Dataset Information

InputPointer: VNP35_L2.A2018064.0524.002.2022287205000.hdf,VNPAMI_L2.A2018064.0524.002.2022287205803.hdf,VNP04_L2.A2018064.0524.002.2022287205803.hdf,,,,
AncillaryInputPointer: VNP_PRWIP_L2.A2018064.0524.002.2022279153943.hdf,VNP_COZIP_L2.A2018064.0524.002.2022279153943.hdf,VNP_PRESIP_L2.A2018064.0524.002.2022279153943.hdf
ProductionHistory: PGE511:2.0.10;ProductionHistory not read
NorthBoundingCoordinate: 55.262599999999999
WestBoundingCoordinate: 86.276799999999994
EastBoundingCoordinate: 131.02600000000001
SouthBoundingCoordinate: 29.464300000000001
OrbitNumber: 32913
GRingLatitude: 48.49195480, 55.14943314, 34.28181076, 29.46429253
GRingLongitude: 86.27676392, 130.4870605, 131.0209351, 99.04449463
DayNightFlag: Day
PGE_StartTime: 2018-03-05 05:24:00.000
PGE_EndTime: 2018-03-05 05:30:00.000
LocalGranuleID: VNP09.A2018064.0524.002.2022287210449.hdf
RangeBeginningDate: 2018-03-05
RangeBeginningTime: 05:24:00.000000
RangeEndingDate: 2018-03-05
RangeEndingTime: 05:30:00.000000
ProductionTime: 2022-10-14 21:04:49.000
ShortName: VNP09
DataResolution: Imagery and Moderate
PGENumber: 511
PGE_Name: PGE511
PGEVersion: 2.0.10
SensorShortname: VIIRS
PlatformShortName: SUOMI-NPP
LongName: VIIRS/NPP Atmospherically Corrected Surface Reflectance 6-Min L2 Swath 375m, 750m
identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/VIIRS/VNP09.002
ProcessingCenter: MODAPS, NASA GSFC
ProcessingEnvironment: Linux minion20054 5.4.0-124-generic #140-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 4 02:23:37 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
VersionID: 002
PercentLand: 79.99116516
PercentWater: 20.00883865
PercentCloud: 44.32661057
QAPercentGoodQuality: 73.68987274
QAPercentOtherQuality: 26.31012344
QAPercentNotProduced: 0.000000000
SatelliteInstrument: NPP_OPS
AlgorithmType: OPS
ProcessVersion: 002
LUTs_used: VIIRS-SR-IP-AC-INT_v1.5.06.02_LP,VIIRS-SR-AOTValues-LUT_v1.5.06.02_LP,VIIRS-SR-SolZenAngles-LUT_v1.5.06.02_LP,VIIRS-SR-SatZenAngles-LUT_v1.5.06.02_LP,VIIRS-SR-IncScatAngles-LUT_v1.5.06.02_LP,VIIRS-SR-ScatAngDims-LUT_v1.5.06.02_LP,VIIRS-SR-DownTrans-LUT_v1.5.06.02_LP,VIIRS-SR-SphAlb-LUT_v1.5.06.02_LP,VIIRS-SR-AtmReflect-LUT_v1.5.06.02_LP
StartTime: 2018-03-05 05:24:00.000
AlgorithmVersion: NPP_PRSRefl 2.0.3
EndTime: 2018-03-05 05:30:00.000

Variables in this Dataset

_375m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_I1: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_375m = 0..6495][Along_Scan_375m = 0..6399]
coordinates: Along_Track_375m Along_Scan_375m
long_name: 375m Surface Reflectance Band I1
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_375m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_I2: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_375m = 0..6495][Along_Scan_375m = 0..6399]
coordinates: Along_Track_375m Along_Scan_375m
long_name: 375m Surface Reflectance Band I2
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_375m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_I3: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_375m = 0..6495][Along_Scan_375m = 0..6399]
coordinates: Along_Track_375m Along_Scan_375m
long_name: 375m Surface Reflectance Band I3
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M1: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M1
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M2: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M2
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M3: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M3
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M4: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M4
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M5: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M5
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M7: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M7
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M8: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M8
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M10: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M10
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
_750m_Surface_Reflectance_Band_M11: Array of 16 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: 750m Surface Reflectance Band M11
scale_factor: 9.999999747e-05
add_offset: 0.000000000
_FillValue: -28672
valid_range: -100, 16000
QF1_Surface_Reflectance: Array of Bytes [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: QF1 Surface Reflectance
QA_index: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 7) to the LSB (bit 0): Bit Description 6-7 SUN GLINT; 00 -- none 01 -- geometry based 10 -- wind speed based 11 -- geometry & wind speed based 5 low sun mask; 0 -- high 1 -- low 4 day/night; 0 -- day 1 -- night 2-3 cloud detection & confidence; 00 -- confident clear 01 -- probably clear 10 -- probably cloudy 11 -- confident cloudy 0-1 cloud mask quality; 00 -- poor 01 -- low 10 -- medium 11 -- high
valid_range: 0, 255
_FillValue: 0
QF2_Surface_Reflectance: Array of Bytes [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: QF2 Surface Reflectance
QA_index: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 7) to the LSB (bit 0): Bit Description 7 thin cirrus emissive; 0 -- no cloud 1 -- cloud 6 thin cirrus reflective; 0 -- no cloud 1 -- cloud 5 snow/ice; 0 -- no snow/ice 1 -- snow or ice 4 heavy aerosol mask; 0 -- no heavy aerosol 1 -- heavy aerosol 3 shadow mask; 0 -- no cloud shadow 1 -- shadow 0-2 land/water background; 000 -- land & desert 001 -- land no desert 010 -- inland water 011 -- sea water 101 -- coastal
valid_range: 0, 255
_FillValue: 0
QF3_Surface_Reflectance: Array of Bytes [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: QF3 Surface Reflectance
QA_index: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 7) to the LSB (bit 0): Bit Description 7 bad M10 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 6 bad M8 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 5 bad M7 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 4 bad M5 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 3 bad M4 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 2 bad M3 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 1 bad M2 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 0 bad M1 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes
valid_range: 0, 255
_FillValue: 0
QF4_Surface_Reflectance: Array of Bytes [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: QF4 Surface Reflectance
QA_index: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 7) to the LSB (bit 0): Bit Description 7 missing PW input data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 6 invalid land AM input data; 0 -- valid 1 -- invalid ami over land or over ocean 5 missing AOT input data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 4 overall quality of AOT; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 3 bad I3 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 2 bad I2 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 1 bad I1 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 0 bad M11 SDR data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes
valid_range: 0, 255
_FillValue: 0
QF5_Surface_Reflectance: Array of Bytes [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: QF5 Surface Reflectance
QA_index: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 7) to the LSB (bit 0): Bit Description 7 overall quality M7 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 6 overall quality M5 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 5 overall quality M4 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 4 overall quality M3 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 3 overall quality M2 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 2 overall quality M1 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 1 missing SP input data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 0 missing OZ input data; 0 -- no 1 -- yes
valid_range: 0, 255
_FillValue: 0
QF6_Surface_Reflectance: Array of Bytes [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: QF6 Surface Reflectance
QA_index: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 7) to the LSB (bit 0): Bit Description 7 unused; 6 unused; 5 overall quality I3 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 4 overall quality I2 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 3 overall quality I1 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 2 overall quality M11 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 2 overall quality M10 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad 0 overall quality M8 SR data; 0 -- good 1 -- bad
valid_range: 0, 255
_FillValue: 0
QF7_Surface_Reflectance: Array of Bytes [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: QF7 Surface Reflectance
QA_index: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 7) to the LSB (bit 0): Bit Description 5-7 Unused; 4 Thin Cirrus Flag; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 2-3 aerosol quantity: level of uncertainty in aerosol correction; 00 -- climatology 01 -- low 10 -- average 11 -- high 1 adjacent to cloud; 0 -- no 1 -- yes 0 snow present; 0 -- no 1 -- yes
valid_range: 0, 255
_FillValue: 0
land_water_mask: Array of Bytes [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247][Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
coordinates: Along_Track_750m Along_Scan_750m
long_name: land_water_mask
flag_meanings: Shallow_Ocean Land Coastline Shallow_Inland Ephemeral Deep_Inland Continental Deep_Ocean
flag_values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
valid_range: 0, 7
_FillValue: 0
Along_Track_375m: Array of 32 bit Integers [Along_Track_375m = 0..6495]
units: level
long_name: Along_Track_375m(fake)
Along_Scan_375m: Array of 32 bit Integers [Along_Scan_375m = 0..6399]
units: level
long_name: Along_Scan_375m(fake)
Along_Track_750m: Array of 32 bit Integers [Along_Track_750m = 0..3247]
units: level
long_name: Along_Track_750m(fake)
Along_Scan_750m: Array of 32 bit Integers [Along_Scan_750m = 0..3199]
units: level
long_name: Along_Scan_750m(fake)