Dataset Information

FileHeader: DOI=10.5067/GPM/GMI/1A/05; DOIauthority=http://dx.doi/org/; DOIshortName=1AGMI; AlgorithmID=1AGMI; AlgorithmVersion=4.2; FileName=1A.GPM.GMI.COUNT2016.20160105-S230545-E003816.010538.V05A.HDF5; SatelliteName=GPM; InstrumentName=GMI; GenerationDateTime=2017-05-04T09:20:34.000Z; StartGranuleDateTime=2016-01-05T23:05:45.953Z; StopGranuleDateTime=2016-01-06T00:38:17.949Z; GranuleNumber=10538; NumberOfSwaths=5; NumberOfGrids=0; GranuleStart=SOUTHERNMOST_LATITUDE; TimeInterval=ORBIT; ProcessingSystem=PPS; ProductVersion=V05A; EmptyGranule=NOT_EMPTY; MissingData=0;
InputRecord: InputFileNames=GPM.GMIS.20160105.230141102_20160105.230639231.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.230641106_20160105.231139235.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.231141110_20160105.231639239.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.231641114_20160105.232139243.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.232141118_20160105.232639247.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.232641123_20160105.233139252.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.233141127_20160105.233639256.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.233641131_20160105.234139260.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.234141135_20160105.234639264.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.234641139_20160105.235139268.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.235141143_20160105.235639272.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160105.235641147_20160106.000139276.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160106.000141152_20160106.000639281.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160106.000641156_20160106.001139285.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160106.001141160_20160106.001639289.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160106.001641164_20160106.002139293.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160106.002141168_20160106.002639297.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160106.002641172_20160106.003139301.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160106.003141176_20160106.003639305.001.SCANRAW GPM.GMIS.20160106.003641180_20160106.004139309.001.SCANRAW; InputAlgorithmVersions=n/a; InputGenerationDateTimes=n/a;
NavigationRecord: LongitudeOnEquator=179.046739; UTCDateTimeOnEquator=2016-01-05T23:28:53.899Z; MeanSolarBetaAngle=-18.034080; EphemerisFileName=GPMCORE.20160105.230545953_20160106.003817949.001.EPHEM.txt; AttitudeFileName=GPMCORE.20160105.230545953_20160106.003817949.001.ATT.txt; GeoControlFileName=Control_Parameters_GMI_20161220.V05A.txt; EphemerisSource=7_PVT_WITH_FALLBACK_AS_FLAGGED; AttitudeSource=1_ON_BOARD_CALCULATED_PITCH_ROLL_YAW; GeoToolkitVersion=V5.0 4.19.2017 ; SensorAlignmentFirstRotationAngle=179.964996; SensorAlignmentSecondRotationAngle=0.004000; SensorAlignmentThirdRotationAngle=0.001000; SensorAlignmentFirstRotationAxis=1; SensorAlignmentSecondRotationAxis=2; SensorAlignmentThirdRotationAxis=3;
FileInfo: DataFormatVersion=bn; TKCodeBuildVersion=1; MetadataVersion=bn; FormatPackage=HDF5-1.8.9; BlueprintFilename=GPM.V1.1AGMI.blueprint.xml; BlueprintVersion=BV_48; TKIOVersion=3.80.26; MetadataStyle=PVL; EndianType=LITTLE_ENDIAN;
Unlimited_Dimension: nscan2, nscan1

Variables in this Dataset

gmi1aHeader_sampleRangeFile: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [dim7 = 0..6][dim6 = 0..5]
DimensionNames: dim7,dim6
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: sampleRangeFile
fullnamepath: /gmi1aHeader/sampleRangeFile
S2_ScanTime_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: ms
units: ms
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: MilliSecond
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/MilliSecond
S2_ScanTime_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: minutes
units: minutes
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Minute
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Minute
S2_ScanTime_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: years
units: years
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: Year
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Year
S2_ScanTime_SecondOfDay: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: SecondOfDay
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/SecondOfDay
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_ScanTime_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Second
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Second
S2_ScanTime_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: DayOfYear
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/DayOfYear
S2_ScanTime_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: hours
units: hours
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Hour
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Hour
S2_ScanTime_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: months
units: months
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Month
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/Month
S2_ScanTime_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: DayOfMonth
fullnamepath: /S2/ScanTime/DayOfMonth
S2_moonVectorInstFrame: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][GMIxyz = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan2,GMIxyz
Units: counts
units: counts
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: moonVectorInstFrame
fullnamepath: /S2/moonVectorInstFrame
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_ephemerisUsed: Array of Bytes [nscan1 = 0..2960][dim10 = 0..9]
DimensionNames: nscan1,dim10
_FillValue: 255
CodeMissingValue: 255
origname: ephemerisUsed
fullnamepath: /S2/ephemerisUsed
S2_coldSky: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelcs = 0..220][nchannel2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelcs,nchannel2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: coldSky
fullnamepath: /S2/coldSky
S2_sunGlintAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunGlintAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/sunGlintAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scPos: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][XYZ = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan1,XYZ
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scPos
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scPos
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_timeMidScanOffset: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeMidScanOffset
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/timeMidScanOffset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttPitchGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttPitchGeod
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttPitchGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scVel: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][XYZ = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan1,XYZ
Units: m/s
units: m/s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scVel
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scVel
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttRollGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttRollGeod
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttRollGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttRollGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttRollGeoc
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttRollGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAlt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAlt
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAlt
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scLon: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scLon
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scLon
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttYawGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttYawGeoc
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttYawGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttPitchGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttPitchGeoc
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttPitchGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_dprAlt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: dprAlt
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/dprAlt
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_greenHourAng: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: greenHourAng
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/greenHourAng
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scLat: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scLat
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scLat
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_scAttYawGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttYawGeod
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/scAttYawGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_navigation_timeMidScan: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeMidScan
fullnamepath: /S2/navigation/timeMidScan
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_hotLoad: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelht = 0..220][nchannel2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelht,nchannel2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: hotLoad
fullnamepath: /S2/hotLoad
S2_earthView: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220][nchannel2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelev,nchannel2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: earthView
fullnamepath: /S2/earthView
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude nchannel2
S2_solarAzimuthAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarAzimuthAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/solarAzimuthAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_phaseFromOrbitMidnight: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: phaseFromOrbitMidnight
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/phaseFromOrbitMidnight
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_sunEarthSeparation: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunEarthSeparation
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/sunEarthSeparation
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_earthAngularRadius: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: earthAngularRadius
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/earthAngularRadius
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_phaseOfEclipseExit: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: phaseOfEclipseExit
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/phaseOfEclipseExit
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_solarBetaAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarBetaAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/solarBetaAngle
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_timeSinceEclipseEntry: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeSinceEclipseEntry
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/timeSinceEclipseEntry
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_orbitRate: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees/s
units: degrees/s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: orbitRate
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/orbitRate
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_sunData_sunVectorInBodyFrame: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][FakeDim0 = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan2,
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunVectorInBodyFrame
fullnamepath: /S2/sunData/sunVectorInBodyFrame
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_satAzimuthAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: satAzimuthAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/satAzimuthAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_solarZenAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarZenAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/solarZenAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_scanStatus_operationalMode: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: operationalMode
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/operationalMode
S2_scanStatus_modeStatus: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: modeStatus
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/modeStatus
S2_scanStatus_targetSelectionMidScan: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: targetSelectionMidScan
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/targetSelectionMidScan
S2_scanStatus_geoWarning: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: geoWarning
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/geoWarning
S2_scanStatus_pointingStatus: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pointingStatus
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/pointingStatus
S2_scanStatus_geoError: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: geoError
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/geoError
S2_scanStatus_dataQuality: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: dataQuality
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/dataQuality
S2_scanStatus_acsModeMidScan: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: acsModeMidScan
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/acsModeMidScan
S2_scanStatus_missing: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: missing
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/missing
S2_scanStatus_FractionalGranuleNumber: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: FractionalGranuleNumber
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/FractionalGranuleNumber
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_scanStatus_SCorientation: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: SCorientation
fullnamepath: /S2/scanStatus/SCorientation
S2_incidenceAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: incidenceAngle
fullnamepath: /S2/incidenceAngle
coordinates: S2_Longitude S2_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_18G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_18G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_18G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_166G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_166G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_166G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_183G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_183G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_183G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_183G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_183G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_183G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_10G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_10G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_10G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_166G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_166G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_166G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_166G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_166G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_166G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_23G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_23G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_23G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_10G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_10G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_10G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_23G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_23G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_23G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_166G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_166G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_166G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_10G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_10G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_10G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_183G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_183G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_183G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_89G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_89G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_89G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_23G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_23G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_23G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_36G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_36G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_36G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_18G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_18G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_18G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_183G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_183G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_183G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_10G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_10G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_10G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_10G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_10G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_10G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_18G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_18G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_18G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_89G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_89G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_89G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_36G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_36G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_36G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_18G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_18G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_18G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_89G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_89G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_89G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_23G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_23G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_23G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_36G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_36G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_36G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_183G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_183G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_183G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_23G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_23G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_23G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_10G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_10G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_10G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_36G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_36G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_36G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_23G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_23G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_23G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_89G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_89G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_89G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_36G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_36G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_36G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_89G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_89G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_89G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_166G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_166G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_166G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_18G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_18G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_18G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_166G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_166G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_166G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_HLOAD_36G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HLOAD_36G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/HLOAD_36G_NUM
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_18G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_18G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_18G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_SMPL_INFO_VALID: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_SMPL_INFO_EARTH_89G_STRT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EARTH_89G_STRT
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/EARTH_89G_STRT
S3_SMPL_INFO_CSKY_183G_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSKY_183G_NUM
fullnamepath: /S3/SMPL_INFO/CSKY_183G_NUM
S3_TAM2_timeOffset: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeOffset
fullnamepath: /S3/TAM2/timeOffset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S3_TAM2_Vx: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vx
fullnamepath: /S3/TAM2/Vx
S3_TAM2_Vy: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vy
fullnamepath: /S3/TAM2/Vy
S3_TAM2_Vz: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vz
fullnamepath: /S3/TAM2/Vz
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RS_EPC_15V: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_EPC_15V
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RS_EPC_15V
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RS_CALRES_2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_CALRES_2
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RS_CALRES_2
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_89GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_89GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RSST_89GHZ_RLY
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_23GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_23GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RSST_23GHZ_RLY
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_BATC_CALRES_1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BATC_CALRES_1
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/BATC_CALRES_1
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_NDIODE_MODE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: NDIODE_MODE
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_CMD_AFTER: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_CMD_AFTER
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RS_CALRES_1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_CALRES_1
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RS_CALRES_1
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_NDIODE10GHZSNUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_SCI_ADC_LP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_SCI_ADC_LP
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_36GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_36GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RSST_36GHZ_RLY
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RS_EPC_5V: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_EPC_5V
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RS_EPC_5V
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RS_EPC_NEG12V: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_EPC_NEG12V
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RS_EPC_NEG12V
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RS_EPC_7V: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_EPC_7V
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RS_EPC_7V
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_SAMP_OVLP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_SAMP_OVLP
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RESERVED1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RESERVED1
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RESERVED1
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_HSK_ADC_LP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_HSK_ADC_LP
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RS_EPC_POS12V: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_EPC_POS12V
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RS_EPC_POS12V
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_166GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_166GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RSST_166GHZ_RLY
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_INVLD_CMD: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_INVLD_CMD
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_183GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_183GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RSST_183GHZ_RLY
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_18GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_18GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RSST_18GHZ_RLY
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RS_EPC_ISENS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_EPC_ISENS
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_NDIODE_ST: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_NDIODE_ST
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_BATC_CALRES_2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BATC_CALRES_2
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/BATC_CALRES_2
S3_RSHSK_STATUS_RSST_10GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RSST_10GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_STATUS/RSST_10GHZ_RLY
S3_primaryHeader_version: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: version
fullnamepath: /S3/primaryHeader/version
S3_primaryHeader_secHeaderFlag: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: secHeaderFlag
fullnamepath: /S3/primaryHeader/secHeaderFlag
S3_primaryHeader_APID: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: APID
fullnamepath: /S3/primaryHeader/APID
S3_primaryHeader_sequenceFlag: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: sequenceFlag
fullnamepath: /S3/primaryHeader/sequenceFlag
S3_primaryHeader_packetSequenceCount: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: packetSequenceCount
fullnamepath: /S3/primaryHeader/packetSequenceCount
S3_primaryHeader_type: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: type
fullnamepath: /S3/primaryHeader/type
S3_primaryHeader_packetLength: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: packetLength
fullnamepath: /S3/primaryHeader/packetLength
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TCU_SECS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TCU_SECS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TCU_SECS
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TCF_LEAP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TCF_LEAP
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TCF_LEAP
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TCF_SUBSECS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TCF_SUBSECS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TCF_SUBSECS
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TCF_SIGN: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TCF_SIGN
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TCF_SIGN
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TCF_SECS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TCF_SECS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TCF_SECS
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TC_PULSE_SECS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TC_PULSE_SECS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TC_PULSE_SECS
S3_GSDR_TIME_GPS_TCU_SUBS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GPS_TCU_SUBS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/GPS_TCU_SUBS
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TCU_SUBS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TCU_SUBS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TCU_SUBS
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TCF_SC_SUBSEC: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TCF_SC_SUBSEC
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TCF_SC_SUBSEC
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TC_PULSE_SUBS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TC_PULSE_SUBS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TC_PULSE_SUBS
S3_GSDR_TIME_GPS_TCU_SECS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GPS_TCU_SECS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/GPS_TCU_SECS
S3_GSDR_TIME_G_TCF_SC_SECS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: G_TCF_SC_SECS
fullnamepath: /S3/GSDR_TIME/G_TCF_SC_SECS
S3_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Longitude
fullnamepath: /S3/Longitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_RESERVED2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RESERVED2
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/RESERVED2
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_VB183GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_VB183GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_VB183GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_V23GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_V23GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_V23GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_H166GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_H166GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_H166GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_V36GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_V36GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_V36GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_H18GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_H18GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_H18GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_H36GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_H36GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_H36GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_VA183GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_VA183GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_VA183GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_V166GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_V166GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_V166GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_V18GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_V18GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_V18GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_V10GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_V10GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_V10GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_H89GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_H89GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_H89GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_H10GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_H10GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_H10GHZ
S3_RSHSK_GAIN_GAIN_V89GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GAIN_V89GHZ
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_GAIN/GAIN_V89GHZ
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_RS_MR2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_RS_MR2
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_RS_MR2
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_HL_TRAY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_HL_TRAY
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_HL_TRAY
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_166GHZ_LO: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_166GHZ_LO
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_166GHZ_LO
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_H18GHZ_ND: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_H18GHZ_ND
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_H18GHZ_ND
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_SMASPUNHSG: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_89GHZ_LO: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_89GHZ_LO
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_89GHZ_LO
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_V89GHZMXR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_V89GHZMXR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_V89GHZMXR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_H166GHZMXR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_H166GHZMXR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_H166GHZMXR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_FEED: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_FEED
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_FEED
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_RS_EDC: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_RS_EDC
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_RS_EDC
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_36GHZRCVR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_36GHZRCVR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_36GHZRCVR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_183GHZ_LO: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_183GHZ_LO
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_183GHZ_LO
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_183GHZRCVR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_183GHZRCVR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_183GHZRCVR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_18GHZRCVR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_18GHZRCVR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_18GHZRCVR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_89GHZRCVR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_89GHZRCVR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_89GHZRCVR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_H10GHZ_ND: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_H10GHZ_ND
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_H10GHZ_ND
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_V166GHZMXR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_V166GHZMXR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_V166GHZMXR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_166GHZRCVR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_166GHZRCVR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_166GHZRCVR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_V18GHZ_ND: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_V18GHZ_ND
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_V18GHZ_ND
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_H89GHZMXR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_H89GHZMXR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_H89GHZMXR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_V36GHZ_ND: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_V36GHZ_ND
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_V36GHZ_ND
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_23GHZRCVR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_23GHZRCVR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_23GHZRCVR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_H36GHZ_ND: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_H36GHZ_ND
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_H36GHZ_ND
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_V10GHZ_ND: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_V10GHZ_ND
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_V10GHZ_ND
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_183GHZMXR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_183GHZMXR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_183GHZMXR
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_RS_EPC: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_RS_EPC
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_RS_EPC
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_RS_MR1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_RS_MR1
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_RS_MR1
S3_RSHSK_TEMP_TEMP_10GHZRCVR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_10GHZRCVR
fullnamepath: /S3/RSHSK_TEMP/TEMP_10GHZRCVR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_RS_1MHZ_REF: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_1MHZ_REF
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/RS_1MHZ_REF
S3_SENSOR_INFO_RS_SCAN_START: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_SCAN_START
S3_SENSOR_INFO_BOOT_BANK: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BOOT_BANK
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/BOOT_BANK
S3_SENSOR_INFO_SCE_FORCE_SEL: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_FORCE_SEL
S3_SENSOR_INFO_FPGA_ACCSS_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: FPGA_ACCSS_ERR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_FPGA_RST_REASON: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_SENSOR_INFO_SC_1HZ_REF: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SC_1HZ_REF
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/SC_1HZ_REF
S3_SENSOR_INFO_SCE_A_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_A_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/SCE_A_RLY
S3_SENSOR_INFO_IE_CMD_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IE_CMD_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/IE_CMD_ERR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_SCE_RSP_RDY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_RSP_RDY
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/SCE_RSP_RDY
S3_SENSOR_INFO_IE_RSP_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IE_RSP_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/IE_RSP_ERR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_EEPROM_BUSY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EEPROM_BUSY
S3_SENSOR_INFO_ERR_HDL_FAILURE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_SENSOR_INFO_CURRENT_BANK: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CURRENT_BANK
S3_SENSOR_INFO_EDAC_ENABLE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: EDAC_ENABLE
S3_SENSOR_INFO_SCE_B_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_B_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/SCE_B_RLY
S3_SENSOR_INFO_SCE_A_ACTIVE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_A_ACTIVE
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/SCE_A_ACTIVE
S3_SENSOR_INFO_VERSION_MIN: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: VERSION_MIN
S3_SENSOR_INFO_FPGA_MODE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: FPGA_MODE
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/FPGA_MODE
S3_SENSOR_INFO_RS_TLM_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_TLM_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/RS_TLM_ERR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_RS_CLK_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_CLK_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/RS_CLK_ERR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_VERSION_MAJ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: VERSION_MAJ
S3_SENSOR_INFO_SCE_B_ACTIVE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_B_ACTIVE
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/SCE_B_ACTIVE
S3_SENSOR_INFO_SCE_RSP_PROG: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_RSP_PROG
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/SCE_RSP_PROG
S3_SENSOR_INFO_FPGA_SCE_RX_EN: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: FPGA_SCE_RX_EN
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/FPGA_SCE_RX_EN
S3_SENSOR_INFO_RS_TLM_PROG: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_TLM_PROG
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/RS_TLM_PROG
S3_SENSOR_INFO_CRASH_REASON: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CRASH_REASON
S3_SENSOR_INFO_FPGA_RS_RX_EN: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: FPGA_RS_RX_EN
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/FPGA_RS_RX_EN
S3_SENSOR_INFO_IE_PKT_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IE_PKT_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/IE_PKT_ERR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_IE_TLM_PROG: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IE_TLM_PROG
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/IE_TLM_PROG
S3_SENSOR_INFO_RS_PKT_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_PKT_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/RS_PKT_ERR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_IE_TLM_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IE_TLM_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/IE_TLM_ERR
S3_SENSOR_INFO_RESET_REASON: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RESET_REASON
S3_SENSOR_INFO_WDOG_ENABLE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: WDOG_ENABLE
S3_SENSOR_INFO_FPGA_IE_RX_EN: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: FPGA_IE_RX_EN
fullnamepath: /S3/SENSOR_INFO/FPGA_IE_RX_EN
S3_SENSOR_INFO_KEEP_ALIVE_CNT: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: KEEP_ALIVE_CNT
S3_ScanTime_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: ms
units: ms
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: MilliSecond
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/MilliSecond
S3_ScanTime_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: minutes
units: minutes
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Minute
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Minute
S3_ScanTime_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: years
units: years
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: Year
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Year
S3_ScanTime_SecondOfDay: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: SecondOfDay
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/SecondOfDay
_FillValue: -9999.9
S3_ScanTime_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Second
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Second
S3_ScanTime_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: DayOfYear
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/DayOfYear
S3_ScanTime_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: hours
units: hours
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Hour
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Hour
S3_ScanTime_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: months
units: months
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Month
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/Month
S3_ScanTime_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: DayOfMonth
fullnamepath: /S3/ScanTime/DayOfMonth
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_14: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_14
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_14
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_01: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_01
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_01
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_05: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_05
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_05
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_10: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_10
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_10
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_12: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_12
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_12
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_08: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_08
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_08
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_03: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_03
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_03
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_06: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_06
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_06
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_15: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_15
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_15
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_13: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_13
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_13
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_00: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_00
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_00
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_07: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_07
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_07
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_05: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_05
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_05
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_09: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_09
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_09
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_09: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_09
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_09
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_01: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_01
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_01
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_12: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_12
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_12
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_04: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_04
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_04
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_00: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_00
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_00
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_10: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_10
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_10
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_03: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_03
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_03
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_IDX_PULSE_SECS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IDX_PULSE_SECS
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_14: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_14
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_14
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_13: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_13
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_13
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_02: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_02
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_02
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_04: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_04
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_04
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_IDX_PULSE_SUBS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IDX_PULSE_SUBS
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_07: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_07
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_07
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_15: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_15
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_15
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SECS_11: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_11
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SECS_11
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_11: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_11
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_11
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_08: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_08
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_08
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_02: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_02
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_02
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS_TACH_SUBS_06: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_06
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS/TACH_SUBS_06
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_SMPOFFST_10GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMPOFFST_10GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_NUMSMPLS_23GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: NUMSMPLS_23GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_NUMSMPLS_18GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: NUMSMPLS_18GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_SMPOFFST_18GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMPOFFST_18GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_SMPOFFST_36GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMPOFFST_36GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_NUMSMPLS_89GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: NUMSMPLS_89GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_SMPOFFST_23GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMPOFFST_23GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_NUMSMPLS_10GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: NUMSMPLS_10GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_NUMSMPLS_36GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: NUMSMPLS_36GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_SMPOFFST_166GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMPOFFST_166GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_NUMSMPLS_183GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: NUMSMPLS_183GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_SMPOFFST_89GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMPOFFST_89GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_SMPOFFST_183GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMPOFFST_183GHZ
S3_RSHSK_SAMPL_INFO_NUMSMPLS_166GHZ: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: NUMSMPLS_166GHZ
S3_ephemerisUsed: Array of Bytes [nscan1 = 0..2960][dim10 = 0..9]
DimensionNames: nscan1,dim10
_FillValue: 255
CodeMissingValue: 255
origname: ephemerisUsed
fullnamepath: /S3/ephemerisUsed
S3_numPacketSegments: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: numPacketSegments
fullnamepath: /S3/numPacketSegments
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IE_BLANKING_CNT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_CLR_STAT_N: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CLR_STAT_N
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/CLR_STAT_N
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_PWR_STAT_LR_PR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: PWR_STAT_LR_PR
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_HTR_STAT_RS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HTR_STAT_RS
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/HTR_STAT_RS
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_PWR_STAT_LR_RED: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: PWR_STAT_LR_RED
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_RDA_DEPL_STAT_2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RDA_DEPL_STAT_2
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/RDA_DEPL_STAT_2
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_MR_LR_LOWR_STAT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: MR_LR_LOWR_STAT
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_RDA_DEPL_STAT_3: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RDA_DEPL_STAT_3
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/RDA_DEPL_STAT_3
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_HTR_STAT_HTLD: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HTR_STAT_HTLD
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IBS_LR3_STAT_N: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IBS_LR3_STAT_N
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/IBS_LR3_STAT_N
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_RS_MST_RLY_STAT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_MST_RLY_STAT
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IE_LATCHUP_PAD: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IE_LATCHUP_PAD
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IBS_LR2_STAT_N: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IBS_LR2_STAT_N
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/IBS_LR2_STAT_N
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IE_LATCHUP_SMPS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IE_LATCHUP_CHAN: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_HTR_STAT_SMA: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HTR_STAT_SMA
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_MR_LR_LEFT_STAT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: MR_LR_LEFT_STAT
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IBS_LR1_STAT_N: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IBS_LR1_STAT_N
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/IBS_LR1_STAT_N
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_RDA_DEPL_STAT_4: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RDA_DEPL_STAT_4
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/RDA_DEPL_STAT_4
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_PWR_STAT_A: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: PWR_STAT_A
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/PWR_STAT_A
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_RDA_DEPL_STAT_1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RDA_DEPL_STAT_1
fullnamepath: /S3/IE_TELEMETRY/RDA_DEPL_STAT_1
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IE_LATCHUP_NUM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IE_LATCHUP_NUM
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IE_LATCHUP_RETR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IE_PASSTHRU_RSP: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_IE_LATCHUP_FAIL: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_MR_LR_RGHT_STAT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: MR_LR_RGHT_STAT
S3_IE_TELEMETRY_HTR_STAT_RDA: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HTR_STAT_RDA
S3_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Latitude
fullnamepath: /S3/Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_TEMP_CALRES_6: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_CALRES_6
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/TEMP_CALRES_6
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_TEMP_CALRES_2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_CALRES_2
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/TEMP_CALRES_2
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_TEMP_CALRES_1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_CALRES_1
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/TEMP_CALRES_1
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_SMA_MTR_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMA_MTR_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/SMA_MTR_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_SCE_A_BD_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_A_BD_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/SCE_A_BD_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_ROT_TEMP_SPARE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: ROT_TEMP_SPARE
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_IBS_LR3_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IBS_LR3_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/IBS_LR3_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_ICA_BOX_TEMP_2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: ICA_BOX_TEMP_2
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/ICA_BOX_TEMP_2
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_RS_TEMP_2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_TEMP_2
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/RS_TEMP_2
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_MR_LR_LOWR_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: MR_LR_LOWR_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/MR_LR_LOWR_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_11: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_11
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_11
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_SMA_BEARING_TMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_PC_BD_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: PC_BD_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/PC_BD_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_IE_BD_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IE_BD_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/IE_BD_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_MR_LR_LEFT_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: MR_LR_LEFT_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/MR_LR_LEFT_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_CLR_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CLR_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/CLR_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_2
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_2
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_TEMP_CALRES_4: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_CALRES_4
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/TEMP_CALRES_4
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_LVPS_BD_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: LVPS_BD_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/LVPS_BD_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_TEMP_CALRES_3: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_CALRES_3
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/TEMP_CALRES_3
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_RS_TEMP_1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_TEMP_1
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/RS_TEMP_1
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_SCE_B_BD_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_B_BD_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/SCE_B_BD_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_RDA_TEMP_2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RDA_TEMP_2
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/RDA_TEMP_2
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_9: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_9
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_9
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_RDA_TEMP_3: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RDA_TEMP_3
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/RDA_TEMP_3
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_1
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_1
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_13: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_13
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_13
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_MR_LR_RGHT_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: MR_LR_RGHT_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/MR_LR_RGHT_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_CSR_TEMP1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSR_TEMP1
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/CSR_TEMP1
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_CE_BD_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CE_BD_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/CE_BD_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_10: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_10
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_10
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_ICA_BOX_TEMP_1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: ICA_BOX_TEMP_1
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/ICA_BOX_TEMP_1
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_7: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_7
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_7
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_12: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_12
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_12
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_SMA_SLPRHTR_TMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_15: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_15
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_15
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_14: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_14
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_14
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_RDA_TEMP_1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RDA_TEMP_1
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/RDA_TEMP_1
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_CSR_TEMP2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: CSR_TEMP2
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/CSR_TEMP2
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_MR_ICA_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: MR_ICA_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/MR_ICA_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_TEMP_CALRES_5: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TEMP_CALRES_5
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/TEMP_CALRES_5
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_HL_TEMP_8: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: HL_TEMP_8
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/HL_TEMP_8
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_IBS_LR2_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IBS_LR2_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/IBS_LR2_TEMP
S3_IEHSK_TEMP_IBS_LR1_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: IBS_LR1_TEMP
fullnamepath: /S3/IEHSK_TEMP/IBS_LR1_TEMP
S3_spare: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: spare
fullnamepath: /S3/spare
S3_TORQUE_BAR_timeOffset: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeOffset
fullnamepath: /S3/TORQUE_BAR/timeOffset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S3_TORQUE_BAR_Vx: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vx
fullnamepath: /S3/TORQUE_BAR/Vx
S3_TORQUE_BAR_Vy: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vy
fullnamepath: /S3/TORQUE_BAR/Vy
S3_TORQUE_BAR_Vz: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vz
fullnamepath: /S3/TORQUE_BAR/Vz
S3_instrTimeSeconds: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: instrTimeSeconds
fullnamepath: /S3/instrTimeSeconds
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_17: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_17
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_17
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_16: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_16
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_16
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_29: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_29
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_29
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_30: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_30
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_30
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_22: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_22
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_22
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_29: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_29
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_29
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_27: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_27
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_27
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_18: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_18
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_18
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_23: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_23
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_23
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_31: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_31
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_31
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_23: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_23
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_23
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_19: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_19
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_19
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_25: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_25
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_25
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_24: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_24
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_24
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_25: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_25
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_25
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_30: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_30
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_30
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_16: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_16
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_16
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_28: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_28
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_28
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_22: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_22
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_22
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_26: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_26
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_26
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_20: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_20
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_20
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_28: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_28
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_28
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_18: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_18
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_18
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_20: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_20
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_20
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_SCAN_COMPL_SUBS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_19: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_19
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_19
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_31: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_31
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_31
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_24: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_24
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_24
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_17: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_17
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_17
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_SCAN_COMPL_SECS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SUBS_21: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SUBS_21
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SUBS_21
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_26: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_26
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_26
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_27: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_27
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_27
S3_SYNCH_STAMPS2_TACH_SECS_21: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_SECS_21
fullnamepath: /S3/SYNCH_STAMPS2/TACH_SECS_21
S3_TAM1_timeOffset: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeOffset
fullnamepath: /S3/TAM1/timeOffset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S3_TAM1_Vx: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vx
fullnamepath: /S3/TAM1/Vx
S3_TAM1_Vy: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vy
fullnamepath: /S3/TAM1/Vy
S3_TAM1_Vz: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: Vz
fullnamepath: /S3/TAM1/Vz
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_LAST_RESPNS: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_MECHANISMS_SMA_RATE_PROB: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMA_RATE_PROB
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_PASSPROT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_PASSPROT
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_CMD_RATE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_CMD_RATE
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_A_POWER: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_A_POWER
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/SCE_A_POWER
S3_MECHANISMS_LR_ENABLED: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: LR_ENABLED
S3_MECHANISMS_SMA_CMD_RATE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMA_CMD_RATE
S3_MECHANISMS_BILVL_RDARIGHT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_RATE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_RATE
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/SCE_RATE
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_B_POWER: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_B_POWER
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/SCE_B_POWER
S3_MECHANISMS_TACH_PULSE_CNT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: TACH_PULSE_CNT
S3_MECHANISMS_RAMP_ABRT_CNT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RAMP_ABRT_CNT
S3_MECHANISMS_LR_ABRT_CNT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: LR_ABRT_CNT
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/LR_ABRT_CNT
S3_MECHANISMS_BILVL_IBS3: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BILVL_IBS3
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/BILVL_IBS3
S3_MECHANISMS_SMA_SPINNING: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMA_SPINNING
S3_MECHANISMS_MECH_CMD_CNT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: MECH_CMD_CNT
S3_MECHANISMS_OVRD_RDA_LR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: OVRD_RDA_LR
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/OVRD_RDA_LR
S3_MECHANISMS_SMA_RATE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMA_RATE
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/SMA_RATE
S3_MECHANISMS_BILVL_CAL: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BILVL_CAL
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/BILVL_CAL
S3_MECHANISMS_RESOLVER_POS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RESOLVER_POS
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_CMD_CNT: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_CMD_CNT
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/SCE_CMD_CNT
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_SELECTION: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_MECHANISMS_BILVL_IBS2: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BILVL_IBS2
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/BILVL_IBS2
S3_MECHANISMS_BILVL_RDALEFT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_MECHANISMS_SMA_RTPRB_SEC: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMA_RTPRB_SEC
S3_MECHANISMS_OVRD_IBS_LR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: OVRD_IBS_LR
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/OVRD_IBS_LR
S3_MECHANISMS_RAMP_INPROGRESS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_MECHANISMS_BILVL_IBS1: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BILVL_IBS1
fullnamepath: /S3/MECHANISMS/BILVL_IBS1
S3_MECHANISMS_LR_RLS_IN_PROG: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: LR_RLS_IN_PROG
S3_MECHANISMS_BILVL_RDALOWER: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_INHIBIT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_INHIBIT
S3_MECHANISMS_SCE_LAST_CMD: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SCE_LAST_CMD
S3_GMI_TEMPERATURES_timeOffset: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeOffset
fullnamepath: /S3/GMI_TEMPERATURES/timeOffset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S3_GMI_TEMPERATURES_SMA_PT_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: SMA_PT_TEMP
S3_GMI_TEMPERATURES_ICA_PT_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: ICA_PT_TEMP
S3_GMI_TEMPERATURES_RS_PT_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: RS_PT_TEMP
S3_GMI_TEMPERATURES_STAT_PT_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: STAT_PT_TEMP
S3_GMI_TEMPERATURES_apid: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: apid
fullnamepath: /S3/GMI_TEMPERATURES/apid
S3_GMI_TEMPERATURES_MR_PT_TEMP: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
Units: count
units: count
_FillValue: 65535
CodeMissingValue: 65535
origname: MR_PT_TEMP
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_CAL_LIM: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_CAL_LIM
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_CAL_LIM
S3_RS_INFO_BLK_DURATION: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BLK_DURATION
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/BLK_DURATION
S3_RS_INFO_RS_89GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_89GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_89GHZ_RLY
S3_RS_INFO_OVRD_RS_PWR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: OVRD_RS_PWR
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/OVRD_RS_PWR
S3_RS_INFO_BLK_STATE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BLK_STATE
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/BLK_STATE
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_BAD_REVS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_BAD_REVS
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_BAD_REVS
S3_RS_INFO_RS_LAST_REV: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_LAST_REV
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_LAST_REV
S3_RS_INFO_RS_SC_SIZE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_SC_SIZE
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_SC_SIZE
S3_RS_INFO_SMPL_TBL: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SMPL_TBL
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/SMPL_TBL
S3_RS_INFO_PKT_STATE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: PKT_STATE
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/PKT_STATE
S3_RS_INFO_GSDR_LEFT: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GSDR_LEFT
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/GSDR_LEFT
S3_RS_INFO_OVRD_PASS_RS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: OVRD_PASS_RS
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/OVRD_PASS_RS
S3_RS_INFO_RS_ENABLED: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_ENABLED
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_ENABLED
S3_RS_INFO_GSDR_APID: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GSDR_APID
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/GSDR_APID
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_TLM_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_TLM_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_TLM_ERR
S3_RS_INFO_RS_10GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_10GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_10GHZ_RLY
S3_RS_INFO_RS_HSK_SIZE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_HSK_SIZE
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_HSK_SIZE
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_BAD_CONF: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_BAD_CONF
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_BAD_CONF
S3_RS_INFO_SAMPLE_TBL_VER: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: SAMPLE_TBL_VER
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/SAMPLE_TBL_VER
S3_RS_INFO_RS_183GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_183GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_183GHZ_RLY
S3_RS_INFO_RS_SCAN_CNT: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_SCAN_CNT
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_SCAN_CNT
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_PAR_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_PAR_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_PAR_ERR
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_MISSING: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_MISSING
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_MISSING
S3_RS_INFO_RS_166GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_166GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_166GHZ_RLY
S3_RS_INFO_GSDR_B_PUSH_IDX: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GSDR_B_PUSH_IDX
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/GSDR_B_PUSH_IDX
S3_RS_INFO_RS_23GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_23GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_23GHZ_RLY
S3_RS_INFO_OVRD_SMA_SPIN: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: OVRD_SMA_SPIN
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/OVRD_SMA_SPIN
S3_RS_INFO_RS_18GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_18GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_18GHZ_RLY
S3_RS_INFO_RS_MST_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_MST_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_MST_RLY
S3_RS_INFO_RS_PAR_ERR_CNT: Array of 32 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_PAR_ERR_CNT
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_PAR_ERR_CNT
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_SAME_REV: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_SAME_REV
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_SAME_REV
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_DUPES: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_DUPES
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_DUPES
S3_RS_INFO_RS_36GHZ_RLY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_36GHZ_RLY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_36GHZ_RLY
S3_RS_INFO_BLK_SIDE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BLK_SIDE
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/BLK_SIDE
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_EXTRAS: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_EXTRAS
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_EXTRAS
S3_RS_INFO_GSDR_B_POP_IDX: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GSDR_B_POP_IDX
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/GSDR_B_POP_IDX
S3_RS_INFO_GSDR_SIZE: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: GSDR_SIZE
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/GSDR_SIZE
S3_RS_INFO_BLK_DELAY: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: BLK_DELAY
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/BLK_DELAY
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_CLK_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_CLK_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_CLK_ERR
S3_RS_INFO_RS_POWERED: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_POWERED
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_POWERED
S3_RS_INFO_RS_DQ_PKT_ERR: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: RS_DQ_PKT_ERR
fullnamepath: /S3/RS_INFO/RS_DQ_PKT_ERR
S3_instrTimeSubseconds: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: instrTimeSubseconds
fullnamepath: /S3/instrTimeSubseconds
S3_RDRversion: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan2 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan2
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: RDRversion
fullnamepath: /S3/RDRversion
S4_ephemerisUsed: Array of Bytes [nscan1 = 0..2960][dim10 = 0..9]
DimensionNames: nscan1,dim10
_FillValue: 255
CodeMissingValue: 255
origname: ephemerisUsed
fullnamepath: /S4/ephemerisUsed
S4_fullRotation: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499][nchannel1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr,nchannel1
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: fullRotation
fullnamepath: /S4/fullRotation
coordinates: S4_Longitude S4_Latitude nchannel1
S4_incidenceAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: incidenceAngle
fullnamepath: /S4/incidenceAngle
coordinates: S4_Longitude S4_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S4_ScanTime_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: ms
units: ms
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: MilliSecond
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/MilliSecond
S4_ScanTime_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: minutes
units: minutes
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Minute
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Minute
S4_ScanTime_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: years
units: years
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: Year
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Year
S4_ScanTime_SecondOfDay: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: SecondOfDay
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/SecondOfDay
_FillValue: -9999.9
S4_ScanTime_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Second
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Second
S4_ScanTime_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: DayOfYear
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/DayOfYear
S4_ScanTime_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: hours
units: hours
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Hour
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Hour
S4_ScanTime_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: months
units: months
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Month
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/Month
S4_ScanTime_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: DayOfMonth
fullnamepath: /S4/ScanTime/DayOfMonth
S4_fullRotBlanking: Array of Bytes [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499][VH = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr,VH
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: fullRotBlanking
fullnamepath: /S4/fullRotBlanking
coordinates: S4_Longitude S4_Latitude VH
S5_ephemerisUsed: Array of Bytes [nscan1 = 0..2960][dim10 = 0..9]
DimensionNames: nscan1,dim10
_FillValue: 255
CodeMissingValue: 255
origname: ephemerisUsed
fullnamepath: /S5/ephemerisUsed
S5_ScanTime_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: ms
units: ms
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: MilliSecond
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/MilliSecond
S5_ScanTime_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: minutes
units: minutes
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Minute
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/Minute
S5_ScanTime_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: years
units: years
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: Year
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/Year
S5_ScanTime_SecondOfDay: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: SecondOfDay
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/SecondOfDay
_FillValue: -9999.9
S5_ScanTime_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Second
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/Second
S5_ScanTime_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: DayOfYear
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/DayOfYear
S5_ScanTime_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: hours
units: hours
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Hour
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/Hour
S5_ScanTime_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: months
units: months
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Month
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/Month
S5_ScanTime_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: DayOfMonth
fullnamepath: /S5/ScanTime/DayOfMonth
S5_fullRotation: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499][nchannel2 = 0..3]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr,nchannel2
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: fullRotation
fullnamepath: /S5/fullRotation
coordinates: S5_Longitude S5_Latitude nchannel2
S5_incidenceAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: incidenceAngle
fullnamepath: /S5/incidenceAngle
coordinates: S5_Longitude S5_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_hotLoadBlanking: Array of Bytes [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelht = 0..220][VH = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelht,VH
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: hotLoadBlanking
fullnamepath: /S1/hotLoadBlanking
S1_ScanTime_MilliSecond: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: ms
units: ms
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: MilliSecond
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/MilliSecond
S1_ScanTime_Minute: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: minutes
units: minutes
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Minute
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Minute
S1_ScanTime_Year: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: years
units: years
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: Year
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Year
S1_ScanTime_SecondOfDay: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: SecondOfDay
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/SecondOfDay
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_ScanTime_Second: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Second
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Second
S1_ScanTime_DayOfYear: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: DayOfYear
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/DayOfYear
S1_ScanTime_Hour: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: hours
units: hours
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Hour
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Hour
S1_ScanTime_Month: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: months
units: months
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: Month
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/Month
S1_ScanTime_DayOfMonth: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: days
units: days
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: DayOfMonth
fullnamepath: /S1/ScanTime/DayOfMonth
S1_moonVectorInstFrame: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][GMIxyz = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan1,GMIxyz
Units: counts
units: counts
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: moonVectorInstFrame
fullnamepath: /S1/moonVectorInstFrame
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_ephemerisUsed: Array of Bytes [nscan1 = 0..2960][dim10 = 0..9]
DimensionNames: nscan1,dim10
_FillValue: 255
CodeMissingValue: 255
origname: ephemerisUsed
fullnamepath: /S1/ephemerisUsed
S1_coldSky: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelcs = 0..220][nchannel1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelcs,nchannel1
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: coldSky
fullnamepath: /S1/coldSky
S1_sunGlintAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunGlintAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/sunGlintAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scPos: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][XYZ = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan1,XYZ
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scPos
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scPos
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_timeMidScanOffset: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeMidScanOffset
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/timeMidScanOffset
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttPitchGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttPitchGeod
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttPitchGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scVel: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][XYZ = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan1,XYZ
Units: m/s
units: m/s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scVel
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scVel
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttRollGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttRollGeod
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttRollGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttRollGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttRollGeoc
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttRollGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAlt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAlt
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAlt
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scLon: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scLon
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scLon
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttYawGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttYawGeoc
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttYawGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttPitchGeoc: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttPitchGeoc
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttPitchGeoc
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_dprAlt: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: m
units: m
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: dprAlt
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/dprAlt
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_greenHourAng: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: greenHourAng
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/greenHourAng
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scLat: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scLat
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scLat
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_scAttYawGeod: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: scAttYawGeod
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/scAttYawGeod
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_navigation_timeMidScan: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeMidScan
fullnamepath: /S1/navigation/timeMidScan
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_hotLoad: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelht = 0..220][nchannel1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelht,nchannel1
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: hotLoad
fullnamepath: /S1/hotLoad
S1_earthView: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220][nchannel1 = 0..8]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev,nchannel1
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: earthView
fullnamepath: /S1/earthView
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude nchannel1
S1_solarAzimuthAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarAzimuthAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/solarAzimuthAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_phaseFromOrbitMidnight: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: phaseFromOrbitMidnight
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/phaseFromOrbitMidnight
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_sunEarthSeparation: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunEarthSeparation
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/sunEarthSeparation
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_earthAngularRadius: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: earthAngularRadius
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/earthAngularRadius
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_phaseOfEclipseExit: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: phaseOfEclipseExit
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/phaseOfEclipseExit
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_solarBetaAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarBetaAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/solarBetaAngle
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_timeSinceEclipseEntry: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: s
units: s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: timeSinceEclipseEntry
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/timeSinceEclipseEntry
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_orbitRate: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees/s
units: degrees/s
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: orbitRate
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/orbitRate
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_sunData_sunVectorInBodyFrame: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][FakeDim0 = 0..2]
DimensionNames: nscan1,
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: sunVectorInBodyFrame
fullnamepath: /S1/sunData/sunVectorInBodyFrame
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_satAzimuthAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: satAzimuthAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/satAzimuthAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_solarZenAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: solarZenAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/solarZenAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_scanStatus_operationalMode: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: operationalMode
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/operationalMode
S1_scanStatus_modeStatus: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: modeStatus
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/modeStatus
S1_scanStatus_targetSelectionMidScan: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: targetSelectionMidScan
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/targetSelectionMidScan
S1_scanStatus_geoWarning: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: geoWarning
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/geoWarning
S1_scanStatus_pointingStatus: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: pointingStatus
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/pointingStatus
S1_scanStatus_geoError: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: geoError
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/geoError
S1_scanStatus_dataQuality: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: dataQuality
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/dataQuality
S1_scanStatus_acsModeMidScan: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: acsModeMidScan
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/acsModeMidScan
S1_scanStatus_missing: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
_FillValue: -99
CodeMissingValue: -99
origname: missing
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/missing
S1_scanStatus_FractionalGranuleNumber: Array of 64 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: FractionalGranuleNumber
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/FractionalGranuleNumber
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_scanStatus_SCorientation: Array of 16 bit Integers [nscan1 = 0..2960]
DimensionNames: nscan1
Units: degrees
units: degrees
_FillValue: -9999
CodeMissingValue: -9999
origname: SCorientation
fullnamepath: /S1/scanStatus/SCorientation
S1_incidenceAngle: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev
Units: degrees
units: degrees
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: incidenceAngle
fullnamepath: /S1/incidenceAngle
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_coldSkyBlanking: Array of Bytes [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelcs = 0..220][VH = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelcs,VH
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: coldSkyBlanking
fullnamepath: /S1/coldSkyBlanking
S1_earthViewBlanking: Array of Bytes [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220][VH = 0..1]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev,VH
_FillValue: 0
CodeMissingValue: 0
origname: earthViewBlanking
fullnamepath: /S1/earthViewBlanking
coordinates: S1_Longitude S1_Latitude VH
S2_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelev
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Longitude
fullnamepath: /S2/Longitude
units: degrees_east
_FillValue: -9999.9
S2_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelev
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Latitude
fullnamepath: /S2/Latitude
units: degrees_north
_FillValue: -9999.9
S4_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Longitude
fullnamepath: /S4/Longitude
units: degrees_east
_FillValue: -9999.9
S4_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Latitude
fullnamepath: /S4/Latitude
units: degrees_north
_FillValue: -9999.9
S5_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Longitude
fullnamepath: /S5/Longitude
units: degrees_east
_FillValue: -9999.9
S5_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan2 = 0..2960][npixelfr = 0..499]
DimensionNames: nscan2,npixelfr
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Latitude
fullnamepath: /S5/Latitude
units: degrees_north
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_Longitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Longitude
fullnamepath: /S1/Longitude
units: degrees_east
_FillValue: -9999.9
S1_Latitude: Array of 32 bit Reals [nscan1 = 0..2960][npixelev = 0..220]
DimensionNames: nscan1,npixelev
CodeMissingValue: -9999.9
origname: Latitude
fullnamepath: /S1/Latitude
units: degrees_north
_FillValue: -9999.9
FakeDim0: Array of 32 bit Integers [FakeDim0 = 0..2]
units: level
GMIxyz: Array of 32 bit Integers [GMIxyz = 0..2]
comment: x, y, z components in GMI instrument coordinate system.
units: level
VH: Array of 32 bit Integers [VH = 0..1]
comment: Number of polarizations.
units: level
XYZ: Array of 32 bit Integers [XYZ = 0..2]
units: level
dim10: Array of 32 bit Integers [dim10 = 0..9]
units: level
dim6: Array of 32 bit Integers [dim6 = 0..5]
units: level
dim7: Array of 32 bit Integers [dim7 = 0..6]
units: level
nchannel1: Array of 32 bit Integers [nchannel1 = 0..8]
comment: Number of Swath S1 channels (10V 10H 19V 19H 23V 37V 37H 89V 89H).
units: level
nchannel2: Array of 32 bit Integers [nchannel2 = 0..3]
comment: Number of Swath S2 channels (166V 166H 183+/-3V 183+/-8V).
units: level
npixelcs: Array of 32 bit Integers [npixelcs = 0..220]
comment: Number of cold sky pixels in one scan.
units: level
npixelht: Array of 32 bit Integers [npixelht = 0..220]
comment: Number of hot load pixels in one scan.
units: level