HDFEOSVersion: | HDFEOS_V2.19 |
identifier_product_doi: | 10.5067/MODIS/MOD29E1D.006 |
identifier_product_doi_authority: | http://dx.doi.org |
Sea_Ice_by_Reflectance_NP: | Array of Bytes [YDim = 0..4500][XDim = 0..4500] coordinates: Latitude Longitude long_name: Sea ice by reflectance 4 km global North Pole grid units: none coordsys: cartesian valid_range: 0, 254 _FillValue: 255 missing_value: 0 Key: 0=missing data, 1=no decision, 11=night, 25=land, 37=inland water, 39=ocean, 50=cloud, 200=sea ice, 253=no input tile expected, 254=non-production mask |
Ice_Surface_Temperature_NP: | Array of 32 bit Reals [YDim = 0..4500][XDim = 0..4500] coordinates: Latitude Longitude long_name: Estimated sea ice surface temperature 4 km North Pole grid units: degree_Kelvin format: f4.1 coordsys: cartesian missing_value: 0 scale_factor_err: 0.0000000000000000 add_offset_err: 0.0000000000000000 calibrated_nt: 23 Key: 0.0=missing data, 1.0=no decision, 5.0=non-production mask, 7.0=tile fill, 8.0=no input tile expected, 25.0=land, 37.0=inland water, 50.0=cloud orig_scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000 orig_add_offset: 0.0000000000000000 _FillValue: 7 valid_min: 223.1999969 valid_max: 313.1999817 |
Latitude: | Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim = 0..4500][XDim = 0..4500] long_name: MOD_Grid_Seaice_4km_North:Latitude units: degrees_north |
Longitude: | Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim = 0..4500][XDim = 0..4500] long_name: MOD_Grid_Seaice_4km_North:Longitude units: degrees_east |
Sea_Ice_by_Reflectance_SP: | Array of Bytes [YDim_1 = 0..4500][XDim_1 = 0..4500] coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1 long_name: Sea ice by reflectance 4 km global South Pole grid units: none coordsys: cartesian valid_range: 0, 254 _FillValue: 255 missing_value: 0 Key: 0=missing data, 1=no decision, 11=night, 25=land, 37=inland water, 39=ocean, 50=cloud, 200=sea ice, 253=no input tile expected, 254=non-production mask |
Ice_Surface_Temperature_SP: | Array of 32 bit Reals [YDim_1 = 0..4500][XDim_1 = 0..4500] coordinates: Latitude_1 Longitude_1 long_name: Estimated sea ice surface temperature 4 km South Pole grid units: degree_Kelvin format: f4.1 coordsys: cartesian missing_value: 0 scale_factor_err: 0.0000000000000000 add_offset_err: 0.0000000000000000 calibrated_nt: 23 Key: 0.0=missing data, 1.0=no decision, 5.0=non-production mask, 7.0=tile fill, 8.0=no input tile expected, 25.0=land, 37.0=inland water, 50.0=cloud orig_scale_factor: 0.010000000000000000 orig_add_offset: 0.0000000000000000 _FillValue: 7 valid_min: 223.1999969 valid_max: 313.1999817 |
Latitude_1: | Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim_1 = 0..4500][XDim_1 = 0..4500] long_name: MOD_Grid_Seaice_4km_South:Latitude units: degrees_north |
Longitude_1: | Array of 64 bit Reals [YDim_1 = 0..4500][XDim_1 = 0..4500] long_name: MOD_Grid_Seaice_4km_South:Longitude units: degrees_east |