Dataset Information

short_name: ATL12
level: L3A
description: Sea Surface Height (SSH) of the global open ocean including the ice-free seasonal ice zone (SIZ) and near-coast regions.
Conventions: CF-1.6
contributor_name: Thomas A Neumann (, Thorsten Markus (, Suneel Bhardwaj ( David W Hancock III (
contributor_role: Instrument Engineer, Investigator, Principle Investigator, Data Producer, Data Producer
date_type: UTC
featureType: trajectory
geospatial_lat_units: degrees_north
geospatial_lon_units: degrees_east
granule_type: ATL12
identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/ATLAS/ATL12.001
identifier_product_type: ATL12
license: Data may not be reproduced or distributed without including the citation for this product included in this metadata. Data may not be distributed in an altered form without the written permission of the ICESat-2 Science Project Office at NASA/GSFC.
spatial_coverage_type: Horizontal
standard_name_vocabulary: CF-1.6
time_type: CCSDS UTC-A
date_created: 2023-04-09T13:26:25.000000Z
hdfversion: HDF5 1.10.7
history: 2023-04-09T13:26:25.000000Z;3d77224d-78d3-3fad-b99e-a4d18d815b5d;Created by PGE atlas_l3a_oc Version 5.0
identifier_file_uuid: 3d77224d-78d3-3fad-b99e-a4d18d815b5d
identifier_product_format_version: 5.0
time_coverage_duration: 22630.000000000000
time_coverage_end: 2019-03-31T03:39:51.000000Z
time_coverage_start: 2019-03-30T21:22:41.000000Z
geospatial_lat_min: -74.779472467176078
geospatial_lon_min: -121.12279854871949
geospatial_lat_max: 88.040488398535899
geospatial_lon_max: 153.00250127091380
publisher_name: NSIDC DAAC > NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center
title: ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Ocean Surface Height
identifier_file_product_type: ATL12
institution: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
creator_name: GSFC I-SIPS > ICESat-2 Science Investigator-led Processing System
summary: The purpose of ATL12 is to provide along-track sea surface heights and associated statistics.
keywords_vocabulary: NASA/GCMD Science Keywords
citation: Cite these data in publications as follows: The data used in this study were produced by the ICESat-2 Science Project Office at NASA/GSFC. The data archive site is the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center.
processing_level: 3A
project: ICESat-2 > Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2
instrument: ATLAS > Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System
platform: ICESat-2 > Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite-2
source: Spacecraft
Unlimited_Dimension: ds_a, ds_wn, ds_xbin, ds_y_bincenters, gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time, gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time, gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time, gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time, gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time, gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time, orbit_info_crossing_time, orbit_info_sc_orient_time, quality_assessment_ds_lat_bincenters

Variables in this Dataset

orbit_info_cycle_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Cycle Number
units: 1
source: Operations
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 50
contentType: referenceInformation
description: A count of the number of exact repeats of this reference orbit.
origname: cycle_number
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/cycle_number
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Orbit Number
units: 1
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 65000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit.
source: Operations
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/orbit_number
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_lan: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Ascending Node Longitude
units: degrees_east
source: POD/PPD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Longitude at the ascending node crossing.
origname: lan
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/lan
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
orbit_info_sc_orient: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_sc_orient_time = 0..0]
long_name: Spacecraft Orientation
units: 1
source: POD/PPD
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 2
contentType: referenceInformation
description: This parameter tracks the spacecraft orientation between forward, backward and transitional flight modes. ICESat-2 is considered to be flying forward when the weak beams are leading the strong beams; and backward when the strong beams are leading the weak beams. ICESat-2 is considered to be in transition while it is maneuvering between the two orientations. Science quality is potentially degraded while in transition mode.
flag_meanings: backward forward transition
flag_values: 0, 1, 2
origname: sc_orient
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/sc_orient
coordinates: orbit_info_sc_orient_time
orbit_info_rgt: Array of 16 bit Integers [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Reference Ground track
units: 1
source: POD/PPD
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The reference ground track (RGT) is the track on the earth at which a specified unit vector within the observatory is pointed. Under nominal operating conditions, there will be no data collected along the RGT, as the RGT is spanned by GT3 and GT4. During slews or off-pointing, it is possible that ground tracks may intersect the RGT. The ICESat-2 mission has 1387 RGTs.
origname: rgt
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/rgt
coordinates: orbit_info_crossing_time
gt1r_ssh_segments_delt_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Ocean Segment Duration
units: seconds
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Time duration segment
origname: delt_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/delt_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Mean longitude of surface segment
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of surface photons in segment
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/longitude
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Mean latitude of surface segment
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of surface photons in segment
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/latitude
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Mean of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu1
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu1
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_y_bincenters = 0..3000]
long_name: PDF of Height
units: 1/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Probability density function of photon surface height
origname: y
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/y
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_snr_harm: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Harmonic SNR
units: meters**2/meters**2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Signal to noise ratio of harmonic fit with coefficients in a to the surface reflected photons including meanoffit2 and with data gaps greater than gaplimit filled with Gaussian white noise about meanoffit2
origname: snr_harm
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/snr_harm
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig2
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig2
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Fraction of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m2
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m2
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_bin_ssbias: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Sea State Bias
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Sea state bias estimated from the correlation of photon return rate with along track 10-m bin averaged surface height (4.3.1)
origname: bin_ssbias
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/bin_ssbias
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_h_skewness: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Skewness of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 23
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of the photon sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_skewness
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/h_skewness
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig1
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig1
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_wn: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_wn = 0..31]
long_name: Harmonic Wave Numbers
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section step 1
contentType: referenceInformation
description: nharms (32) wavenumbers, equal to the inverse of wavelengths for each harmonic component in harmonic analysis of heights.
origname: wn
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/wn
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_n_pulse_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Number laser pulses segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of laser pulses in segment
origname: n_pulse_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/n_pulse_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_np_effect: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Degrees of Freedom
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Effective degrees of freedom of the average sea surface height for the ocean segment
origname: np_effect
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/np_effect
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_xbind: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average distance for each 10m bin
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 8000.000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of along-track distance in each 10-meter bin
origname: xbind
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/xbind
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_a: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_a = 0..64]
long_name: Harmonic Coefficients
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section, step 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Vector of 2 x nharms + 1 coefficients for each harmonic component in the harmonic analysis of heights. a(1,oc_seg) is the coefficient for wavenumber equal zero. a(even index j, oc_seg) is the sine coefficient for wn(j/2), and a(odd index j, oc_seg) is the cosine coefficient for wn((j-1)/2)
origname: a
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/a
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_length_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Length of segment
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of segment (m)
origname: length_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/length_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_p0: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Intercept of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Zero intercept of the linear fit used to detrend the photon heights before going into the second round of surface finding
origname: p0
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/p0
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_h_kurtosis: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: kurtosis of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 24.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess kurtosis of the sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_kurtosis
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/h_kurtosis
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_dxbar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Mean Dist Between Signal Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean distance between signal photons.
origname: dxbar
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/dxbar
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_yvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Y Variance
units: meter^2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance (second moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z squared, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yvar
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/yvar
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_h_uncrtn: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Uncertaintity in mean SSH
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Uncertainty in the mean sea surface height over an ocean segment
origname: h_uncrtn
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/h_uncrtn
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_h_var: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Variance of fit
units: meters^2
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 22.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance in meters squared of the best fit probability density function.
origname: h_var
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/h_var
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_ykurt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: ykurt
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess Kurtosis = (fourth moment of Y)/ Yvar squared, all -3. The fourth moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z to the fourth, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
units: 1
origname: ykurt
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/ykurt
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_ymean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: ymean
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean (first moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z all divided by the integral of Y(z). This should be ~0 = h -meanoffit2
origname: ymean
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/ymean
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_swh: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: swh
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Significant wave height estimated as 4 times the standard deviation of along track 10-m bin averaged surface height
origname: swh
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/swh
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_nbin10: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
origname: nbin10
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/nbin10
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_latbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average latitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of latitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: latbind
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/latbind
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_xrbin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m photon rate
units: photons/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 600.0000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged photon rate from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: xrbin
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/xrbin
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_dxskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Skewness of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxskew
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/dxskew
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_lonbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average longitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of longitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: lonbind
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/lonbind
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_meanoffit2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Mean of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step G
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Average of the linear fit, P0+P1*X, where P0 and P1 are the coefficients of the linear fit to the initial choice of surface photons and X is the array of along-track positions of the final choice of surface photons
origname: meanoffit2
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/meanoffit2
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Mean of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu2
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu2
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_l_scale: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Decorrelation scale
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Decorrelation scale
origname: l_scale
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/l_scale
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_dxvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Variance of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxvar
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/dxvar
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: mean sea surface height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 21
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean sea surface height in meters, relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid, computed as the mean of the distribution represented as an optimum 2-Gaussian mixture fit to the DOT plus the geoid and the mean removed in detrending the surface photon heights for analysis.
origname: h
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/h
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_p1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Slope of Linear Fit
units: meters/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Slope of linear fit versus along-track distance to surface photon height over the ocean
origname: p1
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/p1
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_htybin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -20.00000000
valid_max: 20.00000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged heights from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: htybin
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/htybin
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Fraction of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m1
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m1
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_heights_yskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Y skewness
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness = (third moment of Y) / Yvar to the 3/2 power. The third moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z cubed, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yskew
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/heights/yskew
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_first_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
units: 1
long_name: First ATL03 Geo Segment ID
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The first of the geosegment ids (segment_id) for each ocean segment
origname: first_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/first_geoseg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_layer_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Layer Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The layer flag from ATL09 that is in effect over 50% of the ocean segment, 0 indicating absence of clouds and forward scattering, and 1 indicating possibility of forward scattering as in ATL09
origname: layer_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/layer_flag_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Solid Earth Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Solid Earth Pole Tide -Rotational deformation due to polar motion (-1.5 to 1.5 cm).
origname: tide_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_pole_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of tide free system solid earth tides
origname: tide_earth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_near_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Fraction Nearly Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were nearly saturated
origname: near_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/near_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_solar_elevation_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar elevation
units: degrees
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the elevation of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and is positive towards Up. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_elevation_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/solar_elevation_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid (Mean Tide System)
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of mean tide system geoid height above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid (range -107 to 86 m).
origname: geoid_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in ss_corr
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error of subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_last_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Last PCE Major frame ID
units: counts
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: last_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/last_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_seg_dist_x_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Distance along-track
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the along-track distance from the equator crossing to the start of the 20-m geolocation segments included in the ocean segment
origname: seg_dist_x_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/seg_dist_x_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_podppd_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: PODPPD Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The higher of 0 or 4 of ATL03:/gtx/geolocation/podppd_flag of the data used in the ocean segment.
origname: podppd_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/podppd_flag_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated first-photon bias correction to mean segment height = 0 pending findings to the contrary for the ocean
origname: fpb_corr
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_ocean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis) and longer period tides (dynamic and self-consistent equilibrium)
origname: tide_ocean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_ocean_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
units: meters
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in fpb_corr
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error in fpb_corr = 0 pending findings to the contrary
origname: fpb_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Orbit Number
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/orbit_number
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_full_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Fraction Fully Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were fully saturated
origname: full_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/full_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_ice_conc: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Ice Concentration
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The ice concentration at the average ocean segment position from NSIDC passive microwave data used for ATL07.
origname: ice_conc
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/ice_conc
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_ref_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of azimuth of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from North and positive towards East
origname: ref_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/ref_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_oc_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of oceanic surface rotational deformation due to polar motion (-2 to +2 mm)
origname: tide_oc_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_oc_pole_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_surf_type_prcnt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
long_name: Percent Surface Type
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Percent of each surface type (land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water from masks) in the ocean segment
origname: surf_type_prcnt
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/surf_type_prcnt
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_dac_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Dynamic Atmosphere Correction
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) affect
origname: dac_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/dac_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_solar_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar azimuth
units: degrees_east
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the azimuth of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from North and is positive towards East. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/solar_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system to the mean tide system. (Add to tide_earth to get solid earth tides in the mean-tide system.)
origname: tide_earth_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_first_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
units: counts
long_name: First PCE Major frame ID
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: first_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/first_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_last_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Last ATL03 geo segment ID number.
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: A 7 digit number identifying the last along-track ATL03 geolocation segment number in the ocean height segment
origname: last_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/last_geoseg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert geoid heights from the tide-free system to the mean-tide system. (Subtract from geoid_seg to get the geoid heights in the free-tide system.)
origname: geoid_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_load_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Load Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of local displacement due to ocean loading (-6 to 0 cm)
origname: tide_load_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_load_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_neutat_delay_total_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Total Neutral Atmospheric Delay
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of total neutral atmosphere delay correction (wet + dry)
origname: neutat_delay_total_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/neutat_delay_total_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_first_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: First Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Transmit pulse ID in along-track segment
origname: first_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/first_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_equilibrium_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Equilibrium Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+-0.04m).
origname: tide_equilibrium_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_equilibrium_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_cloudcover_percent_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Percent Cloudcover
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The percentage of geosegs in the ocean segment with layer_flag=1
origname: cloudcover_percent_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/cloudcover_percent_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_backgr_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: ATL03 background
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: backgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate from ATL03 averaged over the segment
origname: backgr_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/backgr_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: subsurface scattering correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_last_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Last Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Transmit pulse in along-track segment
origname: last_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/last_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_photon_noise_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Segment noise photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.Sect. 5.2.4 step N
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The noise photon rate per meter, photon_noise_rate is equal to the difference of n_ttl_photon minus n_photons divided by length_seg.
origname: photon_noise_rate
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/photon_noise_rate
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_photon_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Photon count rate, averaged over the segment
origname: photon_rate
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/photon_rate
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_depth_ocn_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Ocean depth
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The average of depth_ocn of geo-segments used in the ocean segment
units: meters
origname: depth_ocn_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/depth_ocn_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1r_ssh_segments_stats_ref_elev_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and positive towards Up
origname: ref_elev_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/stats/ref_elev_seg
coordinates: gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1r_ssh_segments_latitude gt1r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_delt_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Ocean Segment Duration
units: seconds
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Time duration segment
origname: delt_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/delt_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Mean longitude of surface segment
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of surface photons in segment
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/longitude
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Mean latitude of surface segment
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of surface photons in segment
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/latitude
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Mean of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu1
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu1
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_y_bincenters = 0..3000]
long_name: PDF of Height
units: 1/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Probability density function of photon surface height
origname: y
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/y
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_snr_harm: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Harmonic SNR
units: meters**2/meters**2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Signal to noise ratio of harmonic fit with coefficients in a to the surface reflected photons including meanoffit2 and with data gaps greater than gaplimit filled with Gaussian white noise about meanoffit2
origname: snr_harm
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/snr_harm
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig2
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig2
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Fraction of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m2
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m2
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_bin_ssbias: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Sea State Bias
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Sea state bias estimated from the correlation of photon return rate with along track 10-m bin averaged surface height (4.3.1)
origname: bin_ssbias
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/bin_ssbias
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_h_skewness: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Skewness of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 23
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of the photon sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_skewness
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/h_skewness
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig1
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig1
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_wn: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_wn = 0..31]
long_name: Harmonic Wave Numbers
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section step 1
contentType: referenceInformation
description: nharms (32) wavenumbers, equal to the inverse of wavelengths for each harmonic component in harmonic analysis of heights.
origname: wn
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/wn
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_n_pulse_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Number laser pulses segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of laser pulses in segment
origname: n_pulse_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/n_pulse_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_np_effect: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Degrees of Freedom
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Effective degrees of freedom of the average sea surface height for the ocean segment
origname: np_effect
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/np_effect
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_xbind: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average distance for each 10m bin
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 8000.000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of along-track distance in each 10-meter bin
origname: xbind
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/xbind
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_a: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_a = 0..64]
long_name: Harmonic Coefficients
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section, step 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Vector of 2 x nharms + 1 coefficients for each harmonic component in the harmonic analysis of heights. a(1,oc_seg) is the coefficient for wavenumber equal zero. a(even index j, oc_seg) is the sine coefficient for wn(j/2), and a(odd index j, oc_seg) is the cosine coefficient for wn((j-1)/2)
origname: a
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/a
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_length_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Length of segment
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of segment (m)
origname: length_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/length_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_p0: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Intercept of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Zero intercept of the linear fit used to detrend the photon heights before going into the second round of surface finding
origname: p0
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/p0
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_h_kurtosis: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: kurtosis of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 24.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess kurtosis of the sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_kurtosis
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/h_kurtosis
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_dxbar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Mean Dist Between Signal Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean distance between signal photons.
origname: dxbar
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/dxbar
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_yvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Y Variance
units: meter^2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance (second moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z squared, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yvar
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/yvar
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_h_uncrtn: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Uncertaintity in mean SSH
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Uncertainty in the mean sea surface height over an ocean segment
origname: h_uncrtn
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/h_uncrtn
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_h_var: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Variance of fit
units: meters^2
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 22.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance in meters squared of the best fit probability density function.
origname: h_var
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/h_var
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_ykurt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: ykurt
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess Kurtosis = (fourth moment of Y)/ Yvar squared, all -3. The fourth moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z to the fourth, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
units: 1
origname: ykurt
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/ykurt
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_ymean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: ymean
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean (first moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z all divided by the integral of Y(z). This should be ~0 = h -meanoffit2
origname: ymean
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/ymean
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_swh: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: swh
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Significant wave height estimated as 4 times the standard deviation of along track 10-m bin averaged surface height
origname: swh
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/swh
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_nbin10: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
origname: nbin10
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/nbin10
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_latbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average latitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of latitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: latbind
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/latbind
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_xrbin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m photon rate
units: photons/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 600.0000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged photon rate from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: xrbin
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/xrbin
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_dxskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Skewness of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxskew
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/dxskew
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_lonbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average longitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of longitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: lonbind
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/lonbind
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_meanoffit2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Mean of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step G
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Average of the linear fit, P0+P1*X, where P0 and P1 are the coefficients of the linear fit to the initial choice of surface photons and X is the array of along-track positions of the final choice of surface photons
origname: meanoffit2
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/meanoffit2
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Mean of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu2
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu2
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_l_scale: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Decorrelation scale
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Decorrelation scale
origname: l_scale
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/l_scale
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_dxvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Variance of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxvar
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/dxvar
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: mean sea surface height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 21
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean sea surface height in meters, relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid, computed as the mean of the distribution represented as an optimum 2-Gaussian mixture fit to the DOT plus the geoid and the mean removed in detrending the surface photon heights for analysis.
origname: h
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/h
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_p1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Slope of Linear Fit
units: meters/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Slope of linear fit versus along-track distance to surface photon height over the ocean
origname: p1
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/p1
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_htybin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -20.00000000
valid_max: 20.00000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged heights from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: htybin
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/htybin
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Fraction of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m1
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m1
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_heights_yskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Y skewness
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness = (third moment of Y) / Yvar to the 3/2 power. The third moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z cubed, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yskew
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/heights/yskew
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_first_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
units: 1
long_name: First ATL03 Geo Segment ID
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The first of the geosegment ids (segment_id) for each ocean segment
origname: first_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/first_geoseg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_layer_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Layer Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The layer flag from ATL09 that is in effect over 50% of the ocean segment, 0 indicating absence of clouds and forward scattering, and 1 indicating possibility of forward scattering as in ATL09
origname: layer_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/layer_flag_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Solid Earth Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Solid Earth Pole Tide -Rotational deformation due to polar motion (-1.5 to 1.5 cm).
origname: tide_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_pole_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of tide free system solid earth tides
origname: tide_earth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_near_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Fraction Nearly Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were nearly saturated
origname: near_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/near_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_solar_elevation_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar elevation
units: degrees
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the elevation of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and is positive towards Up. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_elevation_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/solar_elevation_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid (Mean Tide System)
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of mean tide system geoid height above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid (range -107 to 86 m).
origname: geoid_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in ss_corr
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error of subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_last_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Last PCE Major frame ID
units: counts
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: last_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/last_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_seg_dist_x_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Distance along-track
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the along-track distance from the equator crossing to the start of the 20-m geolocation segments included in the ocean segment
origname: seg_dist_x_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/seg_dist_x_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_podppd_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: PODPPD Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The higher of 0 or 4 of ATL03:/gtx/geolocation/podppd_flag of the data used in the ocean segment.
origname: podppd_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/podppd_flag_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated first-photon bias correction to mean segment height = 0 pending findings to the contrary for the ocean
origname: fpb_corr
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_ocean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis) and longer period tides (dynamic and self-consistent equilibrium)
origname: tide_ocean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_ocean_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
units: meters
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in fpb_corr
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error in fpb_corr = 0 pending findings to the contrary
origname: fpb_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Orbit Number
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/orbit_number
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_full_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Fraction Fully Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were fully saturated
origname: full_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/full_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_ice_conc: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Ice Concentration
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The ice concentration at the average ocean segment position from NSIDC passive microwave data used for ATL07.
origname: ice_conc
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/ice_conc
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_ref_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of azimuth of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from North and positive towards East
origname: ref_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/ref_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_oc_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of oceanic surface rotational deformation due to polar motion (-2 to +2 mm)
origname: tide_oc_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_oc_pole_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_surf_type_prcnt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
long_name: Percent Surface Type
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Percent of each surface type (land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water from masks) in the ocean segment
origname: surf_type_prcnt
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/surf_type_prcnt
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_dac_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Dynamic Atmosphere Correction
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) affect
origname: dac_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/dac_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_solar_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar azimuth
units: degrees_east
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the azimuth of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from North and is positive towards East. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/solar_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system to the mean tide system. (Add to tide_earth to get solid earth tides in the mean-tide system.)
origname: tide_earth_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_first_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
units: counts
long_name: First PCE Major frame ID
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: first_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/first_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_last_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Last ATL03 geo segment ID number.
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: A 7 digit number identifying the last along-track ATL03 geolocation segment number in the ocean height segment
origname: last_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/last_geoseg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert geoid heights from the tide-free system to the mean-tide system. (Subtract from geoid_seg to get the geoid heights in the free-tide system.)
origname: geoid_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_load_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Load Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of local displacement due to ocean loading (-6 to 0 cm)
origname: tide_load_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_load_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_neutat_delay_total_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Total Neutral Atmospheric Delay
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of total neutral atmosphere delay correction (wet + dry)
origname: neutat_delay_total_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/neutat_delay_total_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_first_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: First Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Transmit pulse ID in along-track segment
origname: first_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/first_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_equilibrium_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Equilibrium Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+-0.04m).
origname: tide_equilibrium_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_equilibrium_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_cloudcover_percent_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Percent Cloudcover
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The percentage of geosegs in the ocean segment with layer_flag=1
origname: cloudcover_percent_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/cloudcover_percent_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_backgr_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: ATL03 background
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: backgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate from ATL03 averaged over the segment
origname: backgr_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/backgr_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: subsurface scattering correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_last_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Last Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Transmit pulse in along-track segment
origname: last_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/last_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_photon_noise_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Segment noise photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.Sect. 5.2.4 step N
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The noise photon rate per meter, photon_noise_rate is equal to the difference of n_ttl_photon minus n_photons divided by length_seg.
origname: photon_noise_rate
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/photon_noise_rate
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_photon_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Photon count rate, averaged over the segment
origname: photon_rate
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/photon_rate
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_depth_ocn_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Ocean depth
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The average of depth_ocn of geo-segments used in the ocean segment
units: meters
origname: depth_ocn_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/depth_ocn_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2r_ssh_segments_stats_ref_elev_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and positive towards Up
origname: ref_elev_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/stats/ref_elev_seg
coordinates: gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2r_ssh_segments_latitude gt2r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_delt_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Ocean Segment Duration
units: seconds
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Time duration segment
origname: delt_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/delt_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Mean longitude of surface segment
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of surface photons in segment
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/longitude
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Mean latitude of surface segment
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of surface photons in segment
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/latitude
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Mean of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu1
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu1
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_y_bincenters = 0..3000]
long_name: PDF of Height
units: 1/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Probability density function of photon surface height
origname: y
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/y
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_snr_harm: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Harmonic SNR
units: meters**2/meters**2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Signal to noise ratio of harmonic fit with coefficients in a to the surface reflected photons including meanoffit2 and with data gaps greater than gaplimit filled with Gaussian white noise about meanoffit2
origname: snr_harm
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/snr_harm
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig2
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig2
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Fraction of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m2
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m2
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_bin_ssbias: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Sea State Bias
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Sea state bias estimated from the correlation of photon return rate with along track 10-m bin averaged surface height (4.3.1)
origname: bin_ssbias
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/bin_ssbias
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_h_skewness: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Skewness of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 23
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of the photon sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_skewness
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/h_skewness
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig1
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig1
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_wn: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_wn = 0..31]
long_name: Harmonic Wave Numbers
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section step 1
contentType: referenceInformation
description: nharms (32) wavenumbers, equal to the inverse of wavelengths for each harmonic component in harmonic analysis of heights.
origname: wn
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/wn
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_n_pulse_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Number laser pulses segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of laser pulses in segment
origname: n_pulse_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/n_pulse_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_np_effect: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Degrees of Freedom
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Effective degrees of freedom of the average sea surface height for the ocean segment
origname: np_effect
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/np_effect
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_xbind: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average distance for each 10m bin
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 8000.000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of along-track distance in each 10-meter bin
origname: xbind
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/xbind
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_a: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_a = 0..64]
long_name: Harmonic Coefficients
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section, step 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Vector of 2 x nharms + 1 coefficients for each harmonic component in the harmonic analysis of heights. a(1,oc_seg) is the coefficient for wavenumber equal zero. a(even index j, oc_seg) is the sine coefficient for wn(j/2), and a(odd index j, oc_seg) is the cosine coefficient for wn((j-1)/2)
origname: a
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/a
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_length_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Length of segment
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of segment (m)
origname: length_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/length_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_p0: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Intercept of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Zero intercept of the linear fit used to detrend the photon heights before going into the second round of surface finding
origname: p0
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/p0
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_h_kurtosis: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: kurtosis of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 24.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess kurtosis of the sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_kurtosis
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/h_kurtosis
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_dxbar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Mean Dist Between Signal Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean distance between signal photons.
origname: dxbar
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/dxbar
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_yvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Y Variance
units: meter^2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance (second moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z squared, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yvar
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/yvar
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_h_uncrtn: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Uncertaintity in mean SSH
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Uncertainty in the mean sea surface height over an ocean segment
origname: h_uncrtn
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/h_uncrtn
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_h_var: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Variance of fit
units: meters^2
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 22.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance in meters squared of the best fit probability density function.
origname: h_var
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/h_var
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_ykurt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: ykurt
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess Kurtosis = (fourth moment of Y)/ Yvar squared, all -3. The fourth moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z to the fourth, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
units: 1
origname: ykurt
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/ykurt
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_ymean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: ymean
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean (first moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z all divided by the integral of Y(z). This should be ~0 = h -meanoffit2
origname: ymean
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/ymean
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_swh: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: swh
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Significant wave height estimated as 4 times the standard deviation of along track 10-m bin averaged surface height
origname: swh
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/swh
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_nbin10: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
origname: nbin10
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/nbin10
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_latbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average latitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of latitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: latbind
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/latbind
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_xrbin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m photon rate
units: photons/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 600.0000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged photon rate from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: xrbin
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/xrbin
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_dxskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Skewness of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxskew
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/dxskew
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_lonbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average longitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of longitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: lonbind
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/lonbind
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_meanoffit2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Mean of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step G
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Average of the linear fit, P0+P1*X, where P0 and P1 are the coefficients of the linear fit to the initial choice of surface photons and X is the array of along-track positions of the final choice of surface photons
origname: meanoffit2
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/meanoffit2
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Mean of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu2
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu2
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_l_scale: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Decorrelation scale
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Decorrelation scale
origname: l_scale
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/l_scale
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_dxvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Variance of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxvar
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/dxvar
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: mean sea surface height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 21
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean sea surface height in meters, relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid, computed as the mean of the distribution represented as an optimum 2-Gaussian mixture fit to the DOT plus the geoid and the mean removed in detrending the surface photon heights for analysis.
origname: h
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/h
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_p1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Slope of Linear Fit
units: meters/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Slope of linear fit versus along-track distance to surface photon height over the ocean
origname: p1
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/p1
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_htybin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -20.00000000
valid_max: 20.00000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged heights from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: htybin
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/htybin
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Fraction of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m1
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m1
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_heights_yskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Y skewness
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness = (third moment of Y) / Yvar to the 3/2 power. The third moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z cubed, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yskew
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/heights/yskew
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_first_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
units: 1
long_name: First ATL03 Geo Segment ID
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The first of the geosegment ids (segment_id) for each ocean segment
origname: first_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/first_geoseg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_layer_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Layer Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The layer flag from ATL09 that is in effect over 50% of the ocean segment, 0 indicating absence of clouds and forward scattering, and 1 indicating possibility of forward scattering as in ATL09
origname: layer_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/layer_flag_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Solid Earth Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Solid Earth Pole Tide -Rotational deformation due to polar motion (-1.5 to 1.5 cm).
origname: tide_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_pole_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of tide free system solid earth tides
origname: tide_earth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_near_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Fraction Nearly Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were nearly saturated
origname: near_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/near_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_solar_elevation_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar elevation
units: degrees
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the elevation of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and is positive towards Up. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_elevation_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/solar_elevation_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid (Mean Tide System)
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of mean tide system geoid height above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid (range -107 to 86 m).
origname: geoid_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in ss_corr
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error of subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_last_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Last PCE Major frame ID
units: counts
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: last_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/last_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_seg_dist_x_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Distance along-track
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the along-track distance from the equator crossing to the start of the 20-m geolocation segments included in the ocean segment
origname: seg_dist_x_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/seg_dist_x_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_podppd_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: PODPPD Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The higher of 0 or 4 of ATL03:/gtx/geolocation/podppd_flag of the data used in the ocean segment.
origname: podppd_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/podppd_flag_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated first-photon bias correction to mean segment height = 0 pending findings to the contrary for the ocean
origname: fpb_corr
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_ocean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis) and longer period tides (dynamic and self-consistent equilibrium)
origname: tide_ocean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_ocean_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
units: meters
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in fpb_corr
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error in fpb_corr = 0 pending findings to the contrary
origname: fpb_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Orbit Number
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/orbit_number
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_full_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Fraction Fully Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were fully saturated
origname: full_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/full_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_ice_conc: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Ice Concentration
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The ice concentration at the average ocean segment position from NSIDC passive microwave data used for ATL07.
origname: ice_conc
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/ice_conc
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_ref_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of azimuth of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from North and positive towards East
origname: ref_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/ref_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_oc_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of oceanic surface rotational deformation due to polar motion (-2 to +2 mm)
origname: tide_oc_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_oc_pole_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_surf_type_prcnt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
long_name: Percent Surface Type
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Percent of each surface type (land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water from masks) in the ocean segment
origname: surf_type_prcnt
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/surf_type_prcnt
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_dac_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Dynamic Atmosphere Correction
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) affect
origname: dac_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/dac_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_solar_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar azimuth
units: degrees_east
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the azimuth of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from North and is positive towards East. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/solar_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system to the mean tide system. (Add to tide_earth to get solid earth tides in the mean-tide system.)
origname: tide_earth_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_first_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
units: counts
long_name: First PCE Major frame ID
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: first_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/first_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_last_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Last ATL03 geo segment ID number.
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: A 7 digit number identifying the last along-track ATL03 geolocation segment number in the ocean height segment
origname: last_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/last_geoseg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert geoid heights from the tide-free system to the mean-tide system. (Subtract from geoid_seg to get the geoid heights in the free-tide system.)
origname: geoid_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_load_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Load Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of local displacement due to ocean loading (-6 to 0 cm)
origname: tide_load_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_load_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_neutat_delay_total_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Total Neutral Atmospheric Delay
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of total neutral atmosphere delay correction (wet + dry)
origname: neutat_delay_total_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/neutat_delay_total_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_first_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: First Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Transmit pulse ID in along-track segment
origname: first_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/first_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_equilibrium_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Equilibrium Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+-0.04m).
origname: tide_equilibrium_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_equilibrium_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_cloudcover_percent_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Percent Cloudcover
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The percentage of geosegs in the ocean segment with layer_flag=1
origname: cloudcover_percent_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/cloudcover_percent_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_backgr_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: ATL03 background
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: backgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate from ATL03 averaged over the segment
origname: backgr_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/backgr_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: subsurface scattering correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_last_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Last Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Transmit pulse in along-track segment
origname: last_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/last_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_photon_noise_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Segment noise photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.Sect. 5.2.4 step N
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The noise photon rate per meter, photon_noise_rate is equal to the difference of n_ttl_photon minus n_photons divided by length_seg.
origname: photon_noise_rate
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/photon_noise_rate
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_photon_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Photon count rate, averaged over the segment
origname: photon_rate
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/photon_rate
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_depth_ocn_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Ocean depth
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The average of depth_ocn of geo-segments used in the ocean segment
units: meters
origname: depth_ocn_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/depth_ocn_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt1l_ssh_segments_stats_ref_elev_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and positive towards Up
origname: ref_elev_seg
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/stats/ref_elev_seg
coordinates: gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt1l_ssh_segments_latitude gt1l_ssh_segments_longitude
quality_assessment_dot_std_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [quality_assessment_ds_lat_bincenters = 0..17]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Standard deviation of DOT for each 10degree bin
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviations of dynamic ocean topography (DOT equal to h-geoid_seg) for each of the 18 ten-degree latitude bands
origname: dot_std_lat
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/dot_std_lat
quality_assessment_qa_granule_pass_fail: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Granule Pass Flag
units: 1
source: Operations
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag indicating granule quality. 0=granule passes automatic QA. 1=granule fails automatic QA.
flag_meanings: PASS FAIL
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: qa_granule_pass_fail
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/qa_granule_pass_fail
quality_assessment_dot_std: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Standard deviation of DOT for the granule
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of dynamic ocean topography (DOT equal to h-geoid_seg) of the entire ATL12.
origname: dot_std
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/dot_std
quality_assessment_dot_mean_lat: Array of 32 bit Reals [quality_assessment_ds_lat_bincenters = 0..17]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average DOT for each 10degree bin
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Means of dynamic ocean topography (DOT equal to h-geoid_seg) for each of the 18 ten-degree latitude bands
origname: dot_mean_lat
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/dot_mean_lat
quality_assessment_qa_granule_fail_reason: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Granule Failure Reason
units: 1
source: Operations
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 5
contentType: qualityInformation
description: Flag indicating granule failure reason. 0=no failure; 1=processing error; 2=Insufficient output data was generated; 3=TBD Failure; 4=TBD_Failure; 5=other failure.
flag_meanings: no_failure PROCESS_ERROR INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT failure_3 failure_4 OTHER_FAILURE
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: qa_granule_fail_reason
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/qa_granule_fail_reason
quality_assessment_dot_mean: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average DOT for the granule
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of dynamic ocean topography (DOT equal to h-geoid_seg) of the entire ATL12.
origname: dot_mean
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/dot_mean
quality_assessment_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: telemetry
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Earliest time for the granule in number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/delta_time
gt3l_ssh_segments_delt_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Ocean Segment Duration
units: seconds
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Time duration segment
origname: delt_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/delt_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Mean longitude of surface segment
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of surface photons in segment
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/longitude
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Mean latitude of surface segment
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of surface photons in segment
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/latitude
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Mean of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu1
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu1
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_y_bincenters = 0..3000]
long_name: PDF of Height
units: 1/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Probability density function of photon surface height
origname: y
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/y
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_snr_harm: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Harmonic SNR
units: meters**2/meters**2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Signal to noise ratio of harmonic fit with coefficients in a to the surface reflected photons including meanoffit2 and with data gaps greater than gaplimit filled with Gaussian white noise about meanoffit2
origname: snr_harm
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/snr_harm
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig2
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig2
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Fraction of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m2
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m2
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_bin_ssbias: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Sea State Bias
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Sea state bias estimated from the correlation of photon return rate with along track 10-m bin averaged surface height (4.3.1)
origname: bin_ssbias
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/bin_ssbias
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_h_skewness: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Skewness of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 23
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of the photon sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_skewness
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/h_skewness
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig1
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig1
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_wn: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_wn = 0..31]
long_name: Harmonic Wave Numbers
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section step 1
contentType: referenceInformation
description: nharms (32) wavenumbers, equal to the inverse of wavelengths for each harmonic component in harmonic analysis of heights.
origname: wn
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/wn
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_n_pulse_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Number laser pulses segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of laser pulses in segment
origname: n_pulse_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/n_pulse_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_np_effect: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Degrees of Freedom
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Effective degrees of freedom of the average sea surface height for the ocean segment
origname: np_effect
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/np_effect
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_xbind: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average distance for each 10m bin
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 8000.000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of along-track distance in each 10-meter bin
origname: xbind
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/xbind
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_a: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_a = 0..64]
long_name: Harmonic Coefficients
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section, step 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Vector of 2 x nharms + 1 coefficients for each harmonic component in the harmonic analysis of heights. a(1,oc_seg) is the coefficient for wavenumber equal zero. a(even index j, oc_seg) is the sine coefficient for wn(j/2), and a(odd index j, oc_seg) is the cosine coefficient for wn((j-1)/2)
origname: a
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/a
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_length_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Length of segment
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of segment (m)
origname: length_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/length_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_p0: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Intercept of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Zero intercept of the linear fit used to detrend the photon heights before going into the second round of surface finding
origname: p0
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/p0
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_h_kurtosis: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: kurtosis of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 24.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess kurtosis of the sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_kurtosis
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/h_kurtosis
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_dxbar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Mean Dist Between Signal Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean distance between signal photons.
origname: dxbar
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/dxbar
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_yvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Y Variance
units: meter^2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance (second moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z squared, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yvar
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/yvar
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_h_uncrtn: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Uncertaintity in mean SSH
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Uncertainty in the mean sea surface height over an ocean segment
origname: h_uncrtn
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/h_uncrtn
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_h_var: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Variance of fit
units: meters^2
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 22.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance in meters squared of the best fit probability density function.
origname: h_var
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/h_var
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_ykurt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: ykurt
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess Kurtosis = (fourth moment of Y)/ Yvar squared, all -3. The fourth moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z to the fourth, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
units: 1
origname: ykurt
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/ykurt
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_ymean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: ymean
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean (first moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z all divided by the integral of Y(z). This should be ~0 = h -meanoffit2
origname: ymean
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/ymean
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_swh: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: swh
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Significant wave height estimated as 4 times the standard deviation of along track 10-m bin averaged surface height
origname: swh
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/swh
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_nbin10: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
origname: nbin10
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/nbin10
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_latbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average latitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of latitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: latbind
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/latbind
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_xrbin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m photon rate
units: photons/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 600.0000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged photon rate from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: xrbin
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/xrbin
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_dxskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Skewness of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxskew
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/dxskew
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_lonbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average longitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of longitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: lonbind
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/lonbind
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_meanoffit2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Mean of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step G
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Average of the linear fit, P0+P1*X, where P0 and P1 are the coefficients of the linear fit to the initial choice of surface photons and X is the array of along-track positions of the final choice of surface photons
origname: meanoffit2
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/meanoffit2
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Mean of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu2
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu2
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_l_scale: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Decorrelation scale
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Decorrelation scale
origname: l_scale
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/l_scale
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_dxvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Variance of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxvar
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/dxvar
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: mean sea surface height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 21
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean sea surface height in meters, relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid, computed as the mean of the distribution represented as an optimum 2-Gaussian mixture fit to the DOT plus the geoid and the mean removed in detrending the surface photon heights for analysis.
origname: h
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/h
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_p1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Slope of Linear Fit
units: meters/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Slope of linear fit versus along-track distance to surface photon height over the ocean
origname: p1
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/p1
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_htybin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -20.00000000
valid_max: 20.00000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged heights from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: htybin
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/htybin
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Fraction of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m1
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m1
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_heights_yskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Y skewness
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness = (third moment of Y) / Yvar to the 3/2 power. The third moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z cubed, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yskew
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/heights/yskew
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_first_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
units: 1
long_name: First ATL03 Geo Segment ID
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The first of the geosegment ids (segment_id) for each ocean segment
origname: first_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/first_geoseg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_layer_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Layer Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The layer flag from ATL09 that is in effect over 50% of the ocean segment, 0 indicating absence of clouds and forward scattering, and 1 indicating possibility of forward scattering as in ATL09
origname: layer_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/layer_flag_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Solid Earth Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Solid Earth Pole Tide -Rotational deformation due to polar motion (-1.5 to 1.5 cm).
origname: tide_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_pole_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of tide free system solid earth tides
origname: tide_earth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_near_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Fraction Nearly Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were nearly saturated
origname: near_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/near_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_solar_elevation_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar elevation
units: degrees
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the elevation of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and is positive towards Up. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_elevation_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/solar_elevation_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid (Mean Tide System)
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of mean tide system geoid height above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid (range -107 to 86 m).
origname: geoid_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in ss_corr
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error of subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_last_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Last PCE Major frame ID
units: counts
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: last_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/last_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_seg_dist_x_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Distance along-track
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the along-track distance from the equator crossing to the start of the 20-m geolocation segments included in the ocean segment
origname: seg_dist_x_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/seg_dist_x_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_podppd_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: PODPPD Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The higher of 0 or 4 of ATL03:/gtx/geolocation/podppd_flag of the data used in the ocean segment.
origname: podppd_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/podppd_flag_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated first-photon bias correction to mean segment height = 0 pending findings to the contrary for the ocean
origname: fpb_corr
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_ocean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis) and longer period tides (dynamic and self-consistent equilibrium)
origname: tide_ocean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_ocean_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
units: meters
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in fpb_corr
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error in fpb_corr = 0 pending findings to the contrary
origname: fpb_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Orbit Number
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/orbit_number
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_full_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Fraction Fully Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were fully saturated
origname: full_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/full_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_ice_conc: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Ice Concentration
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The ice concentration at the average ocean segment position from NSIDC passive microwave data used for ATL07.
origname: ice_conc
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/ice_conc
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_ref_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of azimuth of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from North and positive towards East
origname: ref_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/ref_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_oc_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of oceanic surface rotational deformation due to polar motion (-2 to +2 mm)
origname: tide_oc_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_oc_pole_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_surf_type_prcnt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
long_name: Percent Surface Type
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Percent of each surface type (land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water from masks) in the ocean segment
origname: surf_type_prcnt
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/surf_type_prcnt
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_dac_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Dynamic Atmosphere Correction
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) affect
origname: dac_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/dac_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_solar_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar azimuth
units: degrees_east
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the azimuth of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from North and is positive towards East. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/solar_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system to the mean tide system. (Add to tide_earth to get solid earth tides in the mean-tide system.)
origname: tide_earth_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_first_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
units: counts
long_name: First PCE Major frame ID
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: first_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/first_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_last_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Last ATL03 geo segment ID number.
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: A 7 digit number identifying the last along-track ATL03 geolocation segment number in the ocean height segment
origname: last_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/last_geoseg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert geoid heights from the tide-free system to the mean-tide system. (Subtract from geoid_seg to get the geoid heights in the free-tide system.)
origname: geoid_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_load_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Load Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of local displacement due to ocean loading (-6 to 0 cm)
origname: tide_load_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_load_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_neutat_delay_total_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Total Neutral Atmospheric Delay
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of total neutral atmosphere delay correction (wet + dry)
origname: neutat_delay_total_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/neutat_delay_total_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_first_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: First Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Transmit pulse ID in along-track segment
origname: first_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/first_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_equilibrium_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Equilibrium Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+-0.04m).
origname: tide_equilibrium_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_equilibrium_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_cloudcover_percent_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Percent Cloudcover
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The percentage of geosegs in the ocean segment with layer_flag=1
origname: cloudcover_percent_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/cloudcover_percent_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_backgr_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: ATL03 background
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: backgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate from ATL03 averaged over the segment
origname: backgr_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/backgr_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: subsurface scattering correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_last_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Last Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Transmit pulse in along-track segment
origname: last_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/last_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_photon_noise_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Segment noise photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.Sect. 5.2.4 step N
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The noise photon rate per meter, photon_noise_rate is equal to the difference of n_ttl_photon minus n_photons divided by length_seg.
origname: photon_noise_rate
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/photon_noise_rate
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_photon_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Photon count rate, averaged over the segment
origname: photon_rate
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/photon_rate
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_depth_ocn_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Ocean depth
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The average of depth_ocn of geo-segments used in the ocean segment
units: meters
origname: depth_ocn_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/depth_ocn_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3l_ssh_segments_stats_ref_elev_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and positive towards Up
origname: ref_elev_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/stats/ref_elev_seg
coordinates: gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3l_ssh_segments_latitude gt3l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_delt_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Ocean Segment Duration
units: seconds
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Time duration segment
origname: delt_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/delt_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Mean longitude of surface segment
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of surface photons in segment
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/longitude
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Mean latitude of surface segment
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of surface photons in segment
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/latitude
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Mean of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu1
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu1
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_y_bincenters = 0..3000]
long_name: PDF of Height
units: 1/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Probability density function of photon surface height
origname: y
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/y
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_snr_harm: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Harmonic SNR
units: meters**2/meters**2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Signal to noise ratio of harmonic fit with coefficients in a to the surface reflected photons including meanoffit2 and with data gaps greater than gaplimit filled with Gaussian white noise about meanoffit2
origname: snr_harm
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/snr_harm
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig2
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig2
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Fraction of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m2
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m2
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_bin_ssbias: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Sea State Bias
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Sea state bias estimated from the correlation of photon return rate with along track 10-m bin averaged surface height (4.3.1)
origname: bin_ssbias
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/bin_ssbias
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_h_skewness: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Skewness of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 23
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of the photon sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_skewness
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/h_skewness
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig1
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig1
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_wn: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_wn = 0..31]
long_name: Harmonic Wave Numbers
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section step 1
contentType: referenceInformation
description: nharms (32) wavenumbers, equal to the inverse of wavelengths for each harmonic component in harmonic analysis of heights.
origname: wn
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/wn
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_n_pulse_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Number laser pulses segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of laser pulses in segment
origname: n_pulse_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/n_pulse_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_np_effect: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Degrees of Freedom
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Effective degrees of freedom of the average sea surface height for the ocean segment
origname: np_effect
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/np_effect
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_xbind: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average distance for each 10m bin
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 8000.000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of along-track distance in each 10-meter bin
origname: xbind
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/xbind
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_a: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_a = 0..64]
long_name: Harmonic Coefficients
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section, step 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Vector of 2 x nharms + 1 coefficients for each harmonic component in the harmonic analysis of heights. a(1,oc_seg) is the coefficient for wavenumber equal zero. a(even index j, oc_seg) is the sine coefficient for wn(j/2), and a(odd index j, oc_seg) is the cosine coefficient for wn((j-1)/2)
origname: a
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/a
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_length_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Length of segment
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of segment (m)
origname: length_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/length_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_p0: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Intercept of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Zero intercept of the linear fit used to detrend the photon heights before going into the second round of surface finding
origname: p0
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/p0
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_h_kurtosis: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: kurtosis of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 24.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess kurtosis of the sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_kurtosis
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/h_kurtosis
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_dxbar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Mean Dist Between Signal Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean distance between signal photons.
origname: dxbar
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/dxbar
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_yvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Y Variance
units: meter^2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance (second moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z squared, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yvar
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/yvar
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_h_uncrtn: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Uncertaintity in mean SSH
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Uncertainty in the mean sea surface height over an ocean segment
origname: h_uncrtn
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/h_uncrtn
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_h_var: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Variance of fit
units: meters^2
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 22.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance in meters squared of the best fit probability density function.
origname: h_var
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/h_var
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_ykurt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: ykurt
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess Kurtosis = (fourth moment of Y)/ Yvar squared, all -3. The fourth moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z to the fourth, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
units: 1
origname: ykurt
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/ykurt
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_ymean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: ymean
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean (first moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z all divided by the integral of Y(z). This should be ~0 = h -meanoffit2
origname: ymean
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/ymean
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_swh: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: swh
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Significant wave height estimated as 4 times the standard deviation of along track 10-m bin averaged surface height
origname: swh
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/swh
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_nbin10: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
origname: nbin10
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/nbin10
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_latbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average latitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of latitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: latbind
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/latbind
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_xrbin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m photon rate
units: photons/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 600.0000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged photon rate from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: xrbin
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/xrbin
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_dxskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Skewness of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxskew
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/dxskew
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_lonbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average longitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of longitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: lonbind
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/lonbind
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_meanoffit2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Mean of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step G
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Average of the linear fit, P0+P1*X, where P0 and P1 are the coefficients of the linear fit to the initial choice of surface photons and X is the array of along-track positions of the final choice of surface photons
origname: meanoffit2
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/meanoffit2
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Mean of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu2
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu2
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_l_scale: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Decorrelation scale
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Decorrelation scale
origname: l_scale
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/l_scale
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_dxvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Variance of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxvar
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/dxvar
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: mean sea surface height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 21
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean sea surface height in meters, relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid, computed as the mean of the distribution represented as an optimum 2-Gaussian mixture fit to the DOT plus the geoid and the mean removed in detrending the surface photon heights for analysis.
origname: h
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/h
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_p1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Slope of Linear Fit
units: meters/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Slope of linear fit versus along-track distance to surface photon height over the ocean
origname: p1
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/p1
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_htybin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -20.00000000
valid_max: 20.00000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged heights from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: htybin
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/htybin
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Fraction of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m1
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m1
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_heights_yskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Y skewness
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness = (third moment of Y) / Yvar to the 3/2 power. The third moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z cubed, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yskew
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/heights/yskew
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_first_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
units: 1
long_name: First ATL03 Geo Segment ID
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The first of the geosegment ids (segment_id) for each ocean segment
origname: first_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/first_geoseg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_layer_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Layer Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The layer flag from ATL09 that is in effect over 50% of the ocean segment, 0 indicating absence of clouds and forward scattering, and 1 indicating possibility of forward scattering as in ATL09
origname: layer_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/layer_flag_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Solid Earth Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Solid Earth Pole Tide -Rotational deformation due to polar motion (-1.5 to 1.5 cm).
origname: tide_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_pole_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of tide free system solid earth tides
origname: tide_earth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_near_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Fraction Nearly Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were nearly saturated
origname: near_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/near_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_solar_elevation_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar elevation
units: degrees
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the elevation of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and is positive towards Up. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_elevation_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/solar_elevation_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid (Mean Tide System)
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of mean tide system geoid height above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid (range -107 to 86 m).
origname: geoid_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in ss_corr
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error of subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_last_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Last PCE Major frame ID
units: counts
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: last_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/last_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_seg_dist_x_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Distance along-track
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the along-track distance from the equator crossing to the start of the 20-m geolocation segments included in the ocean segment
origname: seg_dist_x_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/seg_dist_x_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_podppd_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: PODPPD Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The higher of 0 or 4 of ATL03:/gtx/geolocation/podppd_flag of the data used in the ocean segment.
origname: podppd_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/podppd_flag_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated first-photon bias correction to mean segment height = 0 pending findings to the contrary for the ocean
origname: fpb_corr
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_ocean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis) and longer period tides (dynamic and self-consistent equilibrium)
origname: tide_ocean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_ocean_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
units: meters
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in fpb_corr
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error in fpb_corr = 0 pending findings to the contrary
origname: fpb_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Orbit Number
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/orbit_number
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_full_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Fraction Fully Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were fully saturated
origname: full_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/full_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_ice_conc: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Ice Concentration
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The ice concentration at the average ocean segment position from NSIDC passive microwave data used for ATL07.
origname: ice_conc
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/ice_conc
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_ref_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of azimuth of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from North and positive towards East
origname: ref_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/ref_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_oc_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of oceanic surface rotational deformation due to polar motion (-2 to +2 mm)
origname: tide_oc_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_oc_pole_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_surf_type_prcnt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
long_name: Percent Surface Type
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Percent of each surface type (land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water from masks) in the ocean segment
origname: surf_type_prcnt
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/surf_type_prcnt
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_dac_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Dynamic Atmosphere Correction
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) affect
origname: dac_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/dac_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_solar_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar azimuth
units: degrees_east
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the azimuth of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from North and is positive towards East. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/solar_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system to the mean tide system. (Add to tide_earth to get solid earth tides in the mean-tide system.)
origname: tide_earth_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_first_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
units: counts
long_name: First PCE Major frame ID
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: first_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/first_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_last_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Last ATL03 geo segment ID number.
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: A 7 digit number identifying the last along-track ATL03 geolocation segment number in the ocean height segment
origname: last_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/last_geoseg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert geoid heights from the tide-free system to the mean-tide system. (Subtract from geoid_seg to get the geoid heights in the free-tide system.)
origname: geoid_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_load_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Load Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of local displacement due to ocean loading (-6 to 0 cm)
origname: tide_load_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_load_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_neutat_delay_total_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Total Neutral Atmospheric Delay
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of total neutral atmosphere delay correction (wet + dry)
origname: neutat_delay_total_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/neutat_delay_total_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_first_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: First Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Transmit pulse ID in along-track segment
origname: first_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/first_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_tide_equilibrium_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Equilibrium Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+-0.04m).
origname: tide_equilibrium_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/tide_equilibrium_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_cloudcover_percent_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Percent Cloudcover
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The percentage of geosegs in the ocean segment with layer_flag=1
origname: cloudcover_percent_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/cloudcover_percent_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_backgr_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: ATL03 background
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: backgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate from ATL03 averaged over the segment
origname: backgr_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/backgr_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: subsurface scattering correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_last_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Last Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Transmit pulse in along-track segment
origname: last_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/last_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_photon_noise_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Segment noise photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.Sect. 5.2.4 step N
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The noise photon rate per meter, photon_noise_rate is equal to the difference of n_ttl_photon minus n_photons divided by length_seg.
origname: photon_noise_rate
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/photon_noise_rate
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_photon_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Photon count rate, averaged over the segment
origname: photon_rate
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/photon_rate
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_depth_ocn_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Ocean depth
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The average of depth_ocn of geo-segments used in the ocean segment
units: meters
origname: depth_ocn_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/depth_ocn_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
gt2l_ssh_segments_stats_ref_elev_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and positive towards Up
origname: ref_elev_seg
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/stats/ref_elev_seg
coordinates: gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time gt2l_ssh_segments_latitude gt2l_ssh_segments_longitude
ancillary_data_release: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Release Number
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Release number of the granule. The release number is incremented when the software or ancillary data used to create the granule has been changed.
origname: release
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/release
ancillary_data_end_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Geolocation Segment
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending geolocation segment number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat granule geographic regions are further refined by geolocation segments. During the geolocation process, a geolocation segment is created approximately every 20m from the start of the orbit to the end. The geolocation segments help align the ATLAS strong a weak beams and provide a common segment length for the L2 and higher products. The geolocation segment indices differ slightly from orbit-to-orbit because of the irregular shape of the Earth. The geolocation segment indices on ATL01 and ATL02 are only approximate because beams have not been aligned at the time of their creation.
origname: end_geoseg
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_geoseg
ancillary_data_version: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Version
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Version number of this granule within the release. It is a sequential number corresponding to the number of times the granule has been reprocessed for the current release.
origname: version
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/version
ancillary_data_end_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Region
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending product-specific region number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat-2 data products are separated by geographic regions. The data contained within a specific region are the same for ATL01 and ATL02. ATL03 regions differ slightly because of different geolocation segment locations caused by the irregular shape of the Earth. The region indices for other products are completely independent.
origname: end_region
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_region
ancillary_data_atlas_sdp_gps_epoch: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: ATLAS Epoch Offset
units: seconds since 1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS Standard Data Product (SDP) epoch (2018-01-01:T00.00.00.000000 UTC). Add this value to delta time parameters to compute full gps_seconds (relative to the GPS epoch) for each data point.
origname: atlas_sdp_gps_epoch
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch
ancillary_data_end_rgt: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Reference Groundtrack
units: 1
source: Derived
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending reference groundtrack (RGT) number associated with the data contained within this granule. There are 1387 reference groundtrack in the ICESat-2 repeat orbit. The reference groundtrack increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth and resets to 1 each time the spacecraft completes a full cycle.
origname: end_rgt
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_rgt
ancillary_data_end_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: ATLAS End Time (Actual)
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch at the last data point in the file. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: end_delta_time
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_delta_time
ancillary_data_end_orbit: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Orbit Number
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending orbit number associated with the data contained within this granule. The orbit number increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth.
origname: end_orbit
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_orbit
ancillary_data_start_cycle: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Cycle
units: 1
source: Derived
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 99
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting cycle number associated with the data contained within this granule. The cycle number is the counter of the number of 91-day repeat cycles completed by the mission.
origname: start_cycle
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_cycle
ancillary_data_data_end_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: End UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Actual)
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: UTC (in CCSDS-A format) of the last data point within the granule.
origname: data_end_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/data_end_utc
ancillary_data_control: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Control File
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: PGE-specific control file used to generate this granule. To re-use, replace breaks (BR) with linefeeds.
origname: control
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/control
ancillary_data_start_gpssow: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Start GPS SOW of Granule (Actual)
units: seconds
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: GPS seconds-of-week of the first data point in the granule.
origname: start_gpssow
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_gpssow
ancillary_data_granule_end_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: End UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Requested)
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Requested end time (in UTC CCSDS-A) of this granule.
origname: granule_end_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/granule_end_utc
ancillary_data_end_cycle: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending Cycle
units: 1
source: Derived
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 99
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ending cycle number associated with the data contained within this granule. The cycle number is the counter of the number of 91-day repeat cycles completed by the mission.
origname: end_cycle
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_cycle
ancillary_data_ocean_use_podppd_flag: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: use_podppd_flag
units: 1
source: Control File Override ( Defined in Ocean ATBD section Coarse selection )
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: 0 - Ignore podppd_flag when processing ocean data; 1 - Skip data where podppd_flag is 1.
flag_meanings: ignore_podppd_flag use_podppd_flag
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: use_podppd_flag
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/use_podppd_flag
ancillary_data_ocean_depth_shore: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Depth Shore
units: meters
source: Control File Override ( Defined in Ocean ATBD section Coarse selection )
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: If ocean depth is less than depth_shore, then the current ocean segment is too close to land for ocean processing.
origname: depth_shore
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/depth_shore
ancillary_data_ocean_ocseg_min_sig: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ocean Segment Minimum Signal Photons
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.Sect. 5.2.4 step G
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Minimum number of signal photons required to process an ocean segment.
origname: ocseg_min_sig
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/ocseg_min_sig
ancillary_data_ocean_pts2bin: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Bins in Boxcar Smoother
units: 1
source: Control File Override ( Defined in Ocean ATBD, section 5.3.2 step D and Table 5)
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Defines the number of bins used in the boxcar smoother
origname: pts2bin
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/pts2bin
ancillary_data_ocean_fine_max_secs: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Maximum Integration Time
units: seconds
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Maximum fine segment duration of fine selection segment (equivalent to required number of tx pulses).
origname: fine_max_secs
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/fine_max_secs
ancillary_data_ocean_sig_thres: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Signal Threshold
units: percent
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Threshold for photons to be considered signal.
origname: sig_thres
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/sig_thres
ancillary_data_ocean_conf_lim_min: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Fallback Minimum Confidence Level
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Minimum fallback confidence level to be used in moving average. Typically 2 or 3.
origname: conf_lim_min
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/conf_lim_min
ancillary_data_ocean_gaplimit: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Min Gap for Normal Harmonic Analysis
units: meters
source: Control File Override ( Defined in Ocean ATBD section Coarse selection )
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Largest data gap for harmonic analysis.
origname: gaplimit
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/gaplimit
ancillary_data_ocean_fine_min_sig: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Minimum Signal Photons
units: counts
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Minimum number of signal photons required to perform fine selection.
source: Operations
origname: fine_min_sig
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/fine_min_sig
ancillary_data_ocean_hist_bot: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Histogram Bottom
units: meters
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Bottom (minimum height) of the coarse and fine select histograms.
origname: hist_bot
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/hist_bot
ancillary_data_ocean_hist_bin_size: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Histogram Bin Size
units: meters
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Height histogram and impulse response bin size in meters.
origname: hist_bin_size
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/hist_bin_size
ancillary_data_ocean_gapfilldx: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Pseudo photon spacing
units: meters
source: Control File Override ( Defined in Ocean ATBD section Coarse selection )
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Spacing of pseudo photons for harmonic analysis.
origname: gapfilldx
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/gapfilldx
ancillary_data_ocean_layer_switch: Array of 16 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: layer_switch
units: 1
source: Control File Override ( Defined in Ocean ATBD section Coarse selection )
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 1
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Switch to enable usage of layer_flag from ATL09. 0 - Ignore layer_flag when processing ocean data (default); 1 - Process a 14 geoseg ocean segment only if layer_flag is also 1.
flag_meanings: ignore_layer_flag use_layer_flag
flag_values: 0, 1
origname: layer_switch
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/layer_switch
ancillary_data_ocean_cld_thres: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Cloud Threshold
units: percent
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Data associated with cloud percentages above this threshold are not processed.
origname: cld_thres
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/cld_thres
ancillary_data_ocean_min_sigconf: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Minimum Confidence Level in coarse_sel
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Minimum confidence level to be used in coarse_sel. Typically 1.
origname: min_sigconf
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/min_sigconf
ancillary_data_ocean_hist_top: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Histogram Top
units: meters
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Top (maximum height) of the coarse and fine select histograms.
origname: hist_top
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/hist_top
ancillary_data_ocean_hist_nbins: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Number of histogram bins.
units: counts
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of bins in each histogram.
origname: hist_nbins
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/hist_nbins
ancillary_data_ocean_conf_lim: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Minimum Confidence Level
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Minimum confidence level to be included in moving average. Typically 3 or 4.
origname: conf_lim
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/conf_lim
ancillary_data_ocean_proc_interval: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Processing interval
units: counts
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The number of 20 meter segments read at once from ATL03.
origname: proc_interval
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/proc_interval
ancillary_data_ocean_min_ph_pcnt: Array of 32 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Minimum Photon Percentage
units: percent
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Minimum percentage of the selected coarse photons being selected in fine_sel to continue processing.
origname: min_ph_pcnt
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/min_ph_pcnt
ancillary_data_ocean_sw_delta_t: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Strong-Weak Delta Time
units: seconds
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Approximate time differencebetween strong and weak beams for one segment_id.
origname: sw_delta_t
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/sw_delta_t
ancillary_data_ocean_nphoton: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Half Number Photons For Average
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of photons either side of central photon to consider averaging 5 for an 11 point average.
origname: nphoton
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/nphoton
ancillary_data_ocean_oc_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ocean Region Index
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The ocean region covered within this granule.
origname: oc_region
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/oc_region
ancillary_data_ocean_nharms: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Number of Harmonics for Fit
units: 1
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of harmonics to fit to selected surface photons.
origname: nharms
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/nharms
ancillary_data_ocean_coarse_interval: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Coarse selection interval
units: seconds
source: Operations
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The number of seconds of data used for coarse selection (normally equivalent to 400 laser pulses).
origname: coarse_interval
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/ocean/coarse_interval
ancillary_data_granule_start_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Start UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Requested)
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Requested start time (in UTC CCSDS-A) of this granule.
origname: granule_start_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/granule_start_utc
ancillary_data_start_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: ATLAS Start Time (Actual)
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch at the first data point in the file. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: start_delta_time
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_delta_time
ancillary_data_start_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Geolocation Segment
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting geolocation segment number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat granule geographic regions are further refined by geolocation segments. During the geolocation process, a geolocation segment is created approximately every 20m from the start of the orbit to the end. The geolocation segments help align the ATLAS strong a weak beams and provide a common segment length for the L2 and higher products. The geolocation segment indices differ slightly from orbit-to-orbit because of the irregular shape of the Earth. The geolocation segment indices on ATL01 and ATL02 are only approximate because beams have not been aligned at the time of their creation.
origname: start_geoseg
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_geoseg
ancillary_data_start_orbit: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Orbit Number
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting orbit number associated with the data contained within this granule. The orbit number increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth.
origname: start_orbit
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_orbit
ancillary_data_data_start_utc: Array of Strings [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Start UTC Time of Granule (CCSDS-A, Actual)
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: UTC (in CCSDS-A format) of the first data point within the granule.
origname: data_start_utc
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/data_start_utc
ancillary_data_end_gpsweek: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending GPSWeek of Granule (Actual)
units: weeks from 1980-01-06
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: GPS week number of the last data point in the granule.
origname: end_gpsweek
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_gpsweek
ancillary_data_start_rgt: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Reference Groundtrack
units: 1
source: Derived
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 1387
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting reference groundtrack (RGT) number associated with the data contained within this granule. There are 1387 reference groundtrack in the ICESat-2 repeat orbit. The reference groundtrack increments each time the spacecraft completes a full orbit of the Earth and resets to 1 each time the spacecraft completes a full cycle.
origname: start_rgt
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_rgt
ancillary_data_end_gpssow: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Ending GPS SOW of Granule (Actual)
units: seconds
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: GPS seconds-of-week of the last data point in the granule.
origname: end_gpssow
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/end_gpssow
ancillary_data_qa_at_interval: Array of 64 bit Reals [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: QA Along-Track Interval
units: 1
source: control
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Statistics time interval for along-track QA data.
origname: qa_at_interval
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/qa_at_interval
ancillary_data_start_region: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Starting Region
units: 1
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: The starting product-specific region number associated with the data contained within this granule. ICESat-2 data products are separated by geographic regions. The data contained within a specific region are the same for ATL01 and ATL02. ATL03 regions differ slightly because of different geolocation segment locations caused by the irregular shape of the Earth. The region indices for other products are completely independent.
origname: start_region
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_region
ancillary_data_start_gpsweek: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
long_name: Start GPSWeek of Granule (Actual)
units: weeks from 1980-01-06
source: Derived
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: GPS week number of the first data point in the granule.
origname: start_gpsweek
fullnamepath: /ancillary_data/start_gpsweek
gt3r_ssh_segments_delt_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Ocean Segment Duration
units: seconds
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Time duration segment
origname: delt_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/delt_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Mean longitude of surface segment
standard_name: longitude
units: degrees_east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean longitude of surface photons in segment
origname: longitude
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/longitude
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Mean latitude of surface segment
standard_name: latitude
units: degrees_north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean latitude of surface photons in segment
origname: latitude
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/latitude
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Mean of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu1
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu1
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_y: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_y_bincenters = 0..3000]
long_name: PDF of Height
units: 1/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Probability density function of photon surface height
origname: y
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/y
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_snr_harm: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Harmonic SNR
units: meters**2/meters**2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Signal to noise ratio of harmonic fit with coefficients in a to the surface reflected photons including meanoffit2 and with data gaps greater than gaplimit filled with Gaussian white noise about meanoffit2
origname: snr_harm
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/snr_harm
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig2
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig2
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Fraction of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m2
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m2
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_bin_ssbias: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Sea State Bias
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Sea state bias estimated from the correlation of photon return rate with along track 10-m bin averaged surface height (4.3.1)
origname: bin_ssbias
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/bin_ssbias
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_h_skewness: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Skewness of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 23
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of the photon sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_skewness
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/h_skewness
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_sig1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Standard deviation of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Standard deviation of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_sig1
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_sig1
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_wn: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_wn = 0..31]
long_name: Harmonic Wave Numbers
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section step 1
contentType: referenceInformation
description: nharms (32) wavenumbers, equal to the inverse of wavelengths for each harmonic component in harmonic analysis of heights.
origname: wn
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/wn
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_n_pulse_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Number laser pulses segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of laser pulses in segment
origname: n_pulse_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/n_pulse_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_np_effect: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Degrees of Freedom
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Effective degrees of freedom of the average sea surface height for the ocean segment
origname: np_effect
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/np_effect
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_xbind: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average distance for each 10m bin
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 8000.000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of along-track distance in each 10-meter bin
origname: xbind
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/xbind
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_a: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_a = 0..64]
long_name: Harmonic Coefficients
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD, Section, step 4
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Vector of 2 x nharms + 1 coefficients for each harmonic component in the harmonic analysis of heights. a(1,oc_seg) is the coefficient for wavenumber equal zero. a(even index j, oc_seg) is the sine coefficient for wn(j/2), and a(odd index j, oc_seg) is the cosine coefficient for wn((j-1)/2)
origname: a
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/a
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_length_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Length of segment
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Length of segment (m)
origname: length_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/length_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_p0: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Intercept of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Zero intercept of the linear fit used to detrend the photon heights before going into the second round of surface finding
origname: p0
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/p0
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_h_kurtosis: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: kurtosis of sea surface height
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 24.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess kurtosis of the sea surface height histogram.
origname: h_kurtosis
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/h_kurtosis
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_dxbar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Mean Dist Between Signal Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean distance between signal photons.
origname: dxbar
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/dxbar
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_yvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Y Variance
units: meter^2
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance (second moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z squared, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yvar
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/yvar
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_h_uncrtn: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Uncertaintity in mean SSH
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD, Section c
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Uncertainty in the mean sea surface height over an ocean segment
origname: h_uncrtn
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/h_uncrtn
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_h_var: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Variance of fit
units: meters^2
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 22.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance in meters squared of the best fit probability density function.
origname: h_var
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/h_var
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_ykurt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: ykurt
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Excess Kurtosis = (fourth moment of Y)/ Yvar squared, all -3. The fourth moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z to the fourth, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
units: 1
origname: ykurt
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/ykurt
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_ymean: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: ymean
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean (first moment of Y) calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z all divided by the integral of Y(z). This should be ~0 = h -meanoffit2
origname: ymean
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/ymean
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_swh: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: swh
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Significant wave height estimated as 4 times the standard deviation of along track 10-m bin averaged surface height
origname: swh
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/swh
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_nbin10: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Number of 10m bins for the ocean segment
origname: nbin10
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/nbin10
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_latbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average latitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees north
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of latitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: latbind
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/latbind
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_xrbin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m photon rate
units: photons/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 600.0000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged photon rate from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: xrbin
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/xrbin
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_dxskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Skewness of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxskew
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/dxskew
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_lonbind: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 1.7976931348623157e+308
long_name: Average longitude for each 10m bin
units: degrees east
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -180.00000000000000
valid_max: 180.00000000000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Averages of longitudes in each 10-meter bin
origname: lonbind
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/lonbind
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_meanoffit2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Mean of Linear Fit
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step G
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Average of the linear fit, P0+P1*X, where P0 and P1 are the coefficients of the linear fit to the initial choice of surface photons and X is the array of along-track positions of the final choice of surface photons
origname: meanoffit2
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/meanoffit2
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_mu2: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Mean of component 2 Gaussian mixture
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean of component 2 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_mu2
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_mu2
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_l_scale: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Decorrelation scale
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Decorrelation scale
origname: l_scale
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/l_scale
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_dxvar: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Variance of Dist Between Sig Photons
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Variance of distance between signal photons.
origname: dxvar
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/dxvar
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_h: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: mean sea surface height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I, equation 21
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean sea surface height in meters, relative to the WGS84 ellipsoid, computed as the mean of the distribution represented as an optimum 2-Gaussian mixture fit to the DOT plus the geoid and the mean removed in detrending the surface photon heights for analysis.
origname: h
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/h
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_p1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Slope of Linear Fit
units: meters/meter
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Slope of linear fit versus along-track distance to surface photon height over the ocean
origname: p1
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/p1
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_htybin: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_xbin = 0..709]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Average 10m height
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
valid_min: -20.00000000
valid_max: 20.00000000
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The 10-m bin averaged heights from the SSB calculation for each ocean segment.
origname: htybin
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/htybin
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_mix_m1: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Fraction of component 1 Gaussian mixture
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. step I.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of component 1 in 2-component Gaussian mixture
origname: mix_m1
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/mix_m1
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_heights_yskew: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Y skewness
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Skewness = (third moment of Y) / Yvar to the 3/2 power. The third moment of Y is calculated as the integral of Y(z) times z cubed, all divided by the integral of Y(z).
origname: yskew
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/heights/yskew
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_first_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
units: 1
long_name: First ATL03 Geo Segment ID
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The first of the geosegment ids (segment_id) for each ocean segment
origname: first_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/first_geoseg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_layer_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Layer Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The layer flag from ATL09 that is in effect over 50% of the ocean segment, 0 indicating absence of clouds and forward scattering, and 1 indicating possibility of forward scattering as in ATL09
origname: layer_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/layer_flag_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Solid Earth Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Solid Earth Pole Tide -Rotational deformation due to polar motion (-1.5 to 1.5 cm).
origname: tide_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_pole_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of tide free system solid earth tides
origname: tide_earth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_near_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Fraction Nearly Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were nearly saturated
origname: near_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/near_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_solar_elevation_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar elevation
units: degrees
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the elevation of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and is positive towards Up. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_elevation_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/solar_elevation_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid (Mean Tide System)
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of mean tide system geoid height above the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid (range -107 to 86 m).
origname: geoid_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in ss_corr
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error of subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_last_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Last PCE Major frame ID
units: counts
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: last_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/last_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_seg_dist_x_seg: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Distance along-track
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the along-track distance from the equator crossing to the start of the 20-m geolocation segments included in the ocean segment
origname: seg_dist_x_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/seg_dist_x_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_podppd_flag_seg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: PODPPD Flag
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The higher of 0 or 4 of ATL03:/gtx/geolocation/podppd_flag of the data used in the ocean segment.
origname: podppd_flag_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/podppd_flag_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: First photon bias correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated first-photon bias correction to mean segment height = 0 pending findings to the contrary for the ocean
origname: fpb_corr
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_ocean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of ocean tides including diurnal and semi-diurnal (harmonic analysis) and longer period tides (dynamic and self-consistent equilibrium)
origname: tide_ocean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_ocean_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_fpb_corr_stdev: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
units: meters
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Estimated error in fpb_corr
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Estimated error in fpb_corr = 0 pending findings to the contrary
origname: fpb_corr_stdev
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/fpb_corr_stdev
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_orbit_number: Array of 16 bit Integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Orbit Number
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Unique identifying number for each planned ICESat-2 orbit
origname: orbit_number
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/orbit_number
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_full_sat_fract_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Fraction Fully Saturated
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Fraction of all pulses in all geosegs used that were fully saturated
origname: full_sat_fract_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/full_sat_fract_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_ice_conc: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Ice Concentration
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The ice concentration at the average ocean segment position from NSIDC passive microwave data used for ATL07.
origname: ice_conc
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/ice_conc
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_ref_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon azimuth
standard_name: azimuth
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of azimuth of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from North and positive towards East
origname: ref_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/ref_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_oc_pole_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Ocean Pole Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of oceanic surface rotational deformation due to polar motion (-2 to +2 mm)
origname: tide_oc_pole_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_oc_pole_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_surf_type_prcnt: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567][ds_surf_type = 0..4]
long_name: Percent Surface Type
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Percent of each surface type (land, ocean, sea ice, land ice, inland water from masks) in the ocean segment
origname: surf_type_prcnt
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/surf_type_prcnt
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_dac_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Dynamic Atmosphere Correction
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC) includes inverted barometer (IB) affect
origname: dac_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/dac_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_solar_azimuth_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: solar azimuth
units: degrees_east
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of the azimuth of the sun position vector from the reference photon bounce point position in the local ENU frame. The angle is measured from North and is positive towards East. The average is provided in degrees.
origname: solar_azimuth_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/solar_azimuth_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_earth_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Earth Tide Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert solid earth tide from the tide-free system to the mean tide system. (Add to tide_earth to get solid earth tides in the mean-tide system.)
origname: tide_earth_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_earth_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_first_pce_mframe_cnt: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
units: counts
long_name: First PCE Major frame ID
source: l1a/atlas/pcex/altimeter/photons_s and photons_w
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Major Frame ID in the SSH segment
origname: first_pce_mframe_cnt
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/first_pce_mframe_cnt
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_last_geoseg: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Last ATL03 geo segment ID number.
units: 1
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: A 7 digit number identifying the last along-track ATL03 geolocation segment number in the ocean height segment
origname: last_geoseg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/last_geoseg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_geoid_free2mean_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Geoid Free-to-Mean conversion
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average additive value to convert geoid heights from the tide-free system to the mean-tide system. (Subtract from geoid_seg to get the geoid heights in the free-tide system.)
origname: geoid_free2mean_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/geoid_free2mean_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_load_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Load Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of local displacement due to ocean loading (-6 to 0 cm)
origname: tide_load_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_load_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_neutat_delay_total_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Total Neutral Atmospheric Delay
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Ocean segment average of total neutral atmosphere delay correction (wet + dry)
origname: neutat_delay_total_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/neutat_delay_total_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_first_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: First Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: First Transmit pulse ID in along-track segment
origname: first_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/first_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_tide_equilibrium_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Equilibrium Tide
units: meters
source: ATL03
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Long period equilibrium tide self-consistent with ocean tide model (+-0.04m).
origname: tide_equilibrium_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/tide_equilibrium_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_cloudcover_percent_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Percent Cloudcover
units: 1
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The percentage of geosegs in the ocean segment with layer_flag=1
origname: cloudcover_percent_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/cloudcover_percent_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_backgr_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: ATL03 background
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: backgrd_atlas/bckgrd_rate from ATL03 averaged over the segment
origname: backgr_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/backgr_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_ss_corr: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: subsurface scattering correction
units: meters
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Subsurface scattering correction, placeholder = zero pending further findings to the contrary
origname: ss_corr
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/ss_corr
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_last_tx_pulse: Array of 32 bit Integers [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Last Transmit Pulse
units: counts
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Last Transmit pulse in along-track segment
origname: last_tx_pulse
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/last_tx_pulse
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_photon_noise_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Segment noise photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.Sect. 5.2.4 step N
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The noise photon rate per meter, photon_noise_rate is equal to the difference of n_ttl_photon minus n_photons divided by length_seg.
origname: photon_noise_rate
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/photon_noise_rate
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_photon_rate: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Photon count rate
units: 1/meters
source: Ocean ATBD Sect. 5.2.4 step N.
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Photon count rate, averaged over the segment
origname: photon_rate
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/photon_rate
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_depth_ocn_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Ocean depth
source: Ocean ATBD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The average of depth_ocn of geo-segments used in the ocean segment
units: meters
origname: depth_ocn_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/depth_ocn_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
gt3r_ssh_segments_stats_ref_elev_seg: Array of 32 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
_FillValue: 3.402823466e+38
long_name: Reference photon elevation
standard_name: elevation
units: radians
source: ATL03
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Ocean segment average of elevation of the unit pointing vector for the reference photon in the local ENU frame in radians. The angle is measured from the East-North plane and positive towards Up
origname: ref_elev_seg
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/stats/ref_elev_seg
coordinates: gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time gt3r_ssh_segments_latitude gt3r_ssh_segments_longitude
ds_a: Array of 32 bit Integers [ds_a = 0..64]
long_name: Harmonic Coefficient Dimension Scale
units: 1
source: Dim Scale
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dimension scale for harmonic coefficients.
origname: ds_a
fullnamepath: /ds_a
ds_surf_type: Array of 32 bit Integers [ds_surf_type = 0..4]
long_name: Surface Type Dimension Scale
units: 1
source: Dim Scale
valid_min: 1
valid_max: 5
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dimension scale indexing the surface type array. Index=1 corresponds to Land; index = 2 corresponds to Ocean; Index = 3 corresponds to SeaIce; Index=4 corresponds to LandIce; Index=5 corresponds to InlandWater
flag_meanings: land ocean seaice landice inland_water
flag_values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
origname: ds_surf_type
fullnamepath: /ds_surf_type
ds_wn: Array of 32 bit Integers [ds_wn = 0..31]
long_name: Wave Number Dimension Scale
units: 1
source: Dim Scale
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Dimension scale for wave numbers.
origname: ds_wn
fullnamepath: /ds_wn
ds_xbin: Array of 32 bit Reals [ds_xbin = 0..709]
long_name: 10m bin centers dimension scale
units: meters
source: Dim Scale
valid_min: 0.000000000
valid_max: 7100.000000
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Center of 1 x 710 element array of 10-m bins. Note this may be included as a data description or other static array equal to [5, 15, 25, 35 ?.. 7095 m]
origname: ds_xbin
fullnamepath: /ds_xbin
ds_y_bincenters: Array of 32 bit Reals [ds_y_bincenters = 0..3000]
long_name: Dimension scale for Y bins center
units: meters
source: Dim Scale
valid_min: -15.00000000
valid_max: 15.00000000
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Bin center values for the y histogram. Ranges -14.995 to 14.995 meters in 1 centimeter bin size steps.
origname: ds_y_bincenters
fullnamepath: /ds_y_bincenters
gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20827]
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: telemetry
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time for the ocean surface segment in number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt1l/ssh_segments/delta_time
gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt1r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3544]
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: telemetry
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time for the ocean surface segment in number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt1r/ssh_segments/delta_time
gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..17312]
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: telemetry
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time for the ocean surface segment in number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt2l/ssh_segments/delta_time
gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt2r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3452]
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: telemetry
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time for the ocean surface segment in number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt2r/ssh_segments/delta_time
gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3l_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..20325]
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: telemetry
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time for the ocean surface segment in number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt3l/ssh_segments/delta_time
gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [gt3r_ssh_segments_delta_time = 0..3567]
long_name: Elapsed GPS seconds
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: telemetry
contentType: referenceInformation
description: Mean time for the ocean surface segment in number of GPS seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: delta_time
fullnamepath: /gt3r/ssh_segments/delta_time
orbit_info_crossing_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_crossing_time = 0..3]
long_name: Ascending Node Crossing Time
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: POD/PPD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The time, in seconds since the ATLAS SDP GPS Epoch, at which the ascending node crosses the equator. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: crossing_time
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/crossing_time
orbit_info_sc_orient_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [orbit_info_sc_orient_time = 0..0]
long_name: Time of Last Spacecraft Orientation Change
standard_name: time
units: seconds since 2018-01-01
source: POD/PPD
contentType: referenceInformation
description: The time of the last spacecraft orientation change between forward, backward and transitional flight modes, expressed in seconds since the ATLAS SDP GPS Epoch. ICESat-2 is considered to be flying forward when the weak beams are leading the strong beams; and backward when the strong beams are leading the weak beams. ICESat-2 is considered to be in transition while it is maneuvering between the two orientations. Science quality is potentially degraded while in transition mode. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.
origname: sc_orient_time
fullnamepath: /orbit_info/sc_orient_time
quality_assessment_ds_lat_bincenters: Array of 64 bit Reals [quality_assessment_ds_lat_bincenters = 0..17]
long_name: Dimension scale for latitude bins center
units: degrees north
source: Dim Scale
valid_min: -90.000000000000000
valid_max: 90.000000000000000
contentType: auxiliaryInformation
description: Bin center values for the mean latitude bands. Ranges -85.0 to 85.0 degrees in 10 degree bin size steps.
origname: ds_lat_bincenters
fullnamepath: /quality_assessment/ds_lat_bincenters
FakeDim0: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..0]
units: level