_mavg_b
origname: h_mavg_b
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/h_mavg_b
ancillary_data_inland_water_b_long: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Long Bin Size
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Bin size to be used by which to establish a histogram of long segments.
origname: b_long
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/b_long
ancillary_data_inland_water_amp_mean_sig_incr: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim2 = 0..2]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: iteration loop increments
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Iteration loop amplitude, mean, and sigma step increments used in deconvolution described in section 5.3.4(B)
origname: amp_mean_sig_incr
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/amp_mean_sig_incr
ancillary_data_inland_water_bin_detrend: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Detrend Bin Size
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Bin size used to establish a band of heights over which to determine the detrending equation.
origname: bin_detrend
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/bin_detrend
ancillary_data_inland_water_atm_window1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: ATM Background Window Bottom
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Lower limit of height above coarse water surface height for atmospheric background count calculation.
origname: atm_window1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/atm_window1
ancillary_data_inland_water_m_avg_d: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Num Depth Bins D
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of depth bins over which to compute P_ht_long_subsurf_mavg
origname: m_avg_d
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/m_avg_d
ancillary_data_inland_water_amp_mean_sig_max: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim2 = 0..2]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: iteration loop maximum values
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Amplitude, mean, and sigma maximum values of iteration loops used in deconvolution described in section 5.3.4(B)
origname: amp_mean_sig_max
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/amp_mean_sig_max
ancillary_data_inland_water_l_surf: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Long Surface Segment Size
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
valid_min: 10
valid_max: 5000
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long segment size, operationally used as unit length over which to detrend the water surface, characterize the surface, and deconvolve the instrument pulse and subsurface effects from the water surface response.
origname: l_surf
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/l_surf
ancillary_data_inland_water_signal_window_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Signal Window Top
units: meters
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Upper limit above coarse water surface to include photons for analysis.
origname: signal_window_top
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/signal_window_top
ancillary_data_inland_water_lsbr_threshold: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: LSBR Threshold
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Threshold at which the LSBR indicates a significant transition from signal photon richness to noise.
origname: lsbr_threshold
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/lsbr_threshold
ancillary_data_inland_water_l_sub: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim1 = 0..8]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Long subsurface segment size
units: 1
source: ATBD Table 5-2
valid_min: 30
valid_max: 15000
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long segment size, operationally used as unit length over which to characterize the subsurface, and deconvolve the instrument pulse and subsurface effects from the water surface response.
origname: l_sub
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/l_sub
ancillary_data_inland_water_b2_sseg1: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Small Segment Height Bin Size
units: meters
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Bin size to be used for histogramming of small segment heights.
source: ATBD Table 5-2
origname: b2_sseg1
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/b2_sseg1
ancillary_data_inland_water_shore_buff_sseg_length: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Shore buffer short segment length
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2, Table 5-2
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Maximum length of a short segment that can be marked as anomalous due to shore buffering.
origname: shore_buff_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/inland_water/shore_buff_sseg_length
ancillary_data_start_orbit: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Orbit Number
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting orbit number associated with the data contained within this granule. The orbit number increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth.
origname: start_orbit
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_orbit
ancillary_data_data_start_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Start UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Actual)
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: UTC (in CCSDS-A format) of the first data point within the granule.
origname: data_start_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/data_start_utc
ancillary_data_end_gpsweek: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending GPSWeek of Granule (Actual)
units: weeks from 1980-01-06
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: GPS week number of the last data point in the granule.
origname: end_gpsweek
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_gpsweek
ancillary_data_start_rgt: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Reference Groundtrack
units: 1
source: Derived
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting reference groundtrack (RGT) number associated with the data contained within this granule. There are 1387 reference groundtrack in the ICESat-2 repeat orbit. The reference groundtrack increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth and resets to 1 each time the spacecraft completes a full cycle.
origname: start_rgt
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_rgt
ancillary_data_end_gpssow: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending GPS SOW of Granule (Actual)
units: seconds
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: GPS seconds-of-week of the last data point in the granule.
origname: end_gpssow
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_gpssow
ancillary_data_start_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Region
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting product-specific region number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat-2 data products are separated by geographic regions. The data contained within a specific region are the same for ATL01 and ATL02. ATL03 regions differ slightly because of different geolocation segment locations caused by the irregular shape of the Earth. The region indices for other products are completely independent.
origname: start_region
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_region
ancillary_data_start_gpsweek: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Start GPSWeek of Granule (Actual)
units: weeks from 1980-01-06
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: GPS week number of the first data point in the granule.
origname: start_gpsweek
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_gpsweek
gt3r_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt3r/rgt
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_azimuth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The direction, eastwards from north, of the laser beam vector as seen by an observer at the laser ground spot viewing toward the spacecraft (i.e., the vector from the ground to the spacecraft). When the spacecraft is precisely at the geodetic zenith, the value will be 99999 degrees.
origname: segment_azimuth
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_azimuth
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_bias_fit: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height Bias Fit Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The height bias fit flag is set based on the value of the goodness of fit bias estimated as the difference between the centroid elevations of the observed surface water histogram and fitted integrated water surface model histogram. The flag values are set as follows: = -3 if H_bias_fit < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 <= H_bias_fit < -0.05;-1 when -0.05 <= H_bias_fit < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_fit < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 < H_bias_fit < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 <= H_bias_fit; 4 if H_bias_fit is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 equal_to_or_above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_bias_fit
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_sseg_mean_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3r/sseg_mean_lon
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_cloud_flag_atm_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag Atm
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 10
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud flag from backscatter profile.
origname: cloud_flag_atm_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3r/cloud_flag_atm_atl09
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_ice: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The quality flag for ice describes the likelihood of ice on the short water body surface segment. 0 for QF_Bckgrd<= 2; 1 for 2 < QF_Bckgrd<= 4; 2 for 4 < QF_Bckgrd; 3 for (4 < QF_Bckgrd and QF_Cloud=1)
flag_meanings: qf_bckgrd_le_2 qf_bckgrd_le_4 qf_bckgrd_gt_4 qf_bckgrd_w_cloud
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_ice
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_ice
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt3r/transect_id
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_inland_water_body_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body type
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Type of Inland Water Body, where 1=Lake, 2=Known Reservoir, 3=(Reserved for future use), 4=Ephemeral Water, 5=River, 6=Estuary or Bay, 7=Coastal Water, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: Lake Known_Reservoir Reserved_for_future_use Ephemeral_Water River Estuary_or_Bay Coastal_Water Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_type
fullnamepath: /gt3r/inland_water_body_type
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_inland_water_body_id: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Identifying signature of an individual inland water body. Each body of water is represented by a unique numeric value.
origname: inland_water_body_id
fullnamepath: /gt3r/inland_water_body_id
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3r/sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface attenuation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface attenuation was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum (initial) limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the subsurface attenuation fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for subsurface attenuation is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
origname: segment_quality
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_quality
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_geoid: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Geoid
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Applicable mean-tide system geoid value at reporting location for all short segment statistics. (see geoid_free2mean to convert to the tide-free system.)
origname: segment_geoid
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_geoid
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_sseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Short Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Length of short segments flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 if sseg_length < 10 (meters); 1 if 10 <= sseg_length < 20 (meters); 2 if 20 <= sseg_length < 30 (meters); 3 if 30 <= sseg_length < 50 (meters); 4 if 50 <= sseg_length < 75 (meters); 5 if 75 <= sseg_length < 100 (meters); 6 if 100 <= sseg_length < 150 (meters); 7 if 150 <= sseg_length < 200 (meters); 8 if 200 <= sseg_length < 300 (meters); 9 if 300 <= sseg_length.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 below_threshold9 equal_to_or_above_threshold9
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_sseg_length
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3r/sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_tide_equilibrium: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Equilibrium
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+- 0.04 m). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_equilibrium
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_tide_equilibrium
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_lseg_length: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Long Segment Length flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Long Segment Length flag is set based on the length of the long segment. The flag is set as follows: 0 if Lseg_length < 500 (meters); 1 if 50 <= Lseg_length < 1500 (meters); 2 if 150 <= Lseg_length < 3000 (meters); 3 if 3000 <= Lseg_length
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 above_threshold4
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3
origname: qf_lseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_lseg_length
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_significant_wave_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: SWH
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Significant wave height
origname: significant_wave_ht
fullnamepath: /gt3r/significant_wave_ht
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_bottom_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Bottom latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3r/bottom_lat
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt3r/cycle_number
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
valid_min: -2
valid_max: 2
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating whether or not the reported subsurface backscatter amplitude was constrained during deconvolution by the minimum limit in the possible range (QF=-1), the maximum limit in the possible range (QF = 1), or was allowed to settle on a solution within the possible range (QF=0). For analysis prior to deconvolution of the backscatter amplitude fit to the observations, the flag indicates whether the value determined by attempting to fit the observations was below (QF= -2), above (QF= 2), or within (QF=0) the possible range of expected values. When the default value for backscatter amplitude is chosen due to any condition other than those defined by an existing quality flag, QF=invalid.
flag_meanings: obs_fit_below_range initial_limit within_range maximum_limit obs_fit_above_range
flag_values: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
origname: qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_water_depth: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water depth
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Depth from the mean water surface to detected bottom.
origname: water_depth
fullnamepath: /gt3r/water_depth
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_bias_em: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: EM Bias Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: -3
valid_max: 4
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The Electromagnetic Bias flag is set based on threshold checks for the estimated electromagnetic height bias. The flag is set as follows: -3 if H_bias_EM < -0.10 (m); -2 if -0.10 < H_bias_EM < -0.05; -1 if -0.05 <= H_bias_EM < -0.01; 0 if -0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.01 (m); 1 if 0.01 <= H_bias_EM < 0.05; 2 if 0.05 <= H_bias_EM < 0.10; 3 if 0.10 < H_bias_EM; 4 if H_bias_EM is invalid.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 above_threshold6 invalid
flag_values: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: qf_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_bias_em
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_id_end: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: Last ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_end
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_id_end
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_stdev_vlseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the very long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_vlseg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_stdev_vlseg
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_apparent_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Apparent height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Apparent height of the short segment, before adjustments are made by the algorithm, based on an average of heights within a designated range of the short segment mode.
origname: segment_apparent_ht
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_apparent_ht
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_stdev_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface StDev
units: meters
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of water surface, calculated over long segments with result reported at each short segment location tag contained within.
origname: stdev_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt3r/stdev_water_surf
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_met_wind10_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height from ATL09 input.
origname: met_wind10_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3r/met_wind10_atl09
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_iwp: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Inland Water Segment Processing Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 7
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the level of processing the inland water algorithm was able to perform based on the data available, ranging from one to 7.
flag_meanings: 1_short_segment 2_short_segments 3_to_5_short_segments 6_to_7_short_segments 8_to_9_short_segments 10_to_29_short_segments at_least_30_short_segments
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: qf_iwp
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_iwp
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: ATL03
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the Earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT2L and GT2R. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1,387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/rgt
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_trigger_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494][ds_anom_trigger = 0..8]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Anomalous classification flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Nine element array describing justification for short segment classification as anomalous, where for each element 0 = not triggered as anomalous and 1 = triggered as anomalous due to any of the following causes: [element 1=coarse ht difference, element 2=abnormal length, element 3= histogram mode spread, element 4=histogram mode count, element 5=histogram mode intensity, element 6=invalid long segment, element 7=shore buffer designation, element 8=insufficient signal phs, element 9=transect coarse water height unavailable against which to test short segment height]
flag_meanings: not_triggered_as_anomalous triggered_as_anomalous
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: anom_sseg_trigger_flag
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_trigger_flag
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494][ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
long_name: Segment quality group count
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Four-element array of describing, for each anomalous short segment n, the count of photons qualifying in each quality group. (n,1) = nominal, (n,2) = possible afterpulse, (n,3) = possible impulse response effect, (n,4) = possible TEP
_FillValue: 2147483647
origname: anom_sseg_quality
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_quality
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_transect_id: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Transect ID
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Transect within a water body to which the short segment rate output belongs.
origname: transect_id
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/transect_id
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: counts
source: ATL03
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Tracks the number of 91-day cycles in the mission, beginning with 01. A unique orbit number can be determined by subtracting 1 from the cycle_number, multiplying by 1,387 and adding the RGT value.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/cycle_number
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lats).
origname: anom_sseg_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lat
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment standard deviation
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of anomalous short segment photon height in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >=2.
origname: anom_sseg_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_stdev
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_ht_delta: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height difference
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height difference between anom_sseg_mode of the anomalous short segment and the transect coarse_transect_ht.
origname: anom_sseg_ht_delta
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_ht_delta
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_length: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Segment length
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of the short segment, based on end points computed by the average of sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons.
origname: anom_sseg_length
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_length
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: End longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lon
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_coarse_transect_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Coarse water height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Coarse water height of transect.
origname: coarse_transect_ht
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/coarse_transect_ht
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mode: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Anomalous mode bin height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Height of anomalous short segment as determined by histogram bin mode.
origname: anom_sseg_mode
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mode
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph Lons).
origname: anom_sseg_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_lon
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: Start longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start longitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average longitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lon
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height of anomalous short segment as determined by the mean of photon orthometric heights in the anomalous short segment with signal classification >2
origname: anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_mean_ht_ortho
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Start latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the first sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: End latitude of the anomalous short segment, based on the average latitude of the last sseg_endpoint_avg_n signal photons in the segment.
origname: anom_sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lat gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_lon
gt3r_segment_podppd_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 0
long_name: POD_PPD Flag
units: 1
source: ATL02, ANC04, ANC05
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 7
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Composite POD/PPD flag that indicates the quality of input geolocation products for the utilized ATL03 segments on an ATL13 short segment output basis. A non-zero value may indicate that geolocation solutions are degraded or that ATLAS is within a calibration scan period (CAL). The ATL03 sigma values should indicate the degree of uncertainty associated with the degradation. Possible non-CAL values are: 0=NOMINAL; 1=POD_DEGRADE; 2=PPD_DEGRADE; 3=PODPPD_DEGRADE; possible CAL values are: 4=CAL_NOMINAL; 5=CAL_POD_DEGRADE; 6=CAL_PPD_DEGRADE; 7=CAL_PODPPD_DEGRADE;
flag_meanings: nominal pod_degrade ppd_degrade podppd_degrade cal_nominal cal_pod_degrade cal_ppd_degrade cal_podppd_degrade
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
origname: segment_podppd_flag
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_podppd_flag
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time
gt3r_qf_ht_adj: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Height adjustment Quality Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (C)
valid_min: -4
valid_max: 5
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag representing the range of height, defined in 5.3.5 (C), which has been added to the apparent surface height due to frame of reference scaling during deconvolution analysis.
flag_meanings: below_threshold1 below_threshold2 below_threshold3 below_threshold4 below_threshold5 below_threshold6 below_threshold7 below_threshold8 equal_to_or_above_threshold8 invalid
flag_values: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: qf_ht_adj
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_ht_adj
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_full_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Full Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be fully saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_full_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_full_sat_fract
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_id_beg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: First ATL03 Segment ID
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First ATL03 segment_id associated with the photons within this inland water segment.
origname: segment_id_beg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_id_beg
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_subsurf_anomaly: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD 5.3.4(A)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 3
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the likelihood that the bottom or other subsurface anomaly is bottom based on the threshold value at which an anomaly was found. 1 = Subsurface anomaly due to bottom likely; 2 = Subsurface signal may indicate bottom or other anomaly; 3 = Possible subsurface anomaly; invalid = No subsurface anomaly detected
flag_meanings: bottom_likely bottom_or_other_anomaly possible_subsurface_anomaly
flag_values: 1, 2, 3
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Subsurface Anomaly Quality Flag
origname: qf_subsurf_anomaly
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_subsurf_anomaly
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_subsurface_attenuation: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface Attenuation
units: m^-1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Subsurface attenuation coefficient.
origname: subsurface_attenuation
fullnamepath: /gt3r/subsurface_attenuation
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_layer_flag_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Consolidated cloud flag.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: layer_flag_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3r/layer_flag_atl09
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_inland_water_body_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Body region
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: ATL13-created shapefile representing relevant bodies of water over which to implement the ATL13 water surface finding algorithm only within a region of processing interest.
origname: inland_water_body_region
fullnamepath: /gt3r/inland_water_body_region
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_sseg_end_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: End latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment ends. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_end_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3r/sseg_end_lat
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_cloud_flag_asr_atl09: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Cloud Flag ASR
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: modelResult
description: Cloud probability from ASR.
flag_meanings: clear_with_high_confidence clear_with_medium_confidence clear_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_low_confidence cloudy_with_medium_confidence cloudy_with_high_confidence
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: cloud_flag_asr_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3r/cloud_flag_asr_atl09
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_ice_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, section 5.2
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes likelihood of ice on water surface short segment.
flag_meanings: no_ice ice
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: ice_flag
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ice_flag
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_sseg_start_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: Start latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.2 (C)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude at which the short segment begins. May be a signal or non-signal photon.
origname: sseg_start_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3r/sseg_start_lat
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_ref_elev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from east-north plane and positive towards up.
origname: segment_ref_elev
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_ref_elev
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_lon
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat
gt3r_ht_ortho: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Orthometric Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Orthometric height EGM2008 converted from ellipsoidal height.
origname: ht_ortho
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ht_ortho
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: Latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Latitude of reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_lat
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water surface height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Water surface height, reported for each short segment (default length = approximately 100 signal photons) with reference to WGS84 ellipsoid
origname: ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_near_sat_fract: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Near Saturation Fraction
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.2
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 1.000000000
contentType: qualityInformation
description: The fraction of pulses within the short segment determined to be nearly saturated based on ATL03 geosegment rate input.
origname: segment_near_sat_fract
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_near_sat_fract
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_err_ht_water_surf: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Height Error
units: 1
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in heights reported in ht_water_surf.
origname: err_ht_water_surf
fullnamepath: /gt3r/err_ht_water_surf
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_bottom_lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean longitude
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude of actual bottom location, based on the apparent bottom sseg_mean_lat / sseg_mean_lon location corrected for refraction effects.
origname: bottom_lon
fullnamepath: /gt3r/bottom_lon
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_bias_fit: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Goodness of fit bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Bias contribution from goodness of observation/system response fit. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_fit
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_bias_fit
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_cloud: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Consolidated cloud flag
units: 1
source: ATL09
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: This flag is a combination of multiple flags (cloud_flag_atm, cloud_flag_asr, and bsnow_con) and takes daytime/nighttime into consideration. A value of 1 means clouds or blowing snow are likely present. A value of 0 indicates the likely absence of clouds or blowing snow. From the ATL09 data closest to the segment time.
flag_meanings: likely_clear likely_cloudy
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: qf_cloud
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_cloud
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_inland_water_body_source: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body source
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Source of Inland Water Body shape, where 1=HydroLAKES, 2=Global Lakes and Wetlands Database, 3=Named Marine Water Bodies, 4=GSHHG Shoreline, 5=Global River Widths from Landsat, 6=Reserved, 7=Reserved, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: HydroLAKES Global_Lakes_and_Wetlands_Database Named_Marine_Water_Bodies GSHHG_Shoreline Global_River_Widths_from_Landsat Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_source
fullnamepath: /gt3r/inland_water_body_source
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_tide_earth_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Segment rate value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system that was applied in ATL03 to photon heights to the ht_water_surf to the mean-tide system. Subtract value from ht_water_surf to reference it in the mean-tide system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_tide_earth_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_tide_earth_free2mean
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_stdev_lseg: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: observed standard deviation quality flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Quality flag indicating the magnitude of standard deviation (SD) of observed detrended heights of the long segment to which the short segment belongs, where 0: SD < 0.5 (meters), 1: 0.5 <= SD < 1.5, 2: 1.5 <= SD < 2.5, 3: 2.5 <= SD < 3.5, 4: 3.5 <= SD < 4.5, 5: 4.5 <= SD < 5.5, 6: 5.5 <= SD < 6.5, 7: 6.5 <= SD < 7.5, 8: 7.5 <= SD < 8.5, 9: 8.5 <= SD. It is recommended that a user consider this flag in conjunction with the water body type and size to best determine if the observed surface standard deviation is reasonable or whether results should be considered questionable.
flag_meanings: SD_below_0.5 SD_below_1.5 SD_below_2.5 SD_below_3.5 SD_below_4.5 SD_below_5.5 SD_below_6.5 SD_below_7.5 SD_below_8.5 SD_greater_or_equal_to_8.5
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_stdev_lseg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_stdev_lseg
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_dem_source: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: dem source flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Flag equal to the source of the selected photon (in hierarchy of Arctic/Global/MSS/Antarctic). Values: 0=None, 1=Arctic, 2=Global, 3=MSS, 4=Antarctic.
flag_meanings: none arctic global mss antarctic
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: segment_dem_source
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_dem_source
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_fpb_correction: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First photon bias correction. May be applied at user disrection by subtracting from mean height produts ht_ortho and ht_water_surf.
origname: segment_fpb_correction
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_fpb_correction
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_inland_water_body_size: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Body size
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.1 (C)
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Size of Inland Water Body, A=area, where 0=Not_Assigned, 1=A>10,000 sq km, 2=10,000>A>=1,000, 3=1,000>A>=100, 4=100>A>=10, 5=10>A>=1, 6=1>A>=0.1, 7=0.01>A, 8=Reserved, 9=Reserved
flag_meanings: not_assigned area_gt_10000 10000_gt_area_ge_1000 1000_gt_area_ge_100 100_gt_area_ge_10 10_gt_area_ge_1 1_gt_area_ge_0.1 0.01_gt_area Reserved Reserved
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: inland_water_body_size
fullnamepath: /gt3r/inland_water_body_size
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_met_wind10_atl13: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Wind speed magnitude at 10m
standard_name: Wind speed
units: m/s
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Wind speed magnitude at 10m height, based on derived water surface wave height.
origname: met_wind10_atl13
fullnamepath: /gt3r/met_wind10_atl13
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_snow_ice_atl09: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 2147483647
long_name: Snow Ice Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: NOAA snow/ice flag scaled by ATL09 (0=ice-free water, 1=snow-free land, 2=snow, 3=ice, 127=invalid)
flag_meanings: ice_free_water snow_free_land snow ice invalid
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 127
origname: snow_ice_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3r/snow_ice_atl09
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_tide_ocean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment Tide Ocean
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis (+-4 m)). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provide mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_tide_ocean
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_tide_ocean
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_err_slope_trk: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
units: 1
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Slope Error
source: section 5.3.3 (C)
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Error included in segment_slope_trk_local.
origname: err_slope_trk
fullnamepath: /gt3r/err_slope_trk
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_slope_trk_bdy: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Water Body Slope
units: m/m
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Along track water body surface slope, reported per short segment ID per water body.
origname: segment_slope_trk_bdy
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_slope_trk_bdy
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_sseg_mean_lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean latitude
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_lat
fullnamepath: /gt3r/sseg_mean_lat
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_geoid_free2mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03 ATBD, Section 6.3.8
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Value to convert segment geoid heights from the mean-tide system to the tide-free system. Subtract this value from mean-tide system segment_geoid (on ATL13) to get geoid heights in the tide-free system. Applicable value at reporting location for all short segment statistics.
origname: segment_geoid_free2mean
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_geoid_free2mean
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_spec_width: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Spectral width Flag
units: 1
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 4.8.8
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 9
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Spectral moments width flag. The flag is set as follows: 0 when spec_width is invalid; 1 when 0 <= spec_width <= 0.2; 2 when 0.2 < spec_width <= 0.3; 3 when 0.3 < spec_width <= 0.4; 4 when 0.4 < spec_width <= 0.5; 5 when 0.5 < spec_width <= 0.6; 6 when 0.6 < spec_width <= 0.7; 7 when 0.7 < spec_width <= 0.8; 8 when 0.8 < spec_width <= 0.9; 9 when 0.9 < spec_width.
flag_meanings: invalid 0<=spec_width<=0.2 0.2 flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: qf_spec_width
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_spec_width
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_qf_bckgrd: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 127
long_name: Background Quality Flag
units: 1
source: Inland Water ATBD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 6
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Describes the degree of background photons present in each short segment. bckgrd_dnsty_threshold1= 0.001 (counts per bi per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold2= 0.01 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold3= 0.05 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold4= 0.1 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold5= 0.3 (counts per bin per Lseg); bckgrd_dnsty_threshold6= 0.5 (counts per bin per Lseg)
flag_meanings: equal_to_or_below_threshold1 equal_to_or_below_threshold2 equal_to_or_below_threshold3 equal_to_or_below_threshold4 equal_to_or_below_threshold5 equal_to_or_below_threshold6 above_threshold6
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
origname: qf_bckgrd
fullnamepath: /gt3r/qf_bckgrd
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_sseg_mean_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Mean time
standard_name: time
units: Seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time of the signal-qualified photons in a short segment.
origname: sseg_mean_time
fullnamepath: /gt3r/sseg_mean_time
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_met_ts_atl09: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Surface temperature
standard_name: temperature
units: K
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Surface (skin) temperature from ATL09.
origname: met_ts_atl09
fullnamepath: /gt3r/met_ts_atl09
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_bias_em: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Electromagnetic bias
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5 (A)
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Electromagnetic bias. (Has been applied to ht_ortho and _ht_water_surf products)
origname: segment_bias_em
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_bias_em
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_dem_ht: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: DEM Height
units: meters
source: ATL13 ATBD, Section 5.3.5
contentType: referenceInformation
description: DEM height relative to WGS-84 ellipsoid, reported at the short segment rate.
origname: segment_dem_ht
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_dem_ht
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_subsurface_backscat_ampltd: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Subsurface backscatter amplitude
units: 1
source: Section 5.3.4 (A)
contentType: modelResult
description: Subsurface backscatter amplitude, described in section 4.5.3, reported per long segment (default length = 10 short segments = approximately 1000 signal photons).
origname: subsurface_backscat_ampltd
fullnamepath: /gt3r/subsurface_backscat_ampltd
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
gt3r_segment_dac: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Segment DAC
units: meters
source: ATBD Section 5.3.5A
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) effect (+- 5 cm). Although available at short segment rate for all water body types, value is provided mainly for transitional tidal and coastal water (types 6 and 7) and the largest lakes of Type 1 (~> 10,000 km2) for user's discretion.
origname: segment_dac
fullnamepath: /gt3r/segment_dac
coordinates: gt3r_delta_time gt3r_segment_lat gt3r_segment_lon
ds_anom_trigger: Array of 32 bit Integers [ds_anom_trigger = 0..8]
long_name: Anomaly Trigger Dimension Scale
units: 1
source: dim_scale
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 9
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dimension scale indexing the short segment anomaly trigger array having nine elements. Index = 1 corresponds to coarse ht difference; Index = 2 corresponds to abnormal length; Index = 3 corresponds to histogram mode spread; Index = 4 corresponds to histogram mode count; Index = 5 corresponds to histogram mode intensity; Index = 6 corresponds to invalid long segment; Index = 7 corresponds to shore buffer designation; Index = 8 corresponds to insufficient signal phs; Index = 9 corresponds to unavailability of coarse water height against which to test.
flag_meanings: coarse_ht_difference abnormal_length histogram_mode_spread histogram_mode_count histogram_mode_intensity invalid_long_segment shore_buffer_designation insufficient_signal_phs coarse_water_height_unavailable
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
origname: ds_anom_trigger
fullnamepath: /ds_anom_trigger
ds_sseg_quality: Array of 32 bit Integers [ds_sseg_quality = 0..3]
long_name: Segment Quality Dimension Scale
units: 1
source: dim_scale
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 4
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dimension scale indexing the short segment quality array. Index = 1 corresponds to nominal; Index = 2 corresponds to possible afterpulse; Index = 3 corresponds to possible impulse response; Index = 4 corresponds to possible TEP
flag_meanings: nominal possible_afterpulse possible_impulse_response possible_TEP
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4
origname: ds_sseg_quality
fullnamepath: /ds_sseg_quality
gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..113504]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: sec
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Time of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph time).
coordinates: anom_sseg_lat anom_sseg_lon
origname: anom_sseg_time
fullnamepath: /gt1l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_time
gt1l_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_delta_time = 0..223696]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL03
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
coordinates: segment_lat segment_lon
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt1l/delta_time
gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27992]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: sec
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Time of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph time).
coordinates: anom_sseg_lat anom_sseg_lon
origname: anom_sseg_time
fullnamepath: /gt1r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_time
gt1r_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_delta_time = 0..50001]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL03
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
coordinates: segment_lat segment_lon
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt1r/delta_time
gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..60820]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: sec
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Time of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph time).
coordinates: anom_sseg_lat anom_sseg_lon
origname: anom_sseg_time
fullnamepath: /gt2l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_time
gt2l_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_delta_time = 0..191958]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL03
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
coordinates: segment_lat segment_lon
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt2l/delta_time
gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..36865]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: sec
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Time of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph time).
coordinates: anom_sseg_lat anom_sseg_lon
origname: anom_sseg_time
fullnamepath: /gt2r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_time
gt2r_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_delta_time = 0..60233]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL03
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
coordinates: segment_lat segment_lon
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt2r/delta_time
gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..105767]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: sec
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Time of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph time).
coordinates: anom_sseg_lat anom_sseg_lon
origname: anom_sseg_time
fullnamepath: /gt3l/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_time
gt3l_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_delta_time = 0..221604]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL03
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
coordinates: segment_lat segment_lon
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt3l/delta_time
gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_anom_ssegs_anom_sseg_time = 0..27494]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: sec
source: ATL13 ATBD, Table 5-4b
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Time of the short segment (mean of signal class >=2 ph time).
coordinates: anom_sseg_lat anom_sseg_lon
origname: anom_sseg_time
fullnamepath: /gt3r/anom_ssegs/anom_sseg_time
gt3r_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_delta_time = 0..52146]
long_name: Delta Time
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: ATL03
contentType: physicalMeasurement
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
coordinates: segment_lat segment_lon
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt3r/delta_time
orbit_info_crossing_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Ascending Node Crossing Time
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: POD/PPD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The time, in seconds since the ATLAS SDP GPS Epoch, at which the ascending node crosses the equator. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: crossing_time
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/crossing_time
orbit_info_sc_orient_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_sc_orient_time = 0..0]
long_name: Time of Last Spacecraft Orientation Change
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: POD/PPD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The time of the last spacecraft orientation change between forward, backward and transitional flight modes, expressed in seconds since the ATLAS SDP GPS Epoch. ICESat-2 is considered to be flying forward when the weak beams are leading the strong beams; and backward when the strong beams are leading the weak beams. ICESat-2 is considered to be in transition while it is maneuvering between the two orientations. Science quality is potentially degraded while in transition mode. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: sc_orient_time
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/sc_orient_time
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